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35 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Purfing

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The general evening post15.07.1760/16.07.1760/17.07.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 15. Juli 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] - , wnuket, Five Years old to carry 9 ft. 2 ºb Six Years cld : sa sib. The best of Three Hears, Four Miles - . : Hofe, &c. that enters for this Purfe is to ſubſcrite * - * ;, to the cerk of the Race, or double at the Post. All Horſes, itu have not won 43 l. at any one Time to be allowed 4 lb. [...]
[...] * * *naertáin i sl. at any one Time; Four Years old to carry 8 st. a hran ºd sit, the bet of Thee Heats, Two Miles each. ºf Hore, &c. that enters for this Purfe is to fubſcribe a l. 7 s. ſrcek ºf the Race, or double at the Poſt. * atiales to be produced from the Hands of the Breeders for [...]
[...] *: Pufes to be febjećł to fu -h Articles as ufual at Bedford. Hng or Joilling to be allowed. any Diputes arife about the Five, Six, or Aged Purfe, to be determined by his Grace the Duke of Bedford, or whom he írt, - [...]
[...] Herie winning either of the above Purſes to be deemed listed, if net challenged to the Clerk of the Race before ", ºr within 15 Minutes after winning fuch Purfe, but ::intitled to receive the fame. - . . . Balls and Ordinaries as uſual. [...]
[...] :::he Post on the D. : ºly qualified, may enter for this *Hoffes, &c. tis: ; º Running, paying Five Guineaș. 'n and ef:: I : fer either ºf the two laft Purfes, to ::::::::::: of their Ages, at the fame * v.3. tº enterfer his Majesty’s Plate, [...]
[...] ð - , orey a - - :ards the : #:; *" the Remainder of the Purfé i nere wi ar’s Plates. } [...]
The general evening post02.09.1760/03.09.1760/04.09.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 02. September 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] }W Proof of a depofition, taken a purfe o :: a Dutch floop brought in by oºº º * S, |- - - [...]
[...] beating Mr. Egerton’s Rattle Snake, Mr. Leven’s Pin - wire, and Lord Manners’s Wag. - - - Wedneſday the Gentlemen’s ſubſcription purfe of fifty pounds-was won by Philip Egerton, Eſqr's grey horfe Flatterer, againit Lord Gower's Pharo, and three others. [...]
[...] the : heat) were twenty to one on Pharo againſt the field. * * * * * - ... The City purfe of fifty pounds on Thurſday was run for by Mr. White's brown horfe Gamester, Mr. Wood cock's chefnut horfe Grantham, and Mr. Rew's grey [...]
[...] dreff.d in blue great coats, and one of them with ruffles, who took from one of the gentlemen a green knit fik purfe containing about fix guineas, , and a new ſcarlet clºak. One of the gentlemen fought with, and is fup poſed to have wounded one of the robbers. [...]
The general evening post16.09.1760/17.09.1760/18.09.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 16. September 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] by Clapham common, and took what money they had, but refuſed tae gentleman’s watch. He foon after robbed a fingle gentleman of his purfe, with four guineas in it, and got clear off. At the execution on Monday at Tyburn there were not [...]
[...] te Gentlemen's Sweepflake*, by their : : And on Thurſda} the 25th: "º be : or : e, &c. thºt ha5 a purfe of sol: by any Fou: years old Hote: : ', lb, the beft ver won so', Matches excepted. Tº º":'',':', :::ys to be nt: : ::::: twice round he courſe each Bº: i 3, 6n Wed [...]
[...] of oaober, 176o, º purfe of sol. ") Five Years old [...]
[...] &c. to pay Two Guineas to the Clerk : the : On Thurſday the th will be Run or, on the - Purfe of gol. È; : years old Mares i tº :* 3 ſt. : : Two Mile Heats ; tº Pº) Two Guineas Entr:""; and tie : to go to the next Yeº: plate; the Winn"š Mare to pay 1 Wº [...]
The general evening post01.05.1760/02.05.1760/03.05.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Mai 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] HighÄ::::::::"ºt afluent, hath not only made”hi - *2 y made nim stiin: : of Spain, but given him a purfe of 7ooo l. stant: :"..."de his fin a chef d’Eſcadré, and [...]
[...] ex: ) car's Purſe ; the Entrance-Money to be paid to It fiorfe, e 39th Day of May, 176o, will be Run for, A Purfe eſt of Three Heats, Weight for Age, by any Horfe, ding, that never won 5o l. at any one Time (Matches [...]
[...] *: to enter at the Post, unleſs agreed to by a :Subcribers then preſert fot interested. *** &c. enters for ei her of the above Purfes, fuch "º en Guineas and his Ertrance; if Two, to "sas each and their Entrance ; and all Diſputes [...]
[...] * does not ſubſcribe and Pay Five Shnilings towards "#re, &c. to ñand a any Houſe that does not *:alfa Gvinea towards the aforefaid Purfes. *" ºs a Main o cocks cach Dzy, and Ordinaries " ": Roſe and crown asurua. [...]
The general evening post01.07.1760/02.07.1760/03.07.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. Juli 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] •.• If only one Horſe enters he will be erititled to the Plate. On wedneſday the zoth of Auguſt,, Fifty Guineas, tº he added to a subfcription Purfe for Five-year-olds; to carry Nine Store each ; free only for Subſcribers; all others to Pay Thirty Guineas Entrance. One Four-mile Heat. - [...]
[...] A subſcriber of Twenty Guineas is entitled to start any Horfe, &c. Bona Fide his Property, for any of thoſe Three Subſcription purfes; a subſcriber of Ten Ginea: is to pay Fifteen Guineas Entrance for each Horfe, &c. he ſtarts for any of the Three Purfes ; all Non-fubſcribers tº p3.y Thirty Guineas Entrance.–The Sub [...]
[...] all Non-fubſcribers tº p3.y Thirty Guineas Entrance.–The Sub fcrip ion cf Twenty Guineas, &c. and the Thirty Guineas Entrance, &c. to be divided equally towards each Subſcription Purfe. -- Three Truflees to be yearly elested out of the Subſcribers, who hall appoint a Clerk and Tryers. –Ten, or Seven: Guineas to bt paid [...]
The general evening post18.09.1760/19.09.1760/20.09.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 18. September 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] : highway robberi: s. When the Turnkey of the ~ New Giố loked hinn up cn Thurſday night, he fid : le had dropped two filk purfes between Dulwich : Camberwell,, which, as he imagined, might contain : fºrty and fifty guineas. * - [...]
[...] of Oćtober, 176o, a Purfe of 5o l. by Five Years old Hofes, &c. that never won sol. Matches excepted; to carry 9 ſt. Four mule Heats; to pay Two Guineas Entrance, and the Entrance [...]
[...] &c. to pay Two Guineas to the Clerk of the Race. - On Thurſday the 9th will be Run for, on the fame Courfe, a Purfe of go l. by Four Years old Mares ; to carry 8 ft. and a Half, Two Mile Heats; to pay Two Guineas Entrance, and the Entrance to go to the next Year's Plate; the Winning Mare to pay Two [...]
The general evening post17.04.1760/18.04.1760/19.04.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 17. April 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] C H R A C E S. y the 28th Day of May, 176o; a Purfe of 5o l. Give and Take, by any ;, that never won above Two Fifties, the Hands high to rarry 9 ft. weight, Bridle [...]
[...] ºr at the Poft, unleſs aereed to by a º "hen preſent not intereaed. "ers for et her of the ahove Purfes, fuch Guineas and his Entrance; if Two, to 2nd their Entrance ; and all Diſputes [...]
The general evening post07.08.1760/08.08.1760/09.08.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 07. August 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] execution of Thomas Randa!!, who was to have been hanged on Wedneſday, for horfe-stealing. At Worcester Races, on Wedneſday lift, the purfe of eighty pounds was won by Mr. Wm Hubbard’s black horfe, Burn 'em Black; beating Mr. Baffet's Dormouſe, [...]
[...] exprefſing their gratitude, eſpecially to thật trul *: nourable Baronet Sir John Langham, who fen: : 0 - purfe of guineas, and to many other their : 3. benefastors: The Society af, think themſelves : happy, in hºạring the whole company ::::::: : [...]
The general evening post04.09.1760/05.09.1760/06.09.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 04. September 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] :::::::::: Grazier, fanding in Smithfield to ſee they fair : :e Lºfd. Mayor’s proclaiming Bartholo *:tet: ºd his pocket picked of a purfe, in which On : ::: and fome filver. M:w: : between ten and eleven o’clock, [...]
[...] years old to carry 9: 1o (t. 3 lb. the bett of I h Thc above Purfes tɔ be able to Articles to be the to the Winning Horſe, w [...]
The general evening post24.06.1760/25.06.1760/26.06.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 24. Juni 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Veiz ļºt, On vedacfgay the 13th, a Whim Plate vil be Run for cn the fame Courſe, a Purfe of sol by any Hofes, &c. fia: rever won more than eine of that Value-free for all º ters that have not won so l. from the 1st cf March laſt to tle.lay of starting–stee for [...]
[...] the Race, or whºm he ſhall apprunt, between the deus cf : hree and Eight in the Afte noon. Ai! Horſes, &c. that en er for e her of the e Purfes to be ſubject to fu h Articles as uſual at 3 c. ord. No Croding or ] ofiling to be allowed. |- - If any Diſputes arte about tine Five, Six, or Ag d Purſe, to be [...]
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