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Suchbegriff: See

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Historische Remarques über neuesten Sachen in Europa des ... Jahres24.02.1705
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 24. Februar 1705
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ſam bezeuge / aus welcher wir einige hier beyſetzen. Alſo lieget eine halbe Meile von dem Hoch-Fürſtlichen Braunſchweig-Wolfenbütteliſchen Stifft Walckenried im Amt Clettenberg bey einer Wieſe ein See/ welcher insgemein das Kreis-Loch ge Uenlet wird. ieſer See iſt eben zu der Zeit/oder auch nicht lange hernach ent ſtanden als Anno 1 31, im Januaro die Stadt Liſſabon in Portugal von denen [...]
[...] eine ziemliche Weite weg geweſen/ und ſich alsdenn umgeſehen / hätte er nicht mehr die ganze Wieſe/ darauf er vorher gehütet/ ſondern an. Statt derſelben ei nen See erblicket. Dieſer See iſt vor dieſem bey vierzig Klaſſtern tieff geweſen/ nun aber auf die Helffte mit der von Jahren zu Jahren nach fallenden Erde ſeines Ufers angefüllet worden. Es giebet auch Fiſche in demſelben/welche entweder mit [...]
[...] Ufers angefüllet worden. Es giebet auch Fiſche in demſelben/welche entweder mit Netzen und Angeln gefangen/ oder mit Schrot und Kugeln geſchoſſen werden. Den Nahmen aber des Kreiß-Loches hat dieſer See daher bekommen, weil iu vorigen Zeiten ein Gräflicher Hohnſteiniſcher Bedienter auf dem Schoß Clettenberge gewe ſen/ ſo Creiſſus oder Kreiſe geheiſſen/ und damahls der Richter genennet worden/ [...]
[...] nehmen und mit dem Gefängniß deſtraſſen müſſen. Dieſer Menſch hat nun ein ſehr gottloſes wüſtes Leben geführet und ſich oftmahls verlauten laſſen daſ, wenn er ſtürbe / ſeine Seele nirgend anders hin als in dieſen See fahren ſollte/ dahere auch die Einwohner derer benachbarten Oerter dem See den Nahnen von dieſen böſen Menſchen gegeben haben / welchen er biß auf den heutigen Tag behalten. [...]
[...] Fiſchen haben / die von denen Einwohnern des benachbarten Dorffs Liebenrode/ daraus geholt werden. Es hat aber ein jeder von dieſen Seen ſeinen beſondern Nahmen/ maſſen der erſte die Reffel-See/ der andere die Milch-See / der dritte das Elige Grabenthal, der vierdte der Opfer-See / und der fünffte das Wider täuffer Loch genennet wird / weil in demſelben vor Alters dey Widertäuffer von [...]
[...] täuffer Loch genennet wird / weil in demſelben vor Alters dey Widertäuffer von Ellrich / deren es etliche zu der Zeit daſelbſt gegeben/erſäuffet worden. Wie denn auch dieſes an dem Wiedertäuffer See merkwürdig/daß deſſen Waſſer weder zu noch abnimmt/ ſondern immerfort in einer Tieffe bletbet. Noch werden derglei» chen wäſſerige Erd-Fälle im Walckenrieder Gebiete gefunden/ wovon der einena [...]
[...] denenſelben Friede gelaſſen und ihnen nicht gar zu offte zugeſprochen wird. . Bey dem Schloß und Städtgen Herzberg/ in dem nach Hannover gehörigen Fürſtenthum Grubenhagen gegen den Obern Vor-Hartz/lieget ein runder See/wel ehen die Einwohner den Ochſen-Pful nennen. Dieſer an Fiſchen keinen Mangelha bende See iſt biß oben an das Ufer ſtetig voll Waſſer, weil er einen ſtarcken Zufluß/ [...]
[...] hart dey dem Dorf Hochſtädt/eine Meile von Nordhauſen/oben auf dem Berge faſt gegen der Flarch-Mühle über/iſt ebenmäſſig ein ſehr groſſer und wäſſeriger Erdfal/ welchen die daran gränzenden Einwohner insgemef den See oder das See-Loch nennen. Selbiger liegt auf einem glatten und mit keinerley Art Bäumen oder Sträuchen bewachſenen Berge / und kömmt deſſen Geſtalt faſt mit einem Kelche [...]
[...] mit dem jenigen Brodtvorlieb nehmen ſollen/welches ihnen ihre Herren und Frauen ihrem Vermögen nach/zur Speiſe darreichen. Sonſt befindet ſich auch auf dieſen See eine ſehenswürdige Inſel/welche aber nicht mehr ſo groß iſt als ſie vor dieſem/ und noch vor zwanzig Jahren geweſen/maſſen der Donner ein ziemliches Stückda von abgeſchlagen/ welches thcils untergeſuncken iſt/theils aber noch Stückweiſe auf [...]
[...] ſo gezweifelt/ob ſchwimmende Inſuln in rerum natura zu finden/in ihrer Meinung gefrret: wie es denn auſſer gemeldeten auf dem Hart/ eine ſchwimmende Inſul auf einem See in Crain giedet auf der einige kleine Bäume ſtehen und von welcher führlich mehr als ein Fuder Heu gemeyet wird./ſo ſind auch auf dem Italiäniſchen See la Solvatara bey Tivoli 16, ſolche ſchwimmende Inſuln / welche theils Circkel [...]
The tatler17.12.1709
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 17. Dezember 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] In this disposition I entered the theatre the other day, and placed myself in a corner of it very con venient for seeing, without being myself observed. I found the audience hushed in a very deep at tention; and did not question but some noble tra [...]
[...] was to be unravelled, which would determine the fate of a hero. While I was in this suspense, ex pecting every moment to see my old friend Mr. Betterton appear in all the majesty of distress, to my unspeakable amazement there came up a monster [...]
[...] any * should be present. Is it possible, thought I, that human nature can rejoice in its disgrace, and take pleasure in seeing its own figure turned to ridicule, and distorted into forms that raise horror and aversion? There is something dis [...]
[...] ingenuous and immoral in the being able to bear such a sight. Men of elegant and noble minds are shocked at seeing the characters of persons who deserve esteem for their virtue, knowledge, or ser vices to their country, placed in wrong lights, and [...]
[...] derful, that those who have nothing but the out ward figure to distinguish them as men, should de light in seeing humanity abused, vilified, and dis graced. I must confess, there is nothing that more pleases [...]
[...] graced. I must confess, there is nothing that more pleases me, in all that I read in books, or see among man kind, than such passages as represent human nature in its proper dignity. As man is a creature made up [...]
[...] “ Poetry, especially heroical, seems to be raised altogether from a noble foundation, which makes much for the dignity of man's nature. For seeing this sensible world is in dignity inferior to the soul of man, poesy seems to endow human nature with [...]
[...] beautiful variety, delights the soul of man, than any way can be found in nature since the fall. Where fore, seeing the acts and events, which are the sub jects of true history, are not of that amplitude as to content the mind of man; poesy is ready at hand to [...]
The tatler11.06.1709
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 11. Juni 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] alms for his impotent condition; but he that cannot use his own reason is in a much worse state; for you see him in miserable circumstances, with his re medy at the same time in his own possession, if he would, or could use it. This is the cause that, of [...]
[...] all ill characters, the Rake has the best quarter in the world; for when he is himself, and unruffled with intemperance, you see his natural faculties exert themselves, and attract an eye of favour to wards his infirmities. [...]
[...] the evening is caused by his mimics and imitators. How ought men of sense to be careful of their actions, if it went merely from the indignation of seeing themselves ill drawn by such little pretenders | Not to say, he that leads is guilty of all the actions of his [...]
[...] vice, sure, of all is the most nauseous. There is hardly a folly more absurd, or which seems less to be accounted for (though it is what we see every day), than that grave and honest natures give into this way, and at the same time have #: sense, if [...]
[...] has naturally a very agreeable voice and utterance, which she has changed for the prettiest lisp ima ginable. She sees what she has a mind to see at half a mile distance; but poring with her eyes half shut at every one she passes by, she believes much [...]
[...] There's no celestial but his Heaven would quit, For any form which might to thee admit. See how the wanton bird, at every glance, Swells his glad plumes, and feels an amorous trance; The queen of beauty has forsook the dove; [...]
[...] loved. But, instead of turning the dove off, I fancy it would be better if the chaise of Venus had here after a parrot added (as we see sometimes a third horse to a coach), which might intimate, that to be a parrot, is the only way to succeed; and to be a [...]
[...] gentleman. I cannot see either his person or habit in this letter; but I will call at Charles’s”, and know the shape of his snuff-box, by which I can [...]
The tatler29.11.1709
  • Datum
    Freitag, 29. November 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] which all injured persons were invited, to receive what belonged to them. One might see crowds of people in tattered gar ments come up, and change clothes with others that were dressed with lace and embroidery. Several [...]
[...] overgrown in wealth and possessions, had no more left than what they usually spent. What moved my concern most was, to see a certain street of the greatest credit in Europe from one end to the other become bankrupt. [...]
[...] was moved over them, it inspired every one with such a natural instinct, as directed them to their real parents. It was a very melancholy spectacle to see the fathers of very large families become childless, I 3 [...]
[...] and bachelors undone by a charge of sons and daughters. You might see a presumptive heir of a great estate ask blessing of his coachman, and a ce lebrated toast paying her duty to a valet de chambre. [...]
[...] calamity was pretty common; and that generally those who lost their children, had the satisfaction of seeing them put into the hands of their dearest friends. Men were no sooner settled in their right to their possessions and their progeny, but there was [...]
[...] understanding. All living authors of any value were ranged in one of these classes; but I must confess, I was very much surprised to see a great body of editors, critics, commentators, and gram marians, meet with so very ill a reception. They [...]
[...] these excellencies, or were recommended by those who possessed them in reality. All were surprised to see so many new faces in the most eminent dignities; and for my own part, I was very well pleased to see that all my [...]
The tatler14.05.1709
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 14. Mai 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] he came to that perfection, and I communicated to him that doubt. “ Mr. Pacolet,” said I, “ I am mightily surprized to see you so good a judge of our nature and circumstances, since you are a mere spirit, and have no knowledge of the bodily part of [...]
[...] look from the rest of the company, to whom they talked about my nose. He seemed wonderfully Fº to see me ; but I knew since, my nose be- onged to anothe, family. That into which I was born is one of the most numerous amongst you; [...]
[...] proud of the womanly employment of a nurse, and took upon her to strip and dress me a-new, because I made a noise, to see what ailed me: she did so, and stuck a pin in every joint about me. I still cried ; upon which, she lays me on my face in her [...]
[...] We got in hither, and my companion threw a powder round us, that made me as invisible as him self; so that we could see and hear all others, our selves unseen and unheard. The first thing we took notice of was a nobleman [...]
[...] in were plainly delineated the arts of his mind, cozenage, and falsehood. They were marking their game with counters, on which we could see in scriptions, imperceptible to any but us. My Lord had scored with pieces of ivory, on which were [...]
[...] counters the inscriptions of “Dishonour, Impudence, Poverty, Ignorance, and want of Shame.” “Bless me!” said I; “sure, my Lord does not see what he#. for * “As well as I do,” says Pacolet. “He despises that fellow he plays with, and scorns [...]
[...] knew it) mere avarice. The .eady cash laid before the gamester’s counters makes him venture, as you see, and lay distinction against infamy, abundance against want; in a word, all that is desirable against all that is to be avoided. However, said I, be sure [...]
The tatler03.12.1709
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 03. Dezember 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] the motion of the glass, and placed it in so many different lights, that each had an opportunity of seeing herself in it. It is impossible to describe the rage, the pleasure, or astonishment, that appeared in each face upon its [...]
[...] interested mistress beheld a Harpy, and the subtle jilt a Sphinx. I was very much troubled in my own heart, to see such a destruction of fine faces; but at the same time had the pleasure of seeing several im proved, which I had before looked upon as the great [...]
[...] and her mien, were such as distinguished her even there, where the whole fair sex was assembled. I was impatient to see the lady represented by so divine an image, whom I found to be the person that stood at may right hand, and in the same point [...]
[...] was as soon executed as published, the noise of the assembly very considerably abated. It was a melan choly spectacle to see so many who had the reputa tion of rigid virtue struck dumb. A lady who stood by me, and saw my concern, told me, “she won [...]
[...] to let them divide their ground, and extend their lines on all sides. It was a sensible affliction to me, to see such a multitude of fair ones, either dumb or big-bellied. But I was something more at ease, when I found that they agreed upon several regulations to [...]
Historische Remarques über neuesten Sachen in Europa des ... Jahres20.12.1701
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 20. Dezember 1701
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] von Reapoll gelegene / und nett eurem Befehöfflethen Siae beebrte Stadt I welehe war vor Letten fehr berühmt gewefeu/ aber the / durch Krug] Erdbeben / Überlauf fen der See / emo dee lange Zett fall gane dernlchtet- Sie efl auf euern Felfen länger dem Meer zeemltch her etbauetl hat «neu fechten Hafen/uud elne [tarde Fot-treffe zu ihrer Veſchithtmg. Ihr muller Ruhen aber / den' den 'llusliîndern fo wohl als Jta [...]
[...] durch Calpurnium Lucii Sohn gemacht worden. Zwiſchen der Stadt und dem Am phitheatro zeigt man den Fremden einige Stücker von einem Tempel Diana. Wenn die See ſtürmiſch geweſen/ſiehet man gemeiniglich nach der Seiten der Dominicamer von Jeſus Maria/einige Kennzeichen von der alten Herrlichkeit der Stadt Pozzuolo und deren Palläſien/ worunter man auch ſtets einige Edelgeſteine verſchiedener Gat [...]
[...] und deren Palläſien/ worunter man auch ſtets einige Edelgeſteine verſchiedener Gat tung findet Z und geben die Antiquari vor / daß vor Zeiten an dieſer Seiten der - Stadt viel Jubilirer und Goldſchmiede gewohnet hätten. - So wirft die See auch Steine aus / auf welchen vielerley Stguren ausgehauen ſind / als Adler/ Hahnen/ Störche / Haaſen/ Schlangen/Fröſche/ Ameiſen/ Trauben-Blätter / Menſchen [...]
[...] ihr Werck bereiten/ und damit mauren/ iſt merckwürtig. Vitruvius und Plinius machen viel rühmens davon. Sie vermengen denſelben mit einem gewiſſen Kütte/ welcher davon ſo hart wird/ als ein Marmorſtein in der See/ und von dergleichen/ wäre auch die ſchon gedachte Brücke Caligulac, welche doch von den meiſten vor eine Chimere gehalten wird / indem Suetonius mehr eine Schiff als andere Brücke au [...]
[...] Chimere gehalten wird / indem Suetonius mehr eine Schiff als andere Brücke au HEUket. - -- - --- Am Ufer des Sees Agnano ſiehet man zwey höchſtmerckwürdige Dinge/ nem kich diejenigen Keller/ deren einer das Bad des heiligen Germani, das andere die Grotte der Sunde / oder das Hunde-Loch (Antro di Cani) genennet wird. [...]
[...] fler davon] andere halten ihn für einenYFi'irfien und iand-pflegee ] und bewegen es aus einigen Gofri) tſiVeſchreibungen] darinnen enthalien] daß looooo. Mann/aj Befehl des Coccejl innerhalb 14. Tagen das Wert! ooflfùhret haben. Der See Agnano lteget nutten auf diefenr Berge/ und ein wenig jenfeets Pauſllypc; er ift heh nahe rund/ und hat eine gute Meile im Umtreiß ] aneh ift oeffe- Waffer hell genug [...]
[...] fafl länger damen tan/ als mau l'id) embrlm / daher) dao Thur root zu [enn [chee nee/ da es noch folebes tn der That man iſt. Und ob man zwar behauptet 1 daß das daher! gelegene See-Waller allem dre befondere Kraft! habe / toad-mb cui… [never geneſe/ [e ian ei re:-lt wohl [enn / dal} em anner-es Waller een glam ver reel-te lover and) / daß das ‘IL-fer / wenn man es nur auſ dre Nelle Erde legte , M [...]
[...] unbeerbet verfehied / fiel das gange Furfienthuni wieder zurück an Chur-Plain] nm von es auch nach der Zeit mehr wieder abgefoudert worden. Kayfer Fridericus ll. lai oaſelbſt einen Teich oder See anlegen ] in welehem Anno 1497. den o'. Novem lſil-is ein Hecht von 19. Schuh [ang/weleher den See 167. Jahr lang verwirft-e und Mgefrtffm / gefangen] und ani o. Novcmbris an Churfi'irſi philippe Hof Seikel?" [...]
[...] der zu all-rent durch Kadi-es Friderici ll. hände in einem ere gear“ worden Anno 1130- dm t- Oéìobſis. lehmann in der SpehrifclienChrontcfe/uad andere [agen dle/|S unrecht von dem See beh Heilbrunn. [...]
The tatler11.08.1709
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 11. August 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] days of his wife. Besides that country-sports would be an amusement, he hoped also, that his spouse w ould be half killed by the very sense of seeing this town no more, and would think her life ended as soon as she left it. He communicated his design to [...]
[...] 4 My dear, you have lived most of your days in a court, and I have not been wholly unacquainted with that sort of life. In courts, you see good-will is spoken with great warmth, ill-will covered with great civility. Men are long in civilities to those [...]
[...] those they love. Therefore, my dear, let us be well-bred Still; and it is no matter, as to all who see us, whether we love or hate:. and to let you see how much you are beholden to me for my con, duct, I have both hated and despised yo"u, jny -dear, [...]
[...] affairs a new turn. One day he took Elmira aside, and spoke as follows: 'My dear, you see here the air is so temperate and serene; the rivulets, the groves, and soil, so extremely kind to nature, that we are stronger and [...]
[...] Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear; Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come, when it will come." * When the hero has spoken this sentiment, there [...]
The tatler23.07.1709
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 23. Juli 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] good art or purpose of human life, but as it tends to the satisfaction of his appetites, had opportunities of frequently seeing and entertaining me at a house where mixed company boarded, and where he placed himself for the base intention which he has since [...]
[...] intention, I still had a secret satisfaction in his courtship, and always exposed myself to his solici tations. See here the bane of our sex! Let the flat tery be never so apparent, the flatterer never so ill thought of, his praises are still agreeable, and we [...]
[...] after my fall from innocence, my worshipper becami: my master and my tyrant. 'Thus you see me habited in the most gorgeous manner, not in honour of me as a woman he loves, but as this attire charms his own eye, and urge- [...]
[...] darkness, upbraided with the support I receive from him, for the inestimable possession of youth, of in. nocence, of honour, and of conscience. I see, Sir, my discourse grows painful to you; all I beg of you is, to paint it in so strong colours, as to let DeciuS [...]
[...] my discourse grows painful to you; all I beg of you is, to paint it in so strong colours, as to let DeciuS see I am discovered to be in his possession, that I may be turned out of this detestable scene of regular iniquity, and either think no more, or sin no more. [...]
[...] character distinct from any you have yet touched upon. A young gentleman who sat next me (for I had the curiosity of seeing this entertainment) in a tufted gown, red stockings, and long wig (which I pronounce tor be tantamount to red heels, and a [...]
[...] ral on two legs, that never discover any sentiments above what is common with the species of a lower kind; as we see in these bodily wits with whom I was to-night, whose parts consist in strength and activity; but their boisterous mirth gives me great [...]
The tatler06.08.1709
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 06. August 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] his exalted mien met with an unwelcome reception, he was sure always to double the cause which gave the distaste. You see our beauties affect a negli gence in the ornament of their hair, and adjusting their head-dresses, as conscious that they adorn [...]
[...] * See p. 89. [...]
[...] whom they are nearly allied. Will's Ctffee.house, August 5. A good company of us were this day to see, or rather to hear, an artful person do several feats of activity with his throat and windpipe. The first [...]
[...] and immediately knew it to be Tom Mirrour *, the comical actor. He immediately addressed himself to me, and told me, ' he was surprised to see a vir tuoso take satisfaction in any representations below that of human life;' and asked me, 'whether I [...]
[...] not take the jest.' He answered, 'The gentleman you were talking to assumed your air and coun tenance so exactly, that all fell a-Iaughing to see how little you knew yourself, and how much you were enamoured with your own image. But that [...]
[...] mental to their reforming errors in gesture, lan guage, and speech, as a dancing-master, linguist, or orator. You see he laid yourself before you with so much address, that you saw nothing particular in his behaviour : he has so happy a knack of reprer [...]