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The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer18.03.1756/19.03.1756/20.03.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 18. März 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] • º raux ont fait remetre, dans Court of Lºndon, they wºuld, of the contrary, upºn tore up, ſo that Places where they flood are now open s - * une Conference, leo, de ce being requir'd therto, fulfil the Engagements, equally Plain: , . . . - - - * : : Mois, au Comte D'Affry, ſon defenſive, which they have contratted with his Ma- Letters from Strasbourg adviſe, that the high Wind 4. º Miniſtre Plenipotentiaire au- ‘jeſty: - ... . ** ** - - -- - on the 18th ult, made terrible Havock in that City and * :-- º: pres de leur Republique. , . His Majeſty is diſpos'd to entºr into all Meaſures, in moſt of the Towns on the Upper Rhine. Thé Da [...]
[...] * Generaux que bien loin de fournir direStement, ou * indirectement, aucun Secours a Ha Cour de Londres, *ils rempliroient au contraire, s'ils en etoient requis. * les Engagemens egalement defenſifs, qu'ils ont con * traćtes avetſa Majeſte. - J - . . [...]
[...] * qui auront particuliercipent pour Mºtºf et pour Fin * la * Le Roy depuis ſon Avenement au Trone, šeſt on *... ſtamment intereſſe à l'Independance et a l’Honneur * des Etats. Generaux, et ſa Majeſte toujours animee [...]
[...] “ Sa Majeſte n'a pu voir qu'ayce une extreme Sur * priſe ce que les Etats Generaux ont inſere dans leur **Reponſe, au Sujet du Continenttle la Grande Bretag '*' né et de l'Irlande... II n'y a point de Puiſſince ſur le Terre qui ſoit en droit de gener Jes Operations, que [...]
[...] -*time Vengeance d'un Ennemi qui ſ'a inſulté et atta. .. j. contre la Foi des Traites et contre la Bienſeance ... des Procedes. Au Reſteſa Majeſte ne juge pas a-pro :: Pos de s'expliquºr ſur PObjet des Preparatifs qui an: ** noncent ſon juſte Reſſentiment.' " - - [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer11.03.1755/12.03.1755/13.03.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 11. März 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] or hilt. jamea Barry, at Hull. _ 'l'o be S OLD by AU CTION, [...]
[...] added, choice Collection of nual Sen'eneer, and oſ the moſt pointed and 'ry-ly valuable Epkra- in th' Brit ſh Tongue, 'lſh the Name oſ 'he Au-hora to ſuch a' are knoun, 'loſt humbly in ſtribed to David Garrick. Mr. The. C bber, Mr. Juſtice Bodena'a Horſe, Tom jane', the molt impud'nt 'un ll'ing, the Re'. Mr. [...]
[...] Propagation, and Contagion of thia Siſhmper: A' alſo oſ the Na ture, Cauſe, and Cure of all Venereal Diſordera, 'bother Local er Univerſal. Together 'ith a ſhort Abflract 'ſ the Live' oſ the Au tbr' who have 'ate on thoſe Diſeaſea, and a Lid of their W0'k' By JOHN ASTRUC. [...]
[...] P [T T A N 's Lmzmvzt A arc'aus DRO PS. ' HE many Affizlavrrs duly tubl'ſh'd in the Pape ra with the lſſti'd and ger-ma, Rre-mmendafi n of [...]
[...] Time it 'A eomri ed, hn been aenenliv uſed in our Engllſh School', have thnuih- it their Du y and ln-r-rrtt to get 't reviſed, corrected, and intrro-ed, a' truth a' 'he Nature et' the Woe! would well au mi', by the Author of LlLY a NEW GRAMMAR a And hope it ' ll meet m-h the Appvobatln' and Enewna'went r-f thuſ: Gen [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer03.06.1755/04.06.1755/05.06.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 03. Juni 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] hemwardzbound ; _ the ſhrdwick, Capt. "Rough, was Booltey, ' at eylone. . C'pſ. Parlter, of the: kflncets-Au'guſla, for Ghiha, isdeed; 'as carZo of the' Saxidviich. __ - [...]
[...] To be SULD by AU c ſlON, By Mr. PRESTAGE, At Gerrawey'e (Idea-Houſe in Brehange-Alley. on Thorſdey 'he [...]
[...] '100. Day mere PI-lt/ctt'1..PſJt'(-'5*. bound, In O N E VOLU M E, 'Ocr/tvo; Y/Je Second hdition, 'wnb L'5;pzr aP/au', eſ TR lLATISE un the' Orvgin, Nature, nd Virtue' o' Chaiybeet'Wt'en, ent- Nttutel H-etzhtthr. [...]
[...] IWY Vrrtu: of hit Meyilv's Ruynl LCitcrs Parrot. gun-ed t" MMES jACKSON. Cro-t' Itſ'r. to' P- ' ner' ln'muon oſ e Medrein'. cal'd Ut'au Arontn'e'; or, Br-ttſh Bellam oFHr'd h, Wt noſe ſhort-te' ArcLh'tfi poſCunu'ou y,ct and ot't' erct Cut-inn; 0' the Ktusdom, a: do'ntlnffizt, tle [...]
[...] W men "Hl' Child, or Children 'I the Mo I. ' . Price 3 . e.cn BJ le, feeled 'with Mr Can of Arm', 'i-h prime-3 ſ) 'citta-I; end ſ--ld by Mr Pl'l' i'AN, 'he Au her, 't 'the Men of F'me, 'he Frurzh Ht-uſc be'ow tthS-ll n'rg- 'on on Latin-IN' Hitl; I' 'he Queen" Head, n Ht'oerda'lter nen' the Cnfe Keye- th: [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer07.10.1755/08.10.1755/09.10.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 07. Oktober 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] preſerved in a public RCFOſitory, forv the Defence of that flouriſhing Place. Bosrox, Au . '8. We hear, that on aReport that ſome French S i s had ut into Newfoundland, a 'Number of our S 'ps of ar were gone to look after [...]
[...] I beg Leave to inlbrm the Public, That l have expe rimentally examined the Old Iron Fear-Tree Water, on Feb. zeth, 1752 z and on the '3th or' Au_;ull, r7;;, l made the like Experiment on the \Vat:rs of the New Iron Fear-Tree Well,each Time at the Fountain-Head. [...]
[...] To be SOLD by AU L ſlON, By Oknsl eſ the Extcuratx, m Monday the 'gth Influx', and the falle-'ving Dry, [...]
[...] ſome 'lade-r the ſame, and other' under other Ram-'U 3' "'ffl'l therefore not 'a be deceived, but be lure to in" U-l ſ'tht' 'M' by th' Au'lnr" eſpecial Anpoi'irirnr, are to he had only, at the Oenrlt'omau" at 'he lwoune Po'- in lſaydM-Var-l in the Mi n' in. London, at 31. 61. a B.ttle,"th D-rea ou>. ' - [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer03.04.1755/04.04.1755/05.04.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 03. April 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Edward Moorhouſe, Clerk of the Courſe, Delendant, relatin"I to the Give-and-Take Plate of to l. run for on Knave mite, on Tueſday the zoth of Au uſt lali. This Suit took its Riſe from a Su poſition o Sir Richard's Horſe, Comet, being croſſedp by Mr. Iludſon's Mare, [...]
[...] Lord-Mayor, who ordered him to be diſi'harg'd, and reproved the Gang for their Condtct. All this Inſolence proceeded from a Midſhipman, is ithout any legal Au thority or Direction from his Lieutenant. By Letters from New-York of the rath of February, [...]
[...] Next 'the/'day atv Now 'et-77] Hepudhſhed, HE AU ſ HOKS: A- DRAMATIC ' SATlRE. A' it has bien Acted with'zeeat Aþz-ltuſe ia thi' and the other End of the Tow-r by the Public't Camplny of [...]
[...] M. Bauregard, LaſiBion Aimeo M. De Baugay, La Preſſnnt M- De L'Au, La Mignntte Bquora. M. Eſlienne Le Fanfaron [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer28.08.1755/29.08.1755/30.08.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 28. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] that any Was heard near at hznd. , _, '_Aarsreanam. Auguſt 19. Letter: from Naples, dated Au ufl 1, mention, that two French Veſſels have been late y met a fewLeagues diſtant from the Mouth of that Port, without any living Creature on board, and [...]
[...] Alſo to be SOL D by AU CTrON, At 'he Crown lnnflin Hunting'lon, on Tuaſday the 9th Day o' Sep tember out. at Ten o'cltuk in the Morning, by rho ſaid Aſ [...]
[...] Alſo .to ba SQL D by AU Atv the George inn in Wate'new'on in Huntingdanſhrrc on Wed neſday the loth Day of Srptembe' neat, at 'ſ en o'clock in the [...]
[...] 'By the KING's Au'rnonr'rr. Tbil Day is publiſhed, Price 6d. ct No. X. , [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer21.01.1755/22.01.1755/23.01.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 21. Januar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] are ſuprlrn, for the lnſorrru ion nd late eſ the Lernrt The P' 'int I d-I m he' the third Put; in 'h th erery Word uſed-a th" Au'hrr may be ſound, whether Verh, Luun A-jeſh'e, Far-'w la &t. &r. 'i hour the Afl't 'an-t or Uſe of a Drt'nonar' z [...]
[...] "ct'ſl' ldd Familie' ofth- 'rimm Du' e and Dutcheſe o* Per-h, Lord and Lady Og'l'ie, and oſ Mrſ' l-"lo'a Hecdonaie. P'tce t'. Vl. The Rema'kah'e Aifccting caſe o' Mr. (lſiv eld. au Enfitn in 'le Young Prr'enozr" Venice, wh' rerei'ed (Lacc w'unquet Shot' it' lM 'Lrſ. Thigh 't the Rattle of Prtſton Pan', and cepi'ed the [...]
[...] Con'oining the "gem of Birei, num, ſithe', Serpents, lnſrflr, and Plants; particularly, the Foreſt Tree', Sh-ub', 'nd other Plrm' 'in-t. hithertodelcribed, or 'try runnen. figur'd by Au thor' : Tcge her with their Deſeziſ-tiorr in Engliſh And French. To 'I l'uch 're added; Obſet'rtitm'ron [he Air, Sol, 'nd Water' z with [...]
[...] the Corn' of St. jumet" Here, at Mr. Wiltun'r Tozſlnp m UFPU' Broolt-llreet, Groſ'enor-Squrre. et One ib'r'Ln; each. betid' drectcd to the Au har nt the lull i her will he anſ-ter'd. [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer30.08.1755/31.08.1755/01.09.1755/02.09.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] rld Horſe', &e. to ea'ry IR. slb. the d'e Ye'e eld Heidn Hirſe, he. to tarry 9'. the i'e Year' old Horſer, he. that hete letted and not 'on Putſe,P.au, or Heteh. to tun 9 fl. zlh. th' fire Year' old Herſea, he. that hs'e 'on Purſe, Plate, tr Match, 3 to carry 9ſl. rolb Bridleend Saddle inland, thehtſl eſ thxu [...]
[...] , at Temple-Bat; and fold by au-Bwkſcllers A [...]
[...] o' tlia ſhr,-_Cbrlfiahlea; Irn-'eyen of 'h- H'gttaeua, VeRry-C'erk'. and all 'ther' confin'd in ruin Bufineſar Can-'piled ſt'm ch cant-la, Statute. and other Au'hentjc Book', en all' ſtout ſome [...]
[...] ationiopon hath. 4. 0' the Myflerie' of O'nr moſt Holy Faith, T Of the Greet Preeepta of More] end E'angelinl Righteonſneſa. 'he 'Whole inn'aU So' the he! dient and modern Wri'en. 'at ehie'y 'unruly weeke-r' 'My a' have been "puted the no' able Divine', nnctd celebrated .Preacher' amonge u't. [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer21.08.1755/22.08.1755/23.08.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 21. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] I. A reel ldneetie'. by the Loſ- or' Fr ent'r, andiorl'rpna'oir'abh Mi-ſo'tune', i' 'nty m th (ee'uted i thrſ' Io'e humbly cravu the Au'iſhoen of thoſe 'ba are d riſed 'Ilh lffl truce to contribute ſome ſrn Ill Mu'er tu'ard' rueth; "gin Ilii-neſt. by'yh oh Meant, 'itb the Bi'ſiin. of (k r_ he n-rgh kyep her'ltepcrztiort, one' he "End [...]
[...] To b SOLD -)' AU ſhed, A' the Sun In i' Hitahio. in the Counry of H-ttford, en 'lordly the Sth Da' of Septen-h' mar. a" T-I o'Cl-oet i'- 'he Morning, [...]
[...] Hile' from flitch' , t'. l-om Stevcnzpe. "i four from Sal-on, '7th 'ous and mutual Barna. otatrlu, and Outhnuſu 5 a [nod Do'e-Houſ' mli-noeh'd; au tr- good Repair'. with Yrr-s, G.r den, and erhard. the Whole being a complete How-Skull. and one hundred and twenty Aere' cf Arahle and Pallure Land, by [...]
[...] where ADVERTlSEMENTS are taken affec s O'ffi' "noſe in Bull-"Be AU'Y i-LLOYD'S Coffee-Houſe in Lombard-Stran-Sr JAMFSS -]OHN BARNES, at the Gtzettc, ER, et Cowley's-Hud, oppoſite [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer06.02.1755/07.02.1755/08.02.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 06. Februar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] 3 very þndſom' Hal'net, and a muſt all the Run" hung 'ttn fa ſhwnnbſie Papaa, or well waimemed, no' a treat humhtr o' con venient F-aure', tnge he' 'ith au exceeding good Ki'chen. laund', Ere-thouſ" Waſh hurt, Stabling f r fixtezn< r twenty Ho'l', (Toads-hunter. a larze Grainary,'nd other Uct-Duor Convenient" ; [...]
[...] True/'er a 'be Frmcb Langmgt. Printed for B. Dr-d, at 'he'Bib'e and Key in A't-Mary-Lane. Oſ 'horn may be h d, by' the ſame Au'hor, Price 0'- ' A Praflietl Tm'iſ'. of French Pronnnciatton and Orthogr'phy. Calcele'ed for the Uſe of 'he Enahſh' Lamen-Ry the Help t ſ tb-Zt [...]
[...] To be continued lVeeltly. No. Llll. of bUPl-LLM EN'] to me New and U't'arau. DZCUONAIY oſ Au-a andSeIane'a. lllo'nted 'in a great Nnnbrr oſ (ſi Pp'l'vl'l", enſnared by th' b'fl Ran-la (rod Orzinal Deſipa; 'th-th 'JL do giv'n g-a'ia. [...]
[...] Pr nred ſo' T. an' T. Longman C. Hi rh and L. Ha'e', in Pa' ter noſter-lit' . A.Mr l-'.o_p.fi*e La" u nc-Stratſ m the Straw! and and Ri'mz An, in St. l'au 'a ( [lah-Yard. [...]