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Suchbegriff: Rain

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Galignani's messenger15.01.1824
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 15. Januar 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] “This month has been wet and windy, but mild for the season. Strong gales of wind blew on ten different days, and it rained, more or less, on 23 days. The prevalence of the South-west wind filled the air almost every day, with dense vapours, which are generally [...]
[...] of temperature for the day and night, has occurred on seven different nights this month. This happens at the time of rain, and is occasioned by the more equal ten perature of the days and nights when the sun is passing out of the sign Sagittarus into Capricornus; for then [...]
[...] “The most disagreeable day was on the 17th, when a heavy gale blew from the South and South West with incessant rain, which amounted to half an inch in depth, and the mercury in the barometer sank three quarters of an inch durig the day, and at the rate of [...]
[...] “Summary of the Weather.—A clear sky, a ; fine, with various modifications of clouds, to ; au overcast sky without rain, 10 ; rain. 9–Total, 51 days.” [...]
Galignani's messenger01.09.1826
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. September 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] England how such Government Establishments in Colonies opc rate against the interests and welfare of the community; they are, in fact, entirely perverted to private monopolies! The rain has, happily, just commenced, and if the foriucrs can obtain Seed to put into the ground, perhaps we may have yet a harvest; [...]
[...] Seed to put into the ground, perhaps we may have yet a harvest; but it is feared that the seed of last harvest will prove very bad. We have had no rain before these seven months. Cattle and sheep have been starving for want of grass. The scarcity of money is so great in the treasury, that it is six months since sonic [...]
[...] what is the state of the hundreds of fever patients who have becu exposed in the canvas she is, upon the green at Meath Hos pital, to the heavy rain which has fallen during the last twenty four hours?—(Sun.) Mr. Canning has (purchased) a family mansion in the [...]
[...] midnight till three o'clock next morning, the thunder in the neigh bout hood of Ilull was almost incessant, though chiefly at a con siderable distance; and in some places the rain fell heavily, espe cially in the low part of Holderness. Near Tunstall a man named l)avid Preston, shepherd to Mr. Lorimer, was found dead in the [...]
[...] lightning was the most vivid we ever saw.—(Brighton Journal) The storm visited this neighbourhood ; the ſlashes of lightning were remarkably vivid, and the rain fell in torrents, but the thunder was not particularly loud. At Sundcrland and other places along the coast it raged with great violence, but we [...]
[...] The weather in the early part of yesterday presented a very dismal prospect for the military fete, as the rain fell in torrents, and the sky being cloudy, threatened a completely showery day; In the afternoon, however, the atmosphere cleared [...]
Galignani's messenger29.07.1826
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. Juli 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Halifax, Elland, Batley, and in many other parts of the county, the harvest has also commenced. The drought is now completely at an end in the North of º a lººk quantily of rain ing fallen generally.—(Leeds Intelligencer. ºwill iºnºi in East Lothian on Monday. Shear [...]
[...] prospect of a full average crop, remarkably clean in the straw. The barley and oats in most places are rather short in the straw, but well eared, having improved very much by the late rains, so that a fair average crop may be expected.—(Carmarthen ournal. - - - [...]
[...] Straw. In pease there is almost every where a failure.—(Bucks Chronicle.) It is feared that the heavy rains that have fallen within the last few days will materially injure the standing crops of ..wheat, which the late dry weather had rather prematurely ripened. [...]
[...] Harvest has comrhcnced in several parts of Cornwall. The grain is in general very fine.—(Plymouth Journal.) Four times as much rain fell in Leeds, in the months of May and June last year, as fell in those months in the present year. In 1823, the quantity amounted to nearly four inches, while this year [...]
[...] it has been less than one inch.—(Leeds Intelligencer.) - On Monday, and Tuesday last, there were several refreshing showers of rain in Dublin, and for several miles around it. ... If it should be general, , and continue for a day or two more, "it will allay all apprehensions as to the late part of the harvest, and the [...]
[...] The hay harvest, through Westmoreland, Cumberland and Lan cashire, has been a complete failure; in many places the crop being sºarcely sufficient to pay for cutting it. The rains which have fallen within the last ten days will probably produce a good *P of aller-grass; but winter food for the cattie will be very [...]
Galignani's messenger21.05.1824
  • Datum
    Freitag, 21. Mai 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] argument was, that it mattered not to the nation whether it ate bread made from English or foreign rain—that it was ridiculous to lay º a stress on the policy of producing every thing within ourselves— and that if a country did not produce any corn, and [...]
[...] appearance of a winter than a summer walk. Most of the visitors of all descriptions had disappeared by six o'clock, as it just then began to threaten rain.— Post. ( ...? Macready, it is said, intends to renounce the [...]
[...] definite arrangement.—(Chronicle.) The accounts of accidents in various parts of the country from the late rains, received this morning, are very numerous. The Edinburgh mail did not ar rive in London yesterday until half-past one o'clock; [...]
[...] In consequence of the late heavy falls of rain, the ancient water course, named Turnmill-brook, communicating with the Thames frºmii. vicinity offighgate and Hampstead, in that part betwen [...]
[...] over his body, had both his i. fractured in a dreadful manner. on ihursday, the neighbourhood of Chelmsford was visited by a violent storm of thunder, lightning, and rain, which at places came down in such torrents, as to wash many fields so as to leave the grain lately sown uncovered : the storm appeared to go off [...]
Galignani's messenger05.11.1824
  • Datum
    Freitag, 05. November 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] Mercury ) - Sronx. At Liverpool.—On Tuesday last, after a morning comparatively mild, a storm of wind and rain was expe rienced, which, between eleven and twelve, rose nearly to a hurri cane. The wind was from the west, and swept over, the tºwn [...]
[...] The late hurricanes, which have occasioned so much mischief on the north coasts, were attended with heavy rains, extremely injurious to the remnants of harvest remaining abroad in the low and backward districts. Lincolnshire, the fens, and some parts of Yorkshire, [...]
[...] average. The crops of rape and cole are superabundant; but in some districts, where the grass is cqually so, the heavy rains have so beat down and soaked it that it is likely to produce little nourishment to cattle, and may prove fatal to sheep. Latter sown turnips have been [...]
[...] likely to produce little nourishment to cattle, and may prove fatal to sheep. Latter sown turnips have been forced too much into foilage by the war in rains, and, in course, are at present deficient in bulk; but there will be no dearth of that root. Potatoes likewise will [...]
[...] nary Inanner. Since yesterday the augmentalion has not been great, but there is no appearance of diminu tion, although the rain has ceased, and the weather has become cold and dry. The adjacent parishes of Illkirch, ſilev ike, sheim, and part of our euvu ons be [...]
Galignani's messenger08.11.1823
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. November 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] (From the Bath Journals.) The late heavy rains caused the Avon to overflow to an unprecedented extent, the water having risen four teen inches higher than at the memorable flood of Ja [...]
[...] (From the Salisbury Journal.) During the whole of Wednesday night, the 30th, and Thursday, the 51st ult., we had torrents of rain, attended by a most violent wind from the east and north-east, during the cºutinuauce of which many trees [...]
[...] Thursday evening last and during the whole of the night, this city and its neighbourhood were visited wº, a most tremendous storm of wind, rain, and stor from the north and north-east. During the night the bed of the Froine overflowed its banks,” and long ere [...]
[...] During the whole of Thursday night last (20th ul. the weather was more tempestuous than we remember for some years past; the snow and rain came down iſ to rents, whilst the wind blew a perſect hurrican” trees were torn up by the roo's and scattered acros' [...]
[...] Chipping Norton.— (Oxford Journal. W. º that º, conside able damage has º from the excessive rains of the J-5 week, wº swj...d the rivers, in many "'', to an * i. The flºods swept over the low grounds, cº [...]
Galignani's messenger07.07.1820
  • Datum
    Freitag, 07. Juli 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] thunder, hail, and rain, which at ten o'clock had over [...]
[...] ning was vivid and incessant, the crackling peals of, thuuder most appalling, and the streets were for some time deluged with rain. We have heard of much injury sustained by the electric fluid, particulatly at Ickleton, [...]
[...] The effects of the thunder storm on Thumsday night at Fulbourn were truly alarming; the lightning and awful peals of thunder, with torrents of rain, continued without intermission from about 6 in the evening till three on F, i day morning. Mr. Chaplin's farm upon the hill near Ba [...]
[...] intermission from about 6 in the evening till three on F, i day morning. Mr. Chaplin's farm upon the hill near Ba braham, was inundated with rain and hall, the stones were larger than ever seen before by the oldest inhabi tants, and lay upon the ground till 8 or 9 o'clock; some [...]
Galignani's messenger11.08.1825
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 11. August 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] with them. The laud column advances by a road running. to the Lyng branch (or that nºted in the map as passa5. . rains), passes Kummeroot, and joins the river again at mº where our hackeries must of necessity be ...ºf and tº sent back to Rangoon. From Megulaga, a good road is ºl [...]
[...] and Staff of the Division, reac Banskandy on the 24th altimo, havin detained on the banks of the Badree Nullah for five days, by heavy rain, jºi the road over the Badree ilºh until the third dy after the arrival of the Head-Quarters at that [...]
[...] Fekauary 22.; The force under Brigadier-General Shuldham, which left Doodpatlee on the 16th, have, in consequence of the heavy rain, only advanced eleven or twelve miles; the toads are represented to be quite impassable for the artillery and loaded cattle. The progress of the advanced party, employed, in clear [...]
[...] represented to be quite impassable for the artillery and loaded cattle. The progress of the advanced party, employed, in clear ing the forest, has also been greatly inipeded by this fall of rain; the soil is so slippery, and there are so many ascents and descents, in crossing the little rising grounds and nullahs, that it is with diffi: [...]
[...] Count Guilleminot to the questious put to him relative to Ouvrard's cause. The courier haſ travelled in conti. nual rain ever since his departure from France at the [...]
Galignani's messenger13.07.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 13. Juli 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] of the next day. About three o'clo k on Sunday a por tentous cloud suddenly overspread the metropolis with darkness, and poured down torrents of rain, accom Panied with thunder. The wind shifted to its ſormer quarters in the north-east, and chilling rains continued, [...]
[...] quarters in the north-east, and chilling rains continued, with very little intermission, till Monday night. This rain, however, was limited in its spread towards the sºuth; not having been experienced in Kent, even on Monday morning, below Canterbury. Wednesday [...]
[...] Since that day the wind has turned to the westward of north, but the weather has continued congenial. The quantity of rain this week in inches is 1,35. York, July 1.-Last night, about nine o'clock, this city was thrown into a state of great alarm, by the [...]
Galignani's messenger09.08.1820
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 09. August 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] —“llad the writer of the foregoing extraor dinary statement asserted that the frogs ap peared sometime AFTER the rain, we should have had less difficulty in believing the story, as similar phenomena are too well established [...]
[...] to admit of a doubt. But, that perfectly form ed, or Ilalf-formed, animals, should have been actually rained down, it does require a consi derable stretch of faith to believe. It is no un common thing for frogs and toads to be found [...]
[...] common thing for frogs and toads to be found alive upon the flat tops of houses, even the highest, the DAY AFTER a violent rain, in the tropical climates; and Mr. Pennant, in his History of ludostan, relates that small fishes [...]
[...] are there found in places which were lately quite dry, about the tenth day after the first rains, and that the inhabitants make a common dish of them at their tables.”—Editor of the Liverpool Mercury. - [...]
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