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The London and China telegraph05.04.1869
  • Datum
    Montag, 05. April 1869
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] 50 Do. O. 1867 ... ... 10 1} to 4 dis. 10 W. Assam Tea... ... ... ...! All 1: to 24 100 est India 8team Company ... ... 60 40 to 42 Walrus (str.) Nautilus (str.)... [...]
[...] (La Première Partie a paru, la Seconde est sous Presse.) [...]
[...] HE NOR I. H CHINA INSURANCE COMPANY. Est ABL1shed 1st JANUARY, 1863. Subscrimen Capital—SHANGHAI TAELS 1,500,000 (EQUAL At Ex, 6s. PER TAEL to £430,000). [...]
The London and China telegraph28.12.1867
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. Dezember 1867
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] an association for the purpose of preparing a petition for presentation to Parliament against the military contribution, and for promoting the inter ests of the colony generally. This resolution having been handed round, was signed by nearly all the gentlemen present. Mr. Parry here remarked that probably the Chamber of Commerce [...]
[...] 20 Société Financiére d’Egypte. . 10 7; to 6% dis 10 Upper Assam Tea . . . . . . . All 4 to 5 100 est India Steam Company. . 60 61 to 63 [...]
[...] CHIEF Est ABLISHMENT, THE house of GELLE FRERES, celebrated [...]
The London and China telegraph06.02.1871
  • Datum
    Montag, 06. Februar 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] the most important part of any reparation that is to be given, as the object of the demands made is of course chiefly to prevent the recurrence of outbreaks and to re-est ublish foreign prestige. The Hon. W. H. Seward and his party were assaulted with stones on their visit to Wuchang, near Hankow. The action was [...]
[...] The Cabinet is again complete. Colonel Booms, who has been com pelled to resign because of ill-health, being succeeded by Colonel En gelvaart. Le roi est mort, vive le roi! Some Conservative papers as sure us that Mr. Booms never intended to become a Minister, but that he was appointed by Mr. Thorbecke, who composed the Cabinet in a [...]
[...] 8 | 675 1801_| ''' | ''' | ''' || 0:3 || 0:3 || 0 ºz |0 || 19 | ff | #º | tg | 99 || ~ |obzºt----|6##986 f. || 641··· | 611• |~~~~ ſvuguvus|~~~~····· uzoolºgy jo oxínoſ *ºzzº) ;'noli’y… l. ------…rra wriaen - l ---- *** • • •---------- - ſr | gº§, || ~ | ° | oc | ºc |“, “ ſºlº | sr | ssw | est | cs | ſr | * |postot----1896001 || 618*** | 29·vuuviųox{ox}^******uønsºolowa (I ºr ...*** | 161---- - ----*** I gº 1 *** Isſº9----“ I zg || … I st.------------#,#*** | #· · ······ xogºuwg··········tuvaſſo ſos****£, 1 *** 1 *** | 1111 º 189 | zoz | est || 9# | sctl º looooº----000061 | gael63 | sz·'wuuuuox{oxølºvº uºalis [...]
The London and China telegraph26.01.1867
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. Januar 1867
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] to take no hasty step, but wait patiently for better times. In this we are supported by the opinion of persons largely inter ested in the trade. KOREA. EvideNCE in support of the accounts published by us relative [...]
[...] THE MO N E Y MIA R K E T R E VIEW A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF THE HIG Il EST CLASS, rºxclusivri, Y DEVoted to Thr Discussion of [...]
[...] . ... INDIA AND CHINA WIA ITALY. Short EST SEA PASSAGE ritonſ EUROPE to EGYPT. BBIND is to Alex A.N DR1A–Contract Passage, 82 hours - It is frequently done in 72 hours. [...]
The London and China telegraph12.06.1863
  • Datum
    Freitag, 12. Juni 1863
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] culture, and therefore it remains barbaric in intention, however admirable as workmanship. As M. Emile Montégut so well says: —“Le génie de l'artiste n'est pastout dans les arts, il lui faut unematière sur laquelle il Puisse s'exercer, etcette matière sa volonté est impuissante à lui donner; c'est l’humanité qui fournità l'artiste cette matiére morale." [...]
The London and China telegraph24.12.1877
  • Datum
    Montag, 24. Dezember 1877
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Waters. An event has occurred at Berlin which has caused considerable ex citement. The military commandel Las ordered ulie as est of au Englishman, who was staying at one of the first hotels in the city, upcn suspicion of high treason in attempting to corrupt certain Government [...]
The London and China telegraph08.01.1872
  • Datum
    Montag, 08. Januar 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] when everything looked gloomy in Paris, and reports of the European crops came favourable, Red Peacocks then declined to 24s. The high est points were in January, when the market opened with the new year at 25s. 6d. to 26s. for Red Peacocks; in August, when the first arrivals of new silk sold at 26s. for the same chop ; and again at the [...]
[...] Est Api.nstied FEB. 9, 1833, [...]
The London and China telegraph28.12.1868
  • Datum
    Montag, 28. Dezember 1868
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] complete thoroughly the drainage which is at present in progress. Is Government prepared to take those items over, and, if so, where is the money to come from ? It is non est, unless additional taxa tion is imposed. The new steamer for the Colony is reported to be building in a [...]
[...] 50 Do. Do. 1867 ... 10 1 dis to par x.d. 10 Upper Assam Tea... --- --- --- All 24 to 3 100 est India Steam Company ... 60 46 to 48 | - - - Slipping Šuttligthtt. -o [...]
The London and China telegraph15.03.1867
  • Datum
    Freitag, 15. März 1867
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] manded a heavy indemnity for the expenses of the war, thus taking a leaf out of the book of his own old foes, and adopting into his own vernacular the classical proverb “Fas est ab hoste doceri.” To enforce payment of this, he has marched a large body of troops into the Kokura territory. If [...]
[...] o THE COMING TEA SEASON. “IN te(a) spes est”—once the hopeful motto of the “olfactory corps * in China—has now become obsolete, if in deed it be not entirely forgotten by the members of that impor [...]
The London and China telegraph05.04.1867
  • Datum
    Freitag, 05. April 1867
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] *...* * * * * * * * * eſt [...]
[...] DEATH OF THE MIKADO. “Le roi est mort. Vive le Roi!" Scarcely has the successor of the recently deceased SHIoGooN been formally installed when the death of the MIKADo—the actual Sovereign of Japan—is [...]
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