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Suchbegriff: Rain

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The London and China telegraph04.09.1871
  • Datum
    Montag, 04. September 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] badly damaged indeed, and nearly covered at high tide. The natives are beginning to get anxious about the rice crops in the neighbouring districts, which, owing to the absence of rain, are reported to be suffering. It was only a month ago they were complaining the rain was spoiling the barley, and now they com [...]
[...] are reported to be suffering. It was only a month ago they were complaining the rain was spoiling the barley, and now they com plain of the absence of rain. Truly farmers all the world over are a grumbling lot, but I thought this failing was confined to the British specimen. [...]
[...] COMMERCIAL REPORT. In the Rice market supplies have, in consequence of heavy rains, been rather scanty, and the natives, who are busily engaged preparing the fields for the new crop, do not at all seem inclined to come forward with their stocks, but hope to obtain higher [...]
The London and China telegraph06.06.1866
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 06. Juni 1866
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Dates are to the 1st May. The rice crop, as far as it has been gathered, has everywhere been abundant, and recent plenti ful rains had opened the same good prospect for that part of the crop, which, for want of rain, was rather stunted in growth. Great hopes are also entertained for the sugar crop of this [...]
[...] few miserable huts, then a large yamen—the residence of a military mandarin of the fourth rank. The Coreans call the place Sokong. It began to rain and blow; so getting near Ch'onglin Island, our destination, we ran up into shallow water on the north bank. At low water we had five feet, [...]
[...] rained from dº claring a further dry dend on the present occasion, leaving it to the Shareholders to decide upon the desirability [...]
The London and China telegraph09.08.1871
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 09. August 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] residents attained their English growl at one and the same time, because of the somewhat trying, and at one time serious absence of rain. It has been said, however, that “it never rains but it pours;” and certainly this remark may be said to apply fairly to Hong Kong. The rain, when it did come, poured for some con [...]
[...] of our last prices for imports have not improved as regards staple manufactures. China produce shows a further decline both in demand and value. Incessant rains have prevailed for the past month, which has materially interfered with business. The new coinage has not yet been issued from the Osaka Mint, and we regret to hear that changes [...]
The London and China telegraph25.10.1875
  • Datum
    Montag, 25. Oktober 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Saunders, Mr. H. C. Bury. Per P. and O. steamer Hindostan, from Brindisi, Nov. 15.-To Batavia: Mr. Lor raine. To Ceylon: Mr. T. Steele. [...]
[...] average of 2,000,000 gallons to each block in the Settlement. The Herald supplies the subjoined account of the storm — The rain, which began to fall gently about mid-day on the 31st, gra dually increased as night approached, and at seven o'clock descended in torrents, and continued with almost unabated violence until some [...]
[...] until all the low-lying streets and alleys of the Settlement were sub merged-in some places to the depth of a foot, fifteen, and even eigh teen inches. . The rain continued in undiminished quantity for some time longer, but there did not seem to be any further rise of water in the flooded districts; and when an abatement commenced the sewers [...]
[...] vate houses; and although a considerable amount of floatable property was carried away by the flood and destroyed, the city cannot fail to be benefited by the unusual cleansing it has received. That the rain ex tended for a long distance in the country was evidenced by the volume of water which poured down the creeks into the Hwangpoo; in the [...]
[...] a hack carriage with two gentlemen in it ; an hour or two after wards the sycees had all voluntarily resumed work, and there being no rain are over-anxious for custom. [...]
[...] Empire in 1871; the Luxemburg Treaty of 1867; the Franco German War of 1870-71, and the Treaties ceding Alsace and Lor raine; the Abrogation in 1871 of the Black Sea clauses of the Treaty of Paris of 1856; the Final Protocol of the Brussels Con ference of 1874; and the Proposals for reopening the Conferences [...]
The London and China telegraph11.06.1877
  • Datum
    Montag, 11. Juni 1877
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] . The North China Herald correspondent writes as follows, under date April 14:— - - - “A chapter of accidents,” “it never rains but it pours,” and other trite sayings, if we know any, of similar import, chase each other through one's mind, when one hears a series of accidents, [...]
[...] In the provinces of Cagayan and Ilocos Norte the tobacco crop this year is not so abundant as in previous years, owing to want of rain. At Zamboanga a great drought was prevailing by last accounts. Many head of cattle had died there in conse squence. [...]
[...] formed register of the three following phenomena:—The three magnetic elements and earth currents, barometric pressure, force and speed of wind, rain, temperatures of air (at different elevations), and evapora tion, ozone, and solar radiation, with maximum and minimum thermo meters at the Observatory and in the waters of the Thames at Poplar, [...]
[...] Poplar (the ship to which the Thame thermometers are attached), at the elevation of 17ft. above the river, appears to show that the amount of rain collected there is the same as that on the ground level at the Royal Observatory in the months of June, July, and August, but less than in all other months of the year, the aggregate for the year being [...]
[...] Royal Observatory in the months of June, July, and August, but less than in all other months of the year, the aggregate for the year being nearly the same as that of the rain collected on the roof of the octagon room at the Observatory. The computation of the photographic re cords of the barometers from 1854 to 1873 has so far advanced that it [...]
[...] the thermometer showing 25 degrees R. in the shade, and to-day it is still higher. At the same time a drying up easterly wind has set in, and a shower of rain would be most welcome. On the whole, the weather of late has been very favourable to the growing crops as well as to the orchards, and the harvest may still turn out at least a [...]
The London and China telegraph18.06.1877
  • Datum
    Montag, 18. Juni 1877
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Messrs. Jaimie and Co. and Mr. Emmerson. The fire at Tan jong Pagar had been completely extinguished. The long-con tinued drought had been mitigated by a fall of rain, and the prevalence of cholera was rapidly decreasing. A Chinese riot, which was suppressed before it had attained serious proportions, [...]
[...] employed at the wreck of the s.s. Japan during the salvage operations this summer. - Among other damages caused by the heavy rain-fall of the 21st April a landslip occurred on the hill-side above Mr. Dorab jee's new bungalow in Robinson-road. About fifteen or twenty [...]
[...] levée at Government House on the 1st May. We have had some rather violent ºntom, here lately, with a great deal of rain—about eight inches per week. The temperature yesterday (May 4) was, maximum 84%, and mini mum (over night) 793. [...]
[...] Exhibition has held a preliminary meeting at the office of the Colonial Secretary. Rain has fallen and cholera has been considerably on the decrease in town. In fact, the epidemic may now be said to have almost completely disappeared. [...]
[...] heading of Piece Goods had been inactive, owing to the non-settlement of the currency question, chop-dollars being quoted at $10.00 discount per mille. The heavy rains had also had a depressing influence upon business generally. Messrs. Olyphant and Co.'s Circular says –All counts of English Yarns command about former figures. Piece Goods: [...]
[...] improved health of the whole community. A large extent of road and streets have been re-made, and side channels to carry off the . floods of rain constructed. Many miles of mountain path have been made. The public gardens have been enlarged and improved, and will now compare favourably with any place of recreation in the East. [...]
The London and China telegraph15.02.1875
  • Datum
    Montag, 15. Februar 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] with snow, but the muddy streets refused a resting-place to the Christmas visitor. The weather since has been extremely vari able, frost and ice alternating with rain and mud. Christmas day passed off very quietly in the Settlements. A large number of people had gone up country, and the cold kept the ladies more [...]
[...] were not blind. No one passing by would ever have suspected such a building to be intended for a church. The interior was even still more wonderful to behold. After each heavy rain the walls were damp and the plastering stained or washed away in spots. In winter time, except with fair wind, the congregation often [...]
[...] building a fresh batch of vessels of a different style to those al ready afloat. The weather has been very variable, but the prevail ing elements have been strong N.E. gales and rain till the New Year, which was ushered in with a remarkably clear sky. H.M.S. Curlew and H.I.C.M.S. Tsi-ngan were both obliged to make two [...]
[...] pany of the 37th which he commanded was cut off from the rest of the force and surrounded by several thousands of Chinese troops; but, not withstanding, the rain prevented the Sepoys from discharging their muskets, yet they repulsed every attack made upon them until an hour or two after dusk, when they were extricated from their perilous posi [...]
The London and China telegraph06.12.1866
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 06. Dezember 1866
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] hoped for a favourable change in the state of the weather ; about 5 A.M., the Japan parted cables and was soon lost out of sight; heavy showers of rain were fast succeeding one another ; at daybreak had only the Atalanta with us; no change of wind and weather, glass being stationary. Struck topgallant [...]
[...] over the vessel, smashing to pieces the boat, watercasks, companion-ladders, gig, sty, hencoops, and many other things; the rest of the day sea and rain as heavy as ever; in the afternoon the storm gradually decreased, the glass rising; made a raft to safe our lives if required. [...]
[...] Sunday, the 30th of September, moderate storm from west by south, soon dying away to a stiff gale of wind. Less swell and rain than yesterday. At daybreak saw to the southward of us the Willy high and dry, and another schooner close to her; found our third cable was sprung; the vessel was still knocked [...]
[...] close-reefed fore and maintopsails, and foretopmast-staysail. During the night wind still increasing, very dark, with vivid lightning and heavy rains; glass 29.30; corpusants flying about on the yardarm. . At about 1.45 A.M. on Friday, the 9th, was roused out of bed with the cry of land to leeward. Jumped on deck, the captain going up at the same [...]
The London and China telegraph01.11.1875
  • Datum
    Montag, 01. November 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Per P. and O. steamer Hindostan, from Brindisi, Nov. 15. –To Batavia: Mr. Lor raine. To Singapore: Major Gray. To Ceylon: Mr. T. Steele. - Per P. and 0. Steamer Khedire, from Southampton, Nov. 18.—To Singapore : Mr. A. P. Talbot. To Ceylon: Mr. C. F. Hill. [...]
[...] Buying has continued en a very extensive scale ; operators, however, do not appear yet to have satisfied their wants, and the market closes with a large business doing. Congou.-Owing to the rain that has taken place in the tea-producing districts, the bulk of the third crop, which was detained so long by the low state of the river, has now been [...]
[...] set in with thick and heavy rains. The wind was chiefly from the south-west. Owing to the state of the weather they could obtain no reliable observations after sighting the Scarborough [...]
[...] after Captain Shearey, the second officer, and eight men, left in the other boat, and shaped a course for Manila. The first night after leaving they had torrents of rain and a nasty chopping sea, in consequence of which they were compelled to throw over board a portion of the effects in the two boats, and two men had [...]
The London and China telegraph31.08.1874
  • Datum
    Montag, 31. August 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] said to be immense. The crops have been ruined and property to a vast extent has been damaged. Yokohama was visited on the 10th July by a rain storm of almost unparalleled violence, lasting from about 9.30 until nearly midnight, when it began to clear. At half-past eleven o'clock the barometer stood at 29:32 [...]
[...] clear. At half-past eleven o'clock the barometer stood at 29:32 having fallen two-tenths of an inch in the course of the storm. The warm season has now fairly set in, the rains having terminated. Judging from the reports from the provinces a more than average rice-crop may be anticipated. [...]
[...] native town. A huge portion of the cliff which overhangs that locality became detached, probably by the immense amount of rain which had fallen, and crushed five or six long sheds, com pletely burying them and their unfortunate inmates. Coolies have been at work ever since, digging the bodies out of the mass [...]
[...] room followed, visiting the new garden in front of the palace Sarahmrom ; after a short stay, H.M. returned to the esplanade, and as the rain fell H.M. retired. [...]
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