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Suchbegriff: Rain

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  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. April 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] sultry summer heat of a tropical climate, but to dissipate the unhealthy vapours which are generated after the heavy rains which occur, particularly during the night, at that season. “In other respects, the lake-like appearance of the har [...]
[...] bour is beautiful; it forms a sort of basin, lying between the mountains of Hong Kong and the mountains of the mainland opposite. For this reason, however, the rains which fall are sometimes excessively heavy: the dark threatening clouds seem banded across from one side to the other, pour [...]
[...] coax Exchange, Monday, Arail. 15.-The weather for a fortnight up to Friday last was very warm and dry, since when we º rain with a mild temperature, and vegetation is going on rapidly; to-day is fine, with wind W.s.w. The arrivals during the past week have been moderate, except of fºreign barley. [...]
[...] to be Capt. vice Campbell, who exchanges. 95th Foot—Lieut. E. J. Cruice to be Capt. without purchase, vice Tathwell, deceased; Ensign J. A. R. Raines to be Lieut. vice Cruice; T. B. Feneran, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Raines. [...]
[...] sive variety of the above, in NEW and greatly improved materials (in lieu of the unsightly rubbish made by slopsellers), now ready, guaranteed to exclude any rain whatever, and confidently recommended to those who regard a respectable appearance, or wish to avoid disappointment and vexa tion. First-rate Clothing of every description upon the lowest terms pos [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 19. November 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] oppressive, with a strong sulphurous smell, and the wind veered about to nearly every point of the com pass. At 1 o'clock the rain began to fall in torrents, and about an hour afterwards I perceived at a distance of about a mile from shore an immense rising in the [...]
[...] above the level of the sea, it appeared high enough to sweep over the city; its force, however, was broken, and it subsided on the beach. The rain still continu.ed in torrents, and at four o'clock the roar of the water in the river, which was 40 feet in depth, began to give me some [...]
[...] diately dressed and proceeded to the beach, and by the blue lights soon ascertained that two or three vessels were ashore at the head of the bay, close upon both sides. It was rain ing in torrents, the forked lightning was blinding, the thun der was stunning. It was as dark as pitch. The distance [...]
[...] firmly imbedded in the eand, and before the crew, who were wearied and almost exhausted from their previous exertions, could recover from the confusion of water, wind, rain, and situation, the tide had flowed, and overwhelmed them by suc cessive breaches, sweeping off numbers at each return of the [...]
[...] CoRN Exchangs, Mon DAv. Now EM as a 14.—From Friday morning last up to this morning we have had very boisterous weather with heavy falls of rain, this day, however, is dry, and the atmosphere is cooler. During the past week the ar rivals of all kinds of grain have been small, except of Irish [...]
[...] invites inspection of a large stock of new and most apprºpriate materials; also of first-rate garments, adapted to all purposes, warranted (without confining perspiration) to exclude any description or quantity of rain whatever, and bidding defiance to all weathers. W. BER DOE, Tailor, Waterproofer, &c. 69 CORN HILL (eight doors [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. September 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] among his wares, and at length drawing forth a pair of can dle-moulds, much to the amusement of the by-standers. “The rain which had begun to fall, now cut short our conference. I bought a few trifles, and the pedler received his pay with a bow which was almost a salaam. Mounting [...]
[...] his pay with a bow which was almost a salaam. Mounting his blue hearse, he drove off in triumph, not minding the rain, from which he was completely sheltered by a screen of boughs fitted in the sides of his waggon, and meeting over his head;—a protection against sun and rain which I much [...]
[...] (From Messrs Gillies and Horne's Circular.) CoRN Exchang k, Mon DAY, Septembk R. 19.-We have had a reat deal of rain since Friday, but to day is fine and clear, with § W. wind. The arrivals were short during last week, but there is a better supply from Essex and Kent this morning. [...]
[...] Yorkshire, woollen cloth manufacturer and merchant–October 19, R. Mitchell, Birmingham, jeweller and silversmith–Oc tober 14, H. Raines and J. Savage, Dukinfield, Cheshire, steam boiler makers – October 14, E. Thompson, South Shields, [...]
[...] material lso of first-rate Garments for Shooting, Fishing, Travelling, Riding, Driving, &c. &c. warranted (without confining perspiration) to exclude any description or quantity of rain whatever. WALTER BERDOE, Tailor, Waterproofer, &c. 69 CORNHILL (eight doors from Bishopsgate street). [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. September 1839
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] to their duty, and accepting the old scale of wages. From Barbadoes they write—“We have been blessed with delightful showers of rain ; it is glorious weather for the labourers to plant, if the land be properly prepared ; the blessing of freedom has been grievously abused, agri [...]
[...] Wednesday dawned most inauspiciously. Twelve o'clock (writes the Chronicle correspondent) “ was the hour fixed for the commencement of the procession, but the rain, which has been threatening all the morning, has now begun in earnest, and thousands of umbrellas are unfurled in [...]
[...] display is completely spoiled. There is nothing chivalrous about an umbrella " The procession, however, took place, “but in consequence of the rain a considerable part of the ceremonial was dispensed with. The Queen of Beauty and the ladies of her train were in close carriages, [...]
[...] great majority of the country papers to the same effect is the following account from the Norfolk Chronicle of Saturday last:-The drenching rains which fell early on Saturday morning, with the successive cold showers on the Monday and Tuesday, put a stop to the harvest on those [...]
[...] ſ From Messrs Giltics and Son's ('ircular. J CoRN Excha Ng E. Mon pay, August 26.-We have had no rain since last Tuesday, and nothing is wanted but drying light winds to make the weather as favourable as possible for secur ing the harvest. The dews the last few mornings have been [...]
[...] CoRN Exch ANG E, FRIDAY, August 30–Yesterday was dry, but gloomy; this morning it began to rain heavily soon after eight o'clock, with every appearance of continuing for the day; but now, at noon, we have a gleam of sunshine. The arrivals [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Dezember 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] was of opinion that we should have moderate winds, if any, but plenty of sleet; this gathering burst out into a rain squall, with some wind, which soon passed off; but we remarked at the time to Mr Harris, that if the wind arose we must come to under Lundy. He, how [...]
[...] island and Hartland Point, we took our departure and stood to the southward,—moderate breezes from the westward, with a long ground swell and plenty of rain; at 30m. a.m. of Monday we were off Trevose Head; at 4 a.m., having run the computed distance, and looking [...]
[...] 4 a.m., having run the computed distance, and looking out for the land about the Three Oar Stones, the weather came on very thick, with torrents of rain, and being unable to see one's length before one, it was deemed prudent to put her head off shore and wait either until [...]
[...] the moon should shine out or until daylight, at the same time sounding occasionally, and using all due precaution to prevent accidents; it continued to pour of rain all the time, with a sea rising, until the day broke, which was as late as 8 a.m., when it cleared away, and we saw [...]
[...] was as late as 8 a.m., when it cleared away, and we saw our position. At 9, when off Cape Cornwall, a very heavy squall came on from N. W. with deluges of rain, and bringing on a tremendously heavy cross sea; the vessel rose to it very admirably; at 10. 30., rounded [...]
[...] Corn Exchaxgs. Mox DAY, Dec. 13.-Since this day week we have had alternately wet and fine days, with very boisterous winds; this morning also some rain fell, but the day is now fine. The arrivals of grain continue small both of English and foreign. At to-day's market there has been a large business [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 23. September 1838
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] pall-like drapery the darkness more dense and forlorn.......... “Still the lighting flashed, the thunder ever and anon seemed to smite the house-top, and the rain beat against the windows in sharp drops, varied occasionally, by a driving sheet of water, as the fitful gust swelled into strength. [...]
[...] n? strange influence over her destiny. “The rain became less sharp in its descent, and at length faded off into drops falling at momentary intervals; and then, ceasing altogether, gave place to a dead quiet......... [...]
[...] * intruder suddenly retreated from the garden to the roat?. “She now breathed a rain; but, as persons who in passing through a frightful ordeal keep up their energy till it is over, and then give way, so did Mrs Darey. Her hand, which a [...]
[...] edly, however," says the correspondent of the Chronicle, “ the sunshiny Italy was upon this occasion as full of dripping rain as our uncertain climate is, especially upon a day fixed for a public rejoicing. Few monºrchs have been so fortunate as Queen Victoria with her state pro [...]
[...] night drove through the streets to view the illumina tions. It began only to be generally known at the time, and though the rain was falling in torrents at the mo ment, the people rushed out of their houses, and saluted the Emperor with the most cordial rivats. The Vicero [...]
[...] brought witness and the others at the pump some porter, and encouraged them to exertion, but expressed no lear for the safety of the vessel. It rained throughout the whole of Thursday and during the night very heavily, which witness said º account for none of the cabin passengers being [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 17. Mai 1840
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] and even hot weather, must be injurious. The wheat plant in many counties is exhibiting symptoms of drought; and rain cannot apparently be much longer deferred without in jury. Still we hope Hº: is good ground for calculating on a better harvest than the last, and on the general produc [...]
[...] The accounts from the agricultural districts are highly flattering since the genial rains have fallen, the hops in par ticular have experienced the benefit of the rain. In the north midland counties vegetation is at least a month earlier [...]
[...] (From Messrs Gillies and Horne's Circular.2 Con N Excha No R, Monday, MAY 1 1. – W. have had some Very heavy rain since Friday, and by the northern letters this favourable change seems to be general. The duty of 13s. 8d. per quarter was paid here last week on nearly 60,000 quarters [...]
[...] Conn Exchangs, Friday, MAY 15.-The fine rains con tinue, and are supposed to be doing much good to the grass and crops. The wind is south-west and very mild. The arri. [...]
[...] Comedy of the MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. John Falstaff, Mr Hº: Justice Shallow, Mr F. Matthews; Master Slen der, Mr Charles Mathews; Mrs Ford, Mrs Nisbett; Ann Page, Miss Rain forth; Mºi,” Westris. And THE SLEEPING beauty in ‘th OOD. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. Juni 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] one admires those that are handsome, and loves those that are good.” “But could not one be handsome and good too, Rains ford 2" demanded Emily, with a look that indicated a con sciousness of being the first. . " [...]
[...] questions, and you take one up so, that there is no knowing how to answer you, so I won't say another word while we are out;" a resolution to which the embarrassed Mrs Rains ford adhered. [...]
[...] ever known than the present; the wheat in particular is looking extremely well where the plant was not destroyed by the heavy rains in the winter. The crops of spring corn, as well as potatoes and turnips, are likely to be abundant.—Ibid. [...]
[...] (From Messrs Gillies and Horne's Circular.) Corn Exchaxos, Monda v., June 6.-We have now had nearly a fortnight of beautiful summer weather. More rain is wanted for the Barley; but the cutting of the grass for Hay has commenced, so that what would do good to the one crop [...]
[...] rice. Also, in lieu of the “Mackintosh,” Beit DOE'S VENTILATING ATERPROOF FROCK, a light and gentlemanly, garment, tho roughly impervious to the rain, without * perspiration, and has been four years in extensive use.-Made only by WALTER BERDOE, TAllOR, &c., 69 CORN HILL, 8 doors from Bishopsgate street. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Juli 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Botanical Society took place on Wednesday. At about six o'clock the grounds were crowded with a most fashionable company, when it began to rain heavily; the call for carrriages was incessant. – On Wednesday the Lord Mayor gave a very splen [...]
[...] THE WEATHER AND THE CROPS. The wheat has improved very much in appearance; but we fear it has been laid in many places by the rain. —Brighton Gazette. Some fears are entertained that should the drought continue much longer, vegetation [...]
[...] sufficient reason to calculate upon a full average yield. —Hereford Journal. The progressive warm weather which has succeeded the late rains, has had a won derful effect upon the vegetable kingdom.—Shrews bury Journal. The favourable change in the wea [...]
[...] rather dearer. Coan Exchangs, FRIDAY, JUNE 30.-The first fourteen days of this month we had heavy rains almost every day; on the 13th particularly it rained for eighteen hours, and the ground was quite saturated with wet; since the 14th we have had dry [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. März 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] nery ship ; on his return he accompanied her Majesty to the St Vincent. Her Majesty then went on board the Royal George yacht. It now being late, and raining very hard, the Royal party deferred inspecting the Dockyard until the morning. Her Majesty at once retired to the [...]
[...] her Royal Consort braved the storm. The Prince walked up to the carriage, but, on account of the wet state he was in from the spray and rain, declined en tering, and returned to the Palace on foot.—Daily paper. —The Premier was received at the Palace last Satur [...]
[...] Conn Exchange, Monday, FEBRUARY 28.—The month of February has this year been very mild and pretty dry until last week and yesterday, when we had some heavy rain, which it will take some smart March winds to dry off. A wet month of March would seriously hurt what little Wheat has [...]
[...] 4. Switzerland.—Her Political Crisis. 5. State of the Nation.—Handloom-weavers' Report. 6. La Chronique de Rains. - 7. Foreign commercial Policy.-The Zollverein and the Anti-Corn Law League. [...]
[...] or rather suffers—a thirst which is almost insatiable. * He desires, and very naturally desires, to know.what the Moon is? What are the Stars?—where the rain, wind, and frost come from ? with innocent simplicity he asks, what becomes of the light ºf a candle when it is blown out? Any story, or any history, he greedily devours. [...]
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