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The connoisseur15.10.1755
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] IF we look into the world, we ſhall find that the mere Genius will never raife himſelf to any degree of eminence without a clofe and unwearied application to his reſpećtive bufineſs or profeffion. [...]
[...] And ufe of ſpeech was not confin’d Merely to brutes of human kind; A forward Hare of fwiftnefs vain, The Genius of the neighbouring plain, [...]
The connoisseur06.03.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 06. März 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] are born only for the deſtrućtion of game, and difturbance of their neighbours. They are mere vegetables, which grow up and rot on the fame fpot of ground; except a few perhaps, which are tranſplanted into the Parliament [...]
[...] it to the general, to have them ſtrićtly diſciplined; left they ſhould ſhoot fome of their own com rades, or perhaps run away, merely for the fake of the joke. Under proper regulations fuch va liant gentlemen would certainly be of ufe. I had [...]
The connoisseur24.07.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 24. Juli 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] converſation of the polite world with infipidity, made roughneſs and brutality the charaćteriſtics of a mere country gentleman, and produced the moſt fatal confequences in politics and religion. [...]
[...] admire and court their company: which, indeed, is no wonder, fince they generally treat their youthful companions as mere children, and ex pećt fuch a flavifh deference to their years, as deſtroys that equality by which chearfulnefs and [...]
The connoisseur27.06.1754
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. Juni 1754
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] the younger part of the polite world is brought up, I am apt to carry my reflećtions farther than what merely concerns their own perſons. Let our young men of faſhion expoſe their ignorance abroad, rather than improve at our Univerfities [...]
[...] Mifs HARRIOT. Thofe, who undertakethe bu fineſs of educating polite females, have laid it down as a rule to confider women merely as Dolls; and therefore never attempt the cultiva tion of their principles, but employ their whole [...]
The connoisseur30.10.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Poor Wou’D-BE became a debauchee through mere baſhfulnefs, and a fooliſh fort of modeſty, that has made many a man drunk in ſpite of his teeth. He contraćted an acquaintance with [...]
[...] fince it alſo frequently creates them ; and engen ders notions in the mind quite foreign to it’s natural difpofition, which are the mere effećts of wine, and break out like blotches and carbuncles on the face. The diſguftful appearance, which [...]
The connoisseur25.02.1754
  • Datum
    Montag, 25. Februar 1754
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] As to the promifes made in marriage “ to love, “ honour and obey,” cuſtom has made them alſo merely ceremonial, and in faćt as little binding as the wedding-ring, which may be put on or pulled off at pleaſure. [...]
[...] cacy, if worn by the men: But I expećt my friend will have but little of their cuſtom ; for as the mere reputation of chaftity is the utmoſt aim of a [...]
The connoisseur23.10.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] and is one of thofe prudent good ladies, who will purchafe any thing, of which they have no need, merely becaufe they can have it a Bargain. It would be doing much fervice to many other poor gentlemen as well as to me, if you could convince [...]
[...] fure we have caſt-off cloaths fufficient to furniſh a fale-ſhop, which ſhe has bought of ladies maids for a mere trifle. She is a frequent cuſtomer to pretended fmugglers, that flily whiſper in your ear, and offer you right India handkerchiefs made [...]
The connoisseur23.01.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 23. Januar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] hopes, that the novelty and oddneſs, of the ſcene would ferve me at leaft to laugh**, and that if the ruſtics were not mere ftocks and ftones, my cloaths and difcourſe would have taught them to talk and drefs like human creatures. Need I tell [...]
[...] Their cloaths were huddled on merely with a view to cover their nakednefs; and they had no notion, that their eyes were given them for any [...]
The connoisseur28.08.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 28. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] kinds of poetry, nothing can be more con trary to the very effence of it, than the adopting, as beauties, certain arts, which are merely me chanical. There are daily arifing many whim fical excellencies, which have no foundation in [...]
[...] into alphabetical order; fo that any fubſtantive may be readily paired with a word beginning with the fame letter, which (though a mere expletive) íhall feem to carry more force and fentiment in it, than any other of a more relative meaning, [...]
The connoisseur25.07.1754
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 25. Juli 1754
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] of our cockneys it ferves only as an excuſe for eating and drinking; and they get out of town, merely becauſe they have nothing to do at home. A brick-kiln fmells as fweet to them as a farm yard; they would paſs by a barn or an hay-ſtack [...]
[...] GoING to church may, indeed, be reckoned among our Sunday amufements, as it is made a mere matter of diverfion among many well meaning people, who are induced to appear in a place [...]
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