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Suchbegriff: Mering

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  • Datum
    Sonntag, 07. Februar 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] recommendation than that of being something preferable to Lord Stanley's scheme, it is not merely better than the worst project that the ingenuity of malice could have conceived for the extinction of popular rights, – Lord Morpeth's [...]
[...] ew months. The question which Parliament now has to de cide is, not merely whether the Poor Law Com mission shall be continued, but whether an unli mited system of out-door relief for the able-bodied [...]
[...] have to go to Milton. All this is great praise. Sober people shake their heads, and call it indis criminate; extravagant—mere enthusiasm; as if the world, of criticism or anything else, had better ground to go upon than a right enthusiasm. We [...]
[...] energy of purpose, and infinite powers of en durance, supplied its place. . . If the object was merely to undergo, in the vividest possible way, what is called a discipline of humanity, we should venture to think this attainable in some mode, [...]
[...] ners, and habits. They are here portrayed in their real colours and proportions, without embellish ment or distortion.” We shall merely add that the supplementary chapter, in which remedies are suggested, is the weakest part of the book. We [...]
[...] heard of, a proposal. (Cheers.) As to the proportions of electors to population, the principle of franchise adopted by 1.f3. government had not been mere numbers, but numbers coupled with fitness to exercise that franchise. But the present plan was to deluge the coun [...]
[...] rise to Lord Stanley's measure, and rejoiced that government had adopted some of Lord Stanley's most material provisions. The former bills of government, he feared, had been mere binds; in the present he hoped there was more sincerity. Jie was willing to consider the principle of a reference to [...]
[...] vends. That which may for a time appear an evil will, we trust, be ultimately found to be a great good—not to the public merely, but to the coal-owners themselves. [...]
[...] and wish to be kept dry from rain, without confining perspiration, are respectfully recommended to use the PATENT MOHAIR CAMLQ MERE, which is the greatest repellent ever invented; it is made in all colours like cloth, the fabric is very light, wears clean and long, has no unpleasant smell, and always retains the same impervious quality and [...]
[...] many other highly distinguished members of the Yº'n. *:: º it is deemed the on *Spººfic for the cure of those diseases to whic t is mere iiately applicat Its purifying effects upon the general health render it ticularly an plicable in all cases of relaxed fibre and nervous debility. *::: ...: i [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. Juli 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Duke of Wellington laid the supporters of the Corn Law by thus offering himself up as the victim of their cause. Any mere politician would have been swamped by the utterance of so childish an absur dity; but the Duke of Wellington's reputation [...]
[...] to retail an argument which would have been poh-poh'd in any society but at the tea-table of a cathedral town, if it had emanated merely from themselves. But the whole amount of the county Conserva [...]
[...] from those to whom the law gave it, and trans ferred it to those to whom the law merely entrusted the control, assigning at the same time the control in exchange to those deprived of the execution. [...]
[...] ching of a man, with delicate and symmetrical features, just enough body to gravitate and keep the spirit from its natu ral upward flight—a mere shadowy Dr Channing ! His man ners have a sweetness, gentleness, and low tone, that cor respond well with his spiritual appearance. He was gratified [...]
[...] leaning on the arm of a gentleman who volunteered to support him, when the operator, standing at several yards distant, suddenly caused him to fall by a mere motion of the hand. This experiment seemed to alarm the gentle man on whose arm the somnambulist was leaning at the [...]
[...] furnish, and find that workmen are to be had from Eng land to assist in putting up the works, which, accord ing to M. Thiers, are to serve not merely as a defence against invasion, but as the means of enabling the .." to carry war into the territories of their neigh [...]
[...] the most filthy wowns in existence, assisted by the circum stance of the very inefficient method the Chinese have of disposing of their dead, which merely consists of placing the coffin on the ground, and building over it a light de scription of tomb, constructed with bamboos and matting ; [...]
[...] dollars per barrel of 200lbs., fine Virginia hams at 6 cents per lb., prime packed beef at G. dollars per barrel of 200lbs., flour at 5 dollars per barrel of 1961bs. I merely mention these prices to show how abundantly able we are to supply a large foreign consumption. At Cincinnati, [...]
[...] society, who came to a resolution that no mau should per form any labour in the factory without having been appren ticed to the trade for seven years, however merely me chanical it might be. If it was mere common labourers’ work, still such only as had served seven years should be [...]
[...] PATRICK MACINTYRE, Secretary. HE A PERITIVE FOUNTAIN procures in a few minutes a passage of the bowels merely with a little water, which ought to induce persons to relinquish the habitual use of purgatives, which eventually produces more mischief than even costivenes; itself. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. August 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] will venture to say that never before was there an election in which opinion had so little part. The choice, for the most part, has been merely the choice of the bribe. We have before quoted the admissions of the [...]
[...] which, according to the admission of the great Tory organ, bribery has been carried to an unprece dented pitch of enormity, “the franchise a mere matter of sale,” and “the awful crime of perjury thought nothing of.” Such have been the con [...]
[...] than ever. The authors who had suffered success ful plays to be done at all, were proclaimed the mere catspaws of mischievous managements, t Mr Talfourd's opinion was flung at the head of every recusant, real or supposed. Finally, an author's [...]
[...] and the false muse.” The acted dramatist was de scribed by this lecturer as, with the exception of Mr Knowles, a mere concoctor of “rhetorical writing,” “long descriptions,” “pathetic narrative,” “glit tering simile,” “musical whirls of words,” “tinted [...]
[...] better for them to have said, “we will give the agricul tural interest protection by maintaining the present scale exactly as it is,” than merely giving general and evasive answers, which could bind no one? The Earl of Ripon entered on a review of the financial [...]
[...] M. Stewart spoke as the representative of an important county, in which great distress existed from vicious legis lation. The question was not one of mere confidence. On the part of his constituency, and as having an inte rest in our colonies, he thanked her Majesty's govern [...]
[...] ment for the bold manner in which they had brought forward their measures. He did not come forward as a mere merchant, arguing for free trade from one motive. He was largely interested in land; and, on broad and general grounds, he asked for a large and liberal system [...]
[...] were soon filled with gentlemen. From a statement read by Mr Dyce we make an extract:—“A considerable num ber of those who on the last occasion were mere beginners have now advanced to the higher elementary exercises, and are capable, to a certain extent, of commencing the [...]
[...] ——-- HE A PERITIVE FOUNTAIN procures in a few minutes a passage of the bowels merely with a little water, which ought to induce persons to relinquish purgatives, the habitual use of which eventually produces more mischief than even costiveness itself. [...]
[...] boiling, separating vegetating and colouring matter, destroying numerous water insects, and withdrawing from solution large quantities of solid matter, not separable by mere filtration. By Thomas CLARK, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Aberdeen. [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 07. März 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] specimens of them here (producing some patterns); patterns | that kind require a great deal of time in their production. “What would the mere cost of the designing of that pattern be 2–I think my employer paid 20t. for the drawing of the flowers. [...]
[...] would in fact sink Turkey into an Hospodarat. The French Chambers, however, did not enter into these details. M. Thiers and his friends merely pressed the Minister not to disarm, not to abandon a position of iso lation, and not to enter into any treaty with any of the [...]
[...] volumes, are entitled to consideration on other grounds, and we hope, in †. of the writer's un fortunate attempt to use them for a mere party purpose, that this consideration they will not fail to receive. The question goes much deeper than [...]
[...] purpose, that this consideration they will not fail to receive. The question goes much deeper than the mere clamour for extent of territory. It is intimately associated with those larger views of national and commercial policy, which it has been [...]
[...] sell, and then inquired whether, when the noble lord said that no difference remained between England and France on the subject of Egypt, he merely meant to say that there remained no possibility of Mehemet Ali's recovering pos session of Syria, or whether, as he hoped was the case, no [...]
[...] of the Texas from residing there, would be permitted to settle under the late treaty, Lord PALMeeston said the treaty had reference merely to the commercial relations be tween the two countries. - Lord J. Russell said he would go into committee on the [...]
[...] prietors, he should consider whether it would not be advi. sable to refer the bill on that point to a select committee, but he deprecated any such step if the object was merely to delay the progress of the bill. - In answer to Mr Colquhoun, Mr LABOUCHERE said the [...]
[...] band repeatedly after the marriage. He appeared to have had no notion #. all these circumstances would be brought to light, for he visited the court merely as a spectator, took his seat opposite the magistrate, and, to most persons in the vicinity of the bench, was looked upon as a casual visitor. [...]
[...] wall, lost no time in effecting their esca The unfortunate man Thompson was in the act of following them, but before. he could do so, not merely the earth, but the entire tier of coffins gave way, and fell upon him. Nº.; the great exertions that were made, it was not until two hours [...]
[...] many qther highly º members of the Medical profession, b whom it is deemed the only Specific for the cure of those diseases to º it is mere immediately applicable. Its purifying effects upon the general health render it particularly ap plicable in all cases of relaxed fibre and nervous debility. The most deli [...]
Der Bayerische Landbote07.11.1841
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 07. November 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] nach Paſingn. Lochhauſ nach Olching nach Maiſach nach NannhofenſnachAlthegnenb uach Mering | nach Stierhof nach Augsburg 2 St. 3'/, St. 5 St. 6?/St. 8 /, St. 11 St. 12'/ St. | 15/St. 16'/ St. I. l II. l III. 1. | 1. | 111. 1.TTTTTTTTTTTTTII. 1.T II. TTIii. I. I 11. | 11 ll. . . lll. | 1. | 1. | 11 | 1. | II. l III. [...]
[...] j Rajofj– j– j– – –Ä– jij–5–jäio –j vºn Äthjberg –ÄTiFi-- – i––. von Mering –33–27 – 18–45–36–21 - von Stierhöfl–is–i5–2 M ü u chen den 6. November 1841. [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 11. April 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] turn his adversities to account; that he will fix his eye steadily upon the interests of the people, and disdain to heed the merely temporary interests of party. Why do we indulge in this hope? We have [...]
[...] That the true principle of colonial government is not intended by the present Ministry to remain a dead letter, or to figure as a mere flourish of ora tory, we have a sufficient pledge in their mea sures. In Canada, in Nova Scotia, in New Bruns [...]
[...] sures. In Canada, in Nova Scotia, in New Bruns wick, in the whole of our American possessions, it has not merely been avowed, but acted upon by Lord Sydenham, with a vigour and success which have deserved and commanded admiration. [...]
[...] and conversation, and of strict religious pretensions; who are content to desecrate a sacred cause, and bend the knee to Baal, for purposes of mere political agitation, as unwise in the adoption as necessarily fruitless in the result. How unlike their honest and uncompromising predecessors, the Baxters, [...]
[...] Impromptu causa est—Cara Amaryllis abest!” &c. I shall not inflict the whole of the poem on my readers, merely observing that my Cousin Nicholas, still performing the part of Interpreter, rendered it pathetically into English, as they punted slowly down the stream homewards under [...]
[...] in the mode of action of magistrates respecting church rates. In the case of Mr Baines, at Leicester, who did not even dispute the validity of the rate, but merely stated that he could not conscientiously pay it, he is at once tumbled head foremost, as it were, into the Ecclesiastical [...]
[...] to believe, the magistrates may make the provision in the Act of Parliament, empowering defaulters to decline their jurisdiction, a mere nullity. To whom are the reasons to appear feasible? To the magistrates, of course. Why, it is because the defaulter has no confidence in the magis [...]
[...] ‘the cavalry, of the navy;' but they have never yet launched the kind of vessel he recommended; capacious, to hold a month's fuel, instead of a mere ten days’ supply, as at present: shallow and broad-bottomed, to skim over the water (instead of ploughing through it) with the least [...]
[...] Gazette, announcing that judicial functionaries can hence forth be only removed in virtue of a judgment, and no longer by a mere ministerial order. — A letter from Berlin says—“In consequence of the numerous representations of our government, we may ex [...]
[...] N OT A B I L I A. The Denny Silk Mill, One Hundred ANP Twenix YEARs ago.—My parents, through mere necessity, put me [...]
Münchener Tagblatt08.11.1841
  • Datum
    Montag, 08. November 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] ------ - - ºn heute an reten nach erfolgte allerhöchſter Genehmigung folgende Perſonentaren in Wirkſamkeit: bis bis 1 bis - bis bis bis bis bis bis Ä ſ Ding Maiſach Nannhofen Althegnenberg Mering Stierhof Augsburg - # * St. 5 St. 6 Stunden sèjiiej 12 Stunden. 15 Stunden. 16 Stunden. S**-325 Tzſä TTFETZTTFTZ I. 2. 3. TTZTETTT2. TTZ [...]
Allgemeiner Polizei-AnzeigerBd. 12, No. 011 1841
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Januar 1841
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    Dresden; Coburg; Gotha
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] lurfache der Berfolgung: Berdacht des Gelddiebfahls und Entweis dhung aus Oldisleben. Berfolgende Behörde: Patrimonialgericht zu Biehe (Reg. Bej. Mere feburg), den 28/1, 1841. 3510) Müller*), Rarl Heinrich Theodor, auch Behmann gen., [...]
BohemiaInhaltsverzeichnis 01.1841/02.1841/03.1841/04.1841/05.1841/06.1841
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Januar 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Franzöſiſches Theater. * Léon. 59. * Alix ou les deux mères. 61. * Mlle. Heloise de Mont Lucon. 61. * Mérope 61. * Cathérine. 61. * Le Gardien 62. [...]
Der bayerische Volksfreund01.05.1841
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Mai 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] 5 Althegnenberg Mering Stierhof Augsburg [...]
[...] —45 —27 von Mering —33 21 [...]
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