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  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. Juni 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] one admires those that are handsome, and loves those that are good.” “But could not one be handsome and good too, Rains ford 2" demanded Emily, with a look that indicated a con sciousness of being the first. . " [...]
[...] questions, and you take one up so, that there is no knowing how to answer you, so I won't say another word while we are out;" a resolution to which the embarrassed Mrs Rains ford adhered. [...]
[...] ever known than the present; the wheat in particular is looking extremely well where the plant was not destroyed by the heavy rains in the winter. The crops of spring corn, as well as potatoes and turnips, are likely to be abundant.—Ibid. [...]
[...] (From Messrs Gillies and Horne's Circular.) Corn Exchaxos, Monda v., June 6.-We have now had nearly a fortnight of beautiful summer weather. More rain is wanted for the Barley; but the cutting of the grass for Hay has commenced, so that what would do good to the one crop [...]
[...] rice. Also, in lieu of the “Mackintosh,” Beit DOE'S VENTILATING ATERPROOF FROCK, a light and gentlemanly, garment, tho roughly impervious to the rain, without * perspiration, and has been four years in extensive use.-Made only by WALTER BERDOE, TAllOR, &c., 69 CORN HILL, 8 doors from Bishopsgate street. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Juni 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] From Messrs Gillies an Horne's Circular. J CoRN Exch. ANGE, Mond AY, JUNE 10.-During the past week and this morning we had some rain, and the wind has been nearly stationary at S.W. Most of our country reports speak of there having been rain, but the land is still much too dry. The arrivals [...]
[...] CoRN Exchange, FR1DAY, JUNE 14.—We have had no rain since Monday, and the wind has been very high with a hot sun, which must have done injury every day; the wind to-day is north [...]
[...] tº ºººººº; y ru y sic o exclude any rain whatever, and º; :*:::::: to regard a respectable appearance, or wish to avoid disa tion. First-rate Clothing of every descri [...]
[...] That many just thoughts may be glean'd frºm the weather. In the country throughout do the farmers complain That the land has been watered with so little rain, Scarce a cloud has appear'd in the lofty blue sky, and the fountains of heaven º: to be dry. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. März 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] Conn Exchansk, Mon Day, March 13.-The wind has turned south-west, which has caus-d the barometer to fall a little ; but we have had no rain except a few drops on Friday night since this month commenced; and to-day is a beautiful bright day, very favourable for the Spring sowing. The arrivals are [...]
[...] — Potato and scotch ºi, 23.1 and Norfolk . . 34s 36s goºn Exchangs, Fanday, Manch 17.—we had some heavy rain on Tuesday, but the weather has again turned beantiful, with a fine clear sky and south-west wind. The sowing of oats and other Spring Carn is, we believe, going on favourably aii [...]
[...] the I tion) by all r hla ------ -- London - Barclay and Sons, Suttons, Edwards, Newberrys, &c. York: Dennis and Son. blin; at Butler's Medical hall. Edinburgh: j, and R. Raines, Quebec: J. Musson. - [...]
[...] which is “Peace and Plenty,” that CAPT. PIDDING'S Chinese cor respondent, heads his last communication from Fo-kein. “Heaven," he adds, “ *...*: has rained down blessings on the Central Nation. In the same season Peace is proclaimed, and Plenty crowns the Land. Since the year 4448" (A.D. 1811), “when the Earth was revivified by the [...]
[...] Edition, as sung by Mrs Alfred Shaw, Miss Rainforth, Mr Harrison, Mr Manvers, and Mr Giubilei. The popular pieces already issued are-duet, “Jºyless the revel would be,” sung by Mrs Alfred Shaw and Miss Rain: forth; Cavatina, “The weary hours I've pass'd,” Mirs Aifred shaw - “Aurora, thy y pow'r," Mr Manvers: Song, “Where art thou whose [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. Juli 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] 1816 we have never had such a season as the present, and very serious apprehensions for its consequences on the crºps and vintage begin to be entertained, It has rained all this day (since 9 o'clock), and seems inclined to con tinue. , Most of the corn in the vicinity of Paris was [...]
[...] all this day (since 9 o'clock), and seems inclined to con tinue. , Most of the corn in the vicinity of Paris was levelled by the tremendous rain of Sunday, and much of it never to rise again.” Issanity.—There are at present sixteen hospitals for [...]
[...] in, the crops of wheat and oats, which are completely beaten down by the late storms, may still ripen, but if the rains continue ten days longer serious consequences must follow. On Wednesday, although the rain was not so constant as on Tuesday, it was sufficiently heavy and fre [...]
[...] last week till Saturday, whlch was fine—yesterday was showery and gloomy, but to-day rather better again. The country letters report that the rains have as yet done no hurt but what fine weather would soon remedy, but fine weather is almost indis pensable. The arrivals of Wheat are pretty large, and this [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. Januar 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] twelve o'clock last night we have been visited with a terrific storm, the wind blowing from the S.W. and the rain and hail pouring occasionally in torrents. Business has been at a complete stand still. Between ten and ele ven, a schooner was descried off the town with a signal [...]
[...] appearance. At Liverpool it has blown a perfect gale, with storms of hail, rain, and sleet. At Manchester sudden changes in the weather have continued to occur with rapidity; on Tuesday morning there was a thunder-storm, which [...]
[...] apparently was not far off for the lightning, which was exceedingly vivid, was followed by peals in quick suc cession. Much rain and hail also fell. At Macclesfield, a few days since, sheets of lightning, which appeared to be more intense in the direction of north-north-east, [...]
[...] Conn Exchangs, FRIDAY, JAN. 13.-We have very change able weather, yesterday hard frost till eleven at night, since when there has been a hurricane of wind and rain from the S.W.-to-day rain. The arrivals are short. In Wheat not much doing to-day, but the low prices in the Baltic are attracting the [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Mai 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] From Messrs Gillies an Horne's Circular.) CoRN Exch ANGE, Mox DAY, MAY 13.—During the past week we had a few hours' rain, but it was not nearly sufficient to be of any benefit to the spring corn and grass, which no longer have the promising appearance of a week or two since; and we fear the [...]
[...] barley. We do not at present receive any complaints on this head from Scotland, as that country has been favoured with more rain ; but even there several hours' rain would be acceptable. To [...]
[...] Conn. Exchange, Fainax, MAY 17.-Since Monday we have been without rain, but the weather has been cloudy, with cold N.E. wind; and again to-day is very cold. The arrivals from the home counties have been moderate, but of Irish oats large, and of [...]
[...] ºve variety of the above, in NEW and grº, improved materials (in lieu of the unsightly rubbish made by slºpºlº, now ready.guaranteed to ..clude any rain whatever, and confidentlyºmmended to those who fºr a respectable appearance, or ºf ºld disappointment and vexa: tion, First-rate Clothing of every º upon the lowest terms pos. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 06. Juli 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Sir R. PEEL hoped Mr Curteis was not afraid of a flash of lightning, more especially as, being an agricultural mem ber, he must be glad of the rain with which it was accom panied. Had he voluntarily postponed the second reading of the bill, he would have been taunted with another “in [...]
[...] - On Monday evening, about six o'clock, the metro polis experienced a thunder storm of considerable seve rity, accompanied by torrents of rain. - A deputation from most of the railways has waited upon Sir Robert Peel, to lay before him their views of [...]
[...] (From Messrs Gillies and Horne's Circular.) Conx Exchangz, Mox DAY, July 1.-On Tuesday last we had eighteen hours' fine heavy rain, and showers again on Thursday; since then there have been drying winds from the eastward till to-day, when we had again a slight shower. The wheat crop is [...]
[...] are ls. to 1s. 6d. cheaper. Beans and peas are dull. Flour is dull. Conx Exch Axe E, FRIDAY, JULY 5.—We have had a great deal of rain this week, which up to this time has done good to all the crops. The rains already fallen, however, will make wheat har vest a fortnight later than it would have been had the drought [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 19. März 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] been slept in enly once, and recommended hanging the drip Ring habit and cloaks in the grenier, whose unglazed win dows let in full as much rain as wind. Add to my previous enumeration a dinner of dry bouilli, and greasy cabbage, a faggot for our feet serving as a rug, and dirty alcove with [...]
[...] THE DREADFUL HURRICANE-On Wednesday week, during the tremendous storm of wind and rain, the severity of which has not been equalled for many years, a schooner was perceived with signals of distress just below the light [...]
[...] Coan Exchang E, FRIDAY, March 18. – The weather conti nues mild, with westerly wind. Last night it blew hard and rained, to-day is showery; but on the whole good March wea ther. The arrivals are shorter than of late; but the trade has scarcely digested the proposed new tariff, and consequently [...]
[...] saddlers' ironmonger–April 13, T. Wiggerham and R. Saun ders, Birmingham, ale and porter merchants—April 14, E. Raine, Barnard Castle, Durham, carpet manufacturer–April 7, R. Peart, Newark-upon-Trent, rope maker–April 6, B. Jacques, J. Cotton, and T. B. Oliver, Nottingham, hosie: s—April 7, E. [...]
[...] by the Author, at his residence, 27 Baker street, Portman square. “The best feature of Mr Van Butchell's mode of treatment is dispensing with the rainful, and at all times dangerous, operation of the knife. The work is divested of technicalities, and the infºrmation it contains can be appreciated by all. The cases mentioned by the author a markable [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 03. Januar 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] part of - - e are alone. The rains and cold are disagreeable. The bivouacks are worth nothing. I can- we should add the loss of many valuable lives, the slave trade is not put down l Nay more, it grows and increases [...]
[...] noon the thermometer had risen to 39 degrees, a difference of 20 degrees in six hours—a thaw came rapidly on, and there was a considerable fall of rain during the night. On Thursday the frost had disappeared.—Kensington Gar dens, the Serpentine, St James's Park, the Regent's [...]
[...] worth nothing. We must wait for the promised “Life.” The MURRAIN.—We regret to observe that the mur rain has been progressing northward with rapid strides; and has developed itself in the highlands and western counties. When once quit of the disease, we are not aware that it [...]
[...] Corn Exchangs. FR I pay, JA N. 1.-The frost suddenly gave way on Wednesday night, when we had a heavy fall of rain; yesterday was quite mild, but we had a slight frost last night, and should not be surprised to see it return in earnest in a few days; meanwhile the river is much more free of the [...]
[...] ROTECTION from the WET and COLD.— BERDOE's VENTILATING WATER PROOF renders all kinds of woollen cloth, &c., thoroughly impervious to the heaviest rain, W11'H: GUT confining PERSPIRATION. As a perfectly efficient and unobjectionable protection from the wet, and cold, this invention, after [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. Juli 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] What should be done in such a case? When the Duke of Gloucester complained to his equerry that it rained into his mouth, the courtier respectfully suggested that if his Royal Highness would keep his mouth shut it sº ob [...]
[...] that the experiment was quite successful, and ex pressed his wonder that, often as he had experi enced the inconvenience of its raining into his mouth, the expedient of shutting it had never occurred to him. [...]
[...] green crops, which it was thought were damaged, and in some instances destroyed, by the long drought, have been surprisingly invigorated by the late rains. This is good news for the poor and the country at large.—West of Eng land Conservative. Harvest has commenced in the im. [...]
[...] WAtekpitoor.-An extensive variety of the above, in NEw and y improved materials (in lieu of the unsightly rubbish made by liers), now ready, guaranteed to exclude any rain whatever, and sonfidently recommended to those who regard a respectable appearance, or wish to avoid disappointment and vexation...made in the best manner, [...]
[...] Mr Randell-On Burnt Clay to cold and heavy Soils. Mr Parkes—on the influence of water on the Temperature of Soils; and on the quantity of Rain water, and its dischargº by Pº Mr Tremayne-àn the Preparation of the wheat ºrop in Cornwall. Mr Little—Prize Repºrt on the Farming ºf Wiltshir: [...]
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