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The tatler08.11.1709
  • Datum
    Freitag, 08. November 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] you men never fail to do in your dotage; but am come to consult you about disposing of myself to another. , My person you see; my fortune is very considerable; but I am at present under much per plexity how to act in a great conjuncture. I have [...]
[...] not stated your case with sincerity, and that there is some secret pang which you have concealed from me: for I see by your aspect the generosity of your mind: and that open ingenuous air lets me know, that you have too great a sense of the generous [...]
[...] and I am confident will snap him if I refuse him. I cannot bear to think that she will shine above me. When our coaches meet, to see her chariot hung behind with four footmen, and mine with but two: hers, powdered, gay, and saucy, kept only for [...]
[...] tilda should be in all the pride and wantonness of wealth, and I only in the ease and affluence of it.” Here I interrupted: “Well, Madam, now I see your whole affliction; you could be happy, but that you fear another would be happier. Or rather, you [...]
[...] parcel of romps of her acquaintance. One of them, who I suppose had the same design upon me, told me she said, ‘Do you see how briskly my old gen tleman mounts?’ This made me cut off my amour, and to reflect with myself, that no married life could [...]
[...] post from an unknown hand. My friend admired them extremely. “Sir,” said he, “this must come from a man that is eminent: you see fire, life, and spirit run through the whole, and at the same time a correctness, which shows he is used to writing. [...]
The tatler17.05.1709
  • Datum
    Freitag, 17. Mai 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] that happy woman—to have a conqueror at her feet! But you will be sure to be there.” I, and several others, resolved to be of her party. But see the ir resistible strength of that unsuspected creature, a “silent woman.” Prudentia had counterplotted us, [...]
[...] daughters to mind the moral; then whispered Mrs. Mayoress, “This is very proper for young people to see P” Punch, at the end of the play, made Pru dentia a compliment, and was very civil to the whole company, making bows until his buttons [...]
[...] against our party. In the mean time Florimel went to the tragedy, dressed as fine as hands could make her, in hopes to see Prudentia pine away with envy. Instead of that, she sat a full hour alone, and at last was entertained with this whole relation from Sta [...]
[...] pany came then to Alexander. Madam Petulant desired her daughters to mind the moral, and be lieve no man’s fair words; “for you will see, chil dren (says she), these soldiers are never to be de pended upon ; they are sometimes here, sometimes [...]
[...] dren (says she), these soldiers are never to be de pended upon ; they are sometimes here, sometimes there.—Do not you see, daughter Betty, Colonel Clod, our next neighbour in the country, pull off his hat to you?, court’sy, good child, his estate is [...]
[...] hers. This was observed; Florimel invites us to the play a second time; Prudentia to the show. See the uncertainty of human affairs The beaux, [...]
The tatler11.08.1709
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 11. August 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] days of his wife. Besides that country-sports would be an amusement, he hoped also, that his spouse w ould be half killed by the very sense of seeing this town no more, and would think her life ended as soon as she left it. He communicated his design to [...]
[...] 4 My dear, you have lived most of your days in a court, and I have not been wholly unacquainted with that sort of life. In courts, you see good-will is spoken with great warmth, ill-will covered with great civility. Men are long in civilities to those [...]
[...] those they love. Therefore, my dear, let us be well-bred Still; and it is no matter, as to all who see us, whether we love or hate:. and to let you see how much you are beholden to me for my con, duct, I have both hated and despised yo"u, jny -dear, [...]
[...] affairs a new turn. One day he took Elmira aside, and spoke as follows: 'My dear, you see here the air is so temperate and serene; the rivulets, the groves, and soil, so extremely kind to nature, that we are stronger and [...]
[...] Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear; Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come, when it will come." * When the hero has spoken this sentiment, there [...]
The tatler01.10.1709
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. Oktober 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] mirth and melancholy. It is for want of care in the disposing of our children, with regard to our bodies and minds, that we go into a house and see such [...]
[...] her distinction: therefore knows nothing of the skill of dress, or making her person agreeable. It would make you laugh to see me often, with my spectacles on, lacing her stays, for she is so very a wit, that she understands no ordinary thing in the [...]
[...] world. For this reason I have disposed of her to a man. of business, who will soon let her see, that to be well-dressed, in good humour, and cheerful in the command of her family, are the arts and sciences of [...]
[...] method, let any one, even below the skill of au astrologer, behold the turn of faces he meets as soon as he passes Cheapside Conduit, and you see a deep attention and a certain unthinking sharpness in every countenauce. They look attentive but their [...]
[...] every countenauce. They look attentive but their thoughts are engaged on mean purposes. To me it is very apparent, when I see a citizen pass by, whe ther his head is upon woollen, silks, iron, sugar, indigo, or stocks. Now this trace of thought ap. [...]
The tatler27.12.1709
  • Datum
    Freitag, 27. Dezember 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] misfortunes; but I believe you will think me in the right for bewailing the child’s unlucky humour. On the other hand, I am extremely pleased to see his younger brother carry an universal benevolence to wards every thing that has life. When he was be [...]
[...] volous, says, indeed, that they are dreams, but the dreams of Jupiter. My friend's letter appears to me in the same light. One sees him in an idle hour; but at the same time in the idle hour of a wise man. A great mind has something in it too [...]
[...] hours with little Moorish boys at a game of mar bles, not unlike our modern taw. There is, me thinks, a pleasure in seeing great men thus fall into the rank of mankind, and entertain themselves with diversions and amusements that are agreeable to the [...]
[...] turbulence of spirit. The first are the impertinent, and the second the dangerous part of mankind. It grieves me to the very heart, when I see se veral young gentlemen, descended of honest parents, run up and down, hurrying from one end of the [...]
[...] confess, that we have often gone out into the field to look upon a bird’s nest; and have more than once taken an evening's walk together on purpose to see the sun set. I shall conclude with my answer to his foregoing letter: [...]
The tatler25.10.1709
  • Datum
    Freitag, 25. Oktober 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] ber-fellow and I diverted ourselves with the sport of venturing our fingers for the raisins; and the wan tonness of the thing was to see each other look like a daemon, as we burnt ourselves, and snatched out the fruit. This fantastical mirth was called Snap [...]
[...] the fruit. This fantastical mirth was called Snap Dragon. You may go into many a family, where you see the man and wife at this sport; every word at their table alludes to some passage between them selves; and you see by the paleness and emotion [...]
[...] desire to do any thing but please him but I have a word or two more before you go out of the room; for I see you do not like the subject I am upon: let nothing provoke you to fall upon an imperfection he cannot help; for, if he has a resenting spirit, he [...]
[...] at one glance, that I could see he was glad I had [...]
Historische Remarques über neuesten Sachen in Europa des ... JahresNo. 022 1707
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1707
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] hernachzuValdefuentesgeſtorben ſeyn. Hierauf hat ſich Requena am 2. Va lencia aber am 8. Maji, wie auch Segerbia an den Herzog von Berwick erge ben. Der Reſt von der überwundenen Armee hat ſich an denen See-Küſten hin/über Tortoſa nach Catalonien gezogen/doch Alicante, Xativa und Denia zuvor mit einigen Trouppenverſtärcket. [...]
[...] Meilen von Xativa, und zehen von Valencia entlegen. Valencia ſelbſt iſt die Hauptſtadt des von ihr benahmten Spaniſchen fruchtbaren an der Mittel ländiſchen See zwiſchen Catalonien und Murcia gelegenen Königreichs welches im vorigen Jahre die Parthey KönigsCaroli III. angenommen. Die Völ eker ſo voruhralten Zeiten in dieſer Gegend gewohnet werden EdetaniundCon [...]
[...] teſtani genennet und deswegen heißt die Stadt noch auf Lateiniſch Valentia Conteſtanorum. Sie liegt an dem Fluß Guadalaviar, über welchen L. Brü cken gehen/nur eine halbe Meile von der See/daher ſie zu der Handlung überaus wohlgelegen und deswegen mit vor eine der reichſten Städte in Spanien gehalten wird. Die Spanier nennen ſie die Schöne Valencia lahermoſa, welches von [...]
[...] reich [welcher über 100. Jahr alt worden und ſeiner erſten Gemahlin Mariaede Bethune dritter Sohn/ein Bruder des Cardinals d'Etrécs. Seinem Kö utgehat er lange Jahre und inſonderheit zur See gedienet i daher er auch zum Vice-Admiralfn Weſten oder in Ponente, ingleichen Anno 168 . 25. Martü zum Marſchall von Franckreich/Ao.1688. zum Ritter der Königlichen Orden [...]
[...] hannem Grafen d' Etrées, der nunmehroVice-Admiral wird als auf welche Charge er ſchon ſeither Anno 1684. die Anwartſchaft hat; ſeither Anno 1703. GeneralLieutenant der Spaniſchen See-Macht/Grandd'Eſpagne, wozu ihn Philippus V. gemacht und Marſchall von Franckreich. Weil aber auch ſein Vater Marſchall unter dem Titel d'Etrées war / ſo hat er den Titel des [...]
[...] de Loteries dont les numero ſerontpartie imprimez,partie écrits, propres àſur monter lcs difficultezquiſe rencontrent dans l'execution des Loteries compo ſées d'ungrand nombre de Billets; cornmeaufſià eviter leserreurs & les incon veniens ausquelson eſt expoſé par les manieres ordinaires. Avec une nouvelle merhodepour tirer les Loteries lesplus fortes par un nombre modique dejettons [...]
Historische Remarques über neuesten Sachen in Europa des ... Jahres01.08.1702
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. August 1702
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Manßfele war) gejaget. Darauf nahm er ganz Schleſien wieder ein./ ſchlug den Marggrafen von Durlach / und bemächtigte ſich Bremen und Holſtein / ſo daß der ganze Strich Nieder-Deutſchlandes zwiſchen der Oſt-See / Elbe und Weſer / nur Stade/ Glückſtadt und Crempe ausgenommen/ in ſeiner Macht war. Deu König von Dennemarck trieb er aus Ponumern über die See/ und entkräftete ſelbigen biſ [...]
[...] fruchtloſe Belagerung Stralſund thate ein gleiches. Denn da er Roſtock und Wiß mar ohneſondere Mühe einbetonmen/ vermeinte er erſtbeſagter Ort könte ihm auch nicht entſtehen / wodurch er Metſter der Oſt-See/und Dennemarck deſto näherware. Vor der Belagerung dachte er durch thre und anderer Hanſee-Städte Hülffe zu einer Flotte zu gelangen / und als dieſe es ihm abſchlugen/ward er rechtſchaffen böſe über [...]
[...] eingenommen hatte/belagerte er ſie tuit dieſen trotzigen Worten: Er wolle die Stadt erobern und wenn ſie mit Ketten an dem Zimmelhienge. Allein es lief weit an ders. Die Stadt hatte nächſt einem gnädigen GOtt auch eine offene See / daß ſie alſo von dar gnugſam kunte entſetzet werden. Deßwegen wird es dem Friedländer vor eine Einſalt ausgeleget / daß er eine See-Stadt zu Lande zu überneſtern ver [...]
[...] nen Grafen von Schanderburg mit Dennemarck und andern Femden an einem Frie den arbeitete. Ehe dieſer noch erfolgte/ließ er 3. Kriegs-Schiffe bauen und ſich et nen Admiral der Balthiſchen See bettteln / worüber die zur See mächtige Poten taten nur lachten. Seine Armee fuhr indeſſen fort gegen Deutſchland nicht anders als Feinde zu wüten/ wie denn allein aus Pommern innerhalb 3 Jahren mehr als [...]
The tatler14.06.1709
  • Datum
    Freitag, 14. Juni 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] in which you may be sure to know him is, when his livelihood or education is in the civil list, and you see him express a vivacity or mettle above the way he is in by a little jerk in his motion, short trip in his steps, well-fancied lining of his coat, or any [...]
[...] inches of the touch-hole of a musquet, fire it off, and huzza, with as little concern as he tears a pullet”. Thus you see to what scorn of danger these mercenaries arrive, out of a mere love of sor did gain: but methinks it should take off the strong [...]
[...] did gain: but methinks it should take off the strong prepossession men have in favour of bold actions, when they see upon what low motives men aspire to them. Do but observe the common practice in the government of those heroic bodies, our militia and [...]
[...] with their colours and coats all whole: as in other battalions (where their principles of action are less solid) you see the men of service look like spec tres with long sides and lank cheeks. In this army you may measure a man’s service by his waist, and [...]
[...] cipline of these troops. It being of absolute neces sity, that the people of England should see what they have for their money, and be eye-witnesses of the advantages they gain by it, all battles which are [...]
The tatler12.07.1709
  • Datum
    Freitag, 12. Juli 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] possibly may pretend to the guardianship of him who is no' ways his inferior, but in being less wicked? We see old age brings us indifferently into the same impotence of soul, wherein nature has placed this lord.' [...]
[...] inference from false principles. Thus the fool who cut off the fellow's head that lay asleep, and hid it, and then waited to see what he would say when he awaked and missed his head-piece, was in the right in the first thought, that a man would be surprised [...]
[...] though he is out in supposing he has principalities, while he drinks gruel, and- lies in straw, yet you shall see him keep the port of a distressed monarch in all his words and actions. These two persons are equally taken into custody: but what must be [...]
[...] ing, he utters these words: "So misers look upon their gold, Which, while they joy to see, they fear to loses The pleasure of the sight scarce equalling The jealousy of being dispossess'd by others. [...]
[...] have mean ideas of our souls and affections, and wonder so many are brought to take us for compa nions for life, when they see our endearments so- triflingly placed: for, to my knowledge, Mr. Tru man would give half his estate for half the affection [...]