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Suchbegriff: Rain

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The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer22.02.1755/23.02.1755/24.02.1755/25.02.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 22. Februar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] E R ſ C A N N E W S. tobera. On the igth ult. at Night, we priſirg Fall of Rain ever known in the i in tlis Iflend: In about eight Hour; in nine and ten Feet in ſeveral V aſhes, [...]
[...] s for I ſaw in a large Valley, where it tree or four Feet covered, dry in leſs Fter the Rain ceaſed. l have not heard inary Damaffie done, nor did this Rain a [...]
[...] and l-A si'lJiu eſ lb! Creon'ievl Far" and' Face/r' ', prove-mitſ High-nag" r" "Laur- z an' 'e dare/T- an! ſi-'rgllw' 'be Rain, K:Jnr'u at! Bli'aljct, (an 'ter'd Bath, Strangua in, Gra-nl, and St Tpag' of Ilu- Cut', and" a (n'am CI" ſo' 'be Flux/m! file', air-I fer [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer29.01.1756/30.01.1756/31.01.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 29. Januar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] titioner, was declared duly eleēed. We have Accounts from ſeveral Parts of the King dom, that the late Rains have ſo much overſwelled the Rivers, that they have overflowed their Bounds, and laid large Tra&s of Land under Water. - [...]
[...] Tuam, Jan. 19. We have here the moſt dreadful Seaſon, your Idea can form; nothing but Lightning and Thünder, Hail and Rain, and ſuch terrible Storms that the . Houſes crack and ſhake. Scărcely a Week Paſſes that we do not hear of ſome Perſons being [...]
[...] able ſoon to put to Sea. For two Months paſt we have had no other but Weſt and South-Weſt Winds, with Rain, inſomuch that this Place, and the neighbouring | Towns round it, are deſtitute of every Thing we - were wont to be ſupplied with from the Eaſt Country. [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer06.11.1755/07.11.1755/08.11.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 06. November 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] vml of the Credlmt' 'a appairg, or ſending Accountr oſ their telþcllive Dr.-bra u Oath at required, a Dividedd 'ar then M. pened, becauſtll't 'doeſ the Bid Debtr could w Rain-aid; Therefore the ſaidTruflett do lu-reby girt Notite a' the Creditun o' the ſaid Vincent Phippr, that they are deſired to 'cet 't U' Houſe [...]
[...] nt. 'M r'plenilhinl the Rain' and Sun-limit. nd ſheen-lands' ud* [...]
[...] Mi "in, and "ceived a Cure by tlti' II'. are þnt'Cordi'l Draught, with only t'o er th" Time' taking' The Cholick du very often terminated. in Dntb irſrlt'i 'he _eiorc, iſ it i' tellly ſo r 'th-rain, (which 'dmitl not of n Doubt) h i' h'ppy muſt th' Affiifled be when they 're aſſured, ll'llt ihii Linen' Curdiul Draught 'ill [in [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer14.08.1755/15.08.1755/16.08.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 14. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] '- tie-own of _Spein to ecliufl, between 'the two oure, evetsz'l-t ot-thtlflngdom; 'Lſhe Lfghtning fell imſe- ſii'Rd'Slm-w -'n' aſ W fl gained leve'e'gqmb a: .vluc the-reſpectiveflmifl'etiu'could 'nbt terminate "m paces; .'z_copcnmg<';t my', but duwn_,*'(3h3m- 'out Whigſiſi; Jrufflv A z,.._ 72' ,..' I "Rain" _'b' spot' _ . , , , . .. .. . ,' .; .- ' - ' v ,"but"7n'ctthe Dutchies of tlclxhin- and 'du-Pa it ,_ * '7 ,ct_ .z ' r LA', .ffll-l 3 ' Mm.-'Jaw &cffiffiodore'fldxchb'i with th Mm wagedzhmeen-Houru to-Aflles. The Corn has been - *'-' 1 L'AZR. "T .A 'T 1.- N .'. N B W -3-".' "XNV'Ir unde? BisTComm-nd, it come to nſſAn'chor et "deſiroye'd Luſnzudzmrfflr by; the Hm Oyl-get] was Extract 'gfrr Endſ' a "leman ggjlpbi. [...]
[...] ., Cept. Mucus, from Porttnahon. Mr. Edgcumbp; wtll wher smrm, "Wah _mewzgdjdſime Mm..ge unde ' w " The Profinge pf_PEngſyſv4.-Z_e he; J'wmilzedcm'e nt ted-See in I,feW'Dx s, in order to condone his 'FruItLbf the Earzh,.'b'u mujzhzkſ, th." (he [omen ra'lſiPrxddrx-k with ibp're .zb'o ug-ggem. ſpun Horſe' rain ell 'long the'Coe Of Irsly, " ffl .7 M. thleiik L.4y,,q'.1z'o.;( * Name of the' Eaſt 'edcb'l enſi'ſi'fxrgd ,N4mlfictr£"q£ chſi-hukg. together , 'CIMZ'UW, July 28. un Wedneſdey 'bank Three in ' ſung, [m brought m Emo . whh Mr mifw Cade, With ebbu'c 7 ee-seqa I; North Jqſ &gy-Mans" and be 'he Alt'moon e dzſſE'dffil Fire broke out in the MQ- ſides c-v pdflm" their' Hbſt' Zhriſt'xm M'zjc'ffics . par; 'ſides Thu/'hive 'employed (1 tqſifMen;,fox-A conſiderable [...]
[...] 'Warm o' Gdernp. ee her' hee' in the Mile' e' the 'dſpectiee O-nm thered', in the County oſ De'eu or Cor-cal), 'or tHelrz L Month. at lean beſt" dle D'y 'ſ Rain', end he" during 'ht Time been kept nd uſed e' H'n'er', carrying t'el'e Stone rich, Br.d!e gus-del' included y them oſ 'hue Hent' ee eloeefli' , [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer01.01.1756/02.01.1756/03.01.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Januar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] of Lisbon. - - - Ayia NoN, Dec. 5. On the 29th of November 1433, after continual Rains for the Space of a Month, the Rhone overflowed this City, and the Water roſe ſo high, that it was thought impoſſible this Inundation [...]
[...] HAL Lº, Dec. 16. By Letters from the Daniſh Miſ. ſionaries in the Eaſt-Indies, we have the Particulars of a terrible Inundation, cauſed by a ſucceſſive Rain for the Space of two Months, in the latter End of laſt Year ; by which the whole Country adjacent to the [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer20.01.1756/21.01.1756/22.01.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 20. Januar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ſtoms in the Port of Dublin. . . . . - - - - " On the 2; the paſt there was a Shock of an Earth quake, or ſo great a Fall of Rains at Sieuve Baughty in the County of Galway, near Loughrea, that a Bog of more than fifty Acres, and above twenty Feet thick, [...]
[...] waſhing away Hºuſes, Cattle, &c. We were then in sight ºf Antigua, had little-winds; variable, with heavy Rain, Thunder, and Lightoing". . . - - &n Capt. E →--.S. Did you hear of Jack E - s's fruitful Invention, ; [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer03.01.1756/04.01.1756/05.01.1756/06.01.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. Januar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ferent Corps for the Sake of the Bounty Money. The Northern Roads are almoſt in paſſable by the late heavy Rains, ſo that the Waggons cannot keep their regular Stages, . Sunday Evening Warrants were iſſued out for im [...]
[...] cheſter by the Maſter of a Veſſel from London, who it is ſuppos'd will have Salvage. . . . . . - Lº Night it blew very hard, with heavy Rains, and a Maſter of one of the Sºuthampton’ \ effºls, miſſing his Step, was unfortunately drown'd. $º 3 [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer20.11.1755/21.11.1755/22.11.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 20. November 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Dimer, Relict of the late Joſeph _Damer, Eſq; and Mo ther to the Right Hon. the preſent Lord Miltnn. i. ,, The late heavy Rain: have occaſioned ſo gnat a Freſh in the Liffcy, that ſeveral Ships broke their Cables, and run foul of other Veſiifls, by which great [...]
[...] 'here only the P 'den are ſold. The Ifficted need not deſp'ir of Ktlieſ in all Caſe' oſ Convulſion', Epileptie, and 'very Spede' at rain; the Pelſy. Trembling' oſ the Hands, shaking eſ 'be Hr'd, and all Paralitick Complaint', Dltzin'ſ', Pain' in the Heat', Lo'ſeſl a' Spir'tt, Weakn'ſt oſ the Nerve', Pain' 't the Stomach, [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer09.03.1756/10.03.1756/11.03.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 09. März 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] “We have been here ſince Sunday Afternoon That Day we had only Time to get ſome Shelter from the Weather and the Enemy. Yeſterday all Day it rain'd, with ſo thick a we could not fee round us. In the Night it clear'd up, and this Morning we determin'd, [...]
[...] - 25 Feet long and 5* broad. . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 26: "Wedneſſay we were hindered almoſt all Day by Rain. Thurſday moſt of the Stockades were ſet up. Friday all incloſed to the Gate, and Part of the: around-the-Inſide ºrnade. Saturday the [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer30.08.1755/31.08.1755/01.09.1755/02.09.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Confinement for 'a Year in the ouſe of Correflicn. Muiucri,ſil\ug. 15. Public Prayers are uſed through out this-Electorate for a Ceſi'ation ol the heavy Rains whichſihav'e hitherto prevented the Corn fr0m being Of ln. . a , [...]
[...] m'tiek Veflctel' or leek. 'l'h Pain, or without, it certainly cure', by reviving and enrching the El iod aMSpiril', romforting nour-I' m', 'nd repleniſh ra- th' Rain' 'nd hern-nel', and 'rangtlnnng an' rrflorzng the Geniral Put' in both Sent, how 'nued ſone' w'aln'd, rendered eoll, or deaden'd, and bringing then] to their '_z 'ral [...]