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63 Treffer
Suchbegriff: See

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The ramblerRambler 03.11.1750
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 03. November 1750
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] His great ambition was to ſhoot flying, and he therefore ſpent whole days in the woods purſuing game; which, before he was near enough to ſee them, his approach frighted away. - When it happens that the defire tends to objećts [...]
[...] permit sur ſeverity to break looſe upon any fault or error, we ought ſurely to conſider how much we have countenanced or promoted it. We ſee mul titudes buſy in the purſuit of riches, at the expence of wiſdom and of virtue; but we ſee the reſt of [...]
[...] their eagerneſs, by paying that regard and defe rence to wealth which wiſdom and virtue only can deſerve. We ſee women univerſally jealous of the reputation of their beauty, and frequently look with contempt on the care with which they [...]
The ramblerRambler 12.03.1751
  • Datum
    Freitag, 12. März 1751
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] “ ing. Whence is this thoughtleſs tranquillity, “ when thou and they are equally endangered 2* I looked, and ſeeing the gulph of INTEMPERANCE before me, ſtarted and awaked. [...]
[...] ſeems on many occaſions to operate without ſubor dination to any other principle ; we are eager to ſee and hear, without intention of referring our obſervations to a farther end; we climb a moun tain for a proſpect of the plain; we run to the [...]
[...] a palace, a cataraćt or a cavern, by every thing rude and every thing poliſhed, every thing great and every thing little; we do not ſee a thicket but with ſome temptation to enter it, nor remark an inſect flying before us but with an inclination to [...]
[...] To obtain all this intelligence he is inadvert ently guilty of a thouſand acts of treachery. He ſees no man’s ſervant without draining him of his truſt; he enters no family without flattering the children into diſcoveries; he is a perpetual ſpy [...]
Der Schwärmer oder Herumstreifer (The rambler)Schwärmer 29.02.1752
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 29. Februar 1752
  • Erschienen
    Stralsund; Leipzig
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Stralsund; Leipzig
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] „wenn nicht um Glükfeligkeit zu erkaufen ? ,, Darauf gab Seged Befel . fein iuſthaus, welches . auf einer; Inſel in dem See'dambia gebauet war. zu fei , nem Empfange in Bereitfchaft zu fezzen. „Ich will mich. ,,ſprach er, auf zehen Tage vom Geräufche und von Sor [...]
[...] ‘ Sie fegelten fcherzend über den See, der vor ihnen feine [...]
[...] Dunkele der Tieffinnigkeit unbemerkbar dahin , bis er feine Gemütsruhe wieder gewann , fein Haupt in die Höhe hob, und den See von der untergehenden Sonne beftralet fah. „Alfo, fagte Seged feufzend, „ifi der längere Tag des *zmenfchlichen Dafeins befchaffen; ehe wir ihn haben ge [...]
Der Schwärmer oder Herumstreifer (The rambler)Schwärmer 21.07.1750
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 21. Juli 1750
  • Erschienen
    Stralsund; Leipzig
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Stralsund; Leipzig
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Hirten die Gifher zu wålen, die Scene von den Geldern auf die See zu verlegen, und ſeine Empfindungen von dem $l. fherleben herzuleiten; weswegen ihn die nachfolgenden Runffrichter getadelt haben, weil die See ein Gegenſtand des [...]
[...] chen, und nicht mehr verpflichtet ifi, die See in einem Stil" me, als das stand in einer lliberſchwemmung zu zeigen ; foil= [...]
The ramblerRambler, Register 1750/1751/1752
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Januar 1750
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] in the charaćter of Gelaſimus, iv. Io4. - AF F L 1 ct 1ons, proper methods of obtaining confo lation ander them, i. 1 o4.3 12. . See GR 1 E F. A G R 1 cu LT U R e, its extenſive uſefulnefs confidered, iii. 237. [...]
[...] wit, iv. 77–82. Di ct i on, the attraćtive power of its charms in the conveyance of truth to the mind, iv, 45. See LA N G U AG e. - Di FF i d e N ce, the advantageous influence of this [...]
[...] 83. The danger of betraying our weakneſs to our fervants, one motive to a regular life, 85. See Servants. DoRs er, Charles Sackville, earl [not duke] of, ap plauded as good-natured, though angry, i. 65. [...]
[...] mon obſtructions of it, 63, 64. Envy and fint tery moſt injurious to its intereft, 59. The par tialities with which it is often attended, 269. See HA R M on Y. - Frol i c x, Mr. his charaster, as exhibiting a ſtriking [...]
[...] Good n Ess, female, too eafily vanquiſhed, ii. 95. GR 1 e f, , immoderate, afiwaged by the contempla tion of our latter end, i. i o4. See Con sola T Í O N , - - | Gu Los U L U s, his criminal indulgence to exceſſive feed [...]
[...] LA T R on A, her charaćter, iv. I 23. LAz1 N ess, commonly afſociated with timidity, iii. 171. See l N D o L E N c E. LE A R N e D, their complaints of ill treatment and neglećted, merit examined, ii. I 29. 'I he neglećt [...]
[...] the World, iii. 1.o4. RAM E LE R, his reflections upon a review of his effays, iv. 2:9. See Lerre Rs. RA R IT I Es, the choice and study of them ſhould be fubfervient to virtue and the public good, ii. 164. [...]
[...] VE Rs 1 F 1 ca T 1 on, remarks on its rules, ii. 183. 195. .: The peculiarity of Milton’s in his Paradiſe Lost, 197, See VI R G 1 L. • [...]
The ramblerRambler 24.11.1750
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 24. November 1750
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] dom and confidence, and to avoid any ſuch appear ance of ſuperiority as may overbear and depreſs him. We ſee many that by this art only, ſpend their days in the midſt of careffes, invitations, and civilities; and without any extraordinary qualities [...]
[...] from us, and leaves us without importance and without regard. - It is remarked by prince Henry, when he ſees Faffaff lying on the ground, that he could have betier ſpared a better man. He was well acquainted [...]
The ramblerRambler 27.10.1750
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 27. Oktober 1750
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] would not have an abode more ſuitable to his dignity ? he replied, that he ſhould think himſelf fufficiently accommodated, if he could ſee that narrow habitation filled with real friends. Such was the opinion of this great maſter of human [...]
[...] contraćting. - That man will not be long agreeable, whom we ſee only in times of ſeriouſneſs and ſeverity; and therefore to maintain the ſoftneſs and ſerenity of benevolence, it is neceſſary that friends partake [...]
The ramblerRambler 10.11.1750
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 10. November 1750
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] family, and ſee him without any reſtraint or rule of condućt, but ſuch as he voluntarily preſcribes to himſelf. If a man carries virtue with him into [...]
[...] without juſtice. Vice and virtue are eaſily diſtin guiſhed. Oppreſſion, according to Harrington's aphoriſm, will be felt by thoſe that cannot ſee it; and, perhaps, it falls out very often that, in moral queſtions, the philoſophers in the gown, and in the [...]
The ramblerRambler 22.12.1750
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 22. Dezember 1750
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] to revive our curioſity and engage our attention. In the duſk of the morning we watch the riſing of the fun, and ſee the day diverſify the clouds, and - H 2. open [...]
[...] open new proſpects in its gradual advance. After a few hours, we ſee the ſhades lengthen and the light decline, till the ſky is reſigned to a multitude of ſhining orbs different from each other in magni [...]
The ramblerRambler 02.10.1750
  • Datum
    Freitag, 02. Oktober 1750
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] I AM alway pleaſed when I ſee literature made * uſeful, and ſcholars deſcending from that ele vation, which, as it raiſes them above common [...]
[...] though whatever be the wealth of the community, ſome will always have leaſt, and he that has leſs than any other is comparatively poor; yet I do not ſee any coactive neceſſity that many ſhould be without the indiſpenſable conveniencies of life; but am ſome [...]