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The free thinker or essays of wit and humour10.11.1718
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 10. November 1718
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] err in his Judgment: And, even a difingenuous Speaker is molt effećtually refuted, without paf fion. Be not afhamed to be convinced, by an Adverfary : Adhere to Truth ; and be not too confident, that there may not be a Free-Thinker [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour28.09.1719
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 28. September 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] from the Generality of Writers, is (as he declares in the very Second Paper) Neither to be afraid to avow a Truth, nor afhamed to retraé? an Errour. [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour21.04.1718
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 21. April 1718
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] :Y O U will be furprized, that any one ſhould ( 6 fend you a Piece of Poetry, which is not “ half finiſhed. I am afhamed to tell you, it has “ long lain buried in my Scritore, in this Condi “ tion; and were it not for the Importunity of two [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour(06.02.1718) 06.02.1719
  • Datum
    Montag, 06. Februar 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] - highếft Honours: But, when they had feen her ; what will all our Grandeur avail (faid they) when we ſhall appear fo frightful, as to be afhamed to fhew our felves in publick ? . AT laft, there came a young Country-Girl (whoſe, [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour25.08.1718
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 25. August 1718
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] ty, the Strength and Proportion of their Parts. ** Ev E RY Man of a liberal Education ſhould be afhamed to live without Knowledge of him felf. He ought to enquire into what paffes with in his own Breaft, and examine with what De [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour28.07.1718
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 28. Juli 1718
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Sciences revive; or the faſhionable Affećtation removed (which encreafes daily amongſt us) of being afhamed of the Charaćter of a Scholar, in a Place dedicated to the Mufes, Cynthio has “ Parts, [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour03.07.1719
  • Datum
    Montag, 03. Juli 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] peint out the particular Study, he thinks moft proper for me to make my firſt Effay upon. But, I tranfgrefs : I am afhamed of the Debt, I have already contraćted, without a poffibility of dif charging it : For this Reafon, I ſhall urge my [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour28.03.1718
  • Datum
    Montag, 28. März 1718
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] thods of Convićtion, but the mild Force of Reafon, and the plain Evidences of Revelation. In a word, he is ne ther afraid to avow a Truth, nor afhamed to retraćt an Errour. - | It will not be long before he makes a fuller Dif [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour15.05.1719
  • Datum
    Montag, 15. Mai 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] widely differed in the City, had one Occupation in the Country ; and the greateſt, in common with the meaneft Roman, was not afhamed to be ftyled A Labourer. We have many Examples of this laudable Sim [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour09.05.1718
  • Datum
    Montag, 09. Mai 1718
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] fo many Subterfuges, that you perceive all the while he is not ignorant of the Truth ; but partly afraid and partly afhamed to acknowledge the Convićtion, he feels himſelf, and would fain conceal from others. . This Thorough Infight into the Man, from feveral [...]