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The evening-post13.08.1835
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 13. August 1835
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] ment to suppose that, when victory is about to crown their efforts, they wittº wea!:ly turn their backs on the foe, and submit to be trampled on by infurla 1ed oligarchs. Throughout city, town, and village, we expect to see ºther, people once more at their posts, prepared to crown the work which added so." much to the national glory in 1832. Repose from incessant and most haras-º [...]
[...] gard to the great measure of Municipal Reform. The people of England at: not prone to changes and innovations, but are proverbial for patience under evils, and only move when they see their way clearly. Applying their usual practical good sense to the collision between the two Houses, they must see that the House of Commons must either obtain an influence over the Peers, or [...]
[...] London is about to meet, and meetings are also on the point of being held in different parts of the country. Associations should be formed in every district; and then we shall see whether a small and insignificant junto of titled oligarchy can stine the voice of Reform, or be suffered to bring this great country to the verge of a bloody revolution. - (Chronicle.) [...]
[...] Spanish Threes A. For the Account, Fives and Threes have declined 30c.; Neapolitan 5c. - - Some insinuations, we see, are thrown out against the Bonaparte family in referenceto the late attempt in Paris, because Fieschi is a Corsican; but they are probably as gratuitously and wantonly cruel as the immediate arrest, [...]
The evening-post01.09.1835
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. September 1835
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] tion is always better than cure; and it is the consideration of the destruction which is going on at home and abroad, that leads us to hope that the King -- who cannot fail to see the mischieſ that threatens the state in all its relations, the Constitution, the Church, and if the Church, the Throne — will again drive from his councils a set of men, now become either odiºus or contemptible in [...]
[...] or by whom it was so mixed is unknown. Suspicion attaches to an individual. º: tº ºr ºf ºf , i. tº - " *** * * : * * * - (Sun.) – The people are watching with anxiety to see what the House of Com mons, under its present rulers, will do in this fearful affair of the imprison ment of Colonel Fairman, for it is impossible the matter should end here. This [...]
[...] sed both evidence and papers to a committee of the House; and Ministers car fied him off triumphantly to a rich office, of their own making, in India. bit readers; however, will see that this case has furnished a new illustration of the prudence of Mrs. Glasse's recom dation in her receipt for cooking a haré: ..First catch your hare,” says Mrs. Glasse. The Hotse of Coimons have coin [...]
The evening-post24.09.1835
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 24. September 1835
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] liberty in the Peninsula. (Sun.) — Even the newspapers most favourable to the cause of the Queen of Spain see, in the democratic proceedings in the capital and the provinces, the ele ments of ruin to her government; and the Chronicle laments over the anarchy which prevails in the Peninsula. It is somewhat instructive to perceive that [...]
[...] shots across the valley at their opponents, which were answered by some from the Connors, party, none of which, however, took effect, the distance being too great. The Curtains, seeing the inferiority of their numbers, deemed it advisable not to come to an engagement, and all withdrew before nightfall. There were a fat cow and sheep killed by the head of one of the parties, for [...]
[...] have you left your wife and family, and what have you been doing. since 2 – Defendant: I have shone at the Minors, and at the last Bartholomew fair I was a vocal ,star" — Mr. Dyer: I don't see any thing in your case to call for mitigation. You must go to prison for three months. – Defendants Ha! three months; three l oh! mercy! mercy! but if none, then – - Here the [...]
The evening-post22.09.1835
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 22. September 1835
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] She appeared exceedingly cold, and had much difficulty in breathing. He pre scribed the usual remedies, and the next day she was better, on Sunday he as ºn called to see her, and found her dying. She then said she should not recover, and about ten minutes afterwards died. She was a lady of delicate health, and witness believed her death was occasioned by cold and fright. - [...]
[...] to keep clear, or he would be sunk. Witness tried to back astern, but be fore this could be effected, the wheel struck the boat. On seeing the boat with deceased he remarked that it was rowed by lubbers, and had almost anticipa ted an accident, from his knowledge of their want of skill. He had ordered [...]
[...] bridegroom - 2,the gentleman you last married assured me he only gave you a guinea, “ ,True ,“ said the smith, ,but he was an Irishmen; I have mar ried him six times before; he is a customer-you I may never see again." - (John Bull.) [...]
The evening-post29.01.1835
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 29. Januar 1835
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] owes the . and after iºns so long delayed "M. the debt, every additional day's delay is an added injustice. oreover, we cannot see how France should yet consider that as a threat which has not been directed against her, but is a mere communication from one branch of the American Legislature to another. There [...]
[...] unfavourable suggestions, which are not likely to be supported. There is but one short way to be dignified, and that is to |. ho nest. Mr. Livingston, we are glad to see, does not take his pass ort, which is a sign that he expects that the whole matter will e amicably arranged. The Bill has been referred to the Commit [...]
[...] greater part was converted to adipocere. On one body was a pair of trou sers, which was considered by Chinna Beswapah ac that of his brother. At seeing it he was much affected, and exclaimed, Had I not fled I should have been in that hole also.". Having replaced the bodies in their sad tomb, the committee proceeded to open four other graves. . In one was the body of a [...]
The evening-post11.06.1835
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 11. Juni 1835
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] persecutors drag him to the bar, for another alleged offence committed the same day. He was charged with robbing, or taking from a lady, who did not see him, nor did he see her on that day, a sum of money. Judges Vaughan and Parke differed on the validity of the indictments as supported by evidence. His arrival is just in time for him to join the company of sheep [...]
[...] him, but did not injure him. As the procession came to the corner of Boar street, several of the crowd of the Anson party closed in upon the bearers of the car, and tried to upset it. Sir F. Goodricke seeing the risk he ran of belng overturned, descended rather precipitately on the other side, and was prevented from falling into street by several of his friends, who received him [...]
The evening-post12.09.1835
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. September 1835
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Lords, favoured by circumstances, may inflict deep injury on the nation before the Reform can be effected, All good"Réfortners-must see the necessity of vi gour and promptitude at the crisis. The character of public men is a tower of strength, and they must not forget their character by a base subserviency [...]
[...] answer. They can partly explain so strange a coincidence in the same indi vidual’s disposition by supposing him to be labouring under a mental prurielity as irresistible as Dogherry’s, which admits of relief only on seeing himself booked down in the annals of Europe with the characteristic epithet he feels conscious to have so amply merited during his political career. “ This is a [...]
[...] the Duke's carriage arrived at Knightsbridge, a cab, driven on the wrong: side, came in collision with one of the horses of the Duke's carriage. Both vehicles were going very rapidly, and the foremost postilion, on seeing the cab approach, called ont to the driver. A moment after a collision took place, one of the shafts of the cab striking the leader which the postilion rode with [...]
The evening-post08.08.1835
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. August 1835
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] intrigues of the court in the reign of Charles II., formed by Catholic interest in favour of the Popish Duke of York; as also died Sydney: hence the glorious revolution of 1688. (See the biography of the two illustrious martyrs.) – On [...]
[...] knowing, as we do, the existence of unpopularity which has been "provoked by the too arbitrary measures of the Government, and the too lax conduct of the police, we see in that unpopularity 3. cause for the action, which thus ceases to be wholly inexplicable. Our correspondent at Paris, and we ourselves have frequently had occasion to censure some of the proceedings of the French Mi [...]
[...] who openly contemned their authority, the current of professional, and of pu blic opinion against the powers of the Upper Chamber, to act as a legal tri bunal at all, seeing that its attributes in that capacity have never been defined by law — have manifestly sunk deep into the heart qf the country, and ruined the moral tone of society, which otherwise would have rendered such an at [...]
The evening-post29.08.1835
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. August 1835
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] no member of a secret society of any description is to be allowed to serve in future. The moral power of this force must be immensely increased when the people become satisfied that they see not an Orangeman or a Ribbonman in a police officer, but an impartial guardian of the peace. C Globe.) — In the House of Commons last night a motion to search Colonel Fair [...]
[...] man's house was threatened, but the discussion was adjourned. Our children have heard of such things as general warrants; will the horribe reality be made apparent to their eyes? See, too, the absurdity of the thing. Do Hon. Members suppose that Col. Fairman has not taken care, that if the 'sergeant at arms searches till he scratches his nails off, he will never find the book? [...]
[...] seized. While this course proceeds, however, all the old English boasts of freedom and personal security become mere jokes, and Louis Philip and his Parliament will see that they are giving themselves the trouble to make laws to do that which the ,popular body of a neighbouring power has shown them can be done mero motu, at their ,own sweet will.” In the event of this mo [...]
The evening-post16.04.1835
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 16. April 1835
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ner to the post of leader. But what is the demand which Sir Robert's re provers would make on his daring? They say, ,If we had a leader with a heart instead of a ball of cotton in his breast; we should see a different posture of things;" and then they quote a Noble Lord's saying of Another dissolution, and then the dragoons.“ But what can the maddest of the mad [...]
[...] — The contingency of Lord Grey's again forming a Ministry appears to us wholly out of the question; and we feel little doubt that the nation would like to see the conduct of affairs entrusted once more to the Noble Lord whose ,untried” government was so unceremoniously dissolved in November. The public desires this; because the complexion of Lord Melbourne's late [...]
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