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145 Treffer
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The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer01.02.1755/02.02.1755/03.02.1755/04.02.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Februar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] they m'y in' the bet-'r or 'h.t Number to b'ſſnh Dian-r. S T E w A R ſ) S, Duke o" Prae'oar, 'ſhe 'Any oſ St. Au", Done' Danrr, Hu.BA'.LI"Io".£11] Z'l'of HOLÞ'II'U', sir Cuurubtnt'r, [...]
[...] _Au accn ate Method oſtrying the Strength of Ropes. New Ma [...]
[...] in 031'0, Price ſew'd n. . Printed ſor I. and I. Dodfley, in Fall-Man; Whue may he had, by the ſame Au'hor, r. 'ally-o Philoſuphi 5 or. The Principln oſ Mcnlity 'nd Chrifll'lhty. llluflr'ted ſr. m a Vice' oſ th' Otherſ', and of In" [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer15.02.1755/16.02.1755/17.02.1755/18.02.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Februar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] 'lb-a' en) well _LBL.}JL-L'u', Frlre 1:. A l.l-,l [it-t' ti the AU lſiHOR ol The DEſF-NE oſ EXENQ COLlſſ-F, by Way oſ Nort "ſon hn Pa:.;_,>he*. lete-heried 'i l. ſ. ..ma Acute. [...]
[...] the Nation. faithfully extracted from the jOURNALS of PARLTAMENT, 'nd other unde-hied Au-r 'on lT in. By the ſame HANOS as the firſt Thirteen Volumes. London: Printed for V. Sandby, in ſleet-Street; and fold by [...]
[...] ſi-ngtlm 'he Rein', [ill/it' and Bid-Her, (an on'd But', Strargua-u', G-a-t-rl, 'nt Sl Nay' rf 'be Urine, culi' a r-r'au' Care ſo' the Bled: .g I':.'r/, and/e' 'wlznb it ba' gain' (for/1 Repatr, '11 I na'- 4ooco Be! Ilrr bar-e but" ſince A] n'l 1734., lb." 'by 'at-ne [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer28.01.1755/29.01.1755/30.01.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 28. Januar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] dient," brain-p, J-au. 25, l75<.. ' "' *HE Preſident, Vice-Preſidct'nt- and Sound, of the n Society of the Free Britiſh l-ilhery giVe Notice. [...]
[...] By the Kl NG's AU'l'HO-HTY. On Sat-may laſt was gab/ſhed, 'Price 'only Sixpence. - [...]
[...] conjuzlted; and e large Collection o' the ldiom: 'nd Phnſw or' the French nd Engliſh Tongue' By Mr. L H E NE AU, oſ Put', [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer05.06.1755/06.06.1755/07.06.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 05. Juni 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Chamber' in Clraneety-l-u, Lendon. H E under-mentioned Ftteht-ld and Leaſeltold E'au' eſ Sir A'IAIA' Error', late oſ th' City oſ Briflr-l, Ba'r. dreraſrd, in the nine ſevetal Lot' or Patetlt. [...]
[...] ſtre Covrt, on Frdry the ryth laſten', between the ldena ol ſir' 'nd Six in the Aſntneong HlL icvual M l'tOſ! of Shepton B:au thamp. 'lore-an nndu Harnnden, and iou hue) and all the lend' 'o the ſaid Inner' helm-in', eeher in P ſſ-'le' upon [...]
[...] zi-nlnz onto Werld, to the Coming of Chriſi'z ,with proper biſ 'The Whole exarrfleſidſſſx'cffi vthe beſt' 'ad'ien't a'nd 'Io-'erri W'i'rr'. If] T Hi) M As S'I'AU KH O U 5 E, "ming fiſty Number', [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer13.03.1755/14.03.1755/15.03.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 13. März 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] To be nOLl) by AU CTlON, By Mr. BEVER, on the Premrſſer, By Order of the Executora of the late Mr. thn/ta n BAIIITT, [...]
[...] A New EDIT'ON, bling (be Ft FT H, of OMERl lLlAS, brave & Latine. . Annotatiooea in Uſum Qareniffi'aai Print'z'ia Cnlielmi Au [uſh Ducia de Cumberland, Regio juſſu ſe' Ffit atque edrdit SAMUEL CLARKF, 8. T. P. [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer23.09.1755/24.09.1755/25.09.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 23. September 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] any struggle, in the: preſent Circumſhmces, to recover th' Honour or Independency of this Sovereignty. Prwsnuxon,_Au . 20. Letters from'Belo 'orpd fled inform 'us,_that warms of Locuſts, of I Species known in Ruſſra but of late Years, have ravaged I. [...]
[...] etbneſtnrting,-Four to' 'was laid on Careful; . oil-Friday thefollowing" rnn for. the fiffVſiFound" Plate; Weight' for' Au'e': I 7' j ' , *' ' Mr..Bevq7$ Clicſnutkoffi,.HucdeS' _ [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer14.02.1756/15.02.1756/16.02.1756/17.02.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. Februar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] 7 his Day was publiſhed, SERMON prºach'd at Gray's Inn Chapel, A. on Friday, Feb. 6, 1756, being the ſay appointed by Au thority for a Public Feſt. - - º - By HENRY STED BING, A M. [...]
[...] Rºme ºf the Au [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer29.01.1756/30.01.1756/31.01.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 29. Januar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] :- “Sounding with Meral Virtue was his Speech, “And gladly would he learn and gladly teach." - C 14 AU c E. R. Printed for T. Gardner, at Cowley's Head, facing St. Clement's Church in the Strand; ſold alſo by Meſſrs. Davey and Law, in Ave [...]
[...] whom the Numbers will be delivered Weekly in Town and Coun try. As alſo by all other Bookſellers and News-Carriers. N.B. This is not a Republication of any former Book of the Au thor's but an entire new Work. - [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer17.02.1756/18.02.1756/19.02.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 17. Februar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ** Sounding with Moral Virtue was his Speech, ** And gladly would he learn, and gladly teach." - C H. Au c E. R. Printed for T. Gardner, at Cowley's Head, near St. Clement's $º. in the Strend; P. Davey and B. Law, in Ave-Mary-Lane 5 [...]
[...] W, men with Child, or Crildren in the Mo..th. • Price 3', ech B tile, ſealed with his Cºat of Arms. with Frinted. Directiºns; and ſold by A.r. PIT TAN, the Au bor, at the sign of Fane, the Fourth Houſe below the Beli savage-inn, ºn Ludgate iii.; aſ the Queen's Head, near the Croſs Keys, “nd Mr. Smith , [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer04.12.1755/05.12.1755/06.12.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 04. Dezember 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] V/indous in tout, plenfintly ſituated upon 'n Eminence which commands a fine Proſcht every Way, with Garden', Orchatds, Fiſh Ponds, Pigeon-Coat well-flecked, Couth-Houſe, Stabler, and au other roper Cootwiencies for a fientlmm, a Parlt for Deer, very well enced, 'nd ad'pining to the Houſe, with neat ſix hundredAci e' [...]
[...] 'violently for the space of ſcv'cn Minutes I' Every one doſeitcl their Haules, and the Fryars their Conventsj the Prieſt: who were ſaying Maſs, and the whole Au= dicncc, leſt th: Cliurcizes, and ran about the Strects publio'tly confcffingltheir Sins, and asking Forgchneſ' [...]