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Suchbegriff: Wittenberg

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The nation29.10.1874
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 1874
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] value than is often to be found in elaborate histories of far greater size, is that it makes clear both the points of similarity and the points of essential difference between the school of Oxford and of Wittenberg. His only fault is that, while he is just to Luther, his heart is with Erasmus. He clearly feels some regret that the Reformation did not fall under the guidance of [...]
[...] of his strength, it is a grievous error to suppose that he succeeded where Erasmus failed simply because the Oxford Reformers were in advance of their generation. The school of Wittenberg triumphed, and deserved to triumph, because Luther was in the right on what was after all the essential question of the time. He perceived that the papal system was false, and [...]
The nation29.03.1877
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 29. März 1877
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] was employed. Such was the state of affairs at the beginning of the sixteenth century, when the Erfurt monk affixed his theses to the church-door in Wittenberg. The man who had thus the courage to defy an all-powerful Church became by a single effort, so to speak, the leader of his nation. But it should never be forgotten—and our [...]
The nation05.06.1873
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 05. Juni 1873
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] but the ambassador's warning against too much zeal might be pondered with advantage by some of its contributors. The gentleman who this month civilly refers to Martin Luther as “the beery monk of Wittenberg” and “the sensual reformer,” we may single out for particular mention, for we feel sure that his fine Roman hand we have observed before, and that his [...]
The nation24.07.1873
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 24. Juli 1873
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] § { ()"; Country's New Era” is the title of an address delivered before the Society of the Alumni of Wittenberg College (Springfield, Ohio) at the college commencement, June 25, A.D. 1873, by Hon. Jacob D. Cox. That the United States have entered upon a new era is universally admitted at [...]
The nation07.05.1874
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 07. Mai 1874
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] as this impost, since the rapid rise (Aufschwung) of English trade and com merce, yielded a remarkably rich income”—a sentence which the translator leaves out. On p. 64, in the account of Luther's contest with the Wittenberg radicals, the translator says: “In the midst of his studies news arrived,” etc. Häusser writes: “In the midst of his quiet (stille) studies,” etc. “Out of [...]
The nation15.11.1877
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 15. November 1877
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] the peaceful envoys of the Holy See. The land of Arminius is also the land of Luther.” We learn here for the first time that Thūringen, the Eichsfeld, and Wittenberg are the land of Armi nius ! We do not attribute to the author any wild desire to recon vert Germany at the point of the sword, or the belief that a reconversion [...]
The nation22.12.1870
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 1870
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
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