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Galignani's messenger09.08.1824
  • Datum
    Montag, 09. August 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] declared they would not leave Kingston; in this dilem ma two slaves of this city came forward, and attempt— ed to rescue the party from the Constable in charge, who immediately retreated through the streets to the Guard-house, and on representing the obstruction he [...]
[...] regret to learn that no doubt was entertained there of the Delight sloop of war, Captain Hay, having founder ed off that island, and that the whole of her crew, with 300 recaptured slaves, had pershed. A part of the wreck of the vessel had been picked up at sea.— [...]
[...] bore down all argument, and the pistols were deliver ed accordingly; the first fire proved harmless, but the second brought M. Froissart to the earth, badly wound ed in the abdomen. A surgeon attempted to extract [...]
[...] wick, October 1%. - ion. drowſ” Mºkenzie half-pay 1st Light Dragoons, German, Lºgº. ed in H nover, June 9; Miller, haſ pay Brunswick Infantry, tember 24, 1832. [...]
[...] Wanted, in an English Family, a respectable º: lishwoman, as Nursemaid, where there is another º: .ed; have been accustomed to children for some years, |. clean in all her habits, and willing to make herself geneſ: b. nº [...]
Galignani's messenger08.11.1824
  • Datum
    Montag, 08. November 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] the same i.e., as la'e as the 16th of June : “ General Lorica has been in Lima for some time. It is report ed that he, is gºing very soon, to Europe; he does not take an active part here. General ſtodil continues to be tile Commander. General Olaueta, it appears, is not acting in oleilince to, but in [...]
[...] term “deed" in the Act of George II, meant to impl a valuable consideration, or else it was, as he . ed, merely an instrument, in conscquence of which something ulterior was to be done, and he contended that this power-of-attorney was not a deed within the [...]
[...] pronounced on the proper occasions, had unnecessarily —he must give him leave to say so, when he consider ed his long experience and great learning-called upon him (Baron Garrow) and his Learned Brother, who presided at the trial of the Fº at the bar, to be [...]
[...] ment in London, knowing it to be forged. Mr. Waite was convicted, and beyond all doubt properly convict. ed; but a question arose as to the competency of a witness, which was argued with great ability, amongst others by Mr. Sergeant Bosanquet and the Learned [...]
[...] to be, standing in his situation. It is scarcely necessary to say that he is not in irons, as the use of them in Newgate is entirely abolish ed., except in extreme cases of very refractory conduct; and it might have been noticed, that none of the prisoners who wereyes. terday brought up to receive judgment of death were ironed; as [...]
[...] free from vice, .# well calculalºd to carry,a Lady.—ſo be seen at the École d’Equitation, No. 11, Stable, in the rue de Cadets. The owner r ed to. To Let, the whole or part of a Pretty Hotel, No. 5, rue du Colisee; newly fitted up; with stalle, coach-house, aud [...]
Galignani's messenger22.04.1824
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 22. April 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] sales of Money Stock. —The present week is expected to produce several new loans. Amongst the }. it will be decº.'ed who arc to be the Contractors for that to the Brazilian Government. The individuals de sirous of bidding have already had an interview with [...]
[...] 3,000l. a year real estate, and 100,000l. in money and securities— This, which remained after the enormºus sum of 30), Akil. expend ed upon elections, he has bequeathed by will as follºws:–To his eldest son, Colº! Thomas White, of Woodlands, county of publin, who in 1819 married Julianſ, daughter of Viscount Gort, [...]
[...] when they were first constructed. A plan, in some respects similar to the ºne which has thus proved so effectual, is about to be adopt ed in the construction of a paved carriage way in Ilaricourt-street, Mary-le-bone, under the direction of A. H. Chambers, Esq. to whom a patent has recently been granted. The particulars of this me– [...]
[...] take for Epsom salts. A yerlict, “ Deceased died in consequence of taking oxalic acid in mistake for Epsom salts,” was then record ed. There was no evidence to show where oxalic acid had been procured. DURABILITY of HUMAN TEEth.—A Gentleman [...]
[...] letter.) Of all the different persons, during the pro tracted struggle for independence that have been plac ed at the head of the Government of Peru, General Bolivar is generally acknowledged to be the best cal culated to conduct the affairs of the Republic. He pos [...]
[...] nounce that the great commercial negºtiation relative to the tariff between Russia and the Porte is terminat ed., The arms of the Russian Empire are about to be replaced over the door of the Consular Hotel. This adjustment has occasioned great joy at Constantinople. [...]
Jenaische allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung. Intelligenzblatt der Jenaischen allgemeinen Literaturzeitung (Jenaische allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung vom Jahre ...)Intelligenzblatt 001/002 01.1824
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Januar 1824
  • Erschienen
    Jena; Leipzig
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] charta ſcript. 1 Rthlr. 8 gr. - – – Perſae, ed. C. J. Blomfield. Edit.au ctior. 8. maj. charta impreſſ. 1 Rthlr. charta ſcript. 1 Rthlr. 8 gr. - [...]
[...] charta impreſſ. 6 Rthlr. 2o gr. charta ſcript. 9 Rthlr. - - Cornelius Nepos, ed. A. van Staveren. Edit. nova auctior cura G. H. Bardili. 8. maj. charta impreſſ. 4 Rthlr. 12 gr. charta ſcript. 6 Rthlr. [...]
[...] ten Schülbildung, von einem akademiſchen .. Lehrer. gr. 8. 1 Bogen: 2 gr. - Wunder, Ed., adverſaria in Sophoclis Philocte tem. B. maj. 14 gr Wurm, J. Fr., de ponderum, tummorum, me". [...]
Zeitung für die elegante Welt29.10.1824
  • Datum
    Freitag, 29. Oktober 1824
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Berlin; Erfurt; Leipzig
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] F e e i t a g s 213. ben 29.0itober1824. A bis M des Trinkers. In dem H ift Hill- und Himmel. Tafelli-ed von Wilhelm Müller. Zu der Seligen-Gewinnnel .» Schwrngt der Erne fich empor. Alfo. Brüder. laßt und trinken. » Und der Andre fiürzt hinunter. [...]
[...] Ofiermorgeu von Tiedge (in Mufik qefeizt von Neukcmlu) ge fiiiigen. Du kennft das herrliche Gedicht; man kann es nicht ohne Rührung leien; — aber nun batteſt du ed, über-feht in die lirl'prache der Meufchen. in Mufik, hören folien! -— Au fange gab ich mir alle Miihe, meine Thränen zurückzuhalten, [...]
Flora (Baierische National-Zeitung)15.08.1824
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 15. August 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ſtunden theilte, welche er der Tochter des Andreas, der ſchönen Lucie, gab. Um allen Verdacht zu entfernen, und dem leiſeſten Argwohn jeden Anlaß zu benehmen, galt Ed mund von Saint Privat für einen Neffen des Andreas, und hatte den Namen Thomas Friquet angenommen. In die [...]
[...] genommen hat. . Er mache ſich auf den Weg, um dieſelbe anzutreffen, und unter ihrem Schirme zu ſiegen, oder zu ſterben. Der Unbekannte zog ſich zurück, und warf zu Ed [...]
Flora (Baierische National-Zeitung)05.09.1824
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 05. September 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] nug gehabt, allein für eine Zeit ſind wir zu ſchwer,“ ſcheint ſogar etwas luſtig, denn Edgar und Donald ſtehen in dies ſem gewichttragenden Verhältniſſe nicht; wir betrachten Ed gar, ,,dieſes rauhe Herz,“ wie es die Mutter treffend nennt, das endlich doch das Rechte faſſen wird, mit Ehrfurcht, und [...]
[...] lung mit Widerwillen erblicken. ,,Warum,“ fragen wir, „weicht Donald dieſem Knaben aus? er iſt ſo, wie wir ihn ſehen, für ſeine Zeit nicht ſo ſchwer, den edlern Gegner, Ed gar, zu erdrücken.“ So wird das Leiden und ganz ſchuld loſe Untergehen der rauhen Tugend ſchon an ſich unſerm Ge [...]
Flora (Baierische National-Zeitung)26.10.1824
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 26. Oktober 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Gius. Maffei, reg. bav. Consigliere, Profeſso re di Letteratura italiana al reg. Liceo e reale Paggeria in Monaco, ed Accademico Italiano, Po dovano ed Aretino. Ad uso della pubblica e pri vata istruzione. In commissione de librai Lin [...]
Galignani's messenger10.07.1824
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. Juli 1824
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] aSS. . . . . . . . . ,184 12 6 Expiredandunclaim- 34 ed Life Annuities, per Act 4, Geo. IV. cap. 19, sec. 3... 51,999 3 1 [...]
[...] L. s. d. L. S. DutiesAnnuallygrant ed to pay ºff Ex chequer Bills char ged thereon....... 863,758 15 A/4, 970,138 17 9 [...]
[...] wallen, Richard summers, Wm. Rºy, Archibald, Johnston, Alex. Graham, Thomas Russell Dunn, John Paulºv, John Vallence, Da vid Bevan, Ed. Clarke Nuu, Geo. Henry Dabbs, John Sinclair, M.D. John Robertson (2), Alex. M'Kechnie, Wm. Pennycook, Alex. Bax ter, Jas. Simonie, TXavid Gray, Charles Douglas Henderson, Alex. [...]
[...] Majesty’s sloop Jasper. Capt. Watling, R.N.,has succeeded Capt. F. in that district; and the following Officers have been also appoint ed Inspecting commanders from the 6th inst : CAPTAINs-Peake, R.N. to Gosport; Bºxer, to Weymouth; Pil kinghorne, to Fowey; Wilson, to Grimsby; S. Sparshott, to Yar: [...]
[...] France were in perfect sº “6. That knowing with what prudence the Government avoid ed whatever might recal theological discussions, which are ever dangerous, I presumed that some subaltern clerk in the Minister's office, instigated perhaps by some knowing one of the cºncil of [...]
[...] of time the sinking Fund redeemed only 3 or 400,000fr. So that instead of diminishing the debt, it was increas ed 8 or 900, ooofr. every month. Since then the Go vernment was obliged to borrow, till the month of March the Sinking Fund ought not to be touched.— [...]
Galignani's messenger29.11.1824
  • Datum
    Montag, 29. November 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] ºr rººmbered that precedents were dangºls thing; in the hards or suri, a man as tint i, armed Lord. Sill hr would submit that his dictuft was not at all units to be implicitly cle: ed. It had [...]
[...] instrument could be construed as a died, without it coitained, a donorum concessio. I had been asserted, that deeds to lºad the uses of a ſide, d, eds ºf Cisclaimer, etc. contained in cºntracts, but ths he leuſed, for if they did not contain any actual contracts tº enselves, they were uſiºnately coupected with Cºntracts, and [...]
[...] not obligatory, and when they wºre...iscissing Acts of Parliament, upon the construction of which the life of a hunian being depend ed, we were bound to look to what was the intention of the Legis lature in passing those acts? Mr. Justice Bayley.—ln allusion to your observation of powers [...]
[...] the Council, directed his clerk to inake out the warrant, ordering Mr Fauntleroy’s execution, and having sign ed it, he sent the clerk with it to Newgate. It arrive there at halº-past six o'clock yesterday evening, and the Rev. Mr. Cotton. Mr. Baker (who has been long [...]
[...] held out the Recorder's Report, and pointed to the black seal—a mark intelligible to the cºndemned. “I expec ed nothing less than death.” said Mr. Faunuºvoy, “and thanks be to God, I am resigned to my ſate.” “Yes,” said Mr. Cotton, “the report is fatal to you, [...]
[...] To Let, cheap, ivo. 52, rue de Rivoli, large and small Apartments, one of which on the 1st Floor, elegantly furnish ed, and newly fitted up, having a view of the Tuileries Garden. To Let, the whole or part of a Pretty Hotel, No. 5, rue du Colisée; newly fitted up ; with stable, coach-house, and [...]
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