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The general evening post18.12.1759/19.12.1759/20.12.1759
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 18. Dezember 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ,4 Y n I H, “mm, from Prince lh'mtmy. which are‘mofl’ certainly toexertrheir utmoft brought to-bed of a daughter or his houfe in Hatt0n~ t e a \- force and efforts the eniiring campaign, to make them- Gildm- ‘7 Sunday lafi died, potl'ell'ed of a confidentble fortune, [...]
[...] ' ' ye 00d OrdCf. . ‘ mil bnn nil Ed inll. at that pofl. The grand Pruliian [...]
[...] " h'uo! (replied that onlrch) I find him every where “ al' @116 end of My glafi.” wltn/LCaz. _ ; Hanau. Dec. 8. The Duke‘bf Wirtdmbelg is.llr|i\'ed at 'Btudtendu, and Will “ill make another marchw batk we'do, in order to facilitate the trflufitortatlon of his pro [...]
[...] ghe Fair. This evening. ThB Slfilogem, and The air. ' Decreaf'ed in the Burials this Week, 92. ‘Bank Stock, ll+ l-half. India Stock, ~. South. Sea Smelt, k. Ditto. Old Annuities, 87. Ditto [...]
[...] Frammenti ed Epillole, Greece-Italiane in Verli. ll lul'lrate di Annotamoni, kc. Opera _del P.Carmeh, 10 vol. 8w. dova. .' _ [...]
[...] 1 .IPtav.r—. ' m 4mm della Raglan poettca Lrhn due, 8vo. I ,- t Resale ed Ohl'trvationl della Lingua Tofcana d. Salvrdor Cor ‘3' .chz '7'; ' ' h _ “Lgnlfl‘gttv: le Opcre di‘ Galileo, in quefla nova Edrerone accrefcrute [...]
[...] " Par Monfieur deVOLT'Al'RE. ' Where may be had, jull imported 1mm Italy; 1. La Mitllagia, Opera delBanier, tradottaln ltaliano, ed illuf trata eolle Note e colle Figufe, in Rome, avol. nmo. Napoh I758. a. Abccedatio Pitlorico del P. A. Orlandi, 410. [...]
[...] Tbir . 0., war pub/flied, . '~ (Price One Shilling) _ ‘ LETT h R androll'éd to two G R EAT [...]
[...] Comp mion ; containing the greatelt Variety of complcal Alphabets in n e l'nglifli, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Languages, with the hefl (eleé‘ed Exampler in every Branch of pratTtical and ornamental Writirg, dzc. Folio. Pl'b 5S. ' 1; Penmanlhip Illultrated, in a new Work,- containing a great [...]
[...] new Letter and good Paper. arid It, That the Whole will be hep compril'ed in 14 Numbers. of E Ill. That a Number of this V Book, containing 3: Pager, (hall lhal [...]
The general evening post17.11.1759/18.11.1759/19.11.1759/20.11.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 17. November 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] the King is_likewile publlllt'd, addrefi'ed to all the ludgcs, Sac. acqumnting them with the motives of his conduct towards the jeuits; and forbiddingv all his fubjefls to [...]
[...] where there are twenty fall, which, as well as tho’e tn the Sound, are deterred from running home whilfi Thou rot is there; aud that the lali convoy pall'ed Wingo lafe. the 27th pail, at two o'clock in the morning, and were aflually feen by M. Thourot‘s fleet ; but he and mull of [...]
[...] came berfelf to an anchor clol'e to the (now and the forts. On demanding the fnow and l'ohooner, the governor refut’ed to deliver them up; upon which, with the little privateer and long-boar, they boarded the fnow, cut her l cables, and let her fails ; the forts and along lhore firing [...]
[...] for Germany, to rein force the army of the allies. We are credibly informed, that the land-forces to be emplo ed on the Britilh ellablifhment for the next yirr, including the militia, will confill of too,ooo men, in order to pulh on the War with vigour. [...]
[...] ’WANT"ED, [...]
[...] Guildhall of the City of London, r 6f Angull, 4759. E SO L V, ED and Ordered, That .intended to be promoted by the Subli irt lb; Chamber of_Lor::lan, flat/l be fir, [...]
[...] raining the (aid Harbour do 1 Virtue of the Power vetted in them t and pafl'ed In the aad Year of his r inicnd to raile a farther Sum of Man kcured upon and payable out of the [...]
[...] _ To he s o L D, i ll tbs Sign sf lb: Crow/r i} Lari/ow, on Monday ed: 915 ‘ Day affairou next, [...]
[...] tanier, the oldell Director of the French Ball-India cor“: . pany, and elleemed the richell fubjtfil In grlhcf. him}: died pollefl'ed of upwards of forty millions in rPQfl's belides a hundred elhtes in that kingdom. . _ _ The Shrewlbury man of war, from America. I! "It"! ' _ [...]
[...] going out Were prefent at this mournful procellion: their countenances, and the lilent le-‘ll‘S that llole down their cheeks, well witnell'ed their heart-felt grief, which was not a little augmented b the generality of the town having had the pleal'ure o perfonally knowing this great [...]
The general evening post06.11.1759/07.11.1759/08.11.1759
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 06. November 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] irted for the Public invefiitnre, and, ‘for that Pur-, m”".“"€ {0' h" I?“ H'ghntfb‘ the Princefs Elizabeth N5947- Nm‘" wcthcmn' Of Slocum upon Tc”, bi , e tent was Prepared on a hill, in full view of the camlmer ‘0 be continued ‘in SMda)’ the "‘11 infill” “4 — new" and Gmcrr' \ tango, and another lcffer tent at a little difinncefromr m be Chan Ed °n ‘hai day, Viz" F b M (5T 0 R N hummus. for his Highnd-s to waive the fun part of die: bon'I'shefala res _wear black filk or velvet, coloured rib- g: Homing drfinbk' in “I. [liloghsit i! . . . - - bout twelve o’cloc , ’ “3’ Ya“ "PPeis' " ' ' ’ ' ' [...]
[...] lip. = we thhnefs the Prince, fuppotted by. the Lieu- 3 '21"; PS8 '- Pill", Dmfior of_ Warpami Mr- his peo le gained over the Canaanites, lndptlrer enei r . 2w “aldegme and Mom,“ . tth Ignaz; checrflmen; and at the fame time fazed up?“ mire; his flame and “rump, I ~ ~ wro- tnc rocceded to the Great Tea ‘ where ' t . ' altetlris .Wnr, in which Britain is en ed, as a rin y p ' t' r Private letters by the lafl’Dutch mall'l'eem pretty cipflam’ au'xnhry; "ken _ink’h‘lfighud:, Mg we [...]
[...] releal'ed and fear back one after another: we flatter [...]
[...] WM! narrow“.v my high Fur ord, Wt,“ ‘7 from if“. the; N 4y w J ‘" Luisa! 111in ~- h {WOHI _ 1h: R; h a: Rhimé , have re chlfaI-YI 11¢" "Mam, Andy km,- ‘4. large C 1,8“, “Mon. . (Pric M P I ,_ cam.“ rqc-Iv- m MG Ig ( Ho" I [nII r the ‘_ smmmh a. or um“. Idwa, ~o A DE Icon I “1,! ‘ <,. I I T ed‘h I undh I SII T "CI I“ “'B'Y“ "‘ (he ‘ ‘ )°"'. “ ~ e-$h' - {flit ‘ -- v ( c C,- all, he ~. MlMiafwd‘vfiawzof 0111*: 212‘ r I RC m the m?“ d’ - mef'd'MMTZF w K [...]
[...] y’ Sc" "’1 ' m 1-! ' ' "_ m 5. a)‘Ile 1‘ ‘Jr‘v ‘ ldgs ADE ' S bcll We: PPCSr Poll. can" 5 At F Pelerbo new!" H—- ’ mil-g Emil: iflc- S l‘ and 3 Con - c Cvct 311cc b 530“; \I . _ '-—____ he ' I r [he ' Ound _ [he “‘th y y y ‘h ed ‘ _ 1 STATE R. c L rough, ' 7 ¢ MW, t 8.“, . In by“: m '0 ram“ hum m L A R Tb- , ‘ 'cile - - ‘ sf 2 Mn. °f how, we the ‘8 Mud, - “Pu; [...]
[...] QM" Gan-um)" co T T ER Ko’s ‘ PA RI I U FD“) war I ' In camhsm‘m‘ i _ O res was has???“ of IIII'LgFIHgIa w 9 (g. 3 . t ' C . ~ . I . n f}; a m "n? " IangKETSQ Sh Mfim Ex‘bdr “FYP'ICE ‘ in'R dufl I 1:151er .021! Shfi?bl9%ed, ~_ ; wfiff‘DST 'Lfi'arl, of Gm -.- I 0“ “W17 firec't ,:4 mqu slum 'uf Chancgsres 0f TicI'IZL/Wy, Coffin?” n 18:51: Miami: “We Cnlmadvprlllllg, \V.ULFTB¢?U§ the fllgnd aCCIaIEI' W0 LFIE I‘ I ; g _ :3 v I I ( 'cb| _ phi" ‘mm ~ on_ I . h “in II‘w I I II I I [...]
[...] n" m ind f 1: pH"! in c "' Y "I B ' "ll" ' “" mm mm ' - I _ "her 1 - maq (nnfirg Xpor a-ng ‘3 D “$04 ‘ € l'v: ‘ Not 9°kfdl >-_' 'n N "'1 fire '90": l)’ “5 ‘er, .1 . \fnc '9 and, mm a] 3d Ed ' Pm" ‘ c' Th“ ""n G “"5" ‘ ' "1 "5 1h prOPErt "d em, e and abnh m1"! wa; ' "ton _ l Or can _ 1 Wnrk . r¢.t_nI_ I “new I L, e aurh y 3m er ‘mfi 1m'1' PUW' T ‘ "1c 6 "man ‘5 on “ram , nen- .‘ :ch or b -ong rh - POCkfl 1- "WM! [...]
[...] m1"! wa; ' "ton _ l Or can _ 1 Wnrk . r¢.t_nI_ I “new I L, e aurh y 3m er ‘mfi 1m'1' PUW' T ‘ "1c 6 "man ‘5 on “ram , nen- .‘ :ch or b -ong rh - POCkfl 1- "WM! H 39 Ifflj’d - _ Bub-ed b 6:15," an em. and]r I. Ich] r b I, 3 Wu as III eIII d_III "I m e "'10 P ' v ' ‘" '11 any“ "° new ‘eand P’dc' Y M - "g W tem t1 . ‘ ulu one HE C N. gm, Y ( rite - I .g I“: inhofe wh‘" hum plum and ' Ind r 5 {Hind “Llndi P {d m n Ye ch 2', of [...]
[...] Twenty-four ’farourite Airs for one or; two Guitars, compoed by Mr.-']OSEPH REAL. Opada.‘ Price“. ~5in Sonatas f-ir two Gc-tuo-Ihtet qt: Violins, oompol'ed by DOTTEL PICK-IO. Price-3 s. -=i. ,7 - - [...]
[...] Occafiom, vizv on Fcflivala, Funerals, Prn-fe, Diflrefs, to. having the Energ tzcularly exprefl'ed; \Vitll an Air {mt-v m-Joscrn_sri To which are prefixed, A Preface [...]
The general evening post09.08.1759/10.08.1759/11.08.1759
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 09. August 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Sir, HE enemies of the Lord High Chancellor Earl of Clarendon have always fuppol'ed him to have been a, )rnfianer to France; and it is very true that the French Court did endeavour to make him one; but he rejected [...]
[...] came again to the Chancellor and delir'ed' an audience. He laid he had fomcwhat clfe in his inllrttclions, which [...]
[...] that he had received it withoue' hingjefifls Why, and} t to look upon him as a knave fit, to be depcn ed upon'iu,v _ any treachery againlt his matter; or that it was with his: , ‘ [...]
[...] manfs evidence, with corroborating circumftances given by others, immediately brought him in guilty; and fcn~ tenet: of' dea'-lt.was pall'ed upon him. ' _Yefterday_morning (being the day fix’d for his execu tion) he cut, with a razor which he had conceal’d in the [...]
[...] . ""1 ll 1A,,“ ("35' proper Outhoufes; together with about Hl£.__¢},,,,‘:hl and Grim Ed l'rewen, in the Paritltes 0f Langarren, ‘ fr Mm threw. lY_i the County of Hereford, about three I ,‘Efl Wk; and rou‘r Miles from Refs. Alfo a Copy [...]
[...] Daun, either the Aulirians mull be fpeedily beat, or_ihe battle will become a carnage. A report is credited amongll the ft-ldiers that the RuiTiaiis refisl'ed to give quarter. It is faid our augull General propofes to lead us to the enemy very lbm. _ _ [...]
[...] rI‘HE. LIFE. of now A‘RD Earl of I HE WORKS ofthe Dr. ED W‘ARD Sli’ Late Lurd Archbillxop of TUlm John Rivingtonpat the Bible and [...]
[...] anuee, that it lnilantly, or at leali in a very lhorc ’l'lmc, rcniovrs mmy of the mull painful Difordtrs. It gives immediate Ede in [...]
[...] 13. An Elby towards making the Knowledge of mebnell Capzciry. Be'ng a lh-rt and plain Am,“ and Rules or Chrillianicy. i’iite ed. 14.. A plain and :le Mtlhod, whereby a Man a: ‘may arrive at full Sa'isfafiion in all Things ihatcoi [...]
[...] i z. A llil'tourle elf-Confirmation ; in I Dulvgutl of .i Pllllil ml 2 young brruntMaid. Contam-‘n for fuch as are to be confirmed. Price ed. 33. Two Traéh; the one Dircfizont to: lobar-l teptablc Odering up the [ANN PHI" l9 God '“ h" [...]
The general evening post04.12.1760/05.12.1760/06.12.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 04. Dezember 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] tam ark of CçS here ffI23 dre l]] : fall he ti :::: » w livi and Ér r-ad T ih Fr : : fo ng - # in olde y a the this £7 of th - : 1.77 A the the i Il y u o - : irel y : C, ile : Gy : : : · C nk ;: my :fi: Pl ::::: G : : > » : N y d : h : :::: # #:: tát : : P: M, o: : * : : X- eu ft : ed fy : ::" ::" : : :::: or e th #:: npr. Maj of đf (! of - of S ::::: ¿? : ft ! 10 #:: Un : fr ;: al : : [ :::: fb E : re/e :# A [...]
[...] : : : : and : : : C. S. P:0 : : : : - tie : he Gentl enti - s *** : : : : : : : : :: : ::::: f:: ::::: : : :: :::: : : :: 2: : % : tg in : d : : hi T : «: the ::: ed ina | ta: |- : : 7 :::: p” - - r ga x | - f 4ÉE t 'ler u! ! 0 : : # : : : : : :::: :::: : ::::: : : : v [...]
[...] To b C. : fc} V : epº A : : : be : : 6 J : U ciud :::: : * vi: : : : ory - C 'ed : R : : : : f) e t, a in S T alı : lur : H t T R. J O : [...]
[...] LL Perfons indebted to the Eſtate of Mr. Alde man FIRTH, Draper, late of St. Alban's, de a ed, are defired to pay the fame to Mr. John Knight Knowlten, cí the fame Place, Surgeon, one of the Executors, on or before the 1st of January next, or they will be fued for the fame without [...]
[...] Which Traafiated into E N G L I S H ; º tºgether with the PHILIPPic orations, completes the Nutiber of thoſe delive ed in Political Debates. With a Preface, and Notes Historical and Critical. By Dr. T H O M Á s” Ë Ë Ë AN D. [...]
[...] Volumes, Duodecimo. í: , The FI FT H ED IT I o N. [...]
[...] |Ptin ed for A. 8. Crowder and Co, T. Caflon, B. Law, and B, collins, Of whom may be had, - “ | [...]
[...] A muſketball went through both the coat :d waiſtcoat of his Pruffian Majesty at the battle of Torgau In a letter from Torgan, da ed the 16th uit.”the whole loß of the Auftrians in that tbſtinate and bloody astion is computed at 15.ooo men, befides a great part [...]
[...] 2. volume xx í he- ºg ne Chronolegical Tables to the Ancient Hiſtory, may be ad ſe state, at s in Boards. 3. ihe Twenty-three p-eding vols of the Modern Univerfal Hiſtory, in oº.c. Eris, 5 , 15 s. in Boards. — Or che Seven firſt Volumes in Poio. fºrce 9 , 16 s. in Boards, , - [...]
[...] think proper; or they may have the ":"; la together (containing $6 Numbers) Price On unbºund, emb:ed with 25 ĉaçP: the New Teſtament together (Goethi : * Twelve Shillings unbound, with 16 Coppet [...]
The general evening post20.04.1758/21.04.1758/22.04.1758
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 20. April 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ... º º: º: hº ; ea I gh e wi e la!! o! v ‘ned n he ga hit. M. with: ſia y ha y ed i ean hº º arch º: Vt: In 1 to n t s t jº n1 Il, d n. i p ne e trade o [...]
[...] i. !y gi * º of lves hat rani e º foo bab -ſ th Oo and ay º of co fet e !c I ...º. 'pril dri on pro lat orm n le ſons e . o th f 7 io nſiſt ſail nex we toº º uS 8. “goo thi Viirc he g er a ...” the , faſ. .." ſno c w; i. gt ed o º da º *: #: i’ º *::: ... : Ai. º É. * . ſº befor :01, u ei a ń. : m - rti * - o • * i - [...]
[...] º º º †. º §: : § E º ; laid º: ; º to § º * w sº. o o tl a 5 f cCS It i of ſº ne star Hi igh l, On e º . ...” ree º º: lar ſº £3. id º ſo W1 S e ed in R ce 1S A t- th a W d s tn pe ſe n *. ..º. * foo , th At cr to bo all mp m th | ;: T. ſº the Mai N hº ;: ve . . : 2 † º ". i. º º - .. y !" * º ba- º º , in Hon º . D es. º: i. ãº. º: º º º: : †. ...” [...]
[...] ºf **', º; , all & it loſt e º j ..y º: #" º º m; from n § ton take ... K. § Wº: the I º: tº e te April • * ca y • whi of of s ſti l wan, e A HD eni n or J the S, # O - Thuſ rt - hi illi ted • Iriſh . ſtrº pe&t them foll I 2 Ineſ) are ich of a till You , , fr Hari ubſ: igh w amai 1) wi - B ſm dav ed d for is eſ am Coff cis- ſº. 'irº he tim ow". As - tha enliſti ... ſhe º ia A it) t the ". efian ſh ſt ail Th Mó di urin teſ, tate * º yer ha e to the s Pri º in .1 Weſt - r * 1s o A St. gº of Ja nd to CC ore aſſey. urſd ott] ed gli poo to ngs s ſº º º [...]
[...] and bº e i. I O. * º ys wº o t 44 º: to fi wit whi ..". en Å, d. Boft ar ; §: . 3. .. § b: P avel o e - aſı0 1 a O f o ſai h an rs h lich *ś ºf a O m º: H s incli XP urt : * -- Hag are n ti have veri de , alm a ail e I d a pe his b clv ged d' A n. i fo ng' per - Diſ have tht une eded *:::: ris º from lut', º he 6th i advic lan . oſt w 4 & Å nºia s |. t "..."; ed a a º , 15 ur i. º for . 5. to go *::: º: Swede ambu 18. w inſtan €, th inters ent far.” t Spi # as he º b the jº. º: +. . †: to Sea out a *: º [...]
[...] b pº º recept not º ". in i laſt 1 º: ay º olb we re ji : : º: ... º: of :...: !. y A º .. ; : oſs. 10ſ), xceedi main he ni ette fo hu S \l ins O of burn ceiv laſt º: Ste † her hips r of S - º: ºral }: . A that º º . W. the ndred nder * º b e, and ed o º: º: º: º: º sº tatur : * º," Engliſh ...: .." j #. ... º º ! order. ; § § or Fair | Pi cated ſquad big gave aſ: fone he tr of c tº: ..". ſhips . : º: . º §3. : º: ar: º [...]
[...] º," Engliſh ...: .." j #. ... º º ! order. ; § § or Fair | Pi cated ſquad big gave aſ: fone he tr of c tº: ..". ſhips . : º: . º §3. : º: ar: º the ſon ed to is C from pri oops rdna Ince w fo of * .. N. º: "...'. §: ...; ioux .." nº- - 4th him. ;: B rvate that Ince sº r th s ... ... 33 tful att º: 3. º: º p and º, al In an to da .*. advi ai’ are tl º º: to t to #: º: - [...]
[...] ‘. . º o ; .. M iss || - i. teen . ; by the ajeſty *. º, - - ed º: A º º and a Right 's | * |# ; º: tº $. y’s f a º: 3: y m, Ha high List [...]
[...] |# ; º: tº $. y’s f a º: 3: y m, Ha high List ! at G P W Öa ed t; it. º - - i. : º: | tº: : º i º º [...]
[...] *roperty of the Society, excepting however, ſuch as gain honorary Pre niums, which ſhall . : the Society two Months, and be then - ed., by their Owners. “...*::::::: of this Year will be advertiſed as ſoon as By Order of the Society, [...]
The general evening post02.01.1759/03.01.1759/04.01.1759
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 02. Januar 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Lord Abergaverrny, the firfl BAYOH of Engiind, and youngefl t’anghttr of the late dowager Lady Aberga venny. who d ed in Oc'lober lall. vYetlel'day died at his boule in SOttth-Audley-il.-.-t-r,. Sir John Buckworth, Bart. He teprcknted the town of [...]
[...] of his lims to that of his brother, efpecially as he never acceded to the treaty of Aix-la Chapelle,_and always exprell'ed his difapprobation ofit. lint, fuppoling a new King of Spain fltould compromrfe this matter in an ami cable manner with the Imperial court, and be induced [...]
[...] Fig“ H E fitll divifion of the Rullian army, led by ' the Generals Frolotf and Bagerow, having :Q T W pall'ed the Viliulali near Dirl'chau:l has taken liin the ferera villa es lituate along that i-iger, from Elhing as 8far as Marienwertler. [...]
[...] from the lali mentioned place,to Grandentz; and the third d-ViliOn, under the command of General Brown, having likewife pafl'ed the Viliula on the bridge ofThorn, occupies all the polls between that crty and Culm. Ge neral Panin’s brigade has marched by Thom to Wehlau [...]
[...] purpol'e.1 ' V J == The 71h - inflatlt Field Marilth Count Darin arrived here, and the next day appeared at court drefl'ed in a very rich uniform, on which the order of St. Therefa was eth [...]
[...] other unwary perfons out of their money, with divers implements of gaming which they made ul'e bf. ‘ Yefterday morning an antient woman, well drefl'ed, with a few thillings and fume halfpencc in her pocket, was found drowned in a ditch a little beyond Walltvorth ; [...]
[...] alone, or very old Incumbents, are much Wanted in any Part of England. , ~ ’ Annuities from 50 l. to 600 l. a Year, well t'ecur-ed, to be told to 2 any Lite full fifty, at fourteen Years Purchafe, and to older Lives int ; Proportion. .~ . [...]
[...] EVERA L compleat SerVices of Silver gndroonrd-thapcd Ditties and Plates; two chated Terence; tWO cliat'ed lee Pails; feverril Cups and Covers; Candletlicks; Tea Cannitters; Bread-Batkets; a very fine light large Hittorical Drill; a_ Sert of chated Drct'tirigfl’late, and a Number of other curious [...]
[...] a_ Sert of chated Drct'tirigfl’late, and a Number of other curious Particulars. Alto the very greatett Choice of new and old Plate, either chai'ed or plain, in the newetl Tatte, are now, to be told at lower Prices than ufual; by STAFFORD BRISCOE, either ‘at the Three Kings, or at the Golden-Ball, the Corner of Fridiy [...]
[...] In this declaration his Majetty fays, “ That inept-o volt of the merchants and tlterifls of his good city of Paris having propot'ed to him fome taxes upon fuch forts of merchandrze, &c. as appeared to them the_motl tuf ceptible of augmentation, tvithout hurting his people, [...]
The general evening post24.04.1760/25.04.1760/26.04.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 24. April 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] carried :, :::: : detachment of hufa" : He was }: Deifu died at Defrau th | :::: :', : :-** which the ei ays ago, ne army, attack f V1Ĉe. erly a geat G estau t: 14th S ::::: Andrew this: :::::: 3 CIETY W , near Oppel ed and Th entral in tl - tepney all be : : : : *** Magdeburgh y were endea: }ppelen, a gre e Amazo ne P, uliman å , by the P preached biris: ff., 3* |- - () 11f1f0 grea; ConvO fro n man of nd Dinn ev. Mr. C on the (): Malm : ent [...]
[...] atter being affi e retreat ottenb eS niberon B th with the vi thufa frig: - - hath a C - «, ; * - affail reat of th - ergh wi n bay. * vićtuail gates, failed Ludz th been lat { OInm withſtood : ed on ever e Pruffian , with Laſt W - - ers unde - EC gate-H !! ately aw iifion of : dnef! r (convoy i be 1, !, Lond ar "ed agai of Bım: day at C iheenemy's f ry fide the 4th i s : and the force ednellay fe’nni y for eve that tº on, Merc agai« st- 1) [...]
[...] day at C iheenemy's f ry fide the 4th i s : and the force ednellay fe’nni y for eve that tº on, Merc agai« st- 1) oſlin, wi uperior fo 4 inftant, b S draught d night th . The Af{ the greateſt rchant : JOHN PER - !! . H , with no rces, a :ar:: ravel thoſ ed from tne tranf - A fHizmees there eft Part ; 2:3 te ROTT ir ". ::::: :rili ; : dan ::" : : : the Royal : :egiments :s:: the :::: ::::::::: : : :A': , that the kui: ear frç n. fl s for E („ltl :\! et f'S ut : orth, and :rupt whi-n :{covery of , That fach * -- '' [...]
[...] ? pril 15 F . Four carts loaded wi ed with carbines and Beachy-h y- ead and ca | rried into D [...]
[...] of his poſition, only i ody ot troo s Prußi r. m steer , be wee ght cartia eil k | :, in : nly intended ps take the ai 2In The } . red for G a the -ca gº guns concerne nOW Tl * * * - N e * |- - –CA W - ed - t0 |- * a "::: fr:au cafe he ſhould : : the ::::: Sco 12 n } "::: : :::::::: and Harthall; : :,: Linen : who havet C |- - O |- a[) -- :: ar.: i flor |- o « » ances', -drapery C - ' *= * [...]
[...] King had i ntirely o generall beli vided Board of y 's :::: Deptf k his bro ** - * Im OVA”, sve Ten per Cent |- | regunent f juſt detach n the def y elieved h of dan - epiford |- road pen 1 - , mort, i* 1 8, ed ť enfive in S a nere Yest xm, T , !! v in the D dant on b T others ar ome of whic rorm his in Saxon e. erday th : . łowns oard N o be -, : ::::: for : the : : A: : Hon. Lord A , to atter d the - : :::: ::: LD, - [...]
[...] | king ng to th ng to other r & n having de: dv de 3D U may arp' y Perfon wi verſon tº a he Argod, *2* | king of P e freſh W ll S 1 entralit, an eelared his of Bavari unfuc- y appy a willin evr tº e Tirva“ | ruflia’ e ſheft |- n the of th ity, and ed his i A V3 | 13 arp y a: above g to trea ***, | juft b. 1a'S af II) advices f :E::::: nd to furni s intenti {\ t f OO; }S : : * – :::::::: * x *** | : put : that of : Leipfick, th d They :::: niſh only his : is bev: a E To b ------ [...]
[...] Ferdinand : ánd h: 3 : the Ñ bi : Royal Ë : : i lighneſs t' houfe : :::::: five ::: ::::: : the He long The Ri y, &c. at S- efs received the 4oth the of about a ervant ; a G nå stable, with a Rºº : : 1 editar ight H - Jam s’ ed the co n year of T1 e P n Acre, all F Barden well pl m overtº" y | on, the Lord Ř mpliments of M r ::::: to b ::::: anted, and ºf" * Year" () *: : , , ard W e view - - [...]
[...] - 1Ill n Kni () e iome with :::, : 3 ' On at |- - :3 CC • • |- el t} oth ; : nhead, wi :: : : :::::: :::::: : week :T: : ſchool for that ::::: ::::: ::::: : : Prii ce F of cava : 1In conf. E by f ; but hi eis, Mr ed at Sł * q of S |- nool, M A lí elve A cre , an two cloſes of L d djoi " erdinand’ ry and ni equenc veral E nis at Lav · Samu neen in S pring-G f Pen h2 e a farm-H s or the reabout - : adjoin"*' going fro and’s a I 1ne e of whi :gliſh W. el Hu Surry S. Barden n, * k’s-H ou ſe at Pe - S» [...]
[...] Hrbis Day was pubalo 4, In Two volumes, Ostavo, Pricº 3 s. bound, A N E w ED I T I o N, with Improvementº, of [...]
The general evening post07.02.1756/08.02.1756/09.02.1756/10.02.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 07. Februar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] - e P2! v the Rui 3, COfIl agy in - Lignt oth eive M. ch is mediatel 3 with ab A. ST have ace: , Se LIII) S mand a Fortni CI"3 3 vien of W |- ely fold out 8 * |- pafied f veral D the O ed by th tnight is, are fittin af for ne oo Ne - Stocks fee f ays !ffice the Mărăuis This S g out I af 2 ()OC groes of the E f0īIl a Depa rs, and arquis d quadro it, and Dubli R - E ší serin: who [...]
[...] News. #:#:: appoi and thes ::::::" ; and th II12. IIl- * h aris, ža rom thirt ent Ports 3i which the }: Murray ghlanders C y s Regi kirk els, Jan nted. h., 1) d oſe for as refolv n. 3 1 . : fifty G the Kingd re M ublin, F , to embark ommanded h • 3o. W o the f to C ed to f t is conf U IS, gdom Merch , Feb. - for N { ---- hafi that on th We are i Af he Canada, end an onfirm 2 - a IltS 3. . We orth : Place were :::::" inft. all informed from The Meaf which : : that the C intend to :,: getting re hear from Co [...]
[...] ace: where, i ećłly tow our Fronti ns from diff L er Lan of an E . Perrier d againſt in the E uefday ! * a - |- gued arth C Mr. W Ecclefiaſti aft end * id ::1 Za ::::::::::: a ards the 8: AI C : trent :: from P oc, by whi quake ha the Jud |- Vheatle iaſtical C ed the C whom :::::::::::: : :::::::::::::: :::::::: š : veten a n | : ::::::::: :::::::: aufe tre-de-G ll e Bod OffIl with ops of fi prit h ny Houf t (11 ếce:n: e had odiſt T is Cit [...]
[...] - of : Grace. :::: 2.Ic y of Tr andy, h the Plai Hils ave bee es about and d 853 and h carefull eacher ; Y» »»»l the i ce agree ther Ad to be afl oops, and three fev ain. Th , fixty To n fwallowed à Ad eclared th eard the P y confidered ; when fastly intCI 10 , that VICES embled in f eral tim e VV oifes hi ed up ultery F Mat the fai roćtor ed of th of Norm r Provin all the T from fe near ome Ho c3, rofe ateTS, whi igh, levell » pear d , l' Ornica |- faid Wh 5 Oil both Si C and Ce$, arc 1 roops ºveral Part were th ufes. O above f ich overfl ed ' | S ed by the tion, a d catley i Sides [...]
[...] H: are to n. 24. Si rance and H rently la-main :::: Perf e Days on h the C denotin th, with e, to be eatley IV, At1O put t Ix Me olla th of the , Feb 2. O II • n half a ofts. W g his C i a Pape - perform Wri. T f) We o Sea n of W nd. ey did prest * • Peo 2 ppº e } í f} \ C ; per pin ed : H:::::: : :::::|:: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::: : : ::::::: uke."o :: | : ::::: e. Ou :::::::: ga::::::::::: ::::::: [...]
[...] Extrem » J (277. ećts feiz r Malverf. litters at eft alinoft gland w y betwee id before i miral Maí, 3 Ca -- VV S Fren ely b 17. Th zed. I 13.1OI} fhe is h oft folel as conclud n the Ki rc lt appeared yn, fr ame in th S. ich C y the Cal - e Trade - ɔ and R O WCVC y to COIìt u ed, wh ings of of hi off this } O Til Spithe: - e Monarc | Nfs :::::: :::::: : :::::::: :::::: ::::::: ::::::: : ::::::: : ugal. uantiti the Ë id th S Ki r, töb: eople » I10 O WCI 3 O ps and , and a e. w : [...]
[...] : čcí:N: The e riſh : kirk, :::::: for fei Ät de f. :"", ::::: ound oehampt È sti: *. |- |- the l v Zi i * díll C Ti t’T. B illiam R 3 and tcn D pton Arm tant 1. Body of the ::::: :::::: S ordered unkcepe g the Engliſh ime that Ball, from ;'; ench, f utch Indi ed Shi : - : his Tr te Ełećtor o, on : tep taken deliver , on pain of ers and oth gliſh Ships the San yr i Zant ; , from Phil ndiamen PS 3 |- r.se ; - :r to bei er Ho at Du na. W ; and th iladel hi : Ar [...]
[...] fi ; wh ime Mi , na S OC ook giment ! Londo odged i ames a arl of Holde at Dubli ustry, T |- finc nlions of o hav inuíte cafion R O II) in this Ci an, Th in the nd at ditt idernelle, Si lIl. , Troup, f be e requi the C ing e ters of T ed a inated C City he Rai ir Houf o. e, Sunpfo: p, tromi howev quired to ount. :”: that th cione, miề of whi aifing of :: | . Q: fon, from |- hat S tO and P e Defi !, me - sich M a Swif - enham, Norri , ÎIOm Phi | [...]
[...] D$, ::::::: and re COV rench P » I10t O a - amilton . To w lefs C 4co in fa ft ºr, Mio , from L rnſey. |- tain f CVen er all off onl ppointed C » Ou T [nOf I O OU ľa - litgom ynn, at G :: uch Sati to aćt thoſe uf ffions y to (ab ed Commi late G w Mr. B ge, or ery, fi , at Ge ‘; :::::-: ::::::::: to the about eight ::::::::: . Frankli : á makin quire. , i as the Ini enfive th y the En- build ten F y Miles No of War, gồ and Mr. F Il 3 L - O clphia, at B [...]
[...] "P"abstical Index ian_ed in a preper order for the Ufe of Le vrne: s. * [...]
The general evening post29.09.1759/30.09.1759/01.10.1759/02.10.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. September 1759
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] General Wangenheim and the Prince of l advanced along the Labne. oppofite to Wetz-. The French Camp was on ithc other Ede that r' ' ditferent corps,_ extending from the right of i.“ am wmm, or which they were in pofl‘eliiun. [...]
[...] .‘ Vienna meant to aggrandizeitl'elf by the efforts of the ullianson one lide, andthe French on the other. This ggeflion, though at firlt det'pil'ed, has of late made 1 tong imprellion. , g N , ,3; - t . Ber/ll, Sept. :5. The cartel for the exchange of [...]
[...] Daun,ghirs_army advanced the tz£th to Lohſar N four leagucs behind Bautzen ; which motion indu ed Prince Henry of Pruffia to make another wit-his army, by_w_hi,ch he endea "won-ed to Fall on' the body of troops under General _ [...]
[...] Bet/in, Sept. 18. vGeneral Manteuffe will not ſet out - to take the command againſſtheSw'ed-ea, whnh'ave ad vanced and made themſelves maſters of Templiu, tirl he I _ has received a reinforcemeneo'f cavalry. - [...]
[...] ' The Coventry frigate has _ſ'ent into Plymonth a (mal I' ſchooner bound to Brefl with earthen-ware for Monſieu Confians'rs fleet, which was divided on- board Sir Ed wan Hawke's fleet. ' -'* ct The Oſthuiren, Stoſfel joh'annes, from Wart-a, boun' [...]
[...] (Q- Only Six Blanka to a Priee, notwithſtanding there' are two Priles of Twenty Thonſand Pnunds each. In the ſaid Office have been Sold, bhn'ed, and Regiſtered, 'One Ten Thpuſand Pound, -'" ' A L S O, -One Three Thouſand Pound, The Lafl-Drawn,Ticket in '757 [...]
[...] Bean, -*- "-"* 15: 19 s. dino Ta'ea '**-' _ '4 26 s. dirto. Little-ed ""-'* '7 ** dum . c over-ſeed -*" "'*** In' Fer er. 'group-fled) Yo'k- *'*-' '3 '10 20 e. peer-ter. [...]
[...] addreli'ed coloured t aw _ Printx that have been [...]
[...] Toad-Filli By Pcrrnifl’ion addrcll'ed ' Prince of WAL [...]
[...] ed to J. Wilkie, as [...]
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