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Suchbegriff: Rain

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Galignani's messenger30.08.1823
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. August 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] ** at Noon to 2 PM.... very Rainy ... . Snow or Rain 2 P.M.... to 4. . fººl. Fair and Mild 4. to (; . . Fai Fair. - [...]
[...] - R.iny, its or S.W. Rain or Snow, if S or S.W. 1o ......... to 12 Midnt. | Fair.. ... ...! Fair and Frosty. *z Midn't... to a A.M....] Fair ... [Hard frost, unless S. or W. [...]
[...] *z Midn't... to a A.M....] Fair ... [Hard frost, unless S. or W. 2 A.M.... to 4 .. . Cold, with showers...|Snow and Stormy. 4 - ----. 6. Rain ............ - Snow and Stormy. 6 .. 8 . ..! Wind and Rain Stormy. - - - 8. Ch. bl Cold Rain, if wind W. [...]
[...] moon of the 21st, which answers to ::, rainy” till the 29th, whenever the wind is in the South or South West. Hence alsº we may anti eipnº", tº at there will be “wind and rain,” from the 29th inst. till tºe 4: , of S. ptember, because on the 29, the Moon will enter her Last Quarter at about 20 uninutes after six in the morning. [...]
[...] their operations than the tides of the sea; because air is more expan sive than water, combines more read ly with heat and electricit v, *"... thus produces...he variºus phenomena ºf wºm's, cloud, rain. hail, snow, etc. . Mod rn philoš phy has given us unany means unº kºown to the anci-nts of observing these phenomena with accuracy: [...]
Galignani's messenger06.12.1822
  • Datum
    Freitag, 06. Dezember 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] inhabitants of the neighbourhood of Patua and Moor shedebad. The indigo crop, it is added, had previously been destroyed by the rains, aud that article of ºom merce had consequently risen to a great price.-These advices also detail the melancholy particulars of the [...]
[...] and very snperior crops is anticipated by the planters. Jessore is an exception to this rule, as in that part of the country the early rains have done some mischief. In the Upper Provinces the season has proved gene rally wholesome ; the troops have been healthy; the [...]
[...] (Courier.) AGRICULTURAL Repont fon November.—From the dºlly occasioned by a went of rain in the early part ºf the Autumn, wheat-sowing was not generall finished until the middle of the present month. M. [...]
[...] finished until the middle of the present month. M. seed, however, was got in º, early in good and well-illed lands, and, rain soon after following, those crops have at present as luxuriant and fine an ºppºarance as ever was witnessed in this country : in [...]
[...] and mºisture of the weather, have germinated rapidly, and promise at no rate to be backward in season. # the mean time, should the heavy rains continue, it must be injurious to the low-land corn and more especially iſ ſollowed by sudden frost. An experiment has been [...]
[...] packet, from Lisbon, in six days. PottsMourh, Dec. 1.-lt has blown a heavy gale of wind the whole day, with hevay rain ; the outward bound rode in safety. Plymouth, Nov.30,—Remain wind-bound, a large [...]
Galignani's messenger30.11.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 30. November 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] wheats that are up, of which there is a good deal, are remarkably healthy and strong. All grain is upon the decline, although it does not appear the rain we expe: rienced during part of last harvest, has, in any material degree, ..I. Neither miller nor maltster com [...]
[...] * THE LATE HEAVY RAINS. A tremendous fall of rain on Sunday evening last (18th inst.) deluged this city and vicinity, and created [...]
[...] The weather in this quarter, since our last, has been very variable. On the evening of Thursday last (15th inst.) an uncommonly heavy fall of rain came on, attended with boisterous wind, which continued with little intermission till the following morning. We un [...]
[...] that has given way to a heavy fall of snow, attended with raw cold weather.—(Stirling Journal.) Boisterous winds and heavy rains have visited us at short intervals, during the past ten days. The river Eden has overflowed its banks and laid the low grounds [...]
[...] Patriot.) No flood in this vicinity was ever remembered to be higher than that occasioned by the excessive rain yes terday se’nnight. Some of the roads and houses were inundated to the depth of two or three feet; and the [...]
Galignani's messenger12.08.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 12. August 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] harvest, with the exceptioi of the produce of some of the flat lands, which has been darnn ged by the late rains, will be most abundani. The wheat, a considerable quantity of which has been cut, looks very ſide. The hops do [...]
[...] of Preton. Six bridges were destroyed on the same day between Carlisle and Glasgow, by the sudden and heavy rain. At Sedbergh, the storm was particularly violent and the congregation remained confined in the church, by incessant torrents of rain, an hour and a [...]
[...] was loud, and the lightning alarmingly vivid though the --! - - - - r * rain, which fell in the immediate neighbourhood, was very trifling; but, in the height of the storm, a long columnai body was ºbserved moving nearly from north [...]
[...] ground floor gave way to the pressure of the water, which circumstance, in all probability, preserved the house and the inmates. This immense body of rain descended down the Mint to the Kent in a mn idy torrent, presenting a head o' watºr a yard and a half high, and bringing alºng [...]
Galignani's messenger15.06.1822
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Juni 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] storm. , A little before seven o'clock, a shower came on, accompanied with, thunder, º and as the .g nced the rain fell heavily, or, accord ing to the Scottish phrase, in “an even-down pour.” Never was rain more seasonable for the garden crops [...]
[...] or for the oats and barley ou light lands, and consider ing the time it ſell it was abundant. In the course of three hours the fall, according to the rain-guage, amounted to 3-tenths of an inch. From all parts of the kingdom we have received accounts that the wea [...]
[...] 7o at 3 o'clock; and at.Cork, on the 1st instant, 70 112. n the latter city, on the 3d, it is said there were more thunder and lightning, accompanied, with heavy rain than were perhaps ever experienced in that climate. At York a similar storm occurred on Wednesday even [...]
[...] were loud and frequent, and the lightning remarkably vivid. It was accompanied by a mixed shower of rain and hail of such violence that the lower parts of the Old Town were completely inundated in a few minutes. The flood was so great, and at the same [...]
[...] veral parishes that the corn fields were obliged to be sown afresh. A violent storm of hail and rain broke forth over Chaumbery (Piedmont) on the 30th ult. which devas tated the country, destroyed the vineyards, and did [...]
Galignani's messenger08.07.1826
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. Juli 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] cautious; he assures them that all matters respecting the colony will meet with his immediate attention.--The weather has been dreadful; the rains have occasioned the overflowing of all the rivers. The Bank was thriving, and was giving a great impetus to trade-(Globe.) [...]
[...] over proved incorrect, and, in consequence Alnwick, throughout the day, although visited by a very severe thunder-storm which deluged the streets with rain, was the scene of considerable ex citement. Crowds were collected in the different avenues, and the most anxious inquiries were made for any intelligence re [...]
[...] - THE WEATHER, etc. At Hull, for the last two Surays, prayers have been offered up for rain.” Maximum of the barometer, on the 23d, 30. 53, and minimum, on the 28th, 30 13 inches. The thermometer has been, for the last few days, from 80 to 84 deg., and even higher, in [...]
[...] sunny exposure, to even 112 deg. showing a degree of heat rarely experienced in this climate. It is now Thursday evening) sta tionary at 75, with some appearance of rain-(Liverpool Mer cury.) The scarcity of rain is severely felt, notwithstanding we have [...]
[...] and Monday the thermometor stood at 86 in the shade, in three different situations; and in one of the three, on Tuesday, the mercury rose as high as 89. The average quantity of rain which falls in Manchester in a year is thirty-four inches. From the first day of January up to this day, a period of six months, the [...]
[...] cºrre. " In South Wales, Cornwall, Yorkshire, Westmoreland, and many parts of Scotland, the effects of the long want of rain and the extreme heat, have already had a lamentable effect upon the corn crops. The whole face of the country in these places [...]
Galignani's messenger28.12.1825
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Letters from Greenock announce the arrival of ves sels ſtoun Miramichi, 1he masters of which state, that previously to their sailing there had been heavy rains and a ſall of snow, which had effectually put a stop to the farther ravages of the couflagration in the woods [...]
[...] blue forked lightuing, were awfully grand, and then followed by ºils of thudºr, which, reverlºerºting from the neighbouring mills, were appaliug. Torreuts of rain, ſuingled with hall-stones. fell at the tim; We have not heard of any damage being done by the electric ſluid.—(Macclesfield Herald.) [...]
[...] "ºrought on shore, on which was Liverpool.”. It is feared iliat tº he whole of her crew perished.--Cinque Ports Herald.) ..","...ºnious storm of hiſ and rain, fell on Wednesday ºwn.. from six to ºne º'clock. The wind drovºº *apidity, and its ſº immdited the sileets. Vivid ſlasheſ of [...]
[...] Włºday evening, between nine and ten, Nottingham was isited with one of the most tremendous storms, for this period of ºu'.he year, of lightning, thunder, hail, and rain, ever remeinbered. - the rejºivid’ſ shes ºf lightning, and the heavy peals of thuuder were truly terrific, - - - - [...]
[...] The Cadiz Mercantile Courier of the 7th inst. con tains the following article:—“Last night this place was visited by a most tremendous tempest. The rain fell in abundance, the wind blew hard ſrom the south west, and the sea was greatly agitated. Its fury aug [...]
[...] danger. The Anaconda Serpent, *:::::: by Cuvier, which in brilliancy of colour *Hºº every species; it may be said to vie with the rain-bow. Likewise the real Head of an Indian Chief, tattooed according to the custom of the country, with the hair and teeth in as perfect a state as when alive. [...]
Galignani's messenger22.05.1824
  • Datum
    Samstag, 22. Mai 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] Mackay, Esq.--Star.) This is the third day and night on which it has rained throughout in London. One half of the streets is broken upon the pretence of ſºft on an improved !. and the other half is ancle deep in mud, [...]
[...] On Thursday last the neighbourhood of Newinarket was visited with a tremendous storm of thunder, lightning, and rain. Soon after five o’clock the light ning struck a malt-house at Setchworth, and in n short time it was enveloped in flames, which extended [...]
[...] THE FLOODS. On the Kent-roads, the effects of the rains of Friday and Satur day have been most extensive and destructive. - At Deptford, part of a sugar-house was washed away, with se [...]
[...] time to turn his horse's head. In another moment he must have plunged into the abyss. To the north of Newark there has been no rain, and the roads were inconveniently dusty for travellers. But on Friday and Satur day the torrents of rain that fell nearer town were such as to put [...]
[...] . inundated, owing to the fall of rain during the last three days. - [...]
Galignani's messenger02.10.1821
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 02. Oktober 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] TREMENDous INuNo Ation.—On Friday last, Holy well and its neighbourhood were visited with one of º heaviest falls of rain ever remembered, accompanied with tremendous thunder and lightning. About one o'clock, the villagers in the low lands became greatly [...]
[...] A gentleman of Chester, going by the coach towards Manchester, reports, that about two in the afternoon, hail and rain descended in such torrents as almost tº darken the air, and render it impossible to see half a ºozen yards before the leading horses' heads.—(Chester [...]
[...] have suffered no material injury by the heavy rains we have had. The Red Wheat is as excellent in quality as at any foruer period, and Oats and Barley are very [...]
[...] vourable for the harvest; with the exception of a slight mist on Tuesday, until near two o'clock in the after noon, and some heavy rain yesterday morning, which ceased before nine o'clock, the weather has been as fine as could be expected at this season. Having made par [...]
[...] more attributable to a want of proper caution, than to the weather. This day, has been unfavourable from its commencement, and still continues raining at the hour [...]
Galignani's messenger28.12.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 28. Dezember 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] transparency, and in the evening the planet Venus was surrounded with a remarkable halo. On Mouday gloom and drizzling rain returned, and on Tuesday; early in the morning, there fell a torrent of rain and hail, accompanied with a tremendous gust of wind;— [...]
[...] hail, accompanied with a tremendous gust of wind;— Wednesday was variable, and Thursday morning dis tinguished by a fog, which was followed by heavy rain ...; another tempest during the night. The remainder of the week has continued stormy, and the whole has [...]
[...] of the week has continued stormy, and the whole has been remarkable for the lowness of the barometer. On Friday morning it sunk to 28,80. The quantity of rain fallen since Saturday last is 1 inch. On the night of the 11th instant a meteor was seen at Durham, about [...]
[...] This Notice to tear, Here must it remain Till wash’d off by the rain.” Yesterday Mr. Nathaniel Keays, of Drumkeen, was murdered by a blow of a spade, given by a man of the [...]
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