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231 Treffer
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  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Juni 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] de sa Majesté, Britanique; sa demande n'ayant point été accueillie, le Prince se determine à faire connaitre au public que son intention est de les vendre, aux conditions qui sont expliquées ci-après. Ces inventions consistent:—1e. Dans un canon a visière optique, dont la portée est deux fois celle [...]
[...] d'un canon ordinaire.—2e. Dans des bombes qui font ex losion au moment oil elles frappent l'objet voulu, et dont e pouvoir est de détruire tout bâtiment de guerre atteint ar une deces bombes.—3e. Dans des raquettes a canon. lles sont construites de manière à ce qu’elles parcourent [...]
[...] lles sont construites de manière à ce qu’elles parcourent leur ligne avec la méme certitude qu'un boulet. Tout espèce de canon est propre à les lancer. Elles vont sans baguettes, et leur pouvoir destructifest tel querien ne leur fait resistance. Tout vaisseau frappé par une d'elle est in [...]
[...] d’un port de mer. Cette machine, divisible par partie, peut se placer où le besoin le requiert, comme de l'artillerie, et pour les effets qu’elle est destinée a produire, protege par elle seule, sans qu'il soit necessaire de la diriger, la nation quien possède le sécrèt. Sur merelle fait sauter les bâti [...]
[...] chamber, and with a-comment / monsieur !—ex pression of prudery she suddenly points to the spot—elle est là–which for its dry and whimsi cal effect a masterpiece of comedy could hardly equal. So, where she resists the advances of the [...]
[...] The House of Lºrds sat on Thursday in a Committee of Privileges upon the case of the claim of Sir Augustus d'Este. Previous to the commencement of the proceedings a long private conversation took place between the law eers of the house. Witnesses were called to the bar. Mr [...]
[...] as I think, and as I have always acted, and always will act. In *.*.* I will use the utmost exertion, the utmostinter est, and the utmost circumspection, looking upon myself as the chosen guardian of Augusta's honour, by the will of God, and by her own inclination, which are to me the two [...]
[...] tute. Moved by william Tite, Esq.; seconded by Dr Este; and carried unanimously That the best and most cordial thanks of this Meeting begiven to the [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 02. Juni 1839
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] in the midst of depravity, had, says Burnet, “a real sense #. and was ashamed of it,'" Anne, had she lived, might ave possessed, As A Pitot Est ANT, and as a woman of understanding, a salutary influence over the mind of her husband;—an influence which prudent women are found to [...]
[...] “Est-IL poss IBLE 2 “During the six days that James remained at Salisbury, the unhapy monarch's mind was every hour fretted and de [...]
[...] the court, which he could be said neither to disturb nor to adorn, had been accustomed to say, when he heard of the desertion of any of James's friends, “Est-il possible 2' an ingenious mode of avoiding any expected opinion on so awkward a subject. On being acquainted with the Prince's [...]
[...] awkward a subject. On being acquainted with the Prince's flight, James recalled to his attendants the notable phrase, by the sarcastic observation, ‘So est-il possible is gone too !" And with this sole exclamation he allowed his relative to pass from his remembrance.” [...]
[...] AN EARN EST Actor. “Timberry won't be long,' said Mr Crummles. ‘He layed the audience out to-night. He does a faithful black [...]
[...] “Hic niger est, hunc tu, Romane, caveto." [...]
[...] By A BiblicAL STUDENT. Also with Engravings, 3s., the Seventh Edition of H R E E W E E K S in PAL EST IN E and i.EBANON. Lately published, with Map and Illustrations. 8vo. 12s. 6d. [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 16. Mai 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] sarcasm she uttered, there fell the dark shadow of her sup pressed agony of soul. “Est il juste, après tout, qu'un conquérant s'abaisse Sous ſa serviſe loi detenir sa prouesse * [...]
[...] Tout cela part d'un coeur toujours mattre de soi, D'un héros qui n'est point esclave de sa foi.” When, at the very last, she asks about the look of Pyrrhus at the altar, [...]
[...] pride, was never more affectingly expressed than on the words Est-ce la, dira-t-il, cette fière Hermione? Elle me dédaignait; an autre l'abandonne. From out the briefest words (ſais-le moi croire aussi) there [...]
[...] and spread out the fatal toil for the future: Et quel que soit Pyrrhus Hermione est sensible, Oreste a des vertus. One saw poor fool Orestes already quivering in it. The fourth act, in which she resolves the death of [...]
[...] disabled in the service of their country. The chair was taken by “The Chisholm,” who was supported on his right and left by Sir Augustus d'Este, Commodore Sir C. Napier, &c. There was an excellent wind instrument band, from one of the household regiments; but all attrac [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. März 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] Quel plaisir a-t-il eu depuis qu'il estau monde? En est-il un plus pauvre en la machine ronde? Point de pain quelquefois, et [...]
[...] Lui demande ce qu'il faut faire. C'est, dit-il, afin de m’aider A recharger ce bois; tune [...]
[...] PLUtot sourFRIR QUE MoU RIR, C'est la devise des hommes. [...]
[...] Et non l'homme, ou pourroit aisément s'y tromper) A ces mots le serpent se laissant attrapper. Est pris, mis en un sac ; et, ce qui fut le pire, Ou resolut sa mort, fit il coupable ou non: —as not at all happy, and have especially observed [...]
[...] plutot P Mon Dieu i je serai un monstre, oui, un mºns tre. He then continued, with some warmth, ‘Ah! ce Buonaparteil est * heureux, il a toujours du bon Q. [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 27. Januar 1839
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] “Je me conduis par deux principes; l'un est. Thonneur, et Tautre l’intérêt de l'état que le ciel m'a donné à gouverner. les loix que ces principes me préscrivent sont premièrement [...]
[...] Wasa, dont le Rom mérite d'etre cité à côté de celui de la §: Elisabet,_Gustave Wasa, disje, rétablit la Suéde, et a le tyran Christian du royaume ; et c'est Par une même magnanimité des princes d'Orange, qu'à force de valeur et de persévérance ils fondërent la république des [...]
[...] “Volt AIR.E.” “MR STANLEY To M. Dr. Voltane. “Monsieuri-C'est au père de la tragédie Françoise que ai woulu rendre, mes foibles hommages: je suis charmé'de 'las voir approuvés par "Fº digne de sa postérité poétique. [...]
[...] Yet, without reading, there is no intellectual living : a life without letters is death, vita sine literis mors est / It has been well said, “He that forms a right public collection of books has opened the best of all high schools and universities, and even the [...]
[...] In a few days, post 8vo. - OM EST I C S C E N E S IN R U S S 1 A ; In a series of Letters describing a Year's Residence in that Country, chiefly in the Interior. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. Dezember 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] For the future, the settling down of the price of cotton to its natural average price (i. e. to the low est price at which it can be raised in an economical manner, with a living profit), the approach to equality with the Yankees in maritine and commercial acti. [...]
[...] French interests there were none, went to expostulate on the subject. On leaving the royal presence, he was heard to exclaim, “C'est le plus grand brouillon de l'Europe”—“This personage stirs up, more quarrels than any man in Europe."—Morning Chronicle. [...]
[...] Estimates and Drawings forwarded to any part of the country. N.B. The usual allowance to the TRADE. EST of LONDON CEME TERY, between the OLD BROM PTON and FULHA M Roads. Consecrated June 12th, 1840. [...]
[...] tion that may be used by the many intermediate hands it now has to pass obtained. F Est i v i + 1 Es of C H R IS T M A. S. And health ou both."—Shaksprane. cannot be too strongly recommended, as they not only act mildly add [...]
[...] SIMPSON AND WISE'S READIEST READY RECKONER. In l vol. neatly bound, price 5s. HE READI EST R i. A DY RECKONER ever invented, for assisting the Tradesman, the Merchant, the Gentle man, &c. in finding the Amount, at any given Price, of any Number, [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 06. Januar 1839
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] and necessities, the total want of purchasers, and their warehouses piled up with sheets, they go on—“Impensa est facta in solius Nicolai de Lyra a nobis voluminibus tanta, ut amplius nihil nobis supersit ad vivendum." Your correspondent might have consulted the Bib. [...]
[...] nuary. THE AMERICAN CAPTAIN who SAven T H E LIVES OF PART OF THE CREw OF THE Est HER. —The Lord Mayor has received several communications from persons of rank and fortune, amongst the rest from [...]
[...] youth, with great composure and resolution, thrust the volume into the animal's throat and choked him, crying out at the same time, “Graecum est.” - [...]
[...] witness the proceedings before the magistrates, not an ex pression was used which could tend to evince the slight est disrespect to that which was done and sanctioned i. a court of justice. Even when the magistrates declared it to be their determination to commit Mr Stephens, not a word [...]
[...] ew Edition; and SEA GULLs, New Edition; Mrs Trollope's New Story, and Hoffman's Wild Schen Es in The Widow BARNARY: the Fort Est and PRAIRIE (just The Vicart of WRExhi L.L, ready). New Edition; and [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. September 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] - Anglise, “High places, how delightful 1". The Earl of Ripon, with that credulity which led Cobbett to call him “Prosperity Robinson,” declares that “ Foy est tout"— “Faith's everything.” Lord Lyndhurst's “ Ultra per gere,” may be Englished by the elegant phrases, “Push [...]
[...] ried out : I ask nothing more.”–American paper.—[This is only equalled by the celebrated anagram of “Horatie Nelson,” Honor est a Nilo. New Zeaſ. AND.—A man named Peter Doreen, who went out an emigrant in the Bengal Merchant, says the [...]
[...] best sº ..º.º. ºil. the largest and est stock or every description o rtstmen's C street. A &º gº of the }. º . ſº 49 Lombard Superfine Dress Coat.........£2 7 #| Summer Trousers. [...]
[...] GUIDE TO THE LA KES. In one vol post 8vº, price lºs. bºund and lettered. TAº of an ITIN EFANT in W. EST MORE LAND: forming a complete Guide to the Scenery of the Northern Jakes; with an Itinerary of the several Roads, Towns, Willages, and [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 21. Mai 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] of their own juggler, and the juggler himself only performing one of his usual, but one of his clever est tricks of legerdemain. Cured meat will probably be introduced in more considerable quantity, both from America and the [...]
[...] and you drink a great deal, and make long speeches-et vous dites, “G-d d-n,” (thumping his fist on the table)—Sere -et “G-d d-n encore,"—et voila tout. En France c’est different—bien—bien different.” [...]
[...] ORDNANCE Est IMATES.–The house then went into a committee of supply on the ordnance estimates.—Captain Bold ERo said a considerable reduction had taken place in [...]
[...] it. He never alludes to the murder but when ques tioned, and all his answers are given without the slight est apparent irritation, and with a readiness that shows no repugnance to the subject. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 21. August 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] the door. No answer was returned; “Ma’mselle Clotilde, open the door, I have a letter for you !" Still no answer. ‘Tiens! la clé est sur la porter—est-ce qu'on peut entrer sans indiscretion l’ he continued, opening the door. Nobody was in the room; a light was on the table, the window was [...]
[...] yention, and all for five sols —twenty-five centimes for this jº. sans pareil,—twenty-five centimes only Achetez en, Messieurs et Mesdames, c'est pour un rien Si Mon seigneur L'Archevêque de Bordeaux eat suc'te bétise-la, il seroit encore de ce monde; tandis que, faute de cela, son [...]
[...] deviendra même historique; oui, Messieurs, mon éteignoir deviendra historique, car ce que je vais avoir l'honneur de yous, dire est unfait averé; Sa Majesté le Roi, Louis Phi lippe, en possède un: et l'autre soir, étant occupé avec ses ministers sur une question d'état (n'importe laquelle), Sa [...]
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