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Suchbegriff: See

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Unterhaltungen am häuslichen HerdNo. 050 1856/1857
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. Januar 1856
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] 's iſt um das Herz mir ſüß und weh Und pochet, was ich nicht verſteh', Du Flut in tiefem See ! E. M. Arndt. Durch einen ernſten Tannenwald zieht von Aus [...]
[...] E. M. Arndt. Durch einen ernſten Tannenwald zieht von Aus ſee her ein wunderbar romantiſcher Pfad hoch am Thalrande der Traun hin, ſenkt ſich dann mit plötzlicher Wendung hinab und führt uns durch [...]
[...] Thalrande der Traun hin, ſenkt ſich dann mit plötzlicher Wendung hinab und führt uns durch das Dorf Ober-Traun ans Ufer des Sees. Der Hallſtätterſee gleicht einem Janushaupte. Auf der einen Seite zeigt er uns ein ernſtes, faſt [...]
[...] treten heraus, voran der ernſte Vater, ihm folgend das ſchmucke Töchterlein – ſeltſam! Sind es die Schutzpatrone des Sees, daß ſie gerade jene zwei Geſichter tragen? Das ſtarre, wettererprobte der Vater, der manchem Sturm furchtlos die [...]
[...] ches, nach drei Seiten von Bergen umſchloſſen, nur nach der Oſtſeite hin offen iſt und dort ſenkrecht zum See abſtürzt. Am Rande dieſes Plateau, unmittelbar über dem See, ſteht der Rudolfs thurm. Von hier aus ſchweift der Blick weithin [...]
[...] aufgeht, enthüllte ſich die impoſanteſte Decoration; ſtolz am Himmel thronte das Taggeſtirn und tauſendfältig warf der magiſche Spiegel des Sees ſein Bild zurück. Auf den dunkelgrünen Fluten wiegte der Dampfer ſich ſchon unruhig hin und [...]
[...] hafter Wirkung. Zürnend gefurchter Stirn gleich erhebt ſich hier die ſchroffe Felswand, welche in barocker Vielgeſtaltigkeit am See ſich hinzieht, hier und da von ehrwürdiger Silberlocke überſchattet; ſchwermüthig herabhangenden Wimpern ähnlich, [...]
[...] und da von ehrwürdiger Silberlocke überſchattet; ſchwermüthig herabhangenden Wimpern ähnlich, neigen ſich die dunkeln Tannenzweige zum See hernieder, daß ihr Widerſchein der tiefgrünen Flut noch düſtere Färbung gibt. [...]
[...] hernieder, daß ihr Widerſchein der tiefgrünen Flut noch düſtere Färbung gibt. Aber je weiter man den See hinabgleitet, deſto mehr erheitert ſich ſein Antlitz; die Gipfel rings umher werden anſpruchsloſer, die Hänge minder [...]
[...] getation, bis man zuletzt unmerklich aus der Hoch gebirgsnatur in den Vorhöhengürtel getragen wor den iſt und nun das halbmondförmig den See umſchließende Gmunden erblickt. Amphitheatraliſch um das Städtchen ſteigen im Hintergrunde ſanft [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Juli 1857
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] “The poor little whitebait are smothered beneath the weight of these, which were once their accessories. Scarce even the hottest devilling can sharpen up the languid * that has run the gauntlet of fifteen fishes, before the whitebait appears. So far as I can see, most people at a Greenwich dinner appear to eat the brown bread and butter with more appetite than anything else. [...]
[...] prospect of England's ruin. It, and the Tablet, and all the rest of the ultramontane Press, always exult whenever they see old England in a scrape, or likely to get into one, and they abuse us with a rancour which is quite funny. [...]
[...] OH !..listen, JonATHAN, to me; I am, as true as my name's Johs, |Particularly vexed to see how some of you are going on; [...]
[...] The upper hand some brute soon gains than all the tribe more sly and strong. So therefore mind what you're about, or your Republic I shall see, In no long time, beyond a doubt, an Empire or a Monarchy. [...]
[...] Levees, Court Balls, and Drawing: Rooms; and you'll be in a pretty ſix, When in a flunkey's broidered suit, adorned by Etiquette's commands, at ** master’s foot shall see you kneel and kiss his lºlºl (1S. [...]
[...] nections, may see that MR. WILLIAM WELBy was born at Rome, a circumstance that may induce the Advertiser to behold in the marriage - But we trust this may [...]
[...] He is just 25, and she is not of age. We see no objection to this mar riage. The fiancé has four names, WILLIAM, Schoyſ BERG, RQBERT, KERR, so LADY CONSTANCE has choice of a pet household term for her [...]
[...] you think? Robes, Madam, collars, badges, &c.; and &c. means, I suppose, gold and silver lace, and, perádventure, plush-for knights of the several orders. So, you see, we expend £4,625 odd upon the flunkeyism of the country, and £1,200 0s. 0d. on its literature and science. [...]
[...] ... P.S. Collars, you see, are among the rather expensive items charged for in the Civil Contingencies—"braw brass |collars,” as the Scotch poet sings; if not collars of more [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 19. November 1859
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] overflowing stream of time (sind in den wechselnden strom der engstarren Zeit •ersunken und verschunden). Hundred years —and joyfully-shouting we see in all [...]
[...] refection of a Captain's biscuit,” a refreshment which is cheap and nutritious if not nice, and has this further advantage, that while it feeds then came into the Gardens, Maud, to see the [...]
[...] Enthroned on Rome's Seven Hills—though ne’er so tough Its hold on mind and bodies—with mazed wits, Sees nations mock its thunders, rude and rough,. As summer winds are mocked by some sea-breasting bluff. [...]
[...] ing; and the other, to prevent the extinction of the furred and feathered tribes of game, which Mr. Punch, as a good sportsman, has no wish to see annihilated." Abundant evidence is daily furnished by [...]
[...] bag. But Mr. Punch takes no delight in such exterminating gunnery. Mr. Punch loves best to shoot after the manner of the ancients, and he sees no sport at all in these wholesale modern massacres. What Mr. Punch “sport” is, quietly to É'. with a brace of good staunch pointers, and contentedly to bag his dozen brace or so of birds, while [...]
[...] still likes to shoot after the fashion of his forefathers, however “mild” and “slow,” that fashion may be voted. , Your i. old-fashioned Hº loved to see, his dogs work, and gave them time to do so. ut everything now-a-days seems sacrificed to speed, and the race of Pontos is becoming fast extinct. Gameslaughterers can’t wait for [...]
[...] “You see, we ain't so vulgar as to call a splice, a splice. We haint no weddin's now-a-days. e terms 'em ‘marriage ceremonies.” Wal, this here marriage ceremony— [...]
[...] “..Applesquash and airthquakes! Ain't that screamin', neow: spe # º shoulders! But here’s a bit o' writin' I don’t quite see the Ol— [...]
[...] “Wal, if haafe of that be true, I should rayther say it was. Talk of gals, a crowdin', and a crushin' at your Drawrin' Rooms, why our fashionable weddin's beat 'em all by chalks. And I’d like to see your º presenting of a critter as is fit to comb the hair or lace the stay. gs of this:– [...]
[...] With her whom you should love ; Then you, the station when you gain, Must see that lumber stowed, And fears about it in the train, Your heart and soul corrode. [...]
Bremer Handelsblatt24.09.1859
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. September 1859
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Die Bevölkerung des Zollvereins. – Das Land und die See. – Oeſterreichi ſches Geld- und Finanzweſen nach dem Frieden. – Die Kölner Handels kammer über Deutſchlands Aufgaben zur See. – Der Handelsverkehr [...]
[...] Das Land und die See. [...]
[...] zum Theil gar nicht, zum Theil nicht genügend zu ſchätzen, welchen Werth die See für ihn hat. Die Nordſee, welche doch auch das "deutſche Meer“ genannt wird, ſollte uns daran erinnern, daß Deutſchland größer iſt, als der Küſtenſtrich, den die Wellen beſpülen, nur in der Geſammtheit [...]
[...] ihnen fordert, aber ihr Eigenthum ſoll ſchutzlos vom übrigen Deutſchland gelaſſen werden ? ihre Küſten unbewacht einem feindlichen Angriffe gegen über ſein? Man ſei gerecht nach allen Seiten, man widme der See nicht eine geringere Aufmerkſamkeit als dem Land e. Binnenland und Küſtenland gehören innig zuſammen, ſie ſind verbunden durch wechſelſeitige [...]
[...] Die Kölner Handelskammer über Deutſchlands Aufgaben zur See. [...]
[...] ihrer Leiſtungsfähigkeit entſprechendem Maße zur Wegräumung der den deutſchen Verkehr belaſtenden Schranken zum Schutze der Küſten und zur Schöpfung einer, als Symbol wieder erſtarkter deutſcher Macht, die See durchfurchenden deutſchen Kriegsflotte beitragen. mDie Handelskriſe des Jahres 1857, wie die politiſche Kriſe der Ge [...]
[...] transatlantiſchen Fahrten die bequemſte Repartitions-Baſis; und die vor zugsweiſe Benutzung deutſcher Seedampfer für die Poſt, verbunden, wenn erforderlich, mit einem mäßigen Zuſchlage zum See-Porto, würden zu einem Theile die für die Subvention erforderlichen Mittel in bequemer Weiſe gewähren können. [...]
[...] keit und Verflechtung aller Glieder des materiellen Lebens hinzuweiſen. "Mit ernſteſter Mahnung zur Vervollſtändigung und Kräftigung ſei ner Rüſtungen zu Lande und zur See ſind die letzten Monate an unſer Vaterland, an das geſammte Deutſchland herangetreten. Auch dem blöde ſten Auge iſt es ſichtbar geworden, wie ſehr die politiſche Machtſtellung die [...]
[...] ausgerüſteten Herrſchers die Früchte langjähriger Mühen an einem Tage in Frage geſtellt, ja vernichtet werden können. "Unſeres Erachtens iſt der Schutz Deutſchlands zur See die gewich tigſte Aufgabe der Gegenwart. Schwer dürfte es ſich an unſerm Vater lande rächen, wenn Deutſchland in der Aneignung der für den Seekrieg [...]
[...] Lebensverſicherung . . . . . * - - - - - 11,644,095 - 2,081,838 Hagelverſicherung . . . . . . . . . . . 7,580,930 - 1,973,430 Transportverſ. (See-, Strom und Land-) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,458,718 - 1,221,743 Seeverſicherung . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,000,000 - 2,000,000 [...]
Königlich Preußischer Staats-Anzeiger (Allgemeine preußische Staats-Zeitung)04.10.1857
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 04. Oktober 1857
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] demſ. Regt, zum Port. Fähnr., v. Rathenow, Pr. Lt. vom 3. Drag. Regt, zum Rittm., Graf v. Hohm, Sec. Lt. von demſ. Regt, zum Pr. Lt. befördert. v. Schwemler, See. Lt. vom 2. Jäger-Bat., Für Ä ins 40. Inf. Regt., Reimer, Sec. Lt. bom 40. Inf. Regt., durch Tauſch ins 2. Jäger-Bat. verſetzt. Köppen, Pr. Lt. vom 11. Juf. Regt, zum [...]
[...] t., Pohlmann, Borchert, Boethke, Quiram, Ä bOll demſ. Bat, zu Sec. Lts. 1. ufge v. Zychlinski, Vice-Wachtm. vom 3. Bat. 14. Regts., zum See. Lt, bei der Kavall. 1. Aufgeb.befördert. Robolsky, Sec. Lt. vom 1. Aufg. des 3. Bats. 26., Wiſchhuſen, Sec. Lt. vom 2. Aufg. des 1. Bats. 10., ins 1. Bat. 2. Regts, Pundt, [...]
[...] Sec. Lt. vom 1. Äg des 3. Bats. 9., v. Gloeden, Sec. Lt. vom 2. Aufg. des 3. Bats. 2., ins 2. Bat. 2. Regts, Reinſch. Sec. Lt. von der Kab. 1. Aufg, des 1. Bats. 9, Eggebrecht, See. Lt, von der Artill. 1. Aufg.des [...]
[...] 3. Bats. 9., ins 2. Bat. 9. Regts, Sellentin, Pr. Lt. vom 1. Aufg. des 1. Bats. 9., ins 1. Bat. 14. Regts., Lademann, Sec. Lt. vom 2. Ä des 3. Bats 14., ins 2. Bat. 14. Ä Honig, See. Lt: vom 1. Aufg. des 3. Bats 8, ins 3. Bat. 2. Regts einrangirt. Brückner, Walter, Meßke, Fendler, Wachler, Heinzel, Salomon, [...]
[...] 1. Aufg. des 3. Bats 8, ins 3. Bat. 2. Regts einrangirt. Brückner, Walter, Meßke, Fendler, Wachler, Heinzel, Salomon, Gaupp, Vice Feldw. vom 1. Bat. 10. Negts zu See. Lts. 1. Aufg, John, Vice-Wächtm, von demſ. Bat., zum Sec Lt, bei der Kavall.. Aufg, d. Loebbecke, Vice-Feldw. vom 1. Bat. 41. Regts, zum Sec. Lt. [...]
[...] v. Loeper, Sec. Lt. v. 2. Aufgeb. des Ldw. Bats. 38. Inf. Regts, zum Pr. Lt. befördert. Wolff, Sec. Lt. vom 2. Aufg. des 1. Bats. 23, ins 1. Bat. i0. Regts, Schnackenberg, See. Lt. vom 1. Aufg: des 1. Bats. 10, ins 2. Bat. 11. Regts, Rachner, See. Lt. vom 1. Aufgeb. des 1. Väts. 10 ins 3. Bat. 1. Regts John, Set. Lt. vom 1. Aufgeb. des [...]
[...] vom 2. Bat. 13. Regts., Ä. b. Kanne, Fiſcher, Rinteln, Vice eldwebel vom 2. Bak. 15. Regts., zu Sec. Lts. 1. Aufg. Trettner, Vice Wachtmeiſter von demſ. Bat, zum See. Lt. bei der Kaball. 1. Aufg. Vorſter v. Baſſe, Sec. Lt. vom 2. ## des 1. Bats. 16. Regts, Loerbrocks, Sec. Lt. von der Kavall. 2. Aufg. deſſelben Bats., zu Pr. [...]
[...] mit der Regts.-Uniform und Penſion der Abſchied bewilligt. v. Schencken dorff, Port. Fähnr: vom 9. Inf. Regt Ä Port. Fähnr. von 1. Inf. Regt. zur Neſerde entlaſſen. Ludendorff, See. Lt, von 5ten Huſ. Regt, ausgeſchieden und zu den beurlaubten Öffizieren der Kavall. des 2. BÄtsg"Landwehr - Regiments übergetreten, v. Selaſinski [...]
[...] v. Sierakowski, Major a. D., unter Belaſſung in dem Verhältniß als Führer des 2. Aufgeb. vom 1. Bat. 22. Lºw. Regks mit ſeiner Penſiºn zur Allerh. Dispoſition geſtellt. Frhr. zu Inn u. Knyphauſen See. Lt, vom 13. Jnf Regt, der Abſchied mit Penſion bewilligt. Bruch, Schulze, Port. Fähnrs vom 16. Jnf. Regt., zur Reſerve entlaſſen. [...]
[...] v. Lengefeld, Ser. Lieut. vom 1. Aufgeb. des 3. Bats. 2. Wegs, v. Heugel, Pr. Lt. von der Kavall. 2. Aufgeb. des 3. Bats. 1. Regts., als Rittin. mit ſeiner bish. Uniform. Dahrenſtädt, See-, Lt, von der Kavall. 1. Aufg des 1. Bats. 16. Regts, der Abſchied bewilligt. Militair - Beamte... [...]
Königlich Preußischer Staats-Anzeiger (Allgemeine preußische Staats-Zeitung)31.07.1853
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 31. Juli 1853
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] v. Netzer gen. Bar. v. Wolffen, P. Fähnr. vom 35. Inf. Regt, zum Sec. Lt., Wurzer, Unteroff von demſ. Regt, z. P. Fähnr, v. Pleſſen, P. Fähnr. vom 36. Inf. Regt., zum See. Lt, Ambroſius, Unteroff. vom 37. Inf. Regt, Pabſt, Vice-Unteroff vom 39. Inf. Regt, zu P. Fähnrs., Puttkammer, Hauptm. vom 34. Inf. Regt, zum Major, v. [...]
[...] vom 3. Inf. Regt., Wolff, Unteroffizier vom 4. Inf. Regt. , zu P. Fähnrs. befördert. v. Wartenberg, P. Fähnr. vom 8. Inf. Regt, unter Beförderung zum See. Lt, zum 6. Kür. Negt. verſetzt. v. Becke dorff, Pr. Lt. vom 2. Jäger-Bat, zum Haupt., v. d. Dollen, Sec. Lt. von demſ. Bat., z. Pr. Lt. v. Knorr, Pr. Lt. vom 6. Jäger-Bat., zum [...]
[...] von demſelben Regt, zum Pr. Lt. Gr. v. d. Schulenburg-Wolfs burg, P. Fähnr. vom 12. Huſaren - Regiment, zum Sec. Lieutenaut, Müller, See. Lt. vom 6. Ulan. Regt., z. Pr. Lt, zur Neddeu, Unteroff von demſ. Regt, z. Port. Fähnr. sk Den 16. Juli. [...]
[...] B ei de r L an d wehr: Den 9. Juli. Schunk, See. Lt. vom 1. Aufgeb. des 1. Bats. 13., ins 1. Bat. 29. Regts., Keller, Sec. Lt. vom 2. Aufgeb. des 3. Bats. 17. Regts, Rumſchöttel, See. Lt. vom 2. Aufg. des 1. Bats. 30., ins 2. Bat. [...]
[...] Regts., zum Hauptun. befördert. Weidemann, Sec. Lt. vom 1. Aufgeb. 2. Bats. 5., ins 1. Bat. 1. Regts., v. Drigalski, Pr. Lt. vom 2. Auf geb. 2. Bats. 32., ins 1. Bat. 3. Negts., Frhr. v. Marſchall, See. Lt. von der Kavallerie des 2. Aufgeb. 1. Bats. 31., ins 3. Bat. 3. Regts, v. Fritſche, Sec. Lt. vom 1. Aufgeb. des 3. Bats. 5., ins 2. Bat. 4. [...]
[...] Regts. einrangirt. Meyer, Menzel, Vice - Feldwebel vom 3. Bat. 5. Regts., zu Sec. Lts. befördert. Brandt, Sec. Lt. vom 3. Bat. 2. Regts, anf3 Jahre zum See-Bataillon kommandirt. Den 14. Juli. Schartow, See. Lt. vom 2. Aufgebot des 3. Bats. 9. Regts, [...]
[...] 9. Regts, Herroſé, Sec. Lt. vom 2. Aufgeb. des 1. Bats. 2. Regts, Homeyer, Sec. Lt. von der Kav. des 1. Aufgeb. 3. Bats. 24., ins 2. Bat. 2. Regts, v. Pochhammer, See. Lt. vom 2. Aufgeb. des 1. Bats. 8., ins 3. t. 2. Regts... v. Wenden, See. Lt. von der Kav. des 1. Aufg. 2. Bats. 21., ins 2. Bat. 9. Regts. einrangirt. Klamann, Sec. [...]
[...] Bei der Landwehr: Den 12. Juli. Frenzel, See, Lyom 1. Aufgeb. des 3. Bats. 1. Regts, Gieb ler, Hauptm. vom 2. Ä des 3. Bats. 3. Regts, Kolberg, Pr. Lt. vom Aufgeb. des Ldw. Bats. 34. Inf. Regtsj Schau, Hauptm. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. April 1857
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] With drapery round thee so outblown That I can only see thy face # The angel that thou art, º Nor longer so º figure hide, [...]
[...] accomplished; and it would seem the “Mediterranean” has proved a Rubicon that very many of the Candidates have been unable to É. over, since we see no less than fourteen methods of mis spelling it. . These results might not unreasonably perhaps have been anticipated [...]
[...] his own costs, and dismissed the Christians with counsel to five tºgether in amity, and to remember what one of ourselves had said of them, “See how these Christians love one another.” The sentence striking both ways, neither party fixed the garland of Green Palm at his advocate's door, which nevertheless either might well have done, [...]
[...] Loaves from out the public dish, Slices off the public fish; Come see—but see—the wares I’ve brought, You all must buy—(aside) must all be bought ! Members crowd round eagerly. [...]
[...] That’s two to my score! (To THIRD MEMBER.) And you, fair MASTER CINQAPACE—Will you not to Her Grace's Ball to-night?" She would fain see youthere. She has talked much of your noble air in a coranto, “An he were but of our side,” she hath said—and sighed [...]
[...] Hayterio. 'Tis my own maxim. Then support our ineasures. Heaven forbid I should ask you to vote with our mem. You will come to Her Grace's Ball: See here (shoºts invitation)—for thyself, thy wife, and thy daughter—a fair maiden, MASTER CINQAPACE. Why is she not presented ere this? I know the Duchess would fain take such [...]
[...] His lady's gracious smile on Saturday's P | Be pointed at, within her marble halls— | “ See–GULIELMo—that is he—the great, The immaculate GULIELMo?” Gulielmo. I’d rather meet [...]
[...] hands: but we confess a curi - osity to know the sort of wash balls he used for ablution, seeing that from his close friendship with MR. CAMERON, the governor must now and then have touched pitch. But purity and refinement seemed to be the besetting qualities [...]
[...] Lactea. And thou would'st pump water into thy milk? Nay, thou dost but joke. - Aquaria. Come to the pump and see my water-frolic. You are as welcome as the flowers in May. - - Lactea. Those last words i. that all innocence and poetry is [...]
[...] Lactea, Dost thou know what milk is . Aquaria. Fourpence a quart to them as will pay fourpence, and to them as don't see it in that light, threepence. - Lactea. I did not mean the price, though that astonishes me... In my time it was one penny. But I would ask thee of what milk is [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. September 1859
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Copied their shields from Britisher: Or did themselves invent: I wish you had been there to see, The hash they made of heraldry, At that absurd festivity [...]
[...] heard cheerfuly exclaiming, “Eh & moi & moi, malade?—Oh no / pardy too, pardy too.” Bah!, I fancy, I can still, smell the horrid engine room, and think I see the blue line of the horizon, now rising above, and now disappearing behind the fatal gunwale. hope no one begrudged the steward and stewardess their fees. Ah, poor wretches! [...]
[...] First Irresistible (on hack). “ULLO, "ARRY | WHY, what HAs BROUGHT You HERE * * Second Ditto. “WHY, YER SEE, BILL, I’M PRECIous sick of WoRKING FOR MY LIVING, so I’ve come HERE To Pick UP AN AIRESS /* [...]
[...] lies in their gravity of humour. One regards them at first sight as really matter of fact assertions. A second glance, however, reveals the hidden fun of them, and one seems to see the wink which accom panied their utterance. - Here too is another bit of comic speaking, the joke of which consists [...]
[...] of sarcasm and satire, which have made His name so formidable where ever it is known. Qn the contrary, unmoved by what Emperors may be doing, or pretending to be doing, KING PUNCH sees no fit reason at present for disarming; and He therefore condescends in His great graciousness to notify that they who dare provoke him must beware of [...]
[...] CREATURES OF CONTRADICTION. IN many trifles, Man is just (or unjust) as contradictory as Woman, For instance, he objects to see flies in his port wine, and yet the fastidious monster is not in the least enraged at the sight of the bee's-wing ! - [...]
[...] men and authors air of the raal grit, and slick off every mortal scraw from po’try up to pennyalinin. In the way of pennyalinin neow, Tºd . like to see the #. er as could beat them grand descriptions our bhoys penned us of the SICKLEs trial. All-fired fine they were, and here’s another sample for you, equally sociologising. I seed it in the [...]
[...] here, old cuss! and we'll jist liquor, and I’ll show it her. They say sea-sickness is 'bolished meow the Big Ship is afloat, and, Crinoline and all, sure lie there will be room for her. But see heow dazzling our Star shines in its critique of the performance:– [...]
[...] but MitchEL is a weasel that you won't again mab mapping. As GARIBALDI to the Austrians, so John Mrſchººl, to the English. He has armed him for the fight. See, his lion's skin hangs, round him; º º, voice sounds forth the war-cry of Young Ireland,-"Brin, go ray/? [...]
[...] ration, will very likely be acceded to, as we do not see how the machinery of Government can possibly go on without them. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. August 1859
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Aboard a Margate boat. And when I hears 'em bawling Steward, And sees 'em sad and pale, I says, says I, my piteous coves, Why don't you take the Rail? [...]
[...] But women is a tender flower, And delicate inside; And when I sees 'em stoop their heads, Unable to contain, [...]
[...] A hypocritical measure, yº to restrain Corrupt Practices at Elections, was “continued.” It reminds folks of the taunt of the silly constable in Measure for Measure. “Dost see now, thou wicked varlet, what has come upon thee. Thou art to continue,” and it is about as nonsensical. The Election Committees also “continued,” in [...]
[...] for one have far more fear of poachers than invaders. England without the Game Laws would not be safe to live in : and who could hope to see the Game Laws kept in force, when “every grown man” had a rifle, and knew how to use it? “People talk with some alarm of the defenceless state of England, [...]
[...] “As my life is well insured, and I am not a Member of Parliament (or I might be carried off by the miasma of the river), I. quite expect to live to see my worst predictions realised. Meantime, Punch, I . * great contempt for your contemporaries (the Eraminer excepted), [...]
[...] and respectability with which it is conducted. The public are the best judges and guardians for seeing that those conditions are always conscien tiously complied with, and they know how to inflict the heaviest penalty by no longer coun [...]
[...] of evils having been in vain, the Holy Father, not forgetful of the duties incumbent upon him for the protection of the States and for the preservation in its integrity of the temporal domain of the Holy See, which is essentially connected with the free and independent exercise of the Sovereign Pontificate, protests against the violations and usurpations committed in spite of the acceptance of neutrality, and [...]
[...] the mitred impostors of Erin are accustomed to address to the natives of the Emerald Isle. It is difficult to conceive how they can have the coolness, not only to assert that the temporal domain of the Holy See is essentially connected with the free and independent exercise of the Sovereign Pontificate, but even to make this assertion, by way of [...]
[...] territory which was really and truly held by St. PETER; as, of course it was, if St. PETER was the first Pope, and if, as Pio NoNo an ANTONELLI ayer, the temporal domain of the Holy See is essentially connected with the free and independent exercise of the Pope's spiritual office. No human beings less ignorant and less credulous [...]
[...] ignorance and density. Of course, they cannot for a moment believe their own statement of the essential connection of the temporal possessions and spiritual rule of the Holy See. If anybody else were to make such a declaration, and maintain it seriously, would they not, indeed, anathematise him for heresy” - - - [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. August 1858
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] their money, are now making their choice. We are bound to see “at Cherbourg the marvels of Egypt; ' but, from the Great Pyramid of [...]
[...] gistering a vow that, in case the B. should venture to show his nose on board, the Lily and the Bee will immediately hook it. So we are all doubly anxious to see the ‘double event’ come off; as the riddance would not be less pleasant than the presence. [...]
[...] said something about the Pera having paddles, and not wanting a screw in her. But this remark the Spartan affected not to hear: and on seeing him assume the attitude he uses when he means to make a speech, the Committee rose in terror, and left the Great Economist the master of the field. [...]
[...] been new to us; but there is no novelty at all in hearing of a perfect e's. But if it puzzles us to see why the perfection of this lady should so prominently be advertised, there are other points, connected with her which still more perplexus. What should have induced her to desire [...]
[...] WHAT hevidence is hextant of KING CHARLEs's wanity ?—Vy, hany body now o' nights can see KING CHARLEs's Wain! [...]
[...] Young Lobkins. “WELL, I Don't KNow ABOUT MARRYIN’—FoR, YER SEE, AFTER THE KNOT was TIED, somE othER GAL MIGHT BE FALLIN’ IN LOVE witH on E–AND THAT would BE so Dooced Awkward!” [...]
[...] For see you, we can send a million troops by train;. mbark zem at one time, which you’ll oppose in vain, Upon your English coast our braves shall zen descend,.. [...]
[...] Or in one wink of eye ze Britons shall be slaves, To all which we propose if you do not consent: And now, JoHN BULL, you see for why is Cherbourg meant. [...]
[...] These are some of the sights to be seen now-a-nights; Some for serious folk, some for funny: And Punch thinks you’ll agree that there’s plenty to see, If one only has plenty of money! - [...]
[...] “Oh why have I been spared!”. cried the unhappy LADY HARRIET, as she stepped, somewhat, flurried, but uninjured, out of the frail car. She did not see Moss and Sr. CLAIR rushing, towards her. "Oh!” she added wildly, as her glance fell on the fetid waters of the Thames, ..one mouthful of this poisonous river, and my troubles are over !’ [...]
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