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1575 Treffer
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Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen (Göttingische Zeitungen von gelehrten Sachen)23.08.1841
  • Datum
    Montag, 23. August 1841
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Göttingen; Berlin
Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] ber 11 13. – Nach ihm kommen drey Atabege oder Oberſthofmeiſter der Seldſchuken, Tagtigin - zu Damascus, Imad ed-Din (nicht Amadeddin) Zengi zu Moßul und deſſen Sohn Nur ed -Din Mahmºud (nicht Mohammed). Der letztere, nach [...]
[...] ed-Din und Seif ed-Din durch ſeinen Wezir [...]
[...] Moin ed-Din Unuz; ſo vocaliſiert Ibn Challikan JM 121. dieſen Namen, der bey Wilken Enar, bey Hn v. H. Enaſ (Enaz) geſchrieben iſt. Die [...]
[...] bald von ſelbſt zurück, und Nur ed-Din rächte nachher einen Ueberfall des Prinzen Raimund in einer entſcheidenden Schlacht, in welcher dieſer [...]
[...] ed - Din's , dem ſchwachen Modſchir ed -Din, [...]
[...] an wird die Geſchichte Nur ed - Din's verwickel [...]
[...] dhid den Schirkuh zum Wezir, der aber ſchon nach etwa ſiebenzig Tagen ſtarb, worauf Salah ed-Din das Wezirat erhielt, welches dem Sulta nat gleich zu achten war; dann maßte er ſich wirklich das Sultanat an und erhielt von dem [...]
[...] nahm, ließ daneben die Academia Azizia errichten. Die Geſchichte der beiden Chuarezmſchahe Ala ed-Din Muhammed und ſeines Sohnes Mank burmi hängt mit der Geſchichte der Mongolen eng zuſammen und wird demnächſt in der Anzeige von [...]
[...] kunde von Dr. Ed. Bobrik. Mit einem li thograph. Facſimile der Unterſ riften. XVI. u. [...]
Frankfurter Ober-Post-Amts-Zeitung03.10.1841
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 03. Oktober 1841
  • Erschienen
    Frankfurt, M.
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Frankfurt am Main
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] - fl. | kr. | fl. | kr. Cottian, Mad., Elisabeth ou les exilés de Siberie. Paris 1832. 12. Ed. jougin, broch. . . - - . | - | 30 – 15 "Dante's göttliche Komödie überſ und erläut. von Streckfuß., 3 Bde. Halle 1.824-26. gr. 8. - - - - 10 | 48 | 2 | 42 dennnoustier, Emilie ou lettres sur la mythologie. 4 voll. Paris 1837. 12 Ed. Pougin. broch. - - 2 l – 1 | – [...]
[...] 1. u. 2. II. Band 1. Abth. 3 Bde. complet, ſoweit erſchienen. Paris 1832–1834.broch. - - - - 5 l – 1 | 36 *Eberhard's geſammelte Schriften. 20 Bdch: , Halle 1830. 12. „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 | 12 - Euneida operagraece, latine et gallice Ed Peyrard. 3 voll. Paris 1814–18.4.broch. - - - 45 | – 12 | – Fabrei bibliotheca latina ed. Ernesti. 3 voll. Lipsiae 773. 8 maj, , - - - 6 36 24 Féanelloun, Les aventures de Telemaque. 2 voll, Paris 1839. 12. Ed. Pougin. broch. « : " . . " 1 | – – | 30 [...]
[...] continued from that period to 1835 by P. Sadler. With a coloured map of England. Paris 1836. 8 broch. (XXIV u. 1028 S.) - - - - - - , . - - - - - - - - - - - Marmnonnte 1, Les Incas. 2 vol. Paris 1836 12. Ed Pougin. broch. M – – D Ä Ä 1839. # Ä - - - - - - - - aßmann, Dr. H. F., Auslegung des Evangelii Johannes in gothiſcher Sprache. Aus römiſchen und mai [...]
[...] pap. vélin. broch. • • • • • • • • • • • • • * * * * » 3 | 30 1 45 *Moiière, Oeuvres complètes en un vol. in 8. avec portrait Paris 1825. Mame et Delaunay. broch. 10 | – 3 | 30 – – Les mèmes. Nouv. éd. augmentée de notes explicatives etc. 2 forts vol. in 8. Paris. 1838.broch. : - - - - 3 | 30 *Mountesquaieu, 0euvres complètes avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. 2ſorts vol. in 8. Ib. 1839. broch. - - 3 | 30 – – Oeuvres melées et posthumes. 2 vol. ib. 1816. 12. Ed stereot. broch. . . . . . . . . . . 1 | – – | 24 [...]
[...] der techniſchen Gewerbe und deren Hülfswiſſenſchaften bearbeitet. 3. Aufl. 2 Bde. mit Steindrucktafeln. Stuttgart 1837. gr. 8 elegant broch. - - - " . “ ,“ ,,, “ , „". . " -, ". . . " 5 | 24 | 2 | 24 Proeli philosophi Platonici opera, e codd. Mss. Biblioth. reg. Parisiensis tum prim. ed. illustr. Victor Cousin, graece et lat. 6 voll. Paris Ä # gr. 8. broch. . . - - -- . . . . . : „ . . . . . . 20 | - | 9 | - * Rabe«is. Oeuvres complètes Nouv. ed. augmentee d'un Glossaire etc. Unvol gr. in 8 av. portr. Paris 1837. br. – – 5 | 30 [...]
[...] *Racinne, Oeuvres, precedees d'une notice sursa vie et ses ouvrages. 4 voll Paris 1839. 12. bro.ch. s - 3 | – | 1 | 12 * – – Les mémes avec une notice sur sa vie par Auger. 2 forts volumes. in 8. Paris 1838. broch. – | – 3 30 Roenefauucauld . de la , Maximes et reflexions morales, Paris 1815. 12. Ed. stéréot. broch. – | 24 – 12 Roussseaus, J. J, Oeuvres complètes. 21 voll. av. fig. Paris 1822–25. gr. in 12. broch. 30 – 11 – – – Emile ou de l'Education. 4 voll. ib. 1839. 12. éd. Pougin. broch. - - « 2 | – 1 | – [...]
[...] Roussseaus, J. J, Oeuvres complètes. 21 voll. av. fig. Paris 1822–25. gr. in 12. broch. 30 – 11 – – – Emile ou de l'Education. 4 voll. ib. 1839. 12. éd. Pougin. broch. - - « 2 | – 1 | – – – Julie ou la Nouvelle Heloise 5 voll. ib. 1837. 12. ed. Pougin broch . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 | 30 1 15 Searroan, Roman comique. Nouv. ed. avec la suite par Offray. Illustrations par Porret. 4 voll. Paris 1839. 12. br. 3 | – 1 12 Schaden, Ad. v., Hiſtoriſch-romantiſches Taſchenbuch des Abenteuerlichen, Aüßerordentlichen. Wundervollen und [...]
[...] *Teatro tragiee z. 0ssla raccolta di alcune tragedi ital. etc.: Alfieri, Maffei, Monti, Manzoni etc. Tutte eorredale di Note grammaticali etc. da L. Sforzosi. lb. 1840. 8 broch. * - * - - - 2 | – | 1 | 36 *TEnéâtre urlesque, Choix de trage dies et comédies facetieuses. 3me. ed. 2 voll. Paris 1840. 12. br. 1 | 30 – | 48 TÄ. Histoire de la conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands, 8me. ed. entièrement revue, corrigée et ĺll. Bruxelles 83–1. grin, 8. broch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 | – 3 | 30 [...]
[...] 12. pap. vélin. broch. . . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * - - - - 1 45 – 54 *Voltaire, Oeuvres complètes. Edition Renouard en 66 voll in 8. ornée de 160 jolies gravures. Paris 1819–25. br. 150 – 54 | – – – Théâtres. 12 voll. Paris 1813 12. Ed. stereot. broch. - - - - - - - - - 6 – 2 | 24 – – Charles XII. Ib. 1838 12 Edition Pougin. broch. – | 30 – | 15 – – Henriade Ib 1838. 12. éd. Pougin. broch. - # – 15 [...]
[...] – – Charles XII. Ib. 1838 12 Edition Pougin. broch. – | 30 – | 15 – – Henriade Ib 1838. 12. éd. Pougin. broch. - # – 15 – – Romans. 4 voll. Ib. 1835 12 Ed Pougin. broch. - - - - - - 2 – 1 | – – – Histoire de Russie sous Pierre-le-Grand. 2 voll. Ib. 1838. 12. Ed. Pougin. broch. 1 – – | 30 – – Dictionnaire philosophique. 14 voll. Paris 1816. 12. Ed. stereot. broch. - 7 – 2 48 [...]
Frankfurter Ober-Post-Amts-Zeitung30.11.1841
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 30. November 1841
  • Erschienen
    Frankfurt, M.
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Frankfurt am Main
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Cornelius, Peter von, Umrisse zu Dante's Paradies, mit erklärendem (deutschem oder franz) Texte von Prof. Dr. Döllinger. Leipzig. Quer 4. broch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 1 | 30 Cottin, Mad , Elisabeth ou les exilés de Sibérie. Paris 1832. 12. Ed. Pougin. broch. . - - - - | 30 – | 15 „Dennnoustier, Emilie ou lettres sur la mythologie. 4 voll. Paris 1837. 12. Ed. Pougin. broch. 2 – | 1 | – ºEberhard's geſammelte Schriften. 20 Bdch. Halle 1830. 12. . . . . . . . - 7 | 12 | 4 | – [...]
[...] ºEberhard's geſammelte Schriften. 20 Bdch. Halle 1830. 12. . . . . . . . - 7 | 12 | 4 | – *Erasmus, Löb der Narrheit mit 83 Holzſchnitten nach Holbein. Baſel 1781. - * - 3 | 9 | 1 | 20 Fenneloun, Les aventures de Télémaque. 2 voll. Paris 1839. 12. Ed. Pougin. broch. - – - - 1 | – | – | 30 ze TSÄ Fºtº Telemach's. Ins Deutſche überſ und mit Anmerkungen verſehen von Meigen. Aachen 1 | 48 54 . 8. brOſh. * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [...]
[...] *Erzählungen und Geſpräche für kleine Knaben und Mädchen. Mit 13 illum. Kupfern. Zürich. 12. Ä morales et Ä. par Mme. Camille Bodin. 2 vol. av.ſig. Paris 1836 12. - - Tom (e)du feu die 1a bonne Mammann, dédié à ses petits enfants. 5me éd. 2 vol. ornés de 12 jolies figures. Ibid. 1832. 12broch. . - - - : »a - - - Connesänos enfants, ou récréationsmorales Ornes de 6 gravurs. Ibid. 1832. 12., broch. [...]
[...] continued from that period to 1835 by P. Sadler. With a coloured map of England. Paris 1836. 8 broch. (XXIV u. 1028 S.) - - - - - - . . - , - - - - - - - - - - Marmonte, Les Incas. 2 vol. Paris 1836 12. Ed Pougin. broch. - - - Belisaire. Ibid 1839. Ed. Pougin.broch. . . . .“ - - - - . . . - - *Mézerny, Histoire de France. Edition en unyol. gr. In 8. continuée jusqu'en 1830 av. fig. Paris 1839., broch. [...]
[...] *Rotteck, Karl von, allgemeine Weltgeſchichte von Anfang der hiſtor. Kenntniß bis auf unſere Zeit. 9. Bde. Freiburg 1839–40. gr. 8. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Roussseaua, J. J, Emile ou de l'Education. 4 voll. ib. 1839. 12. éd. Pougin. broch. - – Julie ou la Nouvelle Heloise. 5 voll. ib. 1837. 12. ed. Pougin. broch. - - - - - - Searron, Roman comique. Nouv. ed. avec la suite par Offray. Illustrations par Porret. 4 voll. Paris 1839. 12. br. [...]
[...] *Théâtre burlesque, Choix de tragédies et comedies facetieuses. 3me. ed. 2 voli. Paris 180. 2. br - Thierry, Histoire de la conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands. 8". éd. entièrement revue, corrigée et [...]
[...] *Tuniers, Histoire de la revolution française. 15me. ed. précédée du résumé de Thistoire de France, jusqu'au [...]
[...] 12. pap. vélin. broc - - - - - - - - *Woltaire, Théâtres. 12. voll. Paris 1813. 12. Ed. stéréot. broch. Charles XII. Ib. 1838. 12. Edition Pougin. broch. - – Henriade. Ib. 1838. 12. éd. Pougin. broch., . [...]
[...] Charles XII. Ib. 1838. 12. Edition Pougin. broch. - – Henriade. Ib. 1838. 12. éd. Pougin. broch., . – Romans. 4 voll. Ib. 1835 12 Ed Pougin. broch. - - - - - - – Histoire de Russie sous Pierre-le-Grand. 2 voll. Ib. 1838. 12. Ed. Pougin. broch. – Dictionnaire philosophique. 14 voll. Paris 1816. 12. Ed. steréot. broch. - [...]
[...] – Histoire de Russie sous Pierre-le-Grand. 2 voll. Ib. 1838. 12. Ed. Pougin. broch. – Dictionnaire philosophique. 14 voll. Paris 1816. 12. Ed. steréot. broch. - Ib. 1815. "12. ed. Stéré0t. broch. [...]
Literarische ZeitungRegister 1841
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Januar 1841
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Adelmann, G. F. Bl., Annalen der chirurg. Abth. etc. - Aemilius Probus ed. Roth. 1189. Aeschyli Choephoried. Bamberger. 538. Ahmed-Makrizi, Takin Eddin, sº Quatremère. [...]
[...] Erk, Ludw., die deutsch. Volkslieder. 1643. –, Liederkranz, 16. Erdmann, Joh. Ed, Wissensch. Darstell. der Ge sch. der neuern Philos. 1172. –, s. Leibnitzii opera. [...]
[...] Haupt, M. 1111. 1855. nasºn W., Mittheilungen über Mich. Neander. /Heckel. Fr. Ed., Gendarmerie-Dienst etc. 591. Hecker, C. F. F., Nosologisch-therapeut. Unter suchungen. 2452. [...]
[...] Hermann, K. ÄLÄ der griech. Antiquitä ten. 1443. Hermsdorf, Ed., System der Constitutionen. 1071. Herzog; Chr. Glo., C. Sallustiide b. Jug. 164. Heſs, J. Ed., Anweis. für Locomotiven-Führer. [...]
[...] Nielsen, N., d. Seligpreisungen uns. Herrn. 2003. Nij Emma von, Reisescenen. 1962. Nithardi historiarum ed. Pertz. 317. Noerner, G. A., s. Temme. [...]
[...] 1402. oe Äzen, Ed., Cicero's Rede f. Annius Milo. 2194. [...]
[...] 45S. Schmeller. J. A., s. Körner. Schmid, Ed., Lobdeburg bei Jena. 1500. -. V., Clavis numismatica. 585. Schmidt, Chr. Frdr... Zeugnisse. 579. [...]
[...] Vaudoré, Font. de, s. Chroniques Font. 323. Vellejus Paterculus ed. Kritz. 6. 7. Venturi, P., s. Dante. - Vcrein deutscher Thierirzte. 1116. [...]
[...] Jackson, Jam. Ed., Dechant u. Pfr., zu Armagh. Äj polem. Schriften, zu Paris 19. Aug. James, Th. A., Novellist, zu London am 14. Aug. [...]
[...] Savary, F. 156. Scarpellini, Cav. Fel., 30. Dec. zu Rom. 654. Schenk, Ed. v. 936. Schinkel, Karl. Friedr., Oberlandes-Bau-Direktor, † 9. Oet. zu Berlin. [...]
Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen (Göttingische Zeitungen von gelehrten Sachen)Register 1841
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Januar 1841
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Göttingen; Berlin
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Ed. – Ev. JZ Géographie d'Edrisi trad. de l'arabe en -frang. et accomp.de notes par P. Amédée [...]
[...] K.Ed. Förſtemann, einige Bemerkungen über den Verf, der lamentationes virorum ob scurorum (378). . . . . . . [...]
[...] sitions. Ed. XI. 1562; lives of Scotish writers. vo, 1.2. 1562. [...]
[...] Strafverfahren. ---- Christoval de Jaque de los Rios de Man can ed, Vöyage aux Indes orienta [...]
[...] Ed. Kausler, Denkmähler der altniederländ. [...]
[...] Wilh. H. D. Ed. Köllner, biograph. Nachrich [...]
[...] (1420). - - - - Thu cydides. VVith notes hist. and geogr. by Th. Arnold. Ed. II. Vol. 1. 1742. Timotheus von Jeruſalem (1408). M. Tiſchendorf, ſ. L. Schneegans. [...]
[...] A. Vetter, ſ. Annalen der Struveſch. Brun nenanſtalten. Virgilius. - Ed. Heyne, cur. G. P. E. VVagner. T. 5. 1241. Völcker, Beantwortung der Frage: Ob es [...]
[...] Reimchronik von Flandern, ſ. Ed. Kausler. Ritus anhára, f. Kali das a. [...]
[...] Cölner Urkunde, ſ. Ed. Bobrik. Urkunden und Actenſtücke zur Geſch. der Ver hältniſſe zwiſchen Öſterreich, Ungarn u. der [...]
SundineDritter Nachtrag zu der Stammesliste der Sundine 1841
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Januar 1841
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] A u s g ef ch i ed en e und 3 m g e f o m m e n e A b o n n ent en in d en re ſpect. Te fe k r e if e n d e r p r o win i. A. S n p o m m e r n, [...]
[...] A. S n p o m m e r n, A u 8 #àನಿ 黜器 '", Gaffwirth Teeķ in Gld Herr Rauf Brij H Erst i a. Au 5 g e Ích i ed en: perr Juſtizra |- frr (SjúITYŰtr fIlú, aufmann RR51 11@@@tildst!!. err tſ Bufterhufen. Herr Behrer stoch. Herr Beſtphal in Gúft. 60 Egg b. Bugeťommen: Herr Gonful Grädener. „Herr Behrer Schmidt. Herr Radler Schwerdtfeger. Herr Raufmann Haeger. Herr [...]
[...] 2. S m Gň h f o we r º ef ef reife. Ilnverändert. 3. S m A n c l a m e r ? e fe f reife. a. A u 6 gefdh i ed en : Reiner. b. Bu 0 e fomm en: ವ್ಹೀಂ। Baffan. Herr Raufmann Erzardi. Herr Buchhändler Dieķe. Grau Brandenburg. Herr Holz zu Demmin. [...]
[...] 8. S m T rib fe er º efe f reife, tinveråndert. 9. S m G r a n z b u r g er B e fe fre Ife. a. 2 u sge fchi ed en: Reiner. b. Bu gefomm en: Herr Major von Mormann. Grau von Stumpfeldt. - -- 10. S nu G r i m in e r 2 e fe f r e i fe, [...]
[...] a. 2 u sa e fchi ed en: Herr Fr. Baetow. Herr Mufflehrer Schwaan. b. Bug e f om m en: Herr Handlungs a Gommis Mielius. Herr Handlungsa Gommis Grautmann. 22. S m R i b n i ķ e r ? e fe fr eife, tinverändert. [...]
Malta penny magazine27.02.1841
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. Februar 1841
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] and lastly for having been the scene of the battle in which Antiochus Soter was defeat ed by Eumenes, king of Pergamus. It fell into the hands of Cyrus 548 B.c. was burnt by the Athenians b.c. 504, and thus afford [...]
[...] into the hands of Cyrus 548 B.c. was burnt by the Athenians b.c. 504, and thus afford ed a cause for the invasion of Attica by Darius. Its ruins are still existing towards the [...]
[...] repentance, and due obedience to the gospel. That she did not repent, is sufficiently prov ed by her fall, and present desolation. And as to the cause of her ruin, there seemed to [...]
[...] nay, even to man himself: that air, or breath of life, with which God at first inspir ed mankind, he, if he wants it, dies presently, becomes a sad object to all that loved and beheld him, and in an instant turns to pu [...]
[...] they take so much pleasure. There is also a little, contemptible, wing ed creature, and inhabitant of the aërial ele ment; namely, the laborious bee, of whose prudence, policy, and regular government [...]
[...] ed her heavenly employment, grows then mute and sad, to think she must descend to [...]
Malta penny magazine24.04.1841
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. April 1841
  • Erschienen
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] nant water. In less than an hour and a half we reached the river, which we had discern ed from some distance by the long line of willows and rushes which grow on its banks. At this season the stream was not more [...]
[...] dered luxuriantly fertile. The time was when towns and numerous villages flourish ed here, and even as late as the days of Jo sephusthis extensive plain was well peopled and richly cultivated. Now it is abandon [...]
[...] sephusthis extensive plain was well peopled and richly cultivated. Now it is abandon ed to the wayward sons of Ishmael, civiliza tion has long since left its borders, and in the place of corn, and oil, and wine, and the [...]
[...] distant from Baneas, or Cesari Philippea, whence it passed under ground, and emerg ed again from the cave of Baneas, in the vi [...]
[...] cinity of the town. This double source of the river is now, however, generally explod ed. Burkhardt says it rises about four miles north-east from Baneas, in the plain, near a hill called Tel-er-Radi, it is soon after join [...]
[...] north-east from Baneas, in the plain, near a hill called Tel-er-Radi, it is soon after join ed by the river of Baneas, which runs east of the Jordan for some distance, and the united streams, now a considerable piece of [...]
Malta penny magazine04.12.1841
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. Dezember 1841
  • Erschienen
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] order. The columns are about two feet in diameter, not fluted, of handsome redgrain ed marble, which was evidently brought from a quarry in the interior. The entwin ed snakes which adorn the two capitols just [...]
[...] Tonville, the faithful assistant in the first Crusade was so opposed to it, that he charg— ed those with a great crime who advised the king, who could do so much good at home, to enter upon a foreign war, which, even if [...]
[...] country. The spring of the year 1270 was appoint ed for the embarkation of the pilgrim war riors; but they congregated so slowly, that their departure could not take place before [...]
[...] and the hot season of the year. The king himself fell sick from dysentery which end ed his life on the 25th. of August 1270 in his fifty sixth year. The same day, the king's brother Charles [...]
[...] Thus reduced, the Saracens ventured an at tack upon the Crusaders, but were so defeat ed that they offered terms of peace, which was accepted with considerable advantage to the Christians, who were thereby per [...]
Malta penny magazine14.08.1841
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. August 1841
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] were so exquisitely wrought that they were more valuable than if they had been form. ed of the precious metals. Few, we think, could be inclined to dis pute that the Phoenicians derived the art [...]
[...] the mistake of considering as Phoenician what is in reality Egyptian; and some argu ed from this and other data that the Phoe nicians were rather a distinct race than a distinct nation occupying any peculiar spot. [...]
[...] beauty and of most elegant form. It is no less remarkable for its great height equal to about (1 palino ed otto pollici) a foot and a half. It is said to have been found by some [...]
[...] at a high degree of luxury and refinement, artificial wants of this nature are not creat ed, and the lower classes do not yet feel the desire of imitating their wealthy supe riors, in the adoption of objects dependent [...]
[...] dress, if dipped in the solution and shaken gently till it is dry, will not have a curl injur ed by the operation, and be preserved from the chance of depredation of the insect."— Newspaper paragraph. [...]
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