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Suchbegriff: Rain

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The general evening post20.09.1760/21.09.1760/22.09.1760/23.09.1760
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. September 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] of them were klled or wounded ; but the French : at leaft above double the number killed, and about 3 of them were taken prifonets; and if a heavy rain : not come on that night, which lafted al Ilext : that whole party, confisting of about 7OO men, wo : [...]
[...] ment of zoo men, fent from the garrifon : ċ: 3 Chw upon intelligence of his having been attacked; :::: rain was fo heavy, and fuch a flood in 3 but the [...]
[...] |- - he rain - |- he enemy ; and before t : : : : were left alive, and : : [...]
[...] ańy thing of them, tiil on the goth, : being fired off which could not be drawn wet by rain in the night, at aſſembly b: of the ene ny, who had come through : near path (imagining the camp was att: [...]
[...] they, with the ſtores, having b: the want of a fufficiency of "a" having been no rains: That 9: out on a cruize in the Lake, wit of 28 and the other of zo guns [...]
The general evening post07.08.1756/08.08.1756/09.08.1756/10.08.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 07. August 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] ments. Amsterdan Gazette. Paris, August 1. We learn from Burgundy that dur ing all the vlonth of June they had continual Rain in termix'd with Storms and Hurricanes ; and that in the Maconnois the Lands of upwards of Forty Pariſhes had [...]
[...] termix'd with Storms and Hurricanes ; and that in the Maconnois the Lands of upwards of Forty Pariſhes had been entirely laid waſte by the Hail. Theſe Rains were faccecded in the following Month with fuch a chilling Cold for feve al Days, that the People were obliged to [...]
[...] Town, that the Son of a Vinedrefier who had amaíTed a Quantity of Dung before his Door perceiving that by the heavy Rains a great deal of Water had run into the Cellar, went into it to examine his Cafks; bat this Wa [...]
[...] Edinburgh, A.g.y? 3. We hear from Cumber la 1:', that in the Night between Wedneſday the 2 : ¿ a i Thurſday the 22d ult, the Rains were ſo vol, nº, :: i h : Flood fo grea:, that it step away a Bºg near Gun', "-- hill of about f ur Actes, wich in no: 'ac » wa.. iv : [...]
[...] > by Occafion of the late heavy Rains, are obliged to be ---- ferred till a further Opportunity. Tue Túne of wich wil 1, on be advertifed in this ſ’aper. [...]
The general evening post30.06.1761/01.07.1761/02.07.1761
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 30. Juni 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Geſeke, ſo as to ſupport his Setene Highneſs. It is ſuppoſed, that the French army is delayed for want of ºffſtance, which the late rains have made it difficult to procure from Weſel. Marſhal Broglio is ſaid to be maching on his ſide towards Weſtphalia. [...]
[...] Extra.7 ºf a Letter from Portſmouth, june 30. “Laſt Thurſday night we had the moſt dreadful ſtorm cf thunder, lightning, and rain, that has been known in the memory of the oldeſt man living. The waters, from the ſuddenneſs of the rains, roſe near two [...]
[...] mind, hanged himſelf at his lodgings in the Borough. We hear of very great damages done by the ſtorm of rain on Thurſday night laſt to the Weſtward of London; ſeveral fields of corn, and hay then making, were laid under water, and their crops almoſt totally waſhed away [...]
The general evening post27.07.1756/28.07.1756/29.07.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 27. Juli 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] ship, fiicking perpendicularly in a Ballast-Hill. Ábout Two' o'Clock the fame Morning began, and , continued till near Five: an exceſive Downfall of Rain, accompanied with the ſtrongeft lightening and Claps of Thunder known in this Part of the Country for many [...]
[...] years; but we do not yet :"; of any confiderable Damage de n: by it. On wedneſday Night, and all Day on Thurſday, the Rain fell in fuch Abundance, tinat [...]
[...] of the Heart, startings, i remblings, and 1 witchings in the Limbs and other farts, with many convulſive Diſorders, tharp Pains, fix’é or vandering rain and weakneſs in the Back, and other almo innumerable and grievous Symptoms, which miferably afflict vast Numbers of bºth Sexes. - [...]
The general evening post15.09.1759/16.09.1759/17.09.1759/18.09.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. September 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Dry qfrbir infiant Softemder, at ‘T 01 a’Clarl in the F ornmon, a: the St. Alban’t Tavern, it: St. Aldon':-firut, la roqfider If the mcfl gfliti‘ual Met/Jed: w 5: rain for [In Support afbir lllrgtyl] and bi: Government, again/f tr): [Irina/[on new tbrgatmld, and fir 111; Security of Ibis Conny, Cir], alrd [...]
[...] September 1758, ,A Map of the Circles of the Upper Ind Lower Rhine, Swabia, Franconia, Burgundy, Lor rain, and the Countries adiacent. November 1758, A Map oi? the Electorate ol Hanover. February 1759, A Plan of Qgebcc. [...]
[...] relating to the Black-Friars Bridge. The Life. of “an; Bar-now, D. D. His Epita'li and Character. ‘Philofophical Reafon why it never rains at Lima. 'A curious Dil'oovcry in Arithmetick. .Clllculation of thc Eelipfca in 1760. QOpinions of the Anciema concerning the primitive Language. \No Language natural to [...]
The general evening post25.11.1760/26.11.1760/27.11.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 25. November 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] The lạfi accoun's received from Paris fay, that the King had been prevented from making a" intended tour to Fontainbleau, by the rains and tempestuous winds which they had had for feveral days. | The Dúke of Burgundy, whoſe recovery was deſpaired [...]
[...] Þaí, ý.o. 26. wird W. N. W. Remain in the Downs the ſhips as before. Came down and remain, the Swan, Ellis, for Jamaica ; the Henrietta, Rains, and John and Mary, Wolf, for Liſbon ; the Portfmouth Packet, for Portſmouth ; the Henry, Richardſon, and [...]
[...] With an accurate Map of the Whole World, a May of Eng- Pontoppidon’s šatural Hiſtory ºf Nº***** íojia land and Wales, and a new Plan of London and Welt- Leake's History of Engliſh Coin", 8*: < . miníter, * * * |- - Rain : Hiñory of England, foliº :: :: Naval Hiſtory of Great. Pri:ain: 4 vo'. Izmº. [...]
The general evening post11.10.1760/12.10.1760/13.10.1760/14.10.1760
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. Oktober 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] "a":/ºrd. $/t. 29. - Laſt Friday and Tueſday nights we had feveral violent claps of thunder and lightning, attended by most heavy rains and had gales of wind, in which a letter of marque of 5oo tons, called the Bitannia, Capt. Harris, of and fron London, bound to [...]
[...] Lieutenant-Colonel Draper, Quarter-mafier General. Letters by the laft Groin mail from Oporto, dated the 25th paſt fay, that they had had violent forms and rain for 14 days ſucceſſively, which had ruined their vintage, and damaged all the fruits of the earth. [...]
[...] Deal, Oct. 13. Wind N. W. by W. Came down the Hefter and Mary, Young, for Virginia; Betſy's succeſs, Rains: the Mary, Walker, and Mary-Jeunmina, Broad, for Plymouth ; Turnpenny and Blewett, Denis, and Adventure, Thomas, for Falmouth; which remain in [...]
The general evening post20.10.1761/21.10.1761/22.10.1761
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 20. Oktober 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Newcaſik, O&. 17. On Monday the River Teeſe was ſo high, that it ove, flowed the town of Yarm; which being expe&led from the heavy rains, proper care was taken, and great damage prevented. At Stockton the terry-bcat was drove from her moorings, and is either [...]
[...] Hand, and the north weſt parts of the county of Durham, that great damage has been done to the corn by the late rains, and that in many farms they will loſe their whole Crops. Sunday night a large Daniſh ſhip, with a raff for this [...]
[...] Number of Inhabitants, and of the neighbouring Indian Nations, &c. The Nature of the Climate; Tabular Accounts of the Altitudes of the Barometer Monthly for Four Years, āof the Depths of Rain Monthly for Eleven Years, and of the Winds Direction Daily for One Year, &c. [...]
The general evening post15.11.1760/16.11.1760/17.11.1760/18.11.1760
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. November 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] * s c o T L ' A N D. - - Edinburgh, Nºv. 12. For thefe feverał days paft it has rained almoft inc ffantly, wh eh has raiſed the waters higher than they have been known in the tremo y of man. It has carried off bridges, mill-dams, &c. and [...]
[...] | 59 loads of Beech Timber, ’’. 8"°"ng in Cheni, s and Raines Woods, Y fine, long and Ja 's-a- - - . O tri [...]
[...] " London anti "º":'ham and Amenham aforefaid, 27 Miles : ::::::: ::: *ºm Heafer afortfia, b:n 15 and ºr the hard ::::: chiesty Beech, in bois and Rain: Žut intº ? so or 2 co Stacks of *, and is all very proper to [...]
The general evening post10.03.1759/11.03.1759/12.03.1759/13.03.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. März 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] the Exchequer-ofiice in the Temple was blown down by the violence of the wind, and falling on the roof . beat molt ofit in; by which, and the rain that fell, great damage was done to the writings; but happily the gene [...]
[...] rained, not having buried one man fince we left En gland, and hav: but very few lick. I have not time to lay more, but hope our brtfinefs here will b: finilhed [...]
[...] thé-gl'efltt'll part of his hand on the other were immedi ately cut off. This is the only rained, not having buried one man fince we leftEn gland, And have but very few lick. I have nottime to [try more, but hope our bnlinefs here will be finilhed [...]
[...] their chicane in the obl'ervaliou oi' trcatics.~A H701]; may well enough defign the EmprtB-QQIVC" 5 Whorc mid and ferocious dil'pdition has Rained whole rtvulcts erh the blood of murdered larnbs.—The Mar-mm, gill“ "5 a lively pit‘hrre of Spatith indolence; the hides her head in [...]
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