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2628 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Rain

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Wochenblatt der Königlich Baierischen Stadt Neuburg (Neuburger Wochenblatt)28.08.1824
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. August 1824
  • Erschienen
    Neuburg, D.
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Neuburg a.d. Donau
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] V er kün du ng. Die Abtheilung des Hypothekenbuches und der Protokolle im Gerichtsbezirke Rain betreffend.) Unter Beziehung auf die im Kreis - Intelligenz blatt ddo. 10. d. M. Stück 22. erſchienenen h. [...]
[...] anliegenden Verzeichniße nebſt den dazu gehöri gen Ortſchaften beſchrieben ſind. Rain am 18. Auguſt 1824. [...]
[...] K. Landgericht Rain als Hypotheken: Amt. Kaiſer, Landrichter. [...]
[...] -V er ze ich niß über die im Gerichtsbezirke des k... Landgerichts Rain beſtehenden Steuer-Diſtrikte mit den dazu gehörigen Ortſchaften. [...]
Straubinger Wochenblatt26.04.1824
  • Datum
    Montag, 26. April 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] 7fm Verſteigerungs Tage ſelbſt werden die nähern Bedingniſſe eröffnet, und unter deſſen vom Bründel den Anfragenden nähere Auskunft ertheit. Geſchehen zu Rain den 2oſten April 1824, [...]
[...] Freyherrlich v. Perglas'ſches Patrimonial Gericht I. Klaſſe Rain. A he, Patrimonialrichter. - [...]
[...] können, werden eingeladen, zur genannten Zeit ſich einzufinden, um auch den Stand der landesherrlichen, und andern Abgaben zu vernehmen. 128 . . . . " Geſchehen Rain den äſten Äpril 182, [...]
[...] Freyherrlich von Perglas'ſche Guts-Verwaltung Rain. praes. d. 24. April 1823. Aße, GutsVerwakter. [...]
[...] Geſchehen den 24ten April sa . Frybereich von Perglas'ſche GutsVerwaltung Rain . " [...]
Galignani's messenger12.09.1821
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 12. September 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Chºaleston, July 23.-The Georgetown Paper of last Saturday states, that, in consequence of the late heavy rains, the crops of Upland coitou have suffered considerably. The rice crops in the neighbourhood promise an abundant harvest; but those situated near [...]
[...] THE HARVEST , Ni) M = RKETS. SHREwsBURY. —Almost ever since the cominencement of reaping in this vicinity great quantities of rain have #Allen; at intervals the heat has been oppressive, with scarcely any wind. This unpropitious weather ad [...]
[...] without rain during the present week. On early lands the crops were harvested in a tolerable state, but a large breadth is laid flat and is sprouting, and a great quantity [...]
[...] is cut down and now standing out, in a very damaged state. In the early corn districts, a considerable part of the grain was got in before the rains conmenced, and this will make the calamity fall heavier upon the farmers in less favoured countres. [...]
[...] Worcestea.—A great quantity of wheat and barley has been seriously injured, the warmth succeeding the rain having caused both to sprout, whether cut or un cut. The immediate consequence of this has been a considerable rise in the prices, in Worcester market on [...]
[...] class of society. - - We are sorry to hear frºm all quarters that the con tinued rains during the last fortnight, are likely to be attended with serious consequences to the wheat crops, now, ready for the operation of the sickle. [...]
[...] crops, now, ready for the operation of the sickle. In many places, besides the injury resulting from blight and mildew, the late rains have caused the wheats to sprout again. As a natural result of these untoward appearances, the markets are looking [...]
[...] the driver of one of the London night coaches, that at Newbury about two in the morning it fell with appall ing violence—such torrents of rain, such tremendous and long continued thunder, and such terrific lightning our informant says, he never beheld.—(Bath Herald.) [...]
[...] Oxfond. – Yesterday morning about two o'clock, there was a violent storm of thunder, lightning, and rain. The flashes were very vivid, and rapidly fin. ed each other, but we have not heard of any injury done by the electric fluid. We are apprehensive that [...]
[...] of storms and wet weather; indeed, there are extensive tracts where the hay harvest is not yet concluded, but the crops remain on the ground, soddened with rain. On Friday last, a violent torrent swept away the bridge at Glandulas, near Newtown, Montgomeryshire. The [...]
Flora (Baierische National-Zeitung)20.02.1829
  • Datum
    Freitag, 20. Februar 1829
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Im »Tancred« trat Dlle. Rainé, welche vorgibt, Sän gerin am Hofe zu St. Petersburg zu ſeyn, als Gaſt auf, und erinnerte uns an den König gleichen Namens, von dem [...]
[...] ſolcher Naturzuſtand auch mit einer Altſtimme vertrage, zeig ten uns ja die Tiroler, die geborne Hirten ſind, und dems ohngeachtet viel ſchönere Stimmen haben. Dlle. Rainé ſingt gar nicht beſonders, aber ihr Spiel und ihre Sprache ſtimmt harmoniſch zu ihrem Geſang. Ein großer Mäcen beglückte [...]
[...] werden gehudelt.« Die Kritiker: »Und Alles wird geſudelt.« *) Der obige Bericht über die Darſtellung des Tankred don Dlle. Rainé auf dem Theater zu Augsburg wurde von der Redaction bis jetzt zurückgelegt, da in einem Briefe des Hrn. Ryhiner, Onkels der Dlle. Rainé, an die Redaction, [...]
Regensburger Wochenblatt01.02.1826
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 01. Februar 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] - Gemeindetheilen. - - Sämmtliches erbrechtsweis grundbar zur Gutsherrſchaft in Rain. Dann d) 6 Tagwerk von der großen, und e) 3 Tagwerk von der kleinen Marktbrei [...]
[...] finden, wo ihnen auch die auf dem Anweſen ruhenden Laſten bekannt gemacht werden. Geſcheheu Rain den 11. Jänner 1826. [...]
[...] Gräfl. von Gravenreuth'ſches Pa trimonialgericht I. Kl. Rain. Der vºr es E. [...]
[...] Forderungen keine Rückſicht mehr genommen wird. Rain den 11. Jänner 1826. Gräfl. von Gravenreuth'ſches Pa trimonialgericht I. Kl. Rain. [...]
Galignani's messenger02.01.1822
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 02. Januar 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] removed : in many of the cellars the water is five feet deep. No carriage can come by Datchet to Windsºr. ... In the neighbourhood of Egham, the rains have pro duced most distressing consequences; the cattle and horses that were left in pasture have been found [...]
[...] BIRMINGHAM, Dec. 26.-The communication between us and Bristol is now quite stopped, on account of the eat quantity of rain that has fallen within these few ys; the road in many places is rendered quite impas sable, particularly below Gloucester and Tewkesbury. [...]
[...] Journal.) The weather since our last has been extremely tem pestuous, both wind, hail and rain. About three o'clock, on Tuesday morning last (26th inst.), we had a storm of thunder and lightning, which continued [...]
[...] only for a few minutes. . On the evening of the sºme day, the lightning was also uncommonly vivid, but un accompanied with thunder. The ſall of rain has been great, accompanied with strong gales. Indeed the violence ol the westerly winds has compelled several [...]
[...] Almost every evening during the last week storms of thunder and lightning. wib perfect hurricanes of wind and rain, have visited this city, and been equally pre valent in every part of the kingdom. In this vicinity the Wye and the Lugg having overilowed their banks, [...]
[...] Sussex.-We still have a continuance of dreadfully tempestuous weather, and it now blows with increased fury from the S.E., with torrents of rain. The damage done at sea must be incalculable; and we cannot look at the loss of valuable lives, and the miseries brought [...]
[...] houses, are obliged to live in the upper storeys.-(Brigh ton Herald.) Oxfordshire.-The late heavy rains have caused the rivers near this city to overflow to a most alarm ing degree. In the night of Monday last the flood in [...]
[...] NortinghA.M.–Owing to the heavy and almost in cessant rain which ſell during the greater part of last week, the Trent has swollen to such a degree as to overflow its banks, and all the ineadows and low grounds [...]
[...] flood at Caxton, Cambridgeshire, the water being six feet deep upon the road.-(Doncaster Gazette.) Leicester.—The late excessive rains have done con siderable damage; the low lands being all under water. —(Leicester Journal.) [...]
[...] of an hour, and the wind from the South West ſlew with the greatest ſury.—At Montauban, in the night of the 24th, for about 12 hours the rain poured down in torrelts, the wind raged with violence, and the horizon | [...]
Baierische Wochenschrift08.07.1822
  • Datum
    Montag, 08. Juli 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] 25) Welcher ſich würde unterſtehen einen Rain durchzugraben, und alſo ſei nen Nachbarn durch Zuweiſung des Waſ ſers in ſeinem Feld Schaden verurſachen, [...]
[...] der ſoll eine ganze Siebner Strafe von Zwanzig Pfund erlegen. 26) Wo einen ein Rain durch die Siebner abgeſprochen, und ſich deßelben nicht entäuſern, ſondern bey ſeinem Vor [...]
[...] zehen Pfund Strafe erlegen. 27) Welcher ſeinen Nachbarn auf ſei nen Grund und Boden neben einen Rain, ſo zwiſchen ihnen beeden, Waßer leiten oder führen will, der ſoll anderhalb Beet [...]
[...] ſo zwiſchen ihnen beeden, Waßer leiten oder führen will, der ſoll anderhalb Beet bis zum Rain liegen laßen, damit es we» [...]
Galignani's messenger31.12.1821
  • Datum
    Montag, 31. Dezember 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] *" ture of Navarin and Tripolitza by the Greeks. (See lost ; or, in the language of pugilisin, “no cha st hurricane which then swept across the who º mºnº, MissENGER of the 8th inst.) All that is known for be thrown away.” A Öreek revolution, ther is a from the North-wes, and marked its path w ith havoc; º; certain with respect to the first is, that the town was good thing as far as it goes ; and the subver i : even was accompanied with torrents of rain and hail, and º: ceded to the Greeks by a regular capitulation, which the Ottoman Throne, is better than the fall of ' 'hrone. with the loudest thunder and most vivid lightning ever rºle is was instantly violated, and 3000 inhabitants, , men; Should it go, there will at leas ºnescept wrenched witnessed in England in winter-Arnong the memora [...]
[...] -We have inserted, from the provincial journals re ceived this week, some accounts of the storms and rains which have prevailed for some time past, in dif ſerent districts of the kingdom. In many places it is a common question, did you ever know such weather ? [...]
[...] ſerent districts of the kingdom. In many places it is a common question, did you ever know such weather ? The quantity of rain, indeed, appears to be unusually great, but heavy gales and showers are always found to occur in winters that are extraordinarily mild. Many [...]
[...] lightning by which the hemisphere was illuminated, and this at the moment when large flakes of snow were mixed with the rain.—(Manchester Herald.) The ponderous Egyptian granite columns presented by his W. to the British Museum, are now remov [...]
[...] indeed the entire of the preceding evening, had been exceedingly wet and .. but about the hour ahove mentioned, such a torrent of rain descended as had been seldom witnessed, accompanied by a strong gale from the S.W., quickly repeated, very vivid .. of light [...]
[...] mail cart, says he was never before out in such rough weatherasheexperienced between four and five o'clock on last Friday morning ; the wind and rain were, at times, so powerful, as nearly to deprive him of respira tion and sight; and it was with the utmost difficulty he [...]
[...] vivid as any experienced in June, Jºly, or August, and the thunder was correspondingly loud; at the same time the rain fell in torrents, and the wind roared as though in rivalry. of the thunder. The thermometer. during this unseasonable elemental conflict, stood at [...]
[...] Our accounts from different quarters of the country, regarding the injury, done to the country, in , conse uence of the heavy falls of rain, are really deplorable. §. entrance to the city of Limerick is floºded to an unprecedented extent; from the hills of Newcastle, [...]
[...] to be placed at intervals along the road, to serve as fin ger-posts for the carriages; ful it is feared they will be all carried away, as there was a great fall of rain this morning. All the labourers usually employed on the road are in attendance in various places, to render ever [...]
[...] during the last two months, that of Monday night and Tuesday morning was the most terrific. Very heavy rain ſell, and at one period the storin more resembled an American tornado |. the heavy gales to which we are sometimes subjct in this variable climate. Towards [...]
Galignani's messenger21.12.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 21. Dezember 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] dreadful account of a shipwreck – “sy DNEY, JUNE 9. “Just as Captain Raine was on the eve of leaving Valparaíso for this part of the world once more, he was informed of a marvellous aſſair, relating to an American [...]
[...] something of whose disastrous history we have been ſa voured with, and shall present the same to our readers. Captain Raine received information that there were three men on Ducic's Island, who had preſerred remain ing there rather than venture across the ocean in a boat, [...]
[...] as it is to hear such things, and painful as it is to relate them, it is nevertheless asserted as a fact by Captain Raine, that the fingers and other fragments of their de ceased companions, were in the pockets of the captain and boy when taken on board the whaler. The Com [...]
[...] a miserable end ; particularly as this island was no great distance out of his track from Valparaiso to New Holland. On Thursday, the 5th of April, Capt. Raine considered himself within a very short distance of Du cic's Island, which is laid down in Norie's Epitome to [...]
[...] discharged, and shortly after the three poor men were seen to issue ſorth from the woods. The boats were presently lowered, Captain Raine taking one himself. On approaching the shore it was found not only dan erous, but utterly impracticable to land, of which cir [...]
[...] The whole island appears to be a rock of volcanic mat ter, and is replete with caves and caverns of consider able extent; in one of which Captain Raine was inform. [...]
[...] he cast a wishful eye towards the sea, and joyously beheld a ship, , which was destined to release them from a miserable death. , Captain Raine conveyed then on board immediately, and it would he super fluous to dilate on benevolence and humanity which [...]
[...] that had exerted themselves in snatching three human beings and fellow mariners fron an otherwise inevita ble destruction. These men are now with Capt. Raine, and declare their names to be, Thomas Chappel, Win. Wright, and Seth Weeks; and the following is the [...]
[...] the southward, in consnquence of which, on the ºoth •of December they made the island from which Captain Raine took them, and which was taken for Ducies' Island; at which place the boats remained one week; but the island affording hardly any nourishment, in fact [...]
[...] those of their ship-mates, we are by this opportunity favoured with an account; and certainly they are poig inant in, the extreme. Capt. Raine has put into our hands the letter that was left by Capt. Pollard on this island, which was inclosed in a tin box, and of which [...]
Augsburger Ordinari Postzeitung von Staats-, gelehrten, historisch- u. ökonomischen Neuigkeiten (Augsburger Postzeitung)22.01.1829
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 22. Januar 1829
  • Erschienen
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] (Die Erledigung des Benefiziums Rain betr.). Durch den Todfall des bisherigen Benefi ziaten Roman Schnitzer iſt das Schloßbenefizium Rain bey Straubing erlediget, auf welchem - dem k. Kämmerer und erblichen Reichsrathe, Herrn Grafen von Gravenreuth, das Präſenta [...]
[...] Qualifikation zur Annahme eiues Beneficii sine cura binnen 3 Wochen entweder bey dem gräfl. von Gravenreutiſchen Patrimonialgerichte Affing bey Augsburg, oder bey der gräfl. von Gra venreutiſchen Rentenverwaltung Rain bey Straubing einzureichen. Affing, den 13. Jan. 1829. [...]
[...] „Hey dem unterfertigten Landgerichte anzumelden, widrigenfalls nach Umſluß dieſes Termins ohne Berückſichtigung derſelben in dieſer Verlaſſenſchaftsſache rechtlicher Ordnung nach weiter verfah ven werde." würde. Rain, den 13. Jan. 1829. Königl.bayer. Landgericht Rain. -T- - Kaiſer, Landrichter. (BeFannt nachºg) In dem Schuldenweſen des in Pöttmeſ verſtorbenen Bräuers Anand [...]
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