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Galignani's messenger08.11.1820
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 08. November 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] of putting witnesses in the way of being cross-examined, his own wonderful witness Flynn, who was to have blown up the bill; but merely by the effect of cross-examination blew up the defence l–And this is the conscious intrepi dity or Virtue! This is the plain, straight forward course [...]
[...] nation and instruction. The Noble Earl ought to know . that that Learned Lord was not the pr siding judge on this occasion. He was merely a Peer among Peers, and ..]"ror among jurors. That Learned Lord sat in that Hºuse to state his own opinion, and to defend it if ej [...]
[...] Prepared to meet them. The Noble and Lºrn. Lori **d assimilated the present case to the cases of Bills of Divorce; but the present Bill was admitted to e a mere exigency of state, therefore, excluding those grounds of Jefence which were possessed by an accused, under . [...]
[...] theirlordships heard the Queen's Counsel against the Prin ciple of the Bill. Since then, the question had become merely a matter of fact upon which the Queen's Counsel had joined issue, and their Lordships upon that question were called upon to give a decision one way or the other. [...]
[...] without the strongest feeling towards him on the part of her Royal Highness? He cºuld not say that they origi nated merely in a suspicious attachment, no, they were bestowed in the excess of an infatuated passion.-He pro fessed it as his opinion that no rational man could enter [...]
[...] very impolitic, and give just reason to excite a prejudice against their decision. Lord HOLLAND said, that he was merely urged to [...]
[...] of the wind, or the course of the ship. Ht was much more natural that such a person should have been selected than a mere landsman. However on this, as on every other occasion, Bergami was selected for this and every other sort of service. Having suated this fact, he left it to the [...]
Galignani's messenger16.12.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] *ºhen disseminated with intentº". is Majesty's *ubjects to subvert the Government by violence. So vague -s- anjndicial, ** almºst illegal were the mere words “sºditious libel,” that he hoped their Lordships would not be confined to them in legislating so important a Bºii. [...]
[...] ** shopkeepers were hreaking, and the King's taxes and Poor Rates had the effect of reducing the poor agricul ºralist to a mere pauper. After what hºbº. heard from the Lohle Lord, he should waste the time of the House if he were to dwell upon the existence of distress. [...]
[...] e was of opinion that a mouon for a committee to en lº. into ... merely commercial, and not political, was to be brought forward. If he could conceive the present motion was of that description, he would feel no [...]
[...] ***, there was evidently a very alarming distrust of the Public securities of the country, and that net among the *iddle or lower classes merely ; , for that it was a well "own fact, that some noble lords, intimate friends and *llies of his Majesty's Ministers, had recently, sold large [...]
[...] "otice of the pamphlet, extracts from which he had readiº the course of his speech. Mr. Stuart Wortley replied, he had merely read *hoº extracts for the purpose of argument, and’itº, not his intention to found any farther Proceedings on [...]
[...] mitigation of their punishment, but they were not less tortured and oppressed, in spite of promises to the con trary, given with the mere view of obtaining their secrets. Paolo, a brave and distinguished Officer of Artillery, was put to the torture called Grillos de Apremio, in order to [...]
Galignani's messenger27.03.1820
  • Datum
    Montag, 27. März 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] want of those expressique which were necessary, after snch flattering efforts in his favour, to couvey his thanks, he felt that the mere his numbers increased, ū. traore were his obligations to them for their kindness.--(Applause; and cries of “, Well deue, my time fellow !”)—Tucir op [...]
[...] stitution of Eugland and the democracy of Athens, and declared it would be almost fanatical to implicate his clients with Mr. Hunt, as they had been merely bitten with * love of ºratoric ſatile by the example of the latter ºn. tletuan, and though, without any eviſintention they might [...]
[...] -that it was not a mere casual or incidental act which could prove a conspiracy: it must be proved by strong evidence. . Now, applying this to Saxton, it did not ap [...]
[...] Port"d), that at one period of our history it was the Practice to assemble Perliaments annually. It could not, therefore, be maintained, that the mere advocacy of such **ctrine was in itself criminal. But it was nijū one of those banners bore the inscriptiºn “Equal represen [...]
[...] Mr. Qrton was present as a reportar, and he wº, noe $oºidered, as having acted improperly; he was even locked with others. If Saxton was º; from the mere circumstances of his being on the bustings, why thes * Fitzpatrick was guilty, for he was oth, hustings [...]
[...] city, he also viewed the measure in different lights very opposite to those of the last speaker, finally, he considered the law as merely one of exception, and of urgent necess ty, and he felt it his duty to give it his support. [...]
Galignani's messenger07.11.1827
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 07. November 1827
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] * not occur to an individual of elevated rank, in the situa -tion of a Judge, that there was any mere degradation in [...]
[...] measure, of restoring the equilibrium. The rates ne gotiated to-day, taking the average of the foreign bill transactions, have been a mere shade lower than on Tuesday.—(Times.) We are somewhat vexed at being obliged to slate that [...]
[...] nient upou some important confidential atfairs, and wanting cosh to pay the postage of some letters from the Minister, he merely abstructed the furniture as a loan for a day or two, in o, ºler that the business ºf the state might not stand still, in con st quence of his want of funds. This singularly modest and vera [...]
[...] The cross-examination was resumed, and the witness admitted having pulled his wife's nose, and also having kicked her; but he said the kick was by mere accident, when he put his foot out under a table and found his wife's feet and her uncle s too close together as he conceived. His wife was in a very ill state of [...]
[...] owed to his clients, that of protecting not merely their interests [...]
[...] grossest suspicions, and that he wrote a letter to her grandfather, now unhappily no nuore, in which he stated charges against her honour—not merely a ſtºr, hint before her marriage. IIe even used violence to her. The Lºat ned Gen:leman then proceeded to no ice the statenicut of one of the witnesses, resp. cling the alter [...]
[...] Theatre de Madame.—Le Tiplomate—Les Premières Amours —Le Coiſſeur et le Perruquier. , Paudeville.—Héloise.—Cinq Ans.—La Mère au Bal et la Filie à la Maison. Paricles.—La Villageoise Somnambule. — Le Flaneur.— Cinq [...]
[...] vour to merit a continuance and increase of their favor, by con stantly having for their inspection his usual choice and extensive specimens of the very best lº Cloths, Kersey meres, Quiltings, and Fancy Pieces, to be made up into every article of Gentlemen's Dress and Ladies' Habits, in the best taste and newest fashions, [...]
Galignani's messenger20.01.1827
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. Januar 1827
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] more than one per cent, took place in the French Threes on Monday. Of course this decline was accom. panied by various rumours; but, beyond mere rumour, it does not appear that any political causes could be assigned for . decline. Among the most prevalent of [...]
[...] ºn golden letters, or preserved for history with more awe ºhan the late Protest of the Duke of York in the House ºf Lords. I shall merely add, that iſ a war ensues, here !. *he attempt will be made to give to it the character of a Gºar- of ºl. and, in that case, resources will not be [...]
[...] and its Allies have made on his justice. If, eventually, Don Pedro Inguanzo succeed in persuading his master, that the demonstration made by Great Britain is a mere brutum fulmen, Ferdinand will owe no common acknow ledgments to the Bishop of Toledo. Too late he will [...]
[...] allies, as they were when, without any reason, they destroyed our ſorts and bulwarks, blew up our manufacturing establish menus, and reduced to ashes the city of St. Sebastian's, merely because it was industrious and mercantile. They, therefore, de termined, in their secret Conclaves, to rouse every thing into [...]
[...] Britannic Majesty for aid, is the same as the one laid upon the table of your Maesty's Council Chamber, the speechifier or the Minister must have been a mere copyist. I shall not even stop to prove that, according to the reasoning of the Foreign Minister himself, a measure so extraordinary has no other support than in [...]
[...] enemies agree. It is very clear that when they threaten us with a war, no one dreads it more than the British Ministers them selves. The mere idea of such an event endangers the very stability of the Minister, who feels only half inclined to throw down the guanilet of war. It is ridiculous, Sir, to see the dread [...]
[...] them. He afirms that the aid which his Most Christian Maks: sent to your Majesty was real aggression; and yet he rejoices a having adopted an infamous plan against Spain, merely with the view of leaving France bent down under a weighty load, repºnt aul for having taken it up, without any meins to alleviate tº [...]
[...] with a small portion of the nobility and gentry. A few ladies seen in the balconies of the neighbouring streets, looked on as if merely out of curiosity, and neither waved their handkerchiefs, nor paid the least compliment to our army. Indeed, the silence of the immense crowd while the business of debarkation was [...]
Galignani's messenger26.08.1822
  • Datum
    Montag, 26. August 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] scendancy of that individuaſhy whom it was suggested ind enforced ; so the officeholders rather than states men who have succeeded him owe not merely their name but their political existence to an assumed ad miration of his errors. That system, under the effect. [...]
[...] to relate, amidst the coarse exultation of the populace *To say that we have been grieved and shocked and _lisgusted by the last recited fact, is merely to put on Tecºrd our ſellow-feeling with every civilized and ho Inourable mind in the community. There is hardly an [...]
[...] of writers who have unceasingly laboured to corrupt the minds of the lower classes, in morals, in religion, and in politics... We do not now speak merely of that crew of sordid scribblers who, though apparently [...]
[...] we conceive to be a material error in the translation is that it mistakes what in the original appears to bri mere recital of the question stated, for a part of the de cision. We give what we understand to be the true meaning of the original, as it is published. [...]
[...] has decidedly left his estate of Glineke for Hanover. The journey of this Statesman, which appears to be merely for pleasure, since he is gone to visit his brother [...]
[...] cially at a moment when the Ministers of the Great Powers are about to meet at Vienna. –The conclusion drawn from it is, that the Prussian Cabinet will merely send Bernstorff to the Congress.” - A letter dated October 4th, 1821, received from the [...]
[...] by these, words, “the present Pope even has r, fused the protection: his predecessors had granted to the tombs of the Protestauts in Rome," as the former Pontiffs had merely allowed the Protestants to be buried in the field called di Testaccio, and his takes place at present in the same manner, and the Protestants continue to be in [...]
Galignani's messenger04.12.1823
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 04. Dezember 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] vided for her ſu ure support, and for that of the iufaut. —(New Times.) Some mere experiments were made at Leith Fort, on Thursday last, with percussion shells, and attended with complete success. A target, two feet theck, was [...]
[...] herbs. Several of the inhabitants of the neighbourhood re cognised the body of the deceased to be mere Jerome, aged 80 years, resident at No. 45, rue du Faubourg du Roule. Among these persons was the widow Lecouffe, [...]
[...] couffe sought to enter the room, not withstanding he had been forbidden. He said that he was as much aſ ſected by the death of mere Jerome as though she had been his own inother, that she had lent him 30fr., and that he would have gone to see her corpse, but his in [...]
[...] questions, she said that her son told her he had bought the plate, and afterwards she said that she believed it belonged to mere Jerome, and that her son had undoubtedly taken it from the chamber of the old Wonnan. [...]
[...] day in question I took half a bottle of brandy at once, and knew uot what I was doing. In the rue Ponthieu I met Mère Jerome with some sorrel in her apron. She said to me—“Louis, see how this sorrl uns to waste.” I followed her to the botton of the garden, and there [...]
[...] hours, after which I arose and quitted the garden.—I went to my mother's house, and giving her the widow Jerome's key, said, “There is Mère Jerome's key, you may deliver yourself from trouble, but I have got my self into trouble.’ My mother went to Madame Sellier’s [...]
[...] may deliver yourself from trouble, but I have got my self into trouble.’ My mother went to Madame Sellier’s apartment, and I went to Mère Jerome's room, where I took the plate, and descended to my mother's chain her. I did not louk for money. I said to my mother, [...]
Galignani's messenger10.12.1824
  • Datum
    Freitag, 10. Dezember 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] dered as the chief instigators to rebellion. The Roman Catholics, so far from being the original movers of in surrection, were mere instruments in the hands of these people, who intended to employ them in effecting a complete revolution. . . . . It was the im [...]
[...] is given of the progress of the Rebellion. It agrees with the preceding accounts, and states, that up to a late period the preparations were merely confined to Ulster. In the month of April, 1797, the numbers of [...]
[...] testant 2 Read, too, the list of our eloquent speakers in Parliament, and then say are the Protestants ºf Ire land a mere wretched handful of drones | Why, the Protestants of Ireland ave, according to fair estimate, one million five hundred thousand, and possessing [...]
[...] tion in spite of us. The following statements, how ever, by the last ships, we de not mean to accompany by any comment; merely because we have no wish to aggravate those cons, quences, which a course of action like that of which the noble Lord has long been ac [...]
[...] and these are the people who are now held forth and branded by the Chronic'e, to the people of England, to their own parent country, as a mere wretched hand ful of drones! The people of England are too well inſon med to le duped by so barefaced, so mouslrous, [...]
[...] six millions, are but about one thousand. What are all ſhe rest ? We say nothing against them—but their acted business on Saturday, at the Foreign Office, political weight is obviously as nothing but for mere ith Mr. Canning.—[Times.) numbers. They are the ignorant, uncivilised, poor Wi r. Uanning. s - opulace of the country—to a vast extent in a state of 1. - A - - - - - [...]
[...] Hinen, frºm 3; anell and upwards; Napkins at 15s each; wo. lineu, at 8ſr. 10s. the dozen superfine broad cloths, Kersey. meres, Cuirs ºle Laine, Waistcoat pieces, etc. etc.—N. B. the lowest price asked and no abatement. - [...]
Galignani's messenger26.06.1819
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. Juni 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] serl and betray them, may, it is not improbable, are in pay for that purpose. Trade cannot be commanded by the mere will or act of power; for, if it could, Government would no doubt re store it to them for its own sake. We certainly [...]
[...] that they would be so much gained to the revº nue of the State without affecting that of indi. viduals; in short, that they were merely taxes in the abstract, and to becomesubstantial when they come into the Exchequer.--(Hear, hear.) [...]
[...] in which a third party inig at interpose between two belligerent nations; but then, when they did oocur, they ought to be cases in which not merely the rights of individuals, but even the right and privi leges of humanity were at stake. That interposition [...]
[...] ceded to by the Independent, and refused by the Spanish overnment. He could not see any reason why we should É. so generous as to sacrifice to Spain, not merely the wel fare of our commercial interests, but also our character for good faith, which, was so º implicated in it. He [...]
[...] contained in that bill. One of them invested the lowest officers of the State, the Custom-house officers, with a dis-, cretionary Power of arresting persons, not merely before commissiºn of ºffence, but on a bare presumptiºn. Åi. though a friend to legitimate government, he thought it [...]
[...] ration is, however, not exactly a safe oue under the existing laws of France; it was at length agreed to merely send him about his business, upon which one of the mob addressed him thus :-" Si vous étes Calvin, allez a votre [...]
Galignani's messenger16.06.1819
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 16. Juni 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] vicinity of St. Peyersburgh, gains ground, and ives rise to serious alarm. It is said to be for the mere purpose of a Gi and Review, and that he has invited the Duke of Wellington to be present at it—but it cannot be believed, that for [...]
[...] he has invited the Duke of Wellington to be present at it—but it cannot be believed, that for the mere object of a holiday parade, he would, in the present state of his Finances, incur the expence of marching his numerons armie: ſrom [...]
[...] sent Ministers, when their power was first cou firmed to them, on his Majesty's illness, were the mere creatures of the Royal will. They had no other title to support, and they were content with that. But now that they have a najority [...]
[...] Warburton and Hoadley, it was well known, did not entertain the same sentiment” "P9" ". the latter receiving the Sacrament merely as a sign of cºmmunion with the Church. He felt desirous, upon the present occa?” to read to [...]
[...] obsolete charge of releasing subjects from their oaths, but how was this accusation proved? He would caſi the attentien of their lordships to a mere statement of the facts, which would elucidate the entire train of charges on that head. When Bonaparte was de [...]
[...] for themselves and their posterity, should prompt them to avoid the disgrace their Statutes cast upon, thcin ; a dis grace which but a mere distinction was held to justify; but which were still as degrading as they were protligate" and calumnious-(hear).-He asked their lordships, if any [...]
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