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106 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Petting

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  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. April 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] cent, and consequently contribute proportionally one half more to the public revenue than the petted, bolstered, and swaddled inheritance. The actual sum which it will contribute to the Income Tax will be about 549,450l. And so much for [...]
[...] The Petted PREMIER.—If there be any truth in the proverb, that .# is the touchstone of charac ter," those friends of the Premier who have any anxiety [...]
[...] against the new tariff generally should be sent.— In Peterborough neither Whigs nor Tories nor Radicals seem to approve of this pet measure of Sir R. Peel; even the farmers are beginning to have their eyes open to the serious injury which it and the new tariff will in [...]
[...] AGNIFICENT CA R PETS.—JACKSON and GRAHAM solicit the attention of Noblemen and Gentlemen to their choice and exclusive designs in AXM INSTER, WELVET, [...]
[...] GRAHAM solicit the attention of Noblemen and Gentlemen to their choice and exclusive designs in AXM INSTER, WELVET, PATENT TAPESTRY, and BRUSSELS cah PETs, surpassing in durability of fabric, splendour of design, and tasteful blending of colours, all former ;. of the kind, the prices of which, though nominally [...]
[...] somewhat higher, will be found in reality much cheaper than those infe 1ior qualities so generally sold as the best. AXM INSTER and TUR KEY CAR PETS of first-rate quality, of nearly every size, always on hand.— 37 and 38 Oxford street. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. Dezember 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] their guidance, proceed to reconsider the question. Sugar, like corn, has always been a stumbling block with the Tories. These pet children of monopoly have ever been most ungrateful to their natural guardians. From the time that Mr Goul [...]
[...] ceed. Lord Palmerston has been the bugbear of the French for the last years. He will be now the pet. They will limn him on sign-posts, stick him in bon-bons, and Humann, the fashionable tailor, will advertise redingotes à la Palmerston. In [...]
[...] allow the public mind to be persuaded that they are opposed to all measures for the good of the people other than their own pet scheme. Having said thus much about the League and Lord Radnor, will you allow me to say that I hardly think [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. November 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] economy of M. Humann, who would cashier the new levies, and turn guns and bayonets into hard dollars—whether he has a pet scheme that none but Molé can execute, or whether he thinks that Molé can manage Metternich better than Guizot [...]
[...] took the rifle which he had not yet disengaged from the cover... I tore it off, and stepping out from behind our para pet, advanced to the rock which covered my light-coloured opponent. I had not made two steps in advance when three spears struck me nearly at the same moment, one of which [...]
[...] his pony a heave upon the starboard or larboard quarters;" and once, when violently alarmed at the danger he imagined his pet pony to be in, he shouted amain, “By G-, sir, she'll go down by the stern.’” Such curious geological phenomena have been [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 29. April 1838
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] spleN did A.N 1) superior CAir Pets. ESS R S J A CIS SON and Git A H AM invite the [...]
[...] - Nobility and Families to view their magnificent and extensive choice of DRAWING and DINING ROOM CA R PETs, contrising several hundred new and elegant designs of every style in. BRUSSELS, no YAL VEi.v. Et Pi LF, Ax M. INST and SA XONY; also, a fresh [...]
[...] several hundred new and elegant designs of every style in. BRUSSELS, no YAL VEi.v. Et Pi LF, Ax M. INST and SA XONY; also, a fresh importation of TUR KEY and PERSI CA R PETS of very superior qualitv and colours, in almost every size. JACKSON and GRAHAM beg leave to call the attention of Noblemen [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 08. Juli 1838
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] and must produce a great sensation all over Europe. The true version of the story, we understand, is, that his lordship in a pet resign.cd his lieutenancy, because he was not made a British Peer | The Noble Marquis will now look to the Tories for promotion. It is reported, [...]
[...] about to ſurnish, to view the largest and most splendid Stock in the Metropolis. - : A R PET Yºº : A N "I" Hy:sſ ( ; N [...]
[...] CAR PETS AND CAbi NET FURNITU it E. R A H A \ſ and CO. announce to the Public that Iſ their stock is the LARGE-T and most v A RIED in EUROPE, [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. August 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] “The concessions to Hanover exhibit how hard a bar gain has been driven by the Government of alittle kingdom, once our petted dependency. The face of the treaty shows the higgling which preceded it. Every article in it bristles with 'reciprocity' and 'equivalent;' and Hanover is re [...]
[...] herself so far as to ascertain that he was clothed and fed; he lived in the kitchen among her servants, and grew up in the shade of the round towel ; sometimes petted, some times cuffed; petted when he saved the lazy any trouble, and cuffed when he claimed the praise and the . [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 06. Juli 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] our wise and witty friends of Punch are too apt to overlook it, when their zeal (not undeserving of hearty sympathy) is moved against “pets” of Exeter Hall. A tribute to the Russian Post office will have [...]
[...] - * -- --- ------- ELLING OFF.—CA R PETS, CHINTZES, SILK and WQRSTED DAMASKS, TABOURRTS, and CABI. net FURNiture.-luck, Krnt, and cumming, of No. 4 [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. Juli 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] terrier could no longer bark at his master with playful mirth; the parrot called and whistled in vain, for he who called it “his pet and his darling' could no more reply to its caresses; she had now to make tea ſor herself, and ke could no longer complain that it was too weak or too strong, too hot or too [...]
[...] UYERS of CABINET FURNITURE and CAR PETS are requested to observe that an immense saving may be effected by making their purchases at LYON, HOTSON, and CO.S, Wholesale Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers, 293, 294, and 295, [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 07. Oktober 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] de rebus Gallicis, fell last Monday like a petard amongst the Parisians. Mr O'Connell has been, till very lately, the pet of all parties in France. The ultra-Catholics upheld him as a restorer of religion, the ultra-Liberals as a successful agitator, the juste-milieu, [...]
[...] derwood, Southampton, general commission agents—Blackett and Robinson, Leeds, general cºmmission agents-R. and T. F. Lee, St Martin's lane, carpenters—T. Faber and J. Pet. tiner, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, joiners—T. Hill and J. §mith, Shrewsbury, auctioneers–T and D. Toyne, Sheffield, [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 24. Februar 1839
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] durable, as well as low in price. 93 Bishopsgate street Within. ABINET, CA R PET, and UPHOLSTERY wARERQOMS, Nos. 393,894, and 295 FIG H Holbol{N. AMILIES fitting up Bed Chambers a la Française are invited to [...]
[...] solidity of which are warranted, being direct from one of the most fashion able ɺ in Paris. BRUSSELS CAR PETS.—The largest and most splendid Stock in the etropºlis, combining durability of fabric with novel and cleºant pat s, adapted for the receiving room of a man of business, or the most [...]
[...] most clearly defined by the hacknied commendation, which the practice of it elicits from its unskilful ad mirers, “A masterly sketch 1” To merit this pet and pernicious eulogium, many a young artist has marred his natural abilities, and destroyed the splen [...]
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