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Suchbegriff: Rain

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Galignani's messenger10.09.1824
  • Datum
    Freitag, 10. September 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Letters from Grenada, received this morning, state that, from the want of rain, and from excessive heat, the crops of sugar and coſtee were nearly all destroyed. (New Times.) [...]
[...] has become gº! throughout the county ; the corn, we are happy to add, has sustained no injury from the late rains, and the quantity is equal to any former" season. 3 WINDson, Sept. 5–Yesterday his Majesty and [...]
[...] On Thursday afternoon Manchester was visited by a violent storm of thunder and lightning, accompanied with heav rain, which continued for nearly three hours. The iron rod which surmounts a chimney in the yard of Messrs. Clogg and Norris's ctory was struck by the lightning, and the electric fluid ran vi [...]
[...] there appeared to be abundant reason for apprehen sion and alarm, in consequence of the lodged state of the crops, and repeated falls of rain, we believe more service has accrued from the latter circumstance, than injury been sustained—the ripening process was pro [...]
Galignani's messenger14.09.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 14. September 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Royal, whilst acting in the command of the Bann. It was apprehended that the crops at Jamaica would fail, from the want of rain, none having fallen during several months. - Mr. Cole and Mr. Macdonald, Midshipmen, of the [...]
[...] Lieutenant. When his Majesty's squadron lay at anchor, on Tues day evening, at King's |. harbour, a beautiful rain– bow, of mºst vividcolours, appeared elevated above the horizon, its arch encircling the royal squadron ; a poor [...]
[...] last, the day on which his Majesty iº reach ing Plymouth, proved indeed inauspicious ; the wind was unfavourable; the rain, for the greater part of the day, fell in heavy torrents; and the sea, from what is | ºia under-ground swells, occasionally presented a [...]
[...] unfavourable state of the weather, and the reported in jury which the new crop has sustained by the late rains, caused a brisk deniand for Wheat, and prime qualities obtained Ios, more than on this day week. #. is from 2s. to 3s. per quarter dearer. Beans [...]
Galignani's messenger13.07.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 13. Juli 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] of the next day. About three o'clo k on Sunday a por tentous cloud suddenly overspread the metropolis with darkness, and poured down torrents of rain, accom Panied with thunder. The wind shifted to its ſormer quarters in the north-east, and chilling rains continued, [...]
[...] quarters in the north-east, and chilling rains continued, with very little intermission, till Monday night. This rain, however, was limited in its spread towards the sºuth; not having been experienced in Kent, even on Monday morning, below Canterbury. Wednesday [...]
[...] Since that day the wind has turned to the westward of north, but the weather has continued congenial. The quantity of rain this week in inches is 1,35. York, July 1.-Last night, about nine o'clock, this city was thrown into a state of great alarm, by the [...]
Galignani's messenger24.12.1821
  • Datum
    Montag, 24. Dezember 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] All the Provincial Papers manifest the great appre hensions that are entertained throughout the country, from the very general and incessant rains. The crop of potatoes, it is ſeared, will be greatly injured, a cala mity which would, at any time, but particularly now, [...]
[...] of the country, overflowing lands that had never been covered before.—In Roscommon, from the great fall of rain, the mail-coach has been obliged to abandon the new road, and to take an old mountain road that has not been made use of for several years. We regret to [...]
[...] new road, and to take an old mountain road that has not been made use of for several years. We regret to state, that from the incessant rains, and continued | dampness of the weather, the typhus ſever has begun to show itself in this county, as well as tºe county of [...]
[...] Yesterday morning, soon after three o'clock, there was a tremendous gale at S. S. W., accompanied with hail and torrents of rain. The gale abated in one dreadſul explosion about four o'clock. Friday the unlet seats in the different parish churches [...]
Galignani's messenger07.01.1822
  • Datum
    Montag, 07. Januar 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] houses and several lives. What renders this circum stance peculiaris, that the whole Archipelago of Islands are suffering under a dreadful drought, rain having ſal len once ...; at Teneriffe and Canary, and not at all in the more Northern Islands of Lancerota and Fuota [...]
[...] weather still continues very dry, and the consequence will be short crops in general. We had latterly some fine showers, but .# more rain is wanted to secure the plants lately put into the ground, as well as to bring forward the other Canes.”—(Globe:) [...]
[...] fused, and having thrown up the sashes of the upper windows, prepared for action, when it commenced raining remarkably heavy, which compelled the Insur gents to retire down the avenue, where they waited a i. time, thinking the rain would cease; but being [...]
Galignani's messenger12.01.1822
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. Januar 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] settled, with violent gales of wind, and frequent heavy showers. On Monday and Tuesday last an immense quantity of rain ſell: many of the low grounds in the neighbourhood were, in consequence, flooded. The barometer has scarcely ever been observed so low as it [...]
[...] HULL. On the morning of Tuesday last, a violent fresh, th consequence of a heavy rain the W. night, cane pouring down the river Esk, at Whitby, and occasion ed considerable damage amongst the shipping in the [...]
[...] higher that it had been for several years, as appeared on its approach to a certain mark at the bridge. The rains for the most part were accompanied by blustering stormy winds, but without producing any very serious disasters along our coast, that we have heard of. Shore [...]
[...] in the houses built on what was called the Stone-field, while the bridge was in course of erection. The ac cumulating rains settling against a wall lately erected [...]
Galignani's messenger09.08.1820
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 09. August 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] —“llad the writer of the foregoing extraor dinary statement asserted that the frogs ap peared sometime AFTER the rain, we should have had less difficulty in believing the story, as similar phenomena are too well established [...]
[...] to admit of a doubt. But, that perfectly form ed, or Ilalf-formed, animals, should have been actually rained down, it does require a consi derable stretch of faith to believe. It is no un common thing for frogs and toads to be found [...]
[...] common thing for frogs and toads to be found alive upon the flat tops of houses, even the highest, the DAY AFTER a violent rain, in the tropical climates; and Mr. Pennant, in his History of ludostan, relates that small fishes [...]
[...] are there found in places which were lately quite dry, about the tenth day after the first rains, and that the inhabitants make a common dish of them at their tables.”—Editor of the Liverpool Mercury. - [...]
Galignani's messenger13.12.1822
  • Datum
    Freitag, 13. Dezember 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] xpired.— Bah 13c, ald.) The evenings and nights during the present week have been marked by violent storms of wind and rain, which have as regularly been succeeded by fair wea her on the mornings. The storm of last night (the 5th [...]
[...] merly there was scarcely a fine day in November, as li ei e was almost constant fogs, rain, or mists for a succession of days, and it was characterised as suicide month it, England. It is worth inquiring into the [...]
[...] the west, and gradually increased in violence until about 12 o'clock, when it blew a perfect hurricane, accompanied by heavy rain. By ten o'clock the town was left in almost utter darkness, the greater part of [...]
[...] On Thursday night this city experienced one of the most tremendous gales, accompanied by a heavy rain, ever remembered. The gusts which followed each other were most terrific, and threatened the safety both [...]
Galignani's messenger11.04.1820
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 11. April 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] pointed diguity. The sun peeped out, indeed, just to wards the close of the procession, as if it were only to display more distinctly the havock which the rain had made. The procession reached the Crown and Anchor, from [...]
[...] The procession reached the Crown and Anchor, from Cadogan Arms, in Sloane-street, about 4 o'clock, its pace having been quickened by the occasioned rains. [...]
[...] half pay ºf the Regiment, to be. Quarter. Maste. V. Woodford, who retires upon. full-pay.—48th Ditto Hºts. B. Thºmpson, fºom half-pay of tie Raine.j: Croker, from '''''''." the Regiuent; W. A. N-sfield from half-pay of the Regimeut; and R. C. H. Gorºon. [...]
[...] judgment was at hand, and in the greatest terror ran from all sides to prayers. The last storm ended with a heavy rain that lasted many hours, a thing unheard of in this conntry at this season of the year. This, however, was the worst of all, for the ground, on which not a drop had [...]
Galignani's messenger10.11.1821
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. November 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] tember, which contain ... "...; of the re lief which that island has experienced ſrom the dreadful drought with which it has been visited. The rain ap ars to have been general in Clarendºn, Vere, and Manchester parishes, where they had fine penetrating [...]
[...] Matrixſon, Al Lottery.-- Yesterday, according to custom, on the 5th of November, under the will of Mr. Raine, formerly a brewer in Wapping, six maidens, educated in his Hospital, in Fawden-fields, Wapping, met at the Treasurer's house, to draw lots, under the [...]
[...] riages, the mail, and a number of passengers left the Quay on Saturday, in order to proceed to Calais, but as sudden squalls of wind and rain were homentarily coming on, after reaching the South Head, she returned, not thinking it prudent to venture. On Saturday night [...]
[...] coming on, after reaching the South Head, she returned, not thinking it prudent to venture. On Saturday night it blew a most tremendous hurricane, raining in tor rents, but having abated in the morning, the passen gers from the Dasher, amounting to about 60, (ºnclud [...]
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