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Galignani's messenger04.01.1819
  • Datum
    Montag, 04. Januar 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] his illustrious ancestor. Mr. Meade obtained permission to have it copied. According to advices from Port-au-Prince, dated towards the end of October, President Boyer was about to proceed with a squadron of [...]
[...] in charge to the magistrates of Kirkcaldy. Iloax. —One of those most contemptible at tempts at wit, generally called a hoax, the au thor of which, if discovered, wonld be well re warded for his ingenuity by public [lagellation, [...]
[...] this time, came to the front of the stage, sin gled out the person in the boxes by grimaces, menaces, and boxing flourishes-–and the au dience bore this! We shall make no comment upou it; they were the best judges of the degree [...]
[...] Reates at the Hôtel-de-Ville was again employ cd in 1646, and the two following years 87,ooo, Ooo were raised at au annual interest of 7,ooo, ooo. In 1653 money was raised by a new method, called Tontine. [...]
[...] the original plan which did not succeed, and created great discontent. A new coinage of money at au inferior standard was also employ ed, and, in short, bad faith, unwise expedients, and a general confusion threw a discredit on [...]
[...] To Let, a pretly little Furnished House, in whole or in part, with Cardon to the south. – Apply at this office. Au Englishman wistie ing at Versailles, where the Sociº French would be preferred, and whº" [...]
[...] º Fºº-rom Jones a Etouriſts. The Arae FExpº Au. *ś: - w A.R.T. - ne r [...]
[...] tº: pe La Porre Sr. MART′′ "T L gin aux - La Pi tº Sºldat. ---------- - - - A Tarſ, de l'Impr.ms, e au Cº" Falscow 1, ju" (T. ble.--Le Riº" " ' [...]
Galignani's messenger08.05.1823
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 08. Mai 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] his ears would be warmed ; but if he discharged his son from his house, that would satisf. Captain Rock, who had received information of his ñº. joined au Orange lodge.—On the night of the 6th, some evil-dis posed persons entered the stable of Thomas Mayne, [...]
[...] Bull. usi. of the House of Commons, to Elizabeth, seconſºleſ ºf the late W. Chadwick. *I of Ashton-under-line, Lancashi Ts Wiens ***, *H, to Miss Mercier.—J. Browning, esq. ..., Harriet Au Easta Erust, eldest daughter ºf the laſeij. S. H. Jackson.—J. E. Les 1 *, esq. cliest son of J. Leslie, esq. of Leslie-hall, Co. Antrim to [...]
[...] ihe Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Norwich.-Lady Barham, wife of Sir Gerard Nucl, of Exton Park, Rutland.—Mr. T. Brber, late of Hay marke'.-A Port-au-Prince, St. Doumingo, Mr. John Kennibrough.-- A Calcutta, on board the Hon E.1. Cºs ship Prince Regent, Mr. C. Wright, youngest son of the late Mr. T. Wright.—i. Burmes, esq. [...]
[...] *- * THEATRICALS. riº AcADEMir Roy A.r nº Musique —Athalie et le Rossignº la representation de retraite au being/ce de lays. Unº this actor, aſter 43 years' service, toºk his leave of tºº." [...]
[...] applau's Lays' nierits." There was out circumstance which gave us treat pleasure; we allu le to the basket of flowers placed before Lays, during the ballet, with the device of au talent: there was a something kind in it, somethins of a public unlute by his brother erformers. Frºm the satisfaction that seemed to prevail, we are [...]
[...] the Olćou, in the Misantrope and les Fausses º: 3. c. de1.vers the verses of Molière very w Il but is not a sufficient actress for the character of Celunene; slie will, however, be au acquisitiou to this Theatre. • A nºw º: called Marime, is said to be forthcoming for the [...]
[...] To Let, to a Single Gentleman, a neat Apartment, newly painted, papered, and furnished, au premier au dessus de I entresol, No. 10, rue St. Florentin, near the Tuileries. [...]
[...] J/ith Passengers, Carriages, and Luggage.--The Pui lic are trow espectſ, lly informed ſlºt au elegant au, very powerful new Steam Yacht,THE ROYAL GEO, GE, commanded by Capt: GEonor Luxu, of nearly one hun, red hºrse power, built expressly for this Passage, [...]
[...] parity ºf its ar), that he has cousiderably eularked his E-tah]ishment, and that those who may honour him win their preference will find his family anxious to make his house ...i. Tiere is au cr cºllent Table d’Hôte handsomeºnd well-furnished Apartments, sood stalling, Sc.-Mr. DARPEL will, in fine, spare no exertion \o con [...]
[...] Charºe to a single person; or as Femme de Chºº.” ºutlish iº"N."º"ºl. Adirººrºppi; between ven and five for Mlle. F No. 13, rue de Berry, au Maraisin [...]
Galignani's messenger27.09.1823
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. September 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] the news of the day, they were received by some of our wise contemporaries, as things utterly improbable. But wi at has subsequently occuñed, to prove the au thenticity of all that we advanced 2 We leave the seers who knew so much, to answer. They will find, tº o, [...]
[...] ber of ten thousand men, cominanded by their able Marshal, Morºccy, in person, econnoitred and attack d almost at the same time, our positions, but with au ºn pºtu sity not to be described. Our brave men epulsed then with unpº all led ir. very ; they return to the [...]
[...] Papers, and the whole of them, in those º Euklitici. We have, however, refraine from publishing th; m up to the present alonent, first, because a French sº mi-official Journal bad denie their au thenticity, and, secondly, because we could not bring ours ives to be live that the parties, who are the rein detc. i. ed as protesting [...]
[...] which ought to exist between this division and the French armies, as long as they are only the auxiliaries of the Spaniards; and as long as they respect our au thorities and our laws; but if the Decree has been pro mulgated—if it is to be put in execution, your Highness [...]
[...] was the first which raised the cry of war against the rebels with the intention of replacing the King on the throue of his aricestors and the nation, under the au spices of his Legitimate Government, and they will be the first to sacrifice their lives rather than consent that [...]
[...] - THE ARMY. His Royal Hahness the Commander in Chief gave au morniºs, at his Oifice in the Hor on her ºrs. [...]
[...] will be inside, so tuat if will constructed, there will not only be a perf ct radiation, but the utiensive gas will evaporate without lucº venuccing the au lience or taruso.us the cºbo.1 sºmeº's. The corners of the Upper Gallery, which were extremely us!y, have been reduced, and the view from that part in proved. The second [...]
[...] mºst important entrances in the very Play with which the Textre opens must be rendered ineffective. HAYMAnker.—A very numerous au lience were highly amused at this The ire last night, by the revival of High Life Below Stairs, one of the best ſances in our language. Thº ºn-lence of the fºot [...]
[...] Lake of Geneva and the Alps. The estate contains 102 acres of excel. leut lan", with a great deal of wood, with the dwelling-house, fa, m house, hot house, au; every other necessary cºnvenience, the whºle of which is entirely new.--For further information inquire of M. Haldy, rue Madelaine, at LAusAx Nr. 1 [...]
[...] Sourde. — Polichinelle aur Eaur d Enghien. - (, Yus ask Dr. An Arique.— Le Bureau de Lolºriº La Maitressc au Logis.- Les Grisettes. – Le Bon Papa. - - - - - Variétés. – I es Cancans.— Mes Cuisinières.— Mi [...]
Galignani's messenger28.08.1827
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 28. August 1827
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] has not been duly appreciated. It is the nature of things, that calins, however valuable, make less impression than au opposite state of the elements, either in the physical or political world. It would, however, be treachery to the national interest, did we not call public attention to [...]
[...] au. ...a searcely ºuterior merit of having invariably maintained that dignified consistency which ought al ways to subsist between the policy of the State, and the [...]
[...] by the Duke of Clarence, wi h an el gau, dej une, ºn Tu say, the anniversary of his birth-day. The Queen of Wurtemberg (*ho had been residing au Bu hy, for some ,ays), and the Princess Augusta, took their depal lure, in the aſte in on, for Frogmore. The Ixuke of Suss, x remainerſ to dinner, and returned to Ken [...]
[...] the story is given out:—When the Princess arrived at Cintra on Tursday, the Count waited upon her to pay her his h mage, to give her au account of the late transac iºns, and to inter, Cºle with her for the unfortunate persons with whom the police had crowded the rungeons. Her Royal Highness expre-sed a [...]
[...] to their intº reessiºn in favour of its mistakºu object,-a tº n sili acy which trid ºxplºiet in no further mis, he unau shºulºg iiiuuct it viºus in the I heatrºs, au. I giviug the Juiz do Povo a tºp to Cai'ias. He had treet, annon; the mob, and heard all thºr criºs, lºut had tº arº Iloilºn; which in licated any pilºt [...]
[...] th., there shall be Charges (ſ'A' fires at Vienna, Bruss' 'S, . St. Pet r-bºugh, Roni , Tulin, Napl. s, and Washing!'" ; º -1 Sockbºni au Co, enhagen sºl, Iy onsular Agºnis. The set º de, ree cºn-ins the now, inatiºn of ten Cºuns ſlo's o' Stº" i tº of th: m bein; p. 1's ris already appointed by the leg nº. º it [...]
[...] ( ucioslug what he called the represeutation of her uurlheim capital, in wuich he plaiuly told her lioyal Iliguluss, that slie maust, il she valued the pc.ce of the country, au, uneaul to unaul tau, tut: challer, uun Uniy recal Sallunha, Luu (misuiss the unwor [...]
[...] late U.S. uruuuces, by telling lue solºi rs to shoul with the inulo, Illslº an ol (uspensing it, “ as long as their shouls were inno cent.” Sumptly U has since waited u, vii h. r au Ciulra, but has oc, in teluscu un uu lictice-it curtain pl cºursor ol luis ap, duach int; (iisuals.il. I lie I'rincess, hows ver, thougu in this ill-huluour [...]
[...] (leted to ure catals and coullicus of three cap icious aul ill-cºu cale guls, each will, ult irst of favourites, their private ſui pattles, au, pºlitical prºju.ices! The fri ilus of Dou Aligºtel auloug .he Nobility have collect u in considerable force at Ciulia. I hey shuu inc pliuc, ss R. & ul, but court ille alientiºus of her [...]
[...] —-Stock Exchance, August 27, Five o’Cloek. —Previous to the opening of the parquet, it was rumoured that au inprovement took place in the London Market on Sa turday, aud the cousequence was a rise; but upon it [...]
Galignani's messenger24.01.1823
  • Datum
    Freitag, 24. Januar 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] our knowledge and without our intetſerence. But there is besides a paraínount reasoh for public meetings at this period. Distress, the result of au influeuced Representation; and the conscquent necessity of Re form—which have been the topics of discussion at [...]
[...] assimilating all other Goverum, nts and Cºustitutions to our own. there is not an iustitution nor au establishment we pos sess, that is not the object of their inveterate invec tive. We are an impoverished nation—our laws are [...]
[...] —(Loud cheers.)—There are some, indeed, who think they perceive too much zeal in the character of Mr. Fox, und who say that he carried his perseverance to au ex cess. Gentlemen, I cousider this the highest enco mium which his opponents can confer on the memor [...]
[...] was met by the most unanimous cheers of the Com pany.)—Sir, it is my opinion, and I believe the opinion of au immense majority of the country. that some change in the Representation of the People is not only safe, but necessary to preserve the stability of the Con [...]
[...] deville, in one act, has been represented here under the title of the Petit Jules, ou l’Auberge et la Pension. It succeeded, and that is its principal inerit. The au thor is M. Maréchalle. PANorAMA DRAMATIQUE.—Tringolini ou le Double [...]
[...] Aspira, and Peyrostortes; it consists of 800 men. Bayon NE, JAN. 14.—O'Donnell is still confined with the wound in his leg, at St. Jean-Port-au-Pied. letters of the 12th inst. from St. Sebastian, state that 15oo unen of O'Donnell's troop have deserted, to [...]
[...] et litteraire, etc .. etc. Troisième Edition. - - This work is well adapted to !". studying the French lan guage. The principles leveloped by the author are excellent, au a e supported by the numerous examples he has drawn fron the bes' Fench writers. [...]
[...] ... Amaigu Comique.—La Pauvre Famille.—La Forêt Péril euse. - Pom E Sr. MARTIN.— Les Deur Forçats.-L'Au berge et la Pension. – Füle et Garçon. Gaite. —La Fausse Clef - L'Ermite. [...]
[...] rately. The acquisition of this Estate offers considerable advantages to a speculator.—For particulars and conditions ºf sale apply to M. Mºlouflets, * voue au Tribu al de Preu iere instance de la Seine, No. 69, rue de Richelieu Paris. [...]
Galignani's messenger19.01.1824
  • Datum
    Montag, 19. Januar 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] Hunt, from a conviction that it would be dangerous to try and convict him of a crime of which he had pre viously confessed himself guilty, under au implied par “K....'...} Nºaily two years ago, Mr. White, of the Quadrant [...]
[...] 91.-Prussian New 5 per Cts. 89.-Russian New 5 per Cts. 8854.—Danish 5 per Cls. Q4 114 112. —Columbian 6 per Cºs. 63 114 113.-Chil.au 5 per dº. 77. –Po, tu guese Scrip, 114 dis.”— (Courier.) Stock Exchange, JAN. : 7, Five o’Clock.-Business [...]
[...] in the Colonies are equally provided for. Another English Journal speaks in the same sense as the Cou rier of au important armament at Toulon. Would it know the importance of it? It is this:–A frigate, ready to sail, is waiting in that port to carry Gen. Guillem [...]
[...] Intelligence from Rone relative to the Pope's health is very unfavourable. Letters of the 8th aunounce that on the two preceding days his Holiness was in au alarm [...]
[...] Courts cannot be executed in France till their execution be authorised by a French Tribunal, and produced several high au horities to show that the article was not abrogated but merely modified by the Ordonnance of 1629–Iu conclusion, the Learned Counsel said, [...]
[...] Acadimir loy Alr.—La Vestale.—Cendrillon. Second ThéATRE FRANÇAis.-Lure et Indigence.— Molière au Théâtre. Orda, Comique. – Edmond et Coroline. — La Neige. [...]
[...] Orda, Comique. – Edmond et Coroline. — La Neige. W AU inville—L'Ile des Noirs. — Leonide. Gyurass Dr. As a viour.—(By desire) Partie et Re vanche–Undernier Jour de Fortune.— Le Coiffeur [...]
[...] forms and the beauty of their workmanship; a handsome colunº, ºf ancient red vened porphy'y, two ditto of Oriental rose granite, and two of Eryptian rose ºtto; a very valuable round taille, a cup, au ºr a printule, in malachite, mounted on cºased, and eles uſiy gilt bronze sands, well wo, thy a place in the cabinet of au amat, ur – [...]
Galignani's messenger04.12.1827
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 04. Dezember 1827
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] likht blue, and enormously large, trimmed with lºroad white lace, whº stu mounted by while ſeattlers. She was splcuºuſly attorned with jewellery, aud ap, reared to have au excell, nu colour. She frequiu Iy looked round the uouse, aud thus gave the audience frequent opportunities of seeing her; aud, instead of appearing [...]
[...] lu cunsists of the Burion of Mt unblaud and Cºulston, and the Manor on Nºss May 9, oud comprises in ally 1,950 acres of lanu, ºlivided into ſarius, with ſarum-houses, au, the usual app. uſiages. The farm buildings alone are said to have cost about 29. Uſul. There is a mausion-house, called Menuolaut-house, a brick-built [...]
[...] very short tiun”, and in we went with a fair wind. Directly we saw the Freuch Admiral fire, we begau to fire at our five-ship alongside, au: the Turks ou board her set fire to her, and tried to leave bºr in two boats, but our tinariues fired upon them with small artns, and killed aud wounded most of them. We then [...]
[...] too, and the three frig tes, either sunk, blew up, or were taken. —I have unt much more time, because Lord Ingestrie is goin; home overlauſt with dispatches, au, he will very soon be oft. He said he would take this for me. I will give you au account of the number of ships and weight of metal we had, and what [...]
[...] time up and down the river. The trial of the propelling power of the engiue was considered for all purposes so satisfactory, and the machine so perſectly safe and portable, that au eminent coach-proprictor who attended, immediately signified his wish to euter into extensive coulracts for its application, as a power [...]
[...] evening, with dispatches from that city, has given the most can vincing proofs to the Portuguese government, that Don Miguel is determined to maintain the coustitution; auſ the Gaz tiee of this day contains a circular order from the Princess Regent, address ed to all the Corregidors of the different counties, to make known [...]
[...] against others of the same family. º “The steam-boat, which was to sail to-day for London, has been ſºlelayed until to-morrow, which will allow me au opportunity of seeing if the proclamation, which rumour states Prince swartzen ºrg has brought from the Infant, will be published in ille Ga [...]
[...] Bertrand el Suzette. - ºut. (b%.)—M. Botte—Le Voile d'Angleterre–La Mère au Bal. 1zartetes (6.)—Jean de Calais.-La Halle au Bled.— La Villa geoise somnambule.—Les Inconvéniens de la Diligence. [...]
[...] A la Fille Mal Gardée et Au Diable Boiteur réunis, No. 9, rue de la Monnaie. These Magazines, honoured with the notice of many English Ladies, comprise a large assortment of Silks [...]
Galignani's messenger12.12.1827
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 1827
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] not done, during these in portant negotiations; and we repeat, that had not the battle of Navarin (which, however, was a na tural consequence of the treaty) unfortunately taken place, Aus tria had succeeded in establishiug such a good understanding bi _tween the Porte and the Allies, that the probability is, it would [...]
[...] among themselves, and the treaty would remain a dead letter. There seems further ground to assume, that al most immediately before the action of Navarino, the Aus. trian Government ſound reason to be convinced of the positive resolution of the Allied Powers to follow up the [...]
[...] which Austria will take, it must depend upon her own calculation of her interests, as compared with her re sources. . The first object beyond all question with Aus tria would be, to repel the Russians further north, and further east, than their actual position within a few days' [...]
[...] march of Vienna. But if too weak to effect the repulse of Russia, or even to prevent her ſurther strides to the south and west of the Danube, what is the policy of Aus tria? Why, undoubtedly, to stipulate for so much of Turkey as shall save her Hungarian territory from being [...]
[...] -- THEATRICALS. COVENT-GARDEN —On Saturday last the promised Opera by Mozart, intitled Entfurung aus dem Serail, was brought out at this house, under the title of The Seraglio. It is understood to have been got up under the superintendance of Mr. Kramer, who [...]
[...] Reis-Eſſendi was received, and ordered to be registered. It seems that many Members of the livan are inclined for peace, and the will of the Sullau is the principal obstacle to au amica ble a rangement. The Reis-Hºſſendi stated recently that the Con ven ion of Ackermann was concluded under the persuasion that [...]
[...] have departed immediately if he had not been dissuaded by his colleagues. All communications with Europe were interrupted for five days, and it was only upon the iute, cession of the Aus trian Internuncio that they were re-established.” [...]
[...] Paius, December 11, 1827. FIVE Prºtt CENTS., Jouts. au :: Sept., 101tr. 20c. 25c. 20c. 25c. FOUR 14, l'ER CENTS., Jorus s. du ::: Mars —fr. —e. [...]
[...] onverte. , Plusharit., Plrts bas. Ferrne, Fiu Courant....... 101fr. 3)-1101tr. 30c]111ſr. 25cl 101f1, 25c A. pr.au couraut...! - - – I | – T. § { s - - - - - - - Id Apr. ſu prochain. { - - - - - - - *::: t s: [...]
[...] Simple Histoire.—La Chatº changee en Femme. - 1’audeville (614.)-Le Voilº (; Angleterre.—Cinq Ans.—Kelly. –La Mère au Bal et la Fille à la Maison. rºarctes (6) - La Halle au Bled.—Le Souſſlet Conjugal –Les Cancans.—The first representation of Le Vieux Gabºlou. [...]
Galignani's messenger09.11.1825
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 09. November 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] only about 360 Norwegian º or forty five American toº, º brought forty-six passengers, male sº tºrn-ir, all hºrd to twº tario county, where au agrut, wino caux over **uare ***. [...]
[...] uot but excite an unusual degree of interest. They have had a voyage of fourteen weeks; and are all in gºod health and spirits. Au enterprise like this argues a good deal of holdness in the mas ter of the vessel, as well as an adventurous spirit in the passº fl. most of whom belong to families from the vicinity of a lit [...]
[...] ºf rice from the colony i and he ſears they will be but too depin dant on a supply of provisions from home, the urst season. The sºciety, he j. “has founded au empire.” We hope it will [...]
[...] in which the parties were prepared for a hearing. A new and spacious theatre is nearly cuspleted at Utica, and - be opened. Fifty dollars have hewn off red for au opening address, from a citizºn of the state of New York. ships of war, which are now equipping in New York, are [...]
[...] party feelings. - “i, now prºceed to the fourth and last charge. It is one, I acknowlºlge, I kely in Ireland to make au impressiºn against me; [...]
[...] blood, and in the vanity of a criminal obedience tº more thau cri minal custom, I perhapseudeavoured to conceal that fact frºm myself i had resolved, if ever au occasion occurred, to uake this pºſſi but is vow. - - - - “Mr. Pelis (I speak of him with an intention of perfºctly [...]
[...] ſessenger of the 11th ult.) A , who was suspected of º au accomplice, was #eriºd at the same .** name is weston. The Editor, of the Bolton Exprest sºys, we had the curiosity to visit Diggle. He is a fine healthy-looking young man, [...]
[...] opera comique.—Les Enfans de Maitre Pierre-Le Maçºn. Thgºttre de Madame.—Mil Huit Cent Trente-Cinq. — Les En fans du Colon.—Le Baiser au Porteur-La Maitresse au Legis. Parictes.—Le Ceutenaire.—Les Cochers.-France et Savoie.— Le Rénéſiciaire. - - - [...]
[...] |BREGULAR SAILING PACKETs BETWEEN HAvRE & LoNDon *śń. The French Vessels Le Télégraphe, L'Au. [...]
Galignani's messenger28.12.1825
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] or the Governments of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburgh, or one of them, on the ollier, stall have notified their intention of put ting au end to it. Each of the High Contracting Parties reserves to himself the right of making to the other that notification at the end of the said term of ten years. It is agreed between them, [...]
[...] Cardinal Luigi Ercolani, a Grandee of Spain, died at IRome on the ioth iust. The papers from Port-au-Prince to the 9th of Oct. mention the death of Mademoiselle Celie Petion, daugh ter of the late President of Hayti, in the 20th year of [...]
[...] great dimensions, was manufactured on the premises of M. SALLAN da Auze, at Aubussox, the only Depot for which in Paris is situate No. 3, rue des Vieilles Audriettes, au Marais, unquestionably the most considerable in this branch of trade in France, and offering to the public an extensive and varied assortment of Carpeting, of [...]
[...] M. Souni AU, No. 20, rue Feydeau, in returning thanks for public patronage, has the honour to acquaint the English Nobility and Gentry that he has considerably increased his assort [...]
[...] { The French Vessels Le Télégraphe, L'Au ºr: uste, L'Aimable Eliza, Le Charles, and the English Vessels tº: Hope, Jupiter, and Eagle, continue, to sail, regularly be [...]
[...] No. 25, rue des Saints. Pères, whose various kinds of Chocolates. admirably adapted to different constitutions, are well known, such as, their Chocol its Analeptiques, au Salep de Perles adoucissantes, au Lººse d'Anºndes beehiques, au Tapioka, a "Arrow-root antispºsmodique, a la Fleur d'Orange tonique, at Cachow, au Soconttºo, called Chºoints des [...]
[...] Theatre de Madame.—Les Trois Sultanes.— Le Médecin des Damºs—Les Premières Amours.-Les Rosières de Paris. - proudeville.—Les Dames Martin.—La Chasse au Renard.-Un Dimanche à Passy.—Le Docteur du Défunt. fººds—Les Ouvriers.-Matin et Soir.—Le Sous-Chef.-L. [...]
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