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  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. Oktober 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] rendered equally prominent in the struggle—were equally to be affected by the decision. Mr Baring stood forward not merely as the opponent of the League, though its declared practical enemy, but as the supporter of the Peel Administration on every [...]
[...] strictly a Ministerial one. “Mr Baring's exposi “tions of his own politics, straightforward as they “were, amounted merely to this—that he was a “Ministerialist. London was called upon to pass “ or reject a vote of confidence, more or less ex [...]
[...] the most abominable; while we read in the Times that Mr Baring's chief hope of success, he being a “mere Ministerialist,” arose from disgust at the impudent interference of Messrs Cobden, and Bright; and that had the League contented itself [...]
[...] thought of the application. The plan of the thing before us is simple enough; it is merely to derive #. the proceedings of the Ministry #. rules by which those proceedings are to be approved—an ex post facto law of appro [...]
[...] pediency for its guides. The actions of Government which must be regulated by those high and abstract cousiderations recalled its policy, in contradistinction to its mere legal [...]
[...] If Ministers succeed in convicting and locking up Mr O’Connell, they will not thereby lock up the agitation, they will merely deprive it of controlling guidance that restrains it from vio lence. §. may be the result of leaving an [...]
[...] agitation. The interference of the law authorities ought to have precipitated the catastrophe; in stead of that, it has merely adjourned the drama, which is to recommence in some other shape, on some other stage. Notwithstanding this promise [...]
[...] What a clever thinker might, at any rate, have made a thoughtful and striking picture in its rela tions to general society, she reduces to the mere vehicle of a common tale, tedious and long drawn out, of weakness, wickedness, and seduction. [...]
[...] associated in the toast with the great literary genius of his country, which embodied in the present day not the mere predominance of a few mighty minds, but the great mass of intellect throughout the land. (Cheers.) He regretted, in common with his fellow townsmen, [...]
[...] - Mr Buddle, the agent of the Marquis of London derry, has, died lately, worth the enormous sum of 150,000l., having been a mere pit lad. [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 09. Mai 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] arrangements. In commerce the whole trade of a country cannot be proscribed because of the taint 9f slavery, and it is idle, a mere pretence, to pro hibit the slave-produced commodity when the pay ment for the permitted traffic comes from the sale [...]
[...] practice, the prosecutor and the parties charged should be allowed to converse together, in order to make some arrange ment as to compensation-no one from the mere reading of the indictment could possibly imagine, When a Judge says that an indictment does not [...]
[...] into account the brain no less than the stomach. And above all, and it is for this we chiefly praise him, he has avoided mere book-making. This thin octavo would easily have swollen out into two or three bulky volumes, if he had not considerately [...]
[...] Medea. If even the vulgar license of an r were appended to the latter name, in no case allowable, there would be no rhyme. It would be a mere repetition of the same inelegant and insufficient sound. The intrusion of such opinions as that [...]
[...] He hoped the people would be unanimous against such a tax. . The government were encouraging the cry for cheap bread merely with a view to electioneering interests, in anticipation of a general election. A petition from the seven suspended clergymen of [...]
[...] answered, that so long as death was retained as the punishment of actual murder, there was no occasion to retain that punishment for the mere attempt; for he who wounded with intent to murder intended to succeed, and showed, therefore, that the fear of capital punishment was [...]
[...] duty would in future devolve upon Mr Wizard. If that gen tleman still continued to hold the situation of Secretary of Bankrupts, the circumstance arose merely from the circum stance that the Lord Chancellor contemplated extensive changes in the whole system of bankruptcy, which made it [...]
[...] MONUMENTAL RECORDS OF GREAT MEN. (From a Correspondent.) If man were a mere being of logic, and nothing else, if he had no affections or emotions, there would be few tomb-stones and few monuments, which are for the most [...]
[...] these, has been neglected too long. - - . In our public monuments, permanent interest has been too much forgotten, mere beauty or grandeur of form has been sought for, but useful, associative beauty, has been [...]
[...] The highest range of art is, to combine the useful with the beautiful, the utile cum dulce, and to render the memorial, not a mere inert mass of form, but subservient to some [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 17. Juni 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] the happiness of the Princess Augusta and the Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg Strelitz. The grant was not much, the sum a mere trifle, [...]
[...] education are set aside as Carlists or Christinites. Of capitalists there are but half-a-dozen, and they are mere harpies; and the class, which alone ap pears on the scene, consists of functionaries, or would-be functionaries, men possessing or greedy [...]
[...] continued series of struggles and revolutions between two hungry parties, separated from each other by no principle, but merely anxious to keep or get place, in fluence, and “molument. It is the empleomania, as they themselves admit, which, more than any other interest [...]
[...] In Madrid it is not so. There exists an independent citizen class, moved by its humours more than its in terests, detesting Christina merely because they thought her Court corrupt, and moderately attached to Espar tero, merely because they deem him brave and honest. [...]
[...] of Alexandre Dumas's book a la Provençale, and in his own ºuliar manner, he would render it quite as palatable, and infinitely more piquant, than if he had merely introduced it [...]
[...] they act that I complain of, and condemn as the drama's worst enemy. “In conclusion let me merely add, that I have endea voured to redeem, throughout my management, every pledge of my introductory address:–I have endeavoured to make [...]
[...] nected with beneficial legislation for Ireland. He was now aware that nothing was to be done in Ireland by mere brute force; we had a long score to settle with [...]
[...] be apprehended from that competition.— Mr Gladstone believed that no inference could be drawn from the mere circumstance of a single importation of American manufactures. Mr Ewant gave notice that on Monday he should [...]
[...] he had confidence, and upon mere memoranda of acknow ledgment, without more. Passages of the plaintiff's fourth affidavit give a history of her affairs and the state of her [...]
[...] to the conclusion that the alleged loan and re-payment is not only improbable, but in a very high degree improbable. ºut the matter does not rest merely upon the fact that the *******, case is unsupported. The plaintiff's case is *PPºrted by evidence, not merely consisting of affidavits [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 21. April 1839
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] named respectability having nothing to do with goodness of character, but merely with goodness of circum stances and station. Bull's [...]
[...] operation, with this mischievous tampering with the machinery of justice, prosecutions for criminal offences should have become but a mere farce, a solemn absurdity in Ireland? With prejudiced juries selected by paitisan sheriffs, with their purification discountenanced by the go [...]
[...] opinion is that her Majesty's ministers do nothing, the Radicals help them, and the Conservatives look on. And why this evasive and temporising policy? Merely in order that ministers may continue, until the latest possible moment, at all hazards and at any price, to [...]
[...] gratuitous, he cannot plead for them that poverty of pleasantry, not the will, consents; in the very abun dance of his humour he dashes in the mere gross messes which blemish it. The excellence of Paul de Kock lies in his descrip [...]
[...] “And, notwithstanding, by dint of use, it is reduced an inch in length since first it came in my possession; and, if I go on as I began with it, it will eventually become a mere stiletto.” “Well, let us leave the subject of thy prowess, Chaud [...]
[...] best chance of success, because it approaches' nearer to the operations of instinct; and thus, are great physical advan tages gained, while the deliberations of mere theoretic intel Hect .. suspend the balance which is snatched away by the first resolute gust of the coming storm.” [...]
[...] men were worth something, and so have retained his fellow creatures about his heart, instead of put ting a mere crown upon his head? [...]
[...] the consideration of the reflective student. He does not attempt to discover infallible rules for the production offinely-coloured pictures; but he merely disseminates the ideas from which the thoughtful ainter is to extract the germes of future benefit. [...]
[...] of that day; and some painters, emulous of his fame, believed they had caught his style, when in fact, they had merely neglected drawing, probability, and finishing.” In the reign of George the Second, the arts began to re suscitate, through the influence of Queen Caroline. In [...]
[...] taxation will be greatly increased to defray the charges incurred to put down the rebellion.—The news from Mexico is merely confirmatory of the accounts which, previously reached England. st [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 08. April 1838
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Times not pressed against Lord Durham in the House of Commons—the charge that his Lordship is not merely taking out too large a suite, but that he is taking out too many plates and dishes, too many tureens and butter-boats, an enormity of [...]
[...] cts, or has the least reason to expect, upon enter ing a parish, to find his salary encumbered with duty. But advertising, not for a mere Parson, but for an “Evangelical” one, to add that he would be required to discharge active spiritual offices, seems [...]
[...] dict for the defendants in every instance. The defence in each action was conducted by Mr Ser jeant Talfourd, who contented himself by merely cross-examining the Tory witnesses, and sending each successive case to the jury, with a powerful [...]
[...] stands pre-eminent. The “mighty line” of Marlowe (where it is mighty—for it is sometimes feeble enough) arises out of mere recklessness and want of purpose. He pours out all his animal spirits into those happier verses; dashes at everything ; is [...]
[...] “Whilst the engravers of England are honourably distin guished by the Academies of Arts in the different nations of Europe, they are merely noticed or distinguished by the Royal Academy of Arts of London, among artists, somewhat as felons are among men.” [...]
[...] We resume the exposition, which this pamphlet has drawn from us, of the claims of the engraver to an exemption from the imputation of being a mere *** premising, what will be evident to many, urks refer solely to the art of engraving [...]
[...] tween a first-rate engraver, who is really a master in his art, and the secondary practitioner, who merely possesses a mechanical excellence, is made most conspicuous. The latter, it is true, by dint of going wrong, may at last blunder into the right path; [...]
[...] tion ? (Loud cheers.) This was not a question of ten, twelve, or twenty thousand pounds—the whole tenour of the debate showed that it was a mere personal attack upon the Earl of Durham. (Cheers.) It # not appear to him to be a question of economy, one way or the other, but a mere [...]
[...] on the necessity of reducing the interest, and so many ministries agreeing in the assertion. . The Cabinet of the 22d of February (M. Thiers's) had demanded merely an adjournment of a year; and the present Cabinet had accepted the engagements of its predecessors. The fol [...]
[...] —The delay is a mere formality, for after the events that have taken place it is not expected that her Majesty will make another attempt to restore the Charter of 1826. [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 20. September 1840
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] promised the nation's loyalty,” and had “yielded to the voice of private friendship instead of public duty.” But this is a mere begging of the question, If vice were rampant at the Royal board this time twelvemonth, vice is rampant there now. Her Ma [...]
[...] cut off Nankin and Canton from Pekin. This plan, substituted for the project of going to Pekin, would be merely taking half of China instead of the whole; and that half would, we fear, be equally ponderous and unmanageable. The scheme, however, would [...]
[...] to do what might have met with decided opposition at a pacific moment, did that opposition spring merely from economy. The French have forgotten their love of freedom in their military aspirations. They are about to secure Paris against the Russians; [...]
[...] times nations do not plunge into war merely because they have large armies, and can command great resources. A drunken Irishman in a fair may, impelled by the feeling [...]
[...] means consists with the largeness of intellect that is in the same breath claimed for him. It reduces him to the mere armed partisan and violent self-seeker. It changes the lofty dreams and aspirations that alternately check and impel his course, as we view [...]
[...] It changes the lofty dreams and aspirations that alternately check and impel his course, as we view it in the larger arena, into the mere conscious ma nagement of a selfish religious creed, with which he at one time quiets his nerves, at another encou [...]
[...] and France, and that it contains several clauses highly favourable to British manufactures. The very few points which may be considered open are mere technicalities, of no importance whatever, and which cannot by possibility be made the subject of any discussion affecting either the [...]
[...] sion is not merely to prosecute Marie Capelle, let the defence point out some traces, and I will have courage enough to prove this frightful mystery. There has been poison, much [...]
[...] for trial, but as he knew them to be respectable men, and as Mr Ruegg had merely expressed a wish that their conduct should be brought before the public as a caution to others not to use their fowling-pieces in a similar careless manner, [...]
[...] assaults a policeman in the discharge of his duty—and he is quietly desired, in a private room, not to do the like again, and merely ordered to pay the expenses—3s. 4–Ten Towns Messenger. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Januar 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] stitutional government: he has taken it merely on the re presentation, indeed, we may say, the dictation of the Count St Aulaire. , England with her Tory Government is thus [...]
[...] Powers. When he had assumed the Ministry, all these relations were most unsatisfactory. The Pa cha was menaced to be reduced to a merely nominal chief; better terms had been procured for him ; his hereditary rights were secured, and all that was [...]
[...] characteristic of the nation, and have been arrogated by the Russians to themselves.” We have avoided the mere personal details of the book, but there is one anecdote in that part of it which describes the journey through Greece, [...]
[...] look for such information, therefore, will incur the least risk of disappointment. He will certainly not be disappointed, who merely expects what Mr [...]
[...] Review. ChristENING of the PRINCE of Wales.—H. J. P. writing to the Times, says—“I am not a mere formalist, nor a caviller about trifles, but where so important a ceremony to the Church and nation as that of the ad [...]
[...] influence would be used to deprive him of his licence 1 Many persons, too, are appending their names under an impression that the “declaration” merely expresses dis approval of Sunday travelling, and a determination not to travel on that day; whereas it binds the parties not [...]
[...] 90/., with intent to defraud Messrs Child and Co., bankers, o! Temple bar. Ample evidence was given that the prisoner presented a forged cheque, but he said he was merely the agent of a Mr Holland, who lived at Green's Hotel, Lin [...]
[...] The other four never again appeared above the water. The whole of the deceased were mere lads, the children of me. chanies living, in the neighbourhood. On the same after. noon, another life was lost on Edgbaston pool. The sixth [...]
[...] many other highly distinguished members of the Medical profession, by whorn it is deemed the only Specific for the cure of those diseases to which it is mere immediately applicable. Its purifying effects upon the general health render it particularly ap plicable in all cases of relaxed fibre and nervous debility. The most deli [...]
[...] pointing out the difference of idiom between the French and Eng. lish Languages, on a variety of subjects, and forming a collection, not merely of the familiar, but also ºf the more technical phrases of the two languages; the whole founded upon the best authorities. In 18mo: price 3.. 6d. half-bound. [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 23. August 1840
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] is one of unbroken serenity. Predial agitation there is none; the political agitation that exists seems to be the mere recoil of Tory violence ; the extrava gance that echoes extravagance; nothing to stir the depths of society, or alarm a government secure in [...]
[...] dulgent party is confined, by its sad exclusion from office, to recompense their loyalty and peaceable de meanour by the mere favours of legislation. Toryism is a schoolmaster, who says to his Irish scholars—“Be good boys, learn your lessons, write [...]
[...] to labour to bring about a direct accommodation between the Sultan and the Pacha, on such terms as the latter would be likely to cede, in order merely to conciliate the Sultan. This attempt on the part of France went to erase altogether the wishes and [...]
[...] influence in the East.” In other words, by this arrangement Mehemet Ali became Caliph and the Sultan a mere Emir. The latter, deprived of all natural sources of strength, must henceforth be dependent on Russia, its nearest neighbour, whilst [...]
[...] hereditarily and Syria for life, Austria and Prussia would force Lord Palmerston to accept their terms. It is plain that General Bulow and Prince Esterhazy were merely sounding, after the fashion of diplomacy, what were the real instructions of M. Guizot and the ultimatum of [...]
[...] Decree for a mere reference to the Master, granted of [...]
[...] the suitors in suits of this description, according to the above estimate, in which suits for common accounts are also taken in, in order to obtain a mere reference to the Master, is 63,012l. a year ! Allowing 18l. for the expense of obtaining a Judge's [...]
[...] in. Being informed, however, that Espartero had con sented to maintain the municipal law, they refused. And Espartero has been obliged to promote a mere cavalry officer to the post of Prime Minister of Constitutional Spain. It would appear that the new Ministry intended [...]
[...] jury in extenuation of the female prisoner's conduct, she having lately been left a widow with ll children, and evidently been made the mere instrument of others.-The jury returned a verdict of Guilty; but recommended her to mercy on the ground that she was merely the servant of the [...]
[...] siderable property in Ireland.-It should be added, that the house where the death took place is a very 1espectable one, and that it was merely out of good nature that the deceased had offered to “treat ' the girls. SUDDEN DEATHs–On Wednesday evening a police [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. März 1843
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[...] the control of his mind. “Cross-examined by the Solicitor-General : I have not seen him. I merely heard the evidence. Persons may be labouring under morbid delusion, and yet may be perfectly capable of distinguishing right from wrong. But whatever [...]
[...] there is no temple, and there is to be no temple, and the unattached and unattachable gates are mere lumber, and what is worse, desecrated by their uses at Mahmoud's tomb, and the Hindoos are disappointed and mortified, and the Mahome [...]
[...] the overtowering superiority of the honest and straight forward proposal of the late Cabinet, as compared with this mere lavish and wasteful subterfuge of the present Cabinet. What Lord John Russell asked the country to pay, he openly put into the Exchequer; what Sir Ro [...]
[...] would be no advantage in overturning M. Guizot. His Majesty told Count Molé himself so; and in consequence M. Guizot had not merely the majo rity of 20, that formed his utmost hope, but a majority of 45. The numbers of those present [...]
[...] weakness and irresolution and humbleness of M. Guizot. Whilst the French were pettily occupied at home with the care of merely founding a dy nasty, and keeping it quiet on the throne, Prussia was extending its sway over Germany, Austria over [...]
[...] Spain. Once or twice M. Guizot has made this menacing declaration, which is convenient y ambiguous, and may mean merely an attempt to usurp the throne, and st the little Queen aside. It may, indeed, also man the marrying the young Queen to one not a Bourbon. [...]
[...] mean his caprice, his fickleness, his selfish love of change, which in history appear to waste his powers on a mere display of power, and of the steadier objects of ambition to render him inca pable. “Wind-changing Warwick now can change [...]
[...] assembly claimed to be the exclusive judges in matters ecclesiastical. Such was not the case; the assembly merely claimed to be independent within its own sphere, and to have the right of defining, in matters coming be fore them, the limits between the civil and spiritual [...]
[...] vote for a committee, which he should then regard as a mockery, but of that remedy he did not despair. His support would be given to this motion, not from a mere [...]
[...] Rutherford proposed to pass some abstract reso lutions in committee; but he did not think the house could usefully deal in mere abstractions,— He could not understand how the union of church and state could subsist on the principles now advanced— [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 23. September 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] “it is quite a different thing to propound princi: “ples when you are applying them to practical “ details, to that of laying them down merely in “the shape of abstract propositions !"—and with a perfect contempt of all consistency, proceeded to [...]
[...] in the United States. They are as follows. Mr Upshur, the Minister, says— “A mere treaty of peace or of boundary between the United States and of Eji is not enough. Their com mercial relations are so intimate, and the mutual depend [...]
[...] We have waited to see whether any of our Con servative contemporaries would notice these ex tracts. Perhaps they regard them as mere “ab stract propositions,” like Sir Robert Peel's, and unlikely to be applied to “practical details;”—be [...]
[...] Thursday a question was raised as to the legality of the conduct of the Directors of the Bank of Eng land, in deducting the amount of any tax merely in compliance with the instructions of the Govern ment. [...]
[...] was no other than the slaying of alligators as º as possible with large and heavy spears. his greatly disgusted him: he called it mere butchering.' But having invented a most inge nious hook and line on an enormous scale, by [...]
[...] him ashore and killing him there, he rubs his hands and calls it excellent sport. We mention this as merely one out of many honourable evi dences, rife in the volumes, to the Colonel's sport ing character. [...]
[...] Henry V . . . . . Printed . . . . . . 1600 Merchant of Venice Printed 1600. Mentioned by Meres . . . . . 1598 Midsummer Night's Dream Printed 1600. Mentioned by Meres . . . . . 1598 [...]
[...] Held to be mentioned by Meres as “Love's La bour's Won’’ . 1598 [...]
[...] Two Gentlemen of Verona Mentioned by Meres . 1598 Comedy of Errors . . . Mentioned by Meres . 1598 King John . - - Mentioned by Meres . 1598 [...]
[...] “Since the time of." Robinson Crusºe’ literature has prod like these ‘Tales of the Colonies.’"–Metropolitan. uced nothing “No mere romance, no mere fiction, however skilfully managed or powerfully executed, ºan surpass it. The work to which it bears the nearest similitude is." Robinson Crusoe, and it is scarcely, if at all, infe. [...]
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