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  • Datum
    Sonntag, 29. November 1840
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ‘Jamais de paix durable entre Carthage et Rome!’ II le disait vivant. II le dit chez les morts. C'est qu'en vain sur ce coeur pese une froide pierre. Il est le même, O France 1 iſ t'aime, noble terre, Comme alons il taimait—Aimer la France alons, [...]
[...] NITE 1) Ki NGI) () M1 I, I FE AS SURANCE CoMPANY, 8 Waterloo place, Pallmall, London, Honor Art Y Pa Est De NTs. Earl of Errol łł Wisc. Falkland Earl of Courtown rd Wisc. Eastnor, M.P. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. August 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] and Friuays at a Quarter to Nine o'clock._On Mondays and Saturdays, at Four o'cio k, Dr PU) I TS PNEU M A Tiº MODE of forming Su B Martin *. Foun DATIONS in DEEP WA l'Eſt, with various in teresting Experiments. Professor BAUH HUFFN Eri's LEU. TU It ES, and autue other subjects of interest in the Institution.-Admission, 1s. ; [...]
[...] --- EST END TEA ESTABLISHMENT.— STRUGNELL and C0. invite the attention of Families who exercise a judicious economy in the purchase of Tea and Coffee, to their [...]
[...] Just published, 8vo, with nearly 1,000 Woodcuts, 50° ºlºth, A : ENCYCLO PAE DIA of DOM EST IC EconoMY. Thomas WEBstER, F.G. S. &c. assisted by the late Mrs Parakes. Uniform with Messrs Longman and Co.'s Series of [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. Oktober 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] “Le President: Iſſy a certains des Ministres quineva leut pas le diable; mais nous pouvons compter sur le Lieutenant; c'est unhomme stir; d'ailleurs illest marié àune Islandaise qui fait deluitout ce qu’elle veut.” The French journalist translates these and other [...]
[...] they have been sleepers of long, or if they be grown unfit for the present time, be by wise judges confined in the execution; ‘Judicis officium est, ut res, ita tempora rerum’ (‘It is part of a judge to consider times as well as circumstances').” [...]
[...] part of their office, a wise use and application of laws; for they may remember what the apostle saith of a greater law than theirs, ‘Nos scimus quia lex bona est, rodo quis ea utatur legitime’ (‘We know that the law is good, provided any one uses it lawfully")." [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. Februar 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] tify it, and he instructs the officer that it were better, in correcting errors fatal to the public inter ests, to avoid a language or demeanour hurting the feelings of a gentleman. If such should be the rule, then, when the great [...]
[...] The ANT1 Conn LAw BAzAAR IN MANch Est ER. —This grand fancy fair, the object of so much anticipa tion, opened on Monday last, at noon, in the Theatre [...]
[...] H E D O M EST IC MANAGEMENT of the S!CK-R00M, necessary, in aid of Medical Treatment, for the Cure of Diseases. By A. T. Thomson, M.D. F.L.S. Post 8vo. 10s. 6d. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. Januar 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] tion º, the gitation of the League, if successful, º not but ſail to prove ruinous to all the best inter ests of the nation * - º Mºtºrº, meeting was held on Thursday for epurpose of º: an . of the West #: [...]
[...] filled no £he patiºn *: ; he was, at one time t - s"and he shared in the par #. ests or º with greater and more #. en, º settlement of questions that now be long to history. His vanity was the moving principle which [...]
[...] INTER Est ING won suit ABLE FOR PRESENTS, Publishiºn ºr [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 08. November 1840
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] cases that would probably come before the sheriff this term. On Thursday there were but three cases for trial. THE PLAIN, SEN's IBLE, Hon Est MAN.—A favour able, but not elevated specimen of our race. This cha racter, my beloved pupils, you may take in once, but never [...]
[...] SI it BENJAM IN L, HO 1, 1 E, Bart. F.H.S. JOSEPH HENRY GREEN, Eq. F.R.S. Bit ANSBY B. COO l’Eſt, Esq. F.R.S. Members of the Uouncil of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, and many other highly distinguished ºngºnbers of the Medical profession, by [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 28. Januar 1838
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Aftft Est or rebel leaders. Several of the leading insurgents appear to have been brought into Montreal by the 83d and Royal Regiments. [...]
[...] One of the largest and fattest men in England has just died. “Mr Boldero,” says the Esser Heratul, “was one of the stout. est men in Suffolk. At his funeral, from the immense size of the coffin, it was found impossible to convey it to the grave in a hearse. A bier of immense strength was therefore con [...]
[...] Now ready, Second Edition, with a Map, pºst 8vº. 8. 6d. OR EST SCENES and INCI DENTS WILDS of CANADA. By Sir Geohot. HEAD. [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 04. März 1838
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] wag, an exceedingly comical fellow, the life and soul of a military mess, and the glory of the ſºild Sports of the H'est. I perceived that you had your tongue in your cheek while you were abusing me, and that you only wanted your fellow parsons to believe in the sincerity of [...]
[...] OW QUA'S MIXTU (; E, and HO W QUA's - SMALL. I.E.A.F. GUNPOWI) Eſt.—The public are cautioned against being misled by the fake statements published in advertisements and handbills, by a person who is pirating these nº ºnes at I packages to [...]
[...] I” P0 RTANT to the Public ; where to buy the BEST TEAS at the lºwest price. W. LANE begs to inform his Friends and the Public geºcrally that he is now retailing the 1: EST TEAS at the lowest wholesale prices. The following sorts he particularly es to recominend:—line Strong Congou, 4s. ; Fine Full-flavoured [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 06. September 1840
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] before the trial can commence. It is therefore probable that this will take place on or about the 1st of October. It is said that M. Chaix d'Est Ange has been engaged as counsel for Count de Montholon. The following letter from the Count de St Leu, the [...]
[...] and eloquent prelate the Lord Bishop of Killaloe, and the music by Miss Maria Frances Dickson, whose inter. esting works are well known and admired.”—The Orange song is quoted by the Tony journals with rapture. ORANGE Sechet Societies.—The magistrates of Bel [...]
[...] it my duty to apprise you, that unless blasphemy of the worst character be esteemed a paramount claim to the high est dignity the collective sense of the metropolitan city can bestow, I protest against the fitness of Mr Alderman Har mer to fill the civic chair of your Protestant Christian cor [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. Juli 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] the ministry, twelve out of the fourteen members be longing to the opposition. The ſailure of such men as. Benjamin Delessert, Chaix d'Est Ange, Piscatory, De Laborde, Barbet, Fould, and Royer Collard, of the ministerial side, awakened the anxieties of the Govern [...]
[...] stabbing, and horse-stealing. The paucity of civil busines may, perhaps, he attributed to the expected election. WESTERN CIRCUIT-WINch Est ER - We understand the business for Hampshire will be light, there being but few prisoners and fewer causes, though two or three of the [...]
[...] PAUL. And A NABOB FOR AN HOUR. On Wednesday, FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Count St Lewis, Madlle With PETER AND PA U. L. And Hon Est thieves. On Thursday, A SECRET WORTH KNOWING. With PETER AND PAUL. And M RS WIGGINS. Wiggins, Mr Strickland. [...]
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