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Suchbegriff: Rain

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The connoisseur13.03.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 13. März 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] We had no occafion for an almanack or the weather-glafs, to let us know whether it would rain or fhine. One evening I propoſed to ride out with my coufins the next day to fee a gen tleman’s houſe in the neighbourhood; but my [...]
[...] ney, and the blackbird in the kitchen began to fing; which were both of them as certain fore runners of rain. But the moſt to be depended on in theſe cafes is a tabby cat, which uſually lies baſking on the parlour hearth. If the cat [...]
[...] turned her tail to the fire, we were to have an hard froft ; if the cat licked her tail rain would certainly enfue. They wondered, what ſtranger they ſhould fee; becauſe pufs waſhed her foot [...]
[...] If the head itches, it is a fign of rain. If the head aches, it is a profitable pain. If you have the tooth-ache, you don’t love true. If your eye [...]
L' Abeille du Parnasse27.03.1751
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. März 1751
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Il fçut accorder une politique profonde avec une juftice exacte, & peut-être eſt il-le feul Souve rain qui mérite cette louange. Prudent & ferme dans le confeil, intrépide dans les combats fans être emporté, compatiffant, comme s'il n’avoit [...]
[...] jouir de la Guyenne, du Perigord, du Limofin; mais il les fit renoncer pour jamais à la Tou raine, au Poitou, à la Normandie, réünies à la Couronne par Philippe Auguſte: ainfi la paix fut affermie avec fa réputation. [...]
Gazette de Brunswig14.05.1755
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 14. Mai 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ·raine, mais plûtot de l'effet des Glaces amon [...]
[...] agir en conſequence, les Angloir ont publié, que la France cherchoit à empiéter ſur un Ter "rain , qui apartenoit à la Grande - Bretagne. De-là ces pretendus Actes d'Hoſtilités, qui, à bien conſiderer, ne peuvent jamais étre [...]
The Idler31.03.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 31. März 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] When his dreadful ſtory is told in proper terms, it is only that the way was dirty in winter, and that he ex perienced the common viciflitudes of rain and funfhine.-- [...]
The Idler30.06.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. Juni 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] gance, and from elegance to nicety. - The firſt labour is enforced by neceffity. The favage finds himſelf incommoded by heat and cold, by rain and wind ; he ſhelters himſelf in the hollow of a rock, º and learns to dig a cave where there was nome before. [...]
The Idler05.08.1758
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. August 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] themfelves by the pride of fpeculation. I had no part in this learned difappointment, who am content to credit my fenfes, and to believe that rain will fall when the air blackens, and that the weather will be dry when the fun is bright. My caution indeed does not always preferve [...]
Gazette de Brunswig22.05.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 22. Mai 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ---'.- *dans ſes Eaſtions, & l'Qn ſait qù'élleº # Les 5 Vaiſſeaux armés à kcghtſort; qui eſt minée preſque par-tout, avèc un ſoftefºººpartirent le 5 de ce mois, de l'ilecah4tx, arz rain à Pabri de RºiBombé # 36z qu'il y a des [...]
[...] port à leur ſituation, ſur une Montagne, eſt plus pur que celui † reſpire dans desTer rains marécageux & moins élevés, ces trois Princes iront ſejourner la ſemaine prochaine, dans ce Château Royal&ypaſſeront l'Eté avec [...]
Gazette de Brunswig16.08.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ,, publique fuiſoit travailler à cet Ouvrage, étoit de ,, maintenir la ſubordinatton, que tout Etut Souve , rain eſt en droit de faire regner parmi ſer Sujèts : , Que ce motif étoit devenu plus fort, par les brouil ,,lerier qui ſ'étoient élevées à San Remo 85 [...]
[...] derneſſe, & paroiſſent tous concourir aux vuës pacifiques du Roi, notre Auguſte Souve rain, qui, n'épargne rien pour prevenir le cruel Fleau de la Guerre, en l'empêchant autant que peut le permettre la Gloire de S. M, [...]
The general evening post07.08.1756/08.08.1756/09.08.1756/10.08.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 07. August 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] ments. Amsterdan Gazette. Paris, August 1. We learn from Burgundy that dur ing all the vlonth of June they had continual Rain in termix'd with Storms and Hurricanes ; and that in the Maconnois the Lands of upwards of Forty Pariſhes had [...]
[...] termix'd with Storms and Hurricanes ; and that in the Maconnois the Lands of upwards of Forty Pariſhes had been entirely laid waſte by the Hail. Theſe Rains were faccecded in the following Month with fuch a chilling Cold for feve al Days, that the People were obliged to [...]
[...] Town, that the Son of a Vinedrefier who had amaíTed a Quantity of Dung before his Door perceiving that by the heavy Rains a great deal of Water had run into the Cellar, went into it to examine his Cafks; bat this Wa [...]
[...] Edinburgh, A.g.y? 3. We hear from Cumber la 1:', that in the Night between Wedneſday the 2 : ¿ a i Thurſday the 22d ult, the Rains were ſo vol, nº, :: i h : Flood fo grea:, that it step away a Bºg near Gun', "-- hill of about f ur Actes, wich in no: 'ac » wa.. iv : [...]
[...] > by Occafion of the late heavy Rains, are obliged to be ---- ferred till a further Opportunity. Tue Túne of wich wil 1, on be advertifed in this ſ’aper. [...]
Gazette de Brunswig01.01.1757
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1757
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] avons toujours regardé l'adminiſtration de la 3uſtice, com · me la fonction la plus Auguſte de notre Puiſſance-Souve raine, d9 la plus # le bonheur & la tran quillité de nos Sujèts. Nous ſentons tout ce qu'elle éxige de notre atention dhnr le choix des Magiſtrats auxquels [...]
[...] COmmotion. - Mlle. de Brionne Henriette-Agathe de Lorrai raine, Fille du feu Louir de Lorraine, Prince de Lambeſc, Comte de Braine, Brigadier de Cavalerie, Grand Senêchal Hereditaire de [...]
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