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2628 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Rain

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Wochenblatt der Königlich Baierischen Stadt Neuburg (Neuburger Wochenblatt)16.10.1824
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. Oktober 1824
  • Erschienen
    Neuburg, D.
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Neuburg a.d. Donau
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Königl. Baier. Rentamt Rain. Aſmus. [...]
[...] Königl. Rentamt Rain u. Forſtamt Aichach. - Aſmus. - - - - - - Glas. [...]
Straubinger Wochenblatt10.05.1824
  • Datum
    Montag, 10. Mai 1824
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Auf Andringen der Erbs Intereſſenten wird das zweygädige, mit Platten einge, deckte Wohnhaus des verlebten Joſeph Hirlmair, geweſenen Wirths zu Rain, dabier Haus Numer 24. auf dem Thereſien: Plaße, gerichtlich geſchätzt auf 18oo fl., im Ver: ſteigerungs- Wege an den Meiſtbiethenden unter Vorbehalt der Genehmigung von Seite [...]
[...] deſſen vom Bründel den Anfragenden nähere Auskunft ertheilt. - Geſchehen zu Rain den 2oſten April 1824. [...]
[...] Freyherrlich v. Perglas'ſches Patrimonial-Gericht I. Klaſſe Rain. Abe, Pazimanialrichter. [...]
Galignani's messenger12.10.1822
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. Oktober 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] near mid-day ; a circumstance that generally indicates wet weather; the rain, however, may have been more frequent and heavier in a less northern latitude than this i; where the noon had a greater influence [...]
[...] than this i; where the noon had a greater influence over the Earth's almosphere. Nearly three-fourths of this month's rain fell here at and near the time of the 'Autumnal equinox, when a depression of one inch of inercury was observed in the barometer. The month [...]
[...] inercury was observed in the barometer. The month having been ſair for field labour, and there having been lout 3 iI2 inches of rain during the last two months, the level arable lands will therefore be found in a fit and proper state for early sowing. [...]
[...] A. considerable reduction took place the latter part of the month in the mean temperature of the air, in consequence of the rains and cold easterly gales—and there were two or three slight hoar frosts before sun rise. The average temperature is 4 1/4” lower than [...]
[...] Summary of the Weather.—A clear sky, 3; fair, with various modifications of clouds, 16; an overcast sky without rain, 7 ; foggy, 314; rain, 3114; total, 30. A scale of the prevailing Winds.-N. 2, N.E. 9, .5, N.W. 2,-Days 50. [...]
[...] States; but from want and fatigue, it is doubtful whe ther all will effect a safe return. He states that it had not rained for the last ten months, and that the crops of corn were entirely burnt up; and that the Camazcl:ee Indians were killing and plundering the Spaniards dai [...]
Galignani's messenger14.08.1823
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 14. August 1823
  • Erschienen
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] menced with peas, and it is expected that wheats will #ºnerally be brought under the sickle in about a week. The late rains have not injured the corn; although the have retarded the hay making.—(Brighton Gazite.) ... A field of self-sown Talavera wheat is now under [...]
[...] pends on the weather, which appears to be clearing up in spite of Saint Swithin. This Saint’s binth-day is the 15til July; and, it is said, that, if rain fall un his birth day, it will fall on forty days successively. But, I be lieve, that they rºckon retrospectively as well as pros [...]
[...] lieve, that they rºckon retrospectively as well as pros pectively; and, if this be the case, we may, this time, escape the extreme unction : for, it bagan to rain on the 26th of June ; so that it rained nineteen days boſore the 15th of July; and, as it has rained sixteen days [...]
[...] the 26th of June ; so that it rained nineteen days boſore the 15th of July; and, as it has rained sixteen days sii ce, it has rained, in the whole, thirty-five days, and, o! course, five days more will satisſy this wet sºul of a Saint. Lºt him take his five days; and, there will he [...]
[...] diate nvirons are sterile, exhibiting in general a sandy soil. In Cadiz there are no fountains, but in almost every house there is a cistern to receive the rain water that flows from the terraces. However, a great part of the population are compelled to bring their water [...]
[...] lightful prospect, and have been occupie by an English Family.— For particula's and permission to view the house, apply to M. De he rain, Notary, No. 23, rue de Grammont. [...]
Wochenblatt der Königlich Baierischen Stadt Neuburg (Neuburger Wochenblatt)06.03.1824
  • Datum
    Samstag, 06. März 1824
  • Erschienen
    Neuburg, D.
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Neuburg a.d. Donau
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Früchten - Verkauf. Montag den 15. März d. J. Vormittags 10 r werden bei dem königl. Rentamt Rain in loco Niederſchönenfeld - [...]
[...] gert werden, wozu man alle Liebhaber hiemit einladet. Niederſchönenfeld den 1. März 1824. Königl. Baier. Rentamt Rain. Am mon. [...]
Wochenblatt der Königlich Baierischen Stadt Neuburg (Neuburger Wochenblatt)29.01.1825
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. Januar 1825
  • Erschienen
    Neuburg, D.
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Neuburg a.d. Donau
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] durch zur ſchleunigen Anmeldung ihrer Fordes rungen aufgefordert. - Rain den 21. Jäner 1825. Königlches Landgericht Rain als Hypotheken - Amt.“ [...]
Wochenblatt der Königlich Baierischen Stadt Neuburg (Neuburger Wochenblatt)23.02.1828
  • Datum
    Samstag, 23. Februar 1828
  • Erschienen
    Neuburg, D.
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Neuburg a.d. Donau
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Bekanntmachung. Auf Antrag der Erben der geſtorbenen Bar bara Riedl, Handelsmanns-Wittwe in Rain, wird deren faſt ganz ludeigenes Anweſen mit [...]
[...] Stroh, dann einige Klafter Holz ſ. a. Den 0. Februar 1828. e Königl. Bayer. Landgericht Rain. Kaiſer, Landrichter. [...]
Regensburger Wochenblatt25.01.1826
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 25. Januar 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Gemeindetheilen. Sämmtliches erbrechtsweis FÄr zur Gutsherrſchaft in Rain. ( 1 - d) 6 Tagwerk von der großen, und e) 3 Tagwerk von der kleinen Marktbrei [...]
[...] finden, wo ihnen auch die auf dem Anweſen ruhenden Laſten bekannt gemacht werden. Geſcheheu Rain den 11. Jänner 1826. [...]
[...] Äussen eine Rückſicht mehr genommen CD. - Rain den 11. Jänner 1826. - Gräfl. von Gravenreuth'ſches Pa trimonialgericht I. Kl. Rain. - [...]
Galignani's messenger02.05.1821
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 02. Mai 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] Plymouth sound, at single anchor. Much injury has been done in Kent by the severe hail, and rain, experienced [...]
[...] parts of Norfolk for the farmers to plough their lands across, instead of up and down; by this means all the rain is stopped by the ridges, instead of running to the bottom, and frequently carrying the seeds, soil, and manure with it. [...]
[...] morning. The º had been very vivid the pre ceding night, and peals of thunder followed, accom panied with rain which was very heavy in the eastern part of the metropolis. Roy Al Exchange.—At 11 o'clock this forenoon, in [...]
[...] In the evening, the illuminations were very general and brilliant. The weather, though cloudy, continued free from rain until the evening, . unfortunately, there was some small rain, but not sufficient to prevent the brilliant display of fire-works, which enlightened the [...]
[...] strictly within the principles of the holy alliance. The Gazette de France has the following para graph —“It will rain to-morrow,” exclaimed some persons before the Attorney-General. “Well,” replied ihis Magistrate, “if it rains, Heaven itself will baptize [...]
Wochenblatt der Königlich Baierischen Stadt Neuburg (Neuburger Wochenblatt)01.11.1828
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. November 1828
  • Erschienen
    Neuburg, D.
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Neuburg a.d. Donau
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Der heurige Martini - Markt in Rain wird nicht am 9. ſondern Sonntags den 16. Nov. d. J. abgehalten, welches auf Anſuchen des Stadt [...]
[...] nicht am 9. ſondern Sonntags den 16. Nov. d. J. abgehalten, welches auf Anſuchen des Stadt magiſtrats Rain hiemit bekannt macht Neuburg den 30. Okt. 1828. [...]
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