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927 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Rain

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Galignani's messenger14.01.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 14. Januar 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] dreadful bad indigo season. What with the sudden rise of the river since the first of this month, the constant heavy rains and late sow ings. make it a very heart-breaking business. One consolation is left, which is, that what we [...]
[...] horrid catastrophe.” . . . . Letters from Purneath also contain unfavour able accounts of the indigo, the late rains hav ing caused inuch damage. in Bengal they have too much rain; [...]
Galignani's messenger04.07.1825
  • Datum
    Montag, 04. Juli 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] him some friendly hint, which may spare him a second mortification on the Welsh circuit. His bro ther Justice (Mr. Raine) ought also to be spared the re petition of the unpleasant circumstance which occurred on the last circuit.— (Times.) [...]
[...] .." testimony that might bear agaiust his case. tie was ask tº cº Did you not tell Mr. Kenrick Ie insisted it was his rain? I said he refused to produce the fleece. Did you not tell Mr. Kenrick he said it was his ram? Certainly ; [...]
[...] That you told Mr. Kenrick 2 I canuot say whether I did or not. How much of that did you tell Mr. Keurick 2 I cannot say. Did you tell Mr. Kei.rick he claimed it as his rain Triat he would not give it up to me. º you uvu tell Mr. Kenrick that he claimed it as his ram?— [...]
[...] must be permitted to say that Mr. Beale's conduct with rºspect to rams was very extraordinary.—(A laugh.)--Mr. Beale lost a rain that had a mark upon its rump. He happened to find anoth, 1, which had a mark on its side, and he said to himself, tliat aſhomºh this was not his, it would ſº a well as another; [...]
[...] he would have nothing to do in the bºness.-ºwſ. ... Mr. Can'or to have done next? He thought it was hard to jo. º rain in that way; but he was obliged to sit dºwn contended und, r the cºnduct of the Mºgistrate. i bei, came th: proposal to refer !he matter to Mr. Pºll, r and Mr. Nash canſ' proved by th [...]
Galignani's messenger12.08.1826
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. August 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] dismantled, and placed in a state which would render its complete destruction inevitable, within a short period by the rains. Less treasure had been found there than was expected. Much pains had been taken in the search ſor . supposed to have been buried there, but on the [...]
[...] - * mighly rain. In the former Bhurtpore war he was the Mr. Chas. Metcalf who joined the storming party in the assault of Deeg, and was one of the foremost in the breach.”—(Times.) [...]
[...] the contest. The Arabs of Ibrahim's army, though active and useful soldiers, in such a straggling campaign, caumot stand the change of climate the rains and cold of the north of the Morea will rapidly thin then; disease and the privations of the campaign have already made sad havoc in their ranks. Against the Turkish [...]
[...] º, gale; two Roses and three Fanes; White, Brown, Green, and º Scarlett; Wood, Cole, and Coke, East and West: Hills and WR Banks; Wells and Rain; Hope and Grant; Flemming, French, [...]
[...] The town of Barr was visited by a tremendous storm on Saturday, which lasted for about two hours. Such was the violence of the rain, that the stalls in the market were upset, and the provisions literally washed away. Several persons were in danger of being drowned, but happily only one perished. [...]
Galignani's messenger06.08.1823
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 06. August 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] From the continued rains up to Saturday (nearly five weeks) vast [...]
[...] a consideralle b eadih of grass still standin---old hay, of soo quº Itty, cominands from 51. to 5 guineas. Notwittstanding the heavy an continued rains with which this county has been visited, the corn beaten dowu is very partial, and little muju, y, we hole, will tollow. Many of the wheats are thin, but there is also a considerable portion [...]
[...] been benefittel. From the irought and c -i- of last mouth the gra's was exceedingly backward in growth, and the scythe was withhell, perhaps keyerally, in the hope of rain and increase of bulk. I lie iain has fallen ºr pitiously, but with the drawback of unfavourable weather for hayrºking. The quantity however, if not great, will. [...]
[...] and pulse, will be considerable. Much smutted wheat is exp, c'e', f, on the nature of both the spring and summers' esons. The waſ ºn rains has e promoted he growth of straw in the crop. The potatoe plants were checked, and indeed injured, by the cºlº winds, but have r. covered, and are in a very flºurishing state, where kept clean end [...]
Galignani's messenger19.10.1822
  • Datum
    Samstag, 19. Oktober 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] iner, however, came round this morning, and got into the harbour-Last night it blew a tremendous gale, altended with torrents of rain, and in the course ºf the night, or rather about two in the morning, the wind shifted from the S.W. to the N.E., still blowing very [...]
[...] be paid immediately, and the remainder in twelve motiths.-(Durh in Chronicle.) The swell in our rivers, occasioned by the late rains, has brought down a vast number of eels, some thou sand pounds weight of which have been sold in this [...]
[...] the weather changed suddenly with it: it had bee remarkably fine for several days, but Friday mornir was ushered in with cloud and rain, and with ever, appearance of a gale coming on ; the weather, how, ever, continued in the same state during the whole: [...]
[...] tº their ground. The gale abated somewhat on *. bntil blew again with astonishing violence in the night between Tuesday and Wednesday, when rain ſell in torrents. As much damage has been done on shore as in the bay, many stores in Cape Town have fallen in ; [...]
Galignani's messenger29.07.1823
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 29. Juli 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] I ow.—The idea of giving a féte champetre, which was entertaiued fºr some time, has been reliuquished, in consequence of the excessive rains having rendered the beautiful lawn and pleasure grounds of the Royal Lodge too damp for an entertainment of that descrip [...]
[...] weeks later in the important operations of harvest this year than we were last. We are sorry at being obliged to add, that the fiequent and heavy rains have seri ously damaged the unstacked hay, which lis in blackened heaps in this and the adjoining counties, [...]
[...] persons, about five weeks later than at this time last year.—(Edinburgh Star.) A great deal of rain has fallen since our last. Sa turday, and nearly the whole of Sunday and Sunday night, it railed almost incessantly. Yesterday, the [...]
[...] weather on the passage, with variable winds, and so dark, accompanied by heavy thunder and lightning, with such torrents of rain, never before witnessed b any one of the ſleet, that it was only at short intervals the ships could gºt a glimpse of each other, and six [...]
Galignani's messenger09.08.1824
  • Datum
    Montag, 09. August 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] about four days ago: he Brought about 3,000 men down with him, not more. - - *The rains are heavy, and the severity of the duty for the last three months, has been moioke; scarcely an officer that was in camp is now living”—(Courier. [...]
[...] The spring of this year has been unusually dry, with a continual prevalence of easterly winds, and, for up wards of two months, we have had no rain ; conse [...]
[...] ing a change of weather was indicated ; the sky was cloudy, with a misty horizon, and a heavy shower of rain actually fell in Cadiz, a circumstance which sel dom or never happens in the month of July. The Spa wish physicians say, that, should the ſever break out [...]
[...] that at Fetlue yesterday, and I ... he will i.l.i. under take º'í his united force being stated to amount to 33,000 men, aud as the rains have now set in he will not certainly remain inactive. - I am making the most strenuous exertions to collect a force [...]
Galignani's messenger11.08.1824
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 11. August 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] New Brunswick papers have arrived to the 3oth of June, and Quebec papers to the 6th ult. The melting of the snow and incessant rains from the 24th to the 27th of June, caused the river Gouffre, which passes through the parish of St. Paul's Bay, to rise rapidly to [...]
[...] harvest, and we suppose, that in the mºmory of the oldest person, i. guantity of fine fodder that has been stacked was never ex: ceeded; the abundant rain during the latter part of June increased the |. beyond all precedent. The fille weather has equally favourable for the Grain, and should it continue, the whole [...]
[...] The annual races in Normandy took place near the Arras-du-Pin, on the 30th and 3ist of July, and 1st of this nonth, and notwithstanding the heavy rains dur ing the three days, they were attended by a great con course of persois. About twenty horses were pre [...]
[...] a Native of switzerland, who has travelled fºr a long ºne wººl English Family, and can be well recommended-Apply to M. Ma rains, No. 51, rue du Ponceau. wants a Situation as Valet and Groom, a Swiss, aged 24, who understands his business, has no objection to wavel [...]
Galignani's messenger16.11.1822
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. November 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] as we announced some days ago, the city of Genoa and its environs has leen visited. The following is an extract:—“ Turrents of rain, which continued to pour down upon the mountains for 15 hours, swelled the rivers to a degree which has not beeu equalled fºr [...]
[...] Its thick and solid walls were swept away, with every thing that they contained. At noon, on the 25th, the rain having ceased for a moucut, the environs of Gc noa presented a terrible, but novel, sight. The inux dation had become general, and there was seen only [...]
[...] leing absolutely impassable, the particulars of the da mage done in the country cannot be ascertained; hut it is undoubtedly immense. The rain commenced on Thursday night, but the most awful mom, nt was just before noon on Friday, when the sky became still [...]
[...] Thursday night, but the most awful mom, nt was just before noon on Friday, when the sky became still more dark than before; the torrents of rain poured down with redoubled ſury and violence, while ſequent ſlashes of the most vivid lightning, accompanied by the [...]
Galignani's messenger17.05.1822
  • Datum
    Freitag, 17. Mai 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] #! WEATHER.—This week has been, for the most part, an º: contrast to the last. On Sunday morning a fill of rain took place, and in the afternoon, there was another heavy shower ; but the weather continued warm, and, with these exceptions, fine, till [...]
[...] day, has been constantly cold, and occasionally wet, with an easterly wind .# an atmosphere very gloomy, even when dry. The quantity of rain ſallen since last Saturday noon is 1 inch 15 hundredth parts. [...]
[...] Leghorn to perform quarantine. An abundant rain fell on the 8th inst. at Montauban and in the vicinity, which las removed the apprehen sions that had arisen from the long drought. On the [...]
[...] and in the vicinity, which las removed the apprehen sions that had arisen from the long drought. On the 9th there was much rain at Toulouse. A monument to the memory of Fenelon is about to be erected in the cathedral of Cambray. [...]
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