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Suchbegriff: Egg

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  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. April 1871
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] bleaching ginger, I will not go sofar as to say that it is not desirable that the Pillory should be reinstituted, but would only venture to suggest that the number of eggs with which the People would be allowed to pelt the rogues standing therein, should, in cases of adulteration extenuated by circumstances of temptation, if possible, [...]
[...] P.S. Perhaps, too, justice tempered with mercy would require that the eggs should not be too stale. [...]
[...] Said to a Cock Robin, on All Fools' Day, You may shy what you like about your nest; But we’ll lay you an egg that shall beat your best. [...]
[...] “Indeed,” the Cock Robin replied, “how so?” Said the Hedge-sparrowº What I have sung, I’ll show. Your eggs are red-freckled, and ours light-blue; And that is the colour of the Cambridge Crew.” [...]
All the year round12.08.1871
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. August 1871
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] perform a wizard's trick with it, and were on the point of saying, “Ladies and gentle men, you see the eggs are not here,” blew his nose with great energy, and hemmed loudly twice. [...]
[...] “You don't seem to have very much to choose from, my good woman; but perhaps you can let me have some ham and eggs, or bacon and eggs, I don't care which P’’ “Ham and eggs | Lord save us! There's [...]
[...] e See y? “Oh, confound the trovers; can you give me some eggs without the ham P” “'Deed, sir, that's just what I canna [...]
[...] dae; the trovers hech they're hungry callants, and can eat mair eggs than a' the hens in the country-side can lay. They didna leave me a single egg for my ain [...]
[...] supper yesternight; but ye can hae ony thing else ye like to ca' for.” w “Suppose, then, as you have no eggs, that you thraw (twist) the neck of the hen that laid them " [...]
[...] “'Deed, sir, I would dae that right willingly, but the trovers, ye see—the trovers' They not only ate up a' the eggs, but the hen and the cock as weel !” “Then I suppose I can have nothing, [...]
Deggendorfer Donaubote25.04.1871
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 25. April 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] erin von Alberting, 83 Jahre alt, an Altersſchwäche; Anna Weſtermaier, Nagelſchmidmeiſterskind v. h., 5., Monate alt, an Darrſucht; Maria Plötz, Taglöhnerskind v. Egg, 10 Wochen alt, an Durchfall; Magdalena Erndl, Wag nersgattin dahier 52 Jahre alt, an Lungenſucht; Joſef [...]
[...] Egg, Metten, Offenberg und Penzenried findet am - Mittwoch den 26. April Nachmittags 2 uhr in Met [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 07. Dezember 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] were all of common white and orange yellow species, such as are bred in cultivated and waste grounds, and having found no matrix whereon to deposit their eggs to the northward of the river (the leaves proper for their purpose having probably been already destroyed or at least occupied by caterpillars) were going [...]
[...] were species of Callidryas, the males of which species are wont to resort to beaches, while the females hover on the borders of the forest and depost their eggs on low-growing, shade-loving Mimosas. IIe adds, “the migrating hordes, so far as I could ascertain, are composed only of males.' ... It is possible, there [...]
[...] vailed. In April swarms of butterflies and moths appeared coming from the East, sucking the sweets of the newly-opened flowers, and depositing their eggs on the leaves, especially of a Boerha: avia and of a curious Amaranth, until the caterpillars swarmed on every plant. New legions, continued to pour in from the [...]
[...] the larva. These, it is true, only form a skin or case in which the fly is developed ; but they are really nothing more than a larva skin, formed on the inside of the larva skin in the egg, and detached from it by the subsequent modifications of the larva. [...]
[...] mouth organs of the imago, it is true, are not the mouth organs of the larva, nor are they formed by their modification, but they are foreshadowed in the egg before the mouth organs of the larva are formed. It is the mouth organs of the larva which are new formations, not those of the imago. In this most extreme case, [...]
[...] the pupa skin is derived directly from the inner layers of the first larval skin, about twelve hours before the creature emerges from the egg. The imaginal skin is likewise derived from cells laid down in contact with the imaginal discs. There is absolutely only a difference in the time at which the successive skins are [...]
[...] similar manner around that of the larva, and the sexual organ; are gradually developed, even from the time when the embryo is enclosed in the egg. Fritz Müller in his “Facts for Darwin,” has shown very con clusively that the larval forms of insects are probably derived from [...]
[...] far greater changes of life and far greater struggle for existence than the perfect insects. They are all probably embryonic forms, brought from the egg in a modified state before their perfect development is attained. The same thing is seen in several crustaceans, which are hatched as Mauplius forms, whilst all their [...]
[...] development is attained. The same thing is seen in several crustaceans, which are hatched as Mauplius forms, whilst all their allies attain the Zara stage in the egg. The existence of mandi bulate larvae in insects which in the perfect state have suctorial mouths, is an additional argument in favour of this view. It [...]
[...] for the earlier types of the Insecta were undoubtedly mandibu late, or it may by an embryonic character, which has never been lost in the egg, modified by reversion or circumstances. This view may appear fanciful, but the aortic arches of a fish un doubtedly exist in the mammalian embryo, and no one can say [...]
Memminger Zeitung05.01.1871
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 05. Januar 1871
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Memmingen; Bad Grönenbach
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] -,Der Caplan F. S. Biber in Pleß wurde als Vikar nach Egg a. G., der Pfarrvikar M. Miller in Benningen unter Enthebung von der Vikarie der Pfarrei Egg a. G. als Likar nach Penzing und der Caplan J. Wolf in Oberhauſen [...]
Deggendorfer Donaubote15.09.1871
  • Datum
    Freitag, 15. September 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Beide Kinder ſind bald nach der Geburt geſtorben. p Edenſtetten, 13. Sept. In dem benachbar ten Schloß Egg, welches in den Beſitz des Hr. Baron Eichthal durch Kauf übergegangen iſt, geht es äußerſt lebhaft ſchon den ganzen Sommer über [...]
[...] nach außen und innen. Verſchiedene Meiſter leiten die Arbeiten, ſo daß ſicher eine gelungene Reſtauration zu hoffen iſt und Schloß Egg noch mehr als bisher von den Reiſenden als eine Zierde der Umgegend beſucht werden wird. [...]
Lindauer Tagblatt für Stadt und Land03.05.1871
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 03. Mai 1871
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Aeschach; Bodolz; Hoyren; Lindau (Bodensee); Mitten; Nonnenhorn; Oberreitnau; Reutin; Weißensberg
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Am 18. April Herr Max Pfeiffer, Drahtwaarenfabrikant da hier, mit Jungfrau Emma Walter von Lindau. Am 24. April Herr Andreas Egg, Maſchiniſtengehilfe dahier, mit Jungfrau Maria Martin, Amtsdienerstochter von hier. Am 24. April Herr Bartholomäus Bruggner, Güterlader aus Schwandorf, z. [...]
[...] Stadt oder allernächſte Umgebung geliefert. Muſterben kann auf dem Landgute des Herrn Jakob Egg, Metzgermeiſter da hier eingeſehen werden. - Joh. Baptiſt Cehfe, [...]
Zweibrücker Wochenblatt23.02.1871
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 23. Februar 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] 1 ſtarker Wagen, 1 einſpänniger Wagen, 1 Windmühle, mehrere Pflüge, 1 eiſerne Egge, eine kleine Egge, Dielen, 1 Pfuhlpumpe, 1 Schlitten, verſchiedene Ketten, 1 Haferkaſten, [...]
Kemptner Zeitung15.06.1871
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 15. Juni 1871
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Kempten (Allgäu)
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Oberſtaufen º. - Hittisau "F" Hittisau – Egg "Ä“ [...]
[...] b) Ankunft in Hittisau täglich 7 Uhr 30 Min. Abends, c) Abfahrt von Hittisau nach Egg täglich 5 Uhr Früh, d) Rückkunft von Egg um 9 Uhr Vormittags, [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 05. Januar 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] of this remarkable form that had ever been brought alive to Europe. This bird is a female, as has been evidenced by her producing enormous eggs for several years in suc cession. The first of these eggs was deposited in June 1859, since which time she has usually laid two in the [...]
[...] spring of every year, at intervals of about a month between them. The egg of the Apteryx when first deposited weighs about 14}oz. ; it is smooth and of a dirty white colour, and measures 4%in. in length by 21%in. in breadth. [...]
[...] colour, and measures 4%in. in length by 21%in. in breadth. As the weight of the parent bird is only about 60 oz., it will be seen that the weight of the egg is nearly equal to one-fourth of the bird, a fact, I suppose, quite without parallel in the animal kingdom. Since the acquisition of [...]
[...] sented by Major Keane, and a second in 1865, presented by Mr. Henry Slade. The female continuing to produce eggs after the males had been placed in her company, we were in hopes of rearing young Kiwis in the Gardens, especially as on more than one occasion the male, as is [...]
[...] the custom among Struthious birds, commenced to in cubate. This operation he performed by squatting closely on the egg placed between his feet, so that its long axis [...]
[...] in no case has there been any result, and the eggs when examined have shown no appearance of having been impregnated. And at length our sole surviving [...]
[...] one of these huge eggs for upwards of six weeks, he yet been received in this country in a living state, indeed died, probably from exhaustion, so that the original it is only quite recently that naturalists have become per [...]
[...] have recently received a single living example of the un- - - | abnormality commences from the egg.” Such instances [...]
[...] had several times seen it in the month of November), in which it differed much from the common redstart, which preferred gardens, orchards, and hedgerows. The difference of the eggs was also remarked upon, those of the present species being white instead of the well-known blue of the common redstart. [...]
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