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6438 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Egg

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  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 03. Oktober 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] O.V 7///E / / / /.V / /O.V A.V/) CO/OUA'/.VC OF EGGS, A.V.D 7///E PROTECT/VE MI.111CRY OF SOUV/OS' [...]
[...] ready for extrusion. From personal observation we know that our kingfisher lays nearly every morning till the clutch of eggs is completed ; the number of eggs to a clutch varying from five to seven. Here we have a bird engaged in laborious, almost incessant exertion, for quite six weeks, [...]
[...] three occasions during that period of six weeks. It is well known that the domestic fowl, on a change of quarters, will, in its strange home, sometimes retain the egg for hours beyond the usual time of laying, often depositing what is called a double-yoked egg, but we have to do [...]
[...] female bittern (/3. Avici/o/fºrus) was slightly wounded and secured. It was kept within a grassy enclosure. While thus confined it laid an egg of a pale bluish green colour, precisely like that of a heron. The egg of our bittern is about the same size; its normal colour of a similar [...]
[...] bittern's nest is by no means an offensively obtrusive object. Having had eggs from several nests under observation, I have noticed that bittern's eggs do now and then vary in tint from buffy brown to pale olivaceous ; but in no [...]
[...] I have noticed that bittern's eggs do now and then vary in tint from buffy brown to pale olivaceous ; but in no case approximately to that blue green of the heron's egg. In the instance cited, was the peculiar colouring used as a means of securing for the egg the protection of the [...]
[...] laid may be considered as somewhat analogous to those under which the cuckoo laid No. 26 specimen in the aimous series of eggs formed by Herr Baldamus (see vol. f.p. 508); nor is the occulence of this peculiar-looking bittern's egg without its use in estimating the value to be [...]
[...] f.p. 508); nor is the occulence of this peculiar-looking bittern's egg without its use in estimating the value to be accorded to certain abnormally coloured eggs as illustrat ing and supporting a theory nct adverse to the proposi tion–Can a bird influence the colour of its eggs pro [...]
[...] nest of its victim was considered. Last season one of the writer’s children brought in a nest of the blight bird (Zostero/s ſaferaſts) containing four eggs, one of which was a puzzle indeed ; it was found on comparison, that although a shade darker in colour, it resembled the rest of the eggs [...]
[...] avail itself of the advantages presented by this mode of construction, as ensuring a greater degree of safety from reptilian egg-robbers. The open cup-shape of the Zosſe roºs' nest would disclose to its owner the marked contrast between its own clear blue-green eggs and the large, [...]
Wochenblatt für das christliche Volk04.06.1871
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 04. Juni 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] Die Egge um Im Allgemeinen ſchenkt man dieſem Acker werkzeuge noch nicht jene Aufmerkſamkeit, die es [...]
[...] Im Allgemeinen ſchenkt man dieſem Acker werkzeuge noch nicht jene Aufmerkſamkeit, die es verdient. Von einer guten und wirkſamen Egge [...]
[...] ferners eine etwas ſchiefe Stellung haben, um wirkſamer eingreifen zu können. Unſere abgebildete Egge gilt als beſonders praktiſch; ſie heißt die Egge von Valkourt; ſie verrichtet eine vortreffliche Arbeit. Bei dem ſchiefen Stand der Zähne kann [...]
[...] Egge von Valkourt; ſie verrichtet eine vortreffliche Arbeit. Bei dem ſchiefen Stand der Zähne kann man die Egge zum tieferen oder flacheren Ein greifen gebrauchen. Spannt man die Egge ſo an, daß die Zähne nach vorn ſtehen, ſo greifen ſie tief [...]
[...] ein und reißen den Boden auf. Man heißt dieß ſcharf eggen; umgekehrt aber heißt man's ſtumpf eggen. Somit läßt ſich die Egge in zweifacher Weiſe anwenden. Zum Zertrümmern der Schollen iſt ſie ausgezeichnet. Wem die hüpfende Bewegung [...]
[...] Weiſe anwenden. Zum Zertrümmern der Schollen iſt ſie ausgezeichnet. Wem die hüpfende Bewegung der Egge beim Unterbringen der Saat nicht ge eignet erſcheint, der kann ſich dadurch helfen, daß er die Zugſtränge verlängert, oder langſamer fährt. [...]
[...] eignet erſcheint, der kann ſich dadurch helfen, daß er die Zugſtränge verlängert, oder langſamer fährt. Die abgebildete Egge mit 24 Zähnen und 135 Pfund Gewicht koſtet in Hohenheim etwa 16 ſ. Erfahrene Landwirthe ſagen, daß das Eggen viel [...]
Wochenblatt für Land- und ForstwirthschaftInseraten-Beilage 04.08.1877
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. August 1877
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Der zum freiherrlich von Eichthal'ſchen Schloßgute Egge- Techn. =chein. Laboratorium - [...]
[...] gut Egg iſt von der Eiſenbahnſtation Deggendorf a/Donau (Linie [.01.203 Plattling - Eiſenſtein) circa 1 Stunde entfernt, und befindet ſich [...]
[...] ſchaftlichen Bräuhauſe in Egg geſichert. Dermaliger Viehſtand: Abbildungen des [...]
[...] werden zur Beſichtigung des Pachtobjectes eingeladen, und können Beſtellungen v swärts werden pr t tUirt. Aufſchlüſſe über Pachtbedingungen bei der freiherrl, von Eichthal'ſchen tellung aber Cajatºreaſ, Rentenverwaltung Egg (Poſt Deggendorf), ſowie bei dem Unter- . 5. c 1 - - - ſ - zeichneten erholt werden. Detaiſ-Geſchäft: Ecke der Friedrichs - und Jürſtenſtraße. München, 15. Juli 1877. Ferk. HP in sº = = 5 ZT - [...]
All the year round08.07.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. Juli 1876
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] THE KING OF THE EGGS. [...]
[...] THE KING OF THE EGGS. [...]
[...] an extremely long neck, and abnormally attenuated from the waist downwards, holding up an apron well filled with eggs or other solid commodities. The island is heterogeneously composed. The portion [...]
[...] THE KING OF THE EGGS. [...]
[...] precedented were committed. Embittered by their loss, the marauders were no longer content to take the eggs, but they also shot birds and roasted them, not even sparing a very tame species which was [...]
[...] without any tidings being received con cerning him. Every summer the depre dations of the egg-stealers became more extensive, and Peter began to think that every foreign potentate was his natural [...]
[...] monarch did not hesitate to declare to the baron that he arrested him as a purloiner of eggs, and that he was rejoiced to catch an old offender, who, no doubt, had long pilfered with impunity. [...]
[...] most illustrious families of Denmark, when accused of such a very unlordly crime as egg-stealing, should feel irate, was natural enough, but, with an enormous effort, the baron kept down his temper, explained [...]
[...] stealers, whose numbers and industry seemed to be constantly increasing. If the eggs had increased likewise, there would [...]
[...] Peter's face, and shouted out, like a maniac, “No | That is my mortal foe, the King of the Eggs. I will suffer any. thing rather than fall into his hands.” Almost immediately afterwards the ship [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 08. Mai 1873
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Fig. 7, Lurva of Brachytarsus (Ratzeburg, Forst Insectea). 8, Larva of rioceris (Westwood, l.c.) 4. Larva of Sirex (Westwood l.c.) 15. Egg of Rhynchites, showing the parasilic larva in the interior. 16, the parasitic larva more magnified. [...]
[...] Fig. 17, Egg of Platygaster (after Ganin). 18, Egg of Platygaster showing the central cell. 12, Egg of Platygaster after the division of the central wa'l 29, Egg of Platygaster more advanced. 21, Egg of [...]
[...] showing the central cell. 12, Egg of Platygaster after the division of the central wa'l 29, Egg of Platygaster more advanced. 21, Egg of Platygaster more advanced. 22, Egg of Platygaster showing the rudi ment of the embryo. [...]
[...] gated by M. Fabre.* The genus Sitaris is parasitic on Anthophora, in the galleries in which it lays its eggs. These are hatched at [...]
[...] watching their opportunity, they pass from the male to the female bee. Guided by these indications, M. Fabre examined several cells of Anthophora : in some, the egg of the Anthophora floated by itself on the surface of the honey; in others, on the egg, as on a raſt, sat the still [...]
[...] larvae. . The perfect insect is aquatic in its habits, swimming by means of its wings; flying, if we may say so, under water. It lays its eggs inside those of Dragon flies; and the larva, as shown in Fig. 28, leaves the egg in the form of a bottled-shaped mass of undiffe [...]
[...] rentiated embryonal cells, covered by a thin cuticle, but without any trace of further organisation. Protected by the egg shell of the Dragon fly, the young Polynema is early able to dispense with its own ; and bathed in the nourishing fluid of the Dragon fly's egg, it imbibes [...]
[...] Fig. 28, Embryo of Polynema (aſier Ganin). 20, Larva of Polynema, a sch, rudiments of the antennae; ſ’s ch of the wings: 8 sch of the eggs; ” y ç, lateral projections; º's ch, rudiments of the ovipositor; /4, tatty tissue. [...]
[...] small animals, seeds, and sometimes even minute organisms ; this explains the well-known phenomena of showers of frogs. These eggs, these seeds, these small organisms, sometimes fall into the water, which transports them to still greater distances. Trunks of trees, which traverse the ocean under [...]
[...] of Iceland and Britain. Birds, insects, mammals which are removed, carry with them thousands of parasites, microscopic beings, eggs or germs. Man himself carries them about more [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] be followed out in ignorance and obscurity?” And, after stating the fact of the burying beetles, who, after laying their eggs in the bodies of small dead animals, bury them in order that they may not be devoured by birds and beasts of prey, he continues :— [...]
[...] Siebold published his observations on bees, demonstrating what had been previously supposed, viz., that the queen-bee exhausts her store of received sperm in fertilising eggs which give rise to females only, and that then she lays unfertilised eggs, which become drones only, whilst the unfertilised worker-females also lay eggs which [...]
[...] readily recognised in plants, in the multiplication by seed, by cuttings or shoots, and by separable buds. A broad line was drawn between “buds” and “eggs,” however egg-like the for mer might appear, in the assumption that eggs were special bodies of a peculiar structure, destined to be “fertilised ” by the [...]
[...] cently acquired knowledge of the process of fertilisation or im pregnation. Then came the demonstration by Siebold of the capacity for development of true eggs, even when not impreg nated. The sharpness of the limit between buds and eggs was by this at once destroyed ; and the closely following researches [...]
[...] exception, the question has now shifted, and, since the essential identity in reproductive power of cuttings, buds, pseudova, and eggs is proved, the problem before naturalists is rather, “Why are eggs ever fertilised P' in short, “What is the use of the male sex at all 2’” We have animals and plants multiplying by [...]
[...] tion to Leydig, on account of its nerve supply, Siebold holds to be contractile. Atter waiting some days Siebold had the grati fication of finding the first eggs laid in the cells of several of the nests from which he had removed queen, eggs, and larvae, and he felt convinced that they could only have been laid by the [...]
[...] were there, and the virgins watched and worked with the same assiduity as had done their queen-mother. In some cases Siebold actually saw a worker deposit an egg, and such egg laying workers, when anatomically tested, showed, firstly, in the presence of corpora lutea (the precise signification of which the [...]
[...] presence of corpora lutea (the precise signification of which the investigator had ascertained by his histological studies of the ovary) that eggs had been extruded, and, secondly, in the com plete absence of spermatozoa from the receptaculum seminis, that the insect was a virgin. Out of a hundred nests which he had [...]
[...] evidence of the sex. In all cases the parthenogenetic offspring was without exception male. The queen-wasps as we have mentioned also late in the season lay eggs which produce drones, which are easily distinguished from the drones parthenogenetically produced by their larger size. It occurred to Siebold when he [...]
[...] latter at the beginning ; and, furthermore, as we have noticed above, it is not till still later (August), when the experimental cells were long since all occupied with eggs, that the power and desire of sexual activity comes to these drones. E. R. LAN KESTER [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 04. Juli 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] WIS II to say a few words for the benefit of those engaged in collecting oological specimens. Twenty years ago all eggs were blown with two holes—one at each end, and until within ten years most eggs have been emptied with two holes as above, or at the side. Very many of [...]
[...] at each end, and until within ten years most eggs have been emptied with two holes as above, or at the side. Very many of the eggs which I now receive in myſexchanges are similarly pre pared. At the present time no experienced collector ever makes but one hole to remove the contents of the egg, using a blowpipe [...]
[...] in some form to accomplish this object. The following rules should invariably be followed : 1. Prepare your eggs meat and clean. There is no excuse for having a dirty set of eggs where water, soap, and a tooth-brush can be found. Some eggs will not bear washing, as the shell is [...]
[...] thing else. 2. Make but one hole, and that a small one in the middle of the egg; cover this hole, when the contents are removed, and the specimen is dry, with gold-beater skin or the paper number indi cating the bird. Use an egg drill or a pointed wire of four or six [...]
[...] sides to make the opening. 3. If the blowpipe does not readily remove the contents of the egg, inject water and shake the specimen thoroughly, then blow again, and repeat the operation until every particle of the egg is removed. [...]
[...] few days the contents will become sufficiently decomposed to take away. y After removing the contents of any egg, cleanse the shell thoroughly. Fill it with clean water and shake vigorously, blow out the contents and repeat the operation until the specimen is [...]
[...] thoroughly. Fill it with clean water and shake vigorously, blow out the contents and repeat the operation until the specimen is perfectly clean. This is particularly desirable in white eggs, as black spots will show through the shell after a time if the least particle of the egg or blood stains remains inside. [...]
[...] 6. Save all your eggs in sets—that is, keep all the eggs each bºrd lays by themselves. This is the only way to form a correct knowledge of the eggs of any species, as a single egg, particularly [...]
[...] markings in the same species and in the same nest. 7. Keep a memorandum of the place and date of collecting each set of eggs. 8. Use some kind of blowpipe in preparing your eggs for the cabinet. The common blowpipe, with the addition of a fine [...]
[...] THE SciENTIFIc RELATIONs of GERMANY, FRANCE, AND ENGLAND. By M. BERTHELot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191 Instructions for PREPARING Birds' Eggs. By W. Wood, M.D. 19.1 Scientific Serials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Societies and Academies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 [...]
Münchener Bote für Stadt und Land25.10.1877
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 1877
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] du mußt mir um 1 Markl mehr Wochenlohn zahlen“, ſagte am Pfingſt montag Vormittags in dem Schneider'ſchen Wirthshauſe zu Wangen der Dienſtknecht Alois Egg zu dem Angeklagten, bei dem er # Mitte März ds. Js. diente. Die Anrede fand aber keinen guten Ort. „Ueber ſo etwas reden wir daheim“, entgegnete unwirſch der Bauer „im Wirths [...]
[...] –andlung zu Ende. Am Pfingſtmontage kamen die beiden wieder beim iere bei Schneider zuſammen. Da ging es ſchon lebhafter zu. Knecht Egg hatte dortſelbſt eine Joppe Ä und erſuchte den Bauer, um # bezahlen zu können, um 14./Vorſchuß, kam aber noch ſchiefer als ags vorher an. „Ich habe kein Geld, ſchrie der Bauer, da könnte jeder [...]
[...] ags vorher an. „Ich habe kein Geld, ſchrie der Bauer, da könnte jeder o Haderlumper kommen, bin ſchon oft genug angeführt worden.“ Nun entgegnete Egg, ſonſt als ein ſtiller Menſch bekannt, „weißt, wennſt mir nit ſo viel trauſt, ſo # ich morgen.“ Eine Weile ſchrieen und ſtritten ſich die beiden ab, bis Wirth Schneider Ruhe ſtiftete. Abends ein halb 9 Uhr [...]
[...] nit ſo viel trauſt, ſo # ich morgen.“ Eine Weile ſchrieen und ſtritten ſich die beiden ab, bis Wirth Schneider Ruhe ſtiftete. Abends ein halb 9 Uhr ging Kerger heim, Egg aber trank noch bis 10 Uhr fort. Als er um dieſe Stunde nach Ä. kam, hielt er nach Art aller Narren und An getrunkenen verſchiedene Selbſtgeſpräche. Alsbald kam der Bauer aus [...]
[...] getrunkenen verſchiedene Selbſtgeſpräche. Alsbald kam der Bauer aus ſeiner Schlafkammer und fing mit dem Knechte von Neuem zu ſtreiten an und jagte den Egg fort. „Wenn ich nicht will, entgegnete dieſer, bringſt mich nicht fort.“ „Wart, tobte der höchlich angekneipte Bauer, ich werd' dich gleich draußen haben“, verſchwand und brachte gleich dara [...]
[...] bringſt mich nicht fort.“ „Wart, tobte der höchlich angekneipte Bauer, ich werd' dich gleich draußen haben“, verſchwand und brachte gleich dara ein Gewehr zurück, indem er mit Schießen drohte. Egg rief ihn „Wenn du ſchießt, biſt ein ſchlechter Tropf.“ Das Wort brac - tobenden Bauern zur Beſinnung, aber nur auf einen Augenblick. Schon [...]
[...] im nächſten war die Flinte umgekehrt und wuchtige Kolbenhiebe fielen in Unmaſſe auf Äs welcher ruhig und ohne irgendwelche Ä Be wegung auf der Öfenbank geſeſſen hatte. Schon als Egg mit abgeſchlagenem lin Ä. auf dem Boden lag, droſch Kerger Ä Kräften auf ihn ein, wie die auf den Lärm herbeigeeilte Dienſtmagd Roſa Oettl erzählt. Sie bat [...]
[...] Drohung zurück, ſie ſolle # Ä mache er es ihr „gerade ſo.“ Nun entfloh die Magd und holte des Bauern Weib, Kinder und den Ä herbei, aber es war zu ſpät. Egg hatte einen Schädelbruch erlitten, den er nach 14 Tagen erlag. Kerger kann ſeine Unbändigkeit mit nic anderem als mit Trunkenheit entſchuldigen. Auf die Frage des Präſ [...]
Pfälzer Zeitung30.04.1874
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 30. April 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] 255 eine Handſäge, L.-N. 443 G.-N. 228 eine Butter maſchine, L.-N. 448 G.-N. 354 eine Peitſche, L.-N. 483 G.-N. 23 eine Egge. L.-N. 539 G.-N. 419 eine Reiſetaſche, L.-N. 542 G.-N. 355 eine Peitſche, L.-N. 554 G.-N. 229 einen Kartoffelſieder, [...]
[...] G.-N. 524 eine Geldbörſe, L.-N. 2546 G.-N. 478 ein Taſchenmeſſer, L.-N. 2550G.N. 101 eine Senſe, L.-N. 2556 G.-N. 190 einen Spaten, L.-N. 2579 G.-N. 29 eine Egge, [...]
[...] G.-N. 66 einen Waſſereimer, L.-N. 2681 G.-N. 151 Heugabel, L.-N. 2684 G.-N. 287 eine Baumſäge, L. 2696 G.-N. 22 eine Egge, L.-N. 2718 G.-N.511 eine waage, L.-N. 2729 G.-N. 267 eine Reebenſcheere, L.-N. 2 G.N. 558 eine Kuh, L.N. 2735 G.-N. 83 eine Gießkan [...]
[...] L.N: 3848 G.-N. 28 eine Egge, L.-N. 3861 G.-N. eine Stalllaterne, L.-N. 3873 G.-N. 532 eine Aderlaß-Flie L. N. 3881 G.-N. 526 eine Geldbörſe, L.-N. 3883 G. [...]
[...] N. 82 eine Gießkanne, L.-N. 4282 G.-N. 76 ein Waſſereime L.-N. 4288 G.-N. 26 eine Egge, L.-N. 4302 G.-N. 15 ein Pflug, L.-N. 4356 G.-N. 211 einen Staubbeſen, L.-N. 43 G.-N. 497 eine Sieb, L.-N. 4405 G.-N. 195 einen Spa [...]
[...] L.-N.4438 G.-N. 468 ein Taſchenmeſſer, L.-N. 4441 G. 527 einen Kaſten mit Schlundröhren, L.-N. 4454 G.-N. 5 einen Troicar, L.-N. 4490 G.-N. 20 eine Egge. L.-N. 4506 G.-N. 91 eine Gießkanne, L.-N. 45 G.-N. 370, eine Peitſche, LN. 4511. G.-N. 88 eine Gie [...]
[...] malwaage, L.-N. 6879 G.-N. 293 eine Baumſäge, L.-N. 6924 G.-N. 285 eine Baumſcheere, L.-N. 6931 G.-Nr. 461 eine Reiſetaſche, L.-N. 6960 G.-N. 19 eine Egge, L.-N. 6969 G.N. 166 einen Rechen, L.-N. 6974 G.-N. 449 ein Spinn rad, L.-N. 6989 G.-N. 98 eine Senſe. [...]
[...] L.-N. 7001 G.-N. 311 einen Reiſekoffer, L.-N. 7008 G.-N. 367 eine Peitſche, L.-N. 7027 G.-N. 207 eine Kaffee mühle, L.-N. 7020 G.-N. 25 eine Egge, L.-Nr.7035 G.-N. 432 eine leinene Pferdsdecke, L.-N. 7047 G.-N. 271 eine Rebenſcheere, L.-N. 7063 G.-N. 261 eine Rebenſcheere, L.-N. [...]
[...] 6586 G.-N. 115 eine Schaufel, L.-N. 6564 G.-N. 197 ein Spaten, L.-R. 6589 G.-N. 87 eine Gießkanne, L.-N. 6609 G.-M. 18 eine Egge, L.-N. 6618 G.-N. 33 eine Decimal Ä L.-N. 6635 G.-N. 401 eine Kleiderbürſte, L.-N. 6735 G.-R.484 eine Heugabel, L.-N. 6753 G.-N. 556 eine Kuh, [...]
[...] ein Spaten, L.-N.6787 G.-N. 61 eine Buttermaſchine, L.-N. 6810 G.-R.273 eine Rebſcheere, L.-N. 6833 G.-N. 21 eine Egge, L.-N.6846 G.-N. 295 eine Baumſäge, L.-N. 6866 [...]
All the year round11.02.1871
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. Februar 1871
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] house. Learning nothing by experience, yet not forgetting that it is her mission to lay eggs, the foolish hen lays another and another, cackles and is robbed as before. If by chance chickens are produced from [...]
[...] another, cackles and is robbed as before. If by chance chickens are produced from any of her eggs, it is by their being warmed into life under the feathery breast of some vicarious mother, whose capacity [...]
[...] point of view—from this counting of chickens before they are hatched, it comes that from so many eggs so few chickens are produced. But it is not hens alone which cackle when they have done, or [...]
[...] discovery being denied or doubted. They cackled, and their nests were robbed, and their eggs were hatched by others less scrupulous, but more industrious and per severing, than themselves. Trace the his [...]
[...] arty which places them in power, the latter to the constituencies which elect them. The eggs which they lay and cackle over are not often stolen, because they are seldom worth stealing, and they are as [...]
[...] addled or not very assiduously sat upon; indeed, they are generally what are called in some parts of the country wind eggs. Diplomatists are supposed never to cackle, but the excessive care they take to mystify [...]
[...] the world as to what they are about, in itself leads to discovery. When they do hatch their eggs, it is remarkable that there is never any certainty whether they may not produce innocent ducklings, as [...]
[...] nuisance to her neighbours. Napoleon the Third, one of the nume rous progeny of that same egg, offered one of the latest examples of cackling too soon when he announced so melo-dramatically [...]
[...] too soon, as is proved by the present un happy war; but they have not lost their egg, which was laid more than eighteen hundred years ago, nor has it become addled. The successful hatching is only [...]
[...] But fool as a hen proves herself to be when she cackles, because she has laid an egg, she is not half such a fool as when she sits upon eggs and hatches ducks, and does not know that they are not chickens until [...]
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