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All the year round10.12.1870
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. Dezember 1870
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] which used to be found in every street in Paris, and where the workman could get his bowl of café au lait and his hunch of bread in the morning for about four sous? All the newspaper correspondents [...]
[...] carves the boeuf and the rôti. Here's the boeuf brought by another damsel. I hope you like boeuf in the pot au feu form—the pot au feu, you know × 2 “Stop,” said Featherwing. “I know [...]
[...] the polenta is to the Milanese, what mac caroni is to the Neapolitan, what the cous coussou is to the Arab, is the pot au feu to the Frenchman.” “I wasn't going to say all that,” I re [...]
[...] Featherwing. “And as for economy, why it is the cheapest thing going. I'd back myself, too, to make pot au feu against anybody but a Norman paysanne. Ah, if our people knew how to make it, they'd [...]
[...] save a lot of money; but it isn't so easy to make as you think.” “No,” I said, “the true pot au feu is the product of a whole day's care and watchful ness on the part of a good housewife. She [...]
[...] “Come” he said, “you are going to give me an article by Timothy Trim, in the Petit Journal, on the pot au feu. I know it; but the great secret is, as he says, never -> [...]
[...] “To let it boil,” I said. “Confound it,” he said, “leave the pot au feu to me, it is my property. I have half a mind to make myself the apostle of the pot au feu among our people, who are [...]
[...] during the summer months on all the village greens in England by turns—lectures on or over the pot au feu.” “Do it, Featherwing,” I said, “and the idlest man of his age may do his country [...]
All the year round30.11.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. November 1872
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] If the pot-au-feu and the pignatta were the only two advantages the French and Italian farmer and farm-labourer had over [...]
[...] agriculture—a book avowedly written for small proprietors and agricultural labourers —touches at once on the pot-au-feu. It is the corner-stone of every economic She pretends that her book is [...]
[...] the key-note. With the observation that an earthen ware vessel makes a better pot-au-feu than a metal one, and that the old pot is better by far than the new, two items of know [...]
[...] soups within reach of the small farmer and some of his shepherds. Her observa tions on the foundation of the pot-au-feu are excellent in this, that she gives simple reasons for directions, that will appeal [...]
[...] face in thick masses and the cook skims it, and throws it away—wasting a very valu able part of her pot-au-feu or bouillon. I dined lately with an experimentalist who had heard the subject discussed. He [...]
[...] the bouillon retains a disageeeable taste of albumen; and I am quite of his opinion that a pot-au-feu with a fine capon and a little veal thrown in is better than the ordinary pot. But we are in the country, [...]
[...] experience of good things, the loss of part of the meat is improper. Give me, by all means, the pot-au-feu of the gourmet, and I will make an admirable dinner of it. But don’t tell me it is an economical [...]
[...] and I will make an admirable dinner of it. But don’t tell me it is an economical dish. So, I repeat, the pot-au-feu, as ex plained by Madame Michaux to the farmer's wife and the cantonnier's daughter, is a [...]
[...] these are a cheap and agreeable substitute for spinach ; her lettuce aujus is a delicate dish, and her lettuce stalks au blanc should be tried by the experimental philosopher. So orderly and thorough is madame, that [...]
All the year round02.11.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. November 1872
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] Place Verte, round the cathedral, and up all the dark and tortuous streets that lie handy; by the Canal au Fromage, the Pont aux Tourbes, the Rue de la Musette Bleue, the old Bourse and the English Bourse, the Rue [...]
[...] enemies laugh together. The business is much more serious in the Canal au Fromage, behind the cathedral, albeit the flower buying is as much part of the marketing in Antwerp as selecting the [...]
[...] breast pinched and his spurs examined anew ; this leading lady was an old per former in the Canal au Fromage, and able to hold her own with the most turbulent old butterwoman on the Grand’ Place. [...]
[...] both reasonably and with refinement. Why have I taken notes, for instance, of my dinners enjoyed under the intelligent aus pices of Amclie; and why did I take the trouble to make a memorandum at Jano [...]
[...] “Why, sir,” Mr. Bloomsbury Baker observes, over an execrable caricature of a vol-au-vent, which with laudable enter prise he has insisted upon having out of his kitchen at Merton in Surrey; “why, [...]
[...] tomatoes au gratin, and some grapes, you will have eaten well, if you have no great appetite.” [...]
[...] 2 melons (superb slices) - - 1 franc. Weau Marengo (2). - - 1 , Tomatoes au gratin (1) . 30 centimes. Glace, vanille (1) . - 30 xx Grapes . - - - - - 40 xx [...]
[...] 1 Tête de veau, vinaigrette . - 50 py 1 Roast veal, potatoes - - 50 xx 2 Macaroni au gratin (excellent) . 60 27 1 Confiture of apricots . - - 20 ,, 1 Grapes - - - - - 30 py [...]
All the year round01.05.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Mai 1875
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] exhibited considerable feeling on this occasion, and joined in the chorus “For au—auld la—ang syne, my friends,” with his deep bass voice, which had a hollow tone like the sound of the wind in the [...]
[...] the French name, that they give at ball suppers ? Vo-vo— What is it P” “Vol-au-vent?” suggested Algy, at a venture. - “Ah! vol-o-voo. Yes; you will excuse [...]
[...] Bisque soup, an expensive dish made of crayfish stewed down; fillets of sole; a vol-au-vent Financière; a roast leg of mutton; ortolans; an omelette with jam ; fruit. A very neat little dinner, for [...]
[...] strument, the flakes; parboil it; fry; add sauce, and see if it will not pass muster. Vol-au-vent Financière should have a light patty crust, and that is given it, for flour is cheap. Inside should be cockscombs, [...]
[...] with your shape cut out as many cocks combs as you want. No one can tell the difference, and thusyour vol-au-vent, which might cost shillings, costs you just nothing at all. What is the next article P Oh, a [...]
All the year round29.04.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. April 1876
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] jester as he was, fell flat. He strained too affectedly at applause; but he afterwards declared that “a more pig-headed au dience” it was impossible to find. Then, to the horror and agony of his family, old [...]
[...] great length, and being delivered with a uniform charnel-house manner from be ginning to end, much wearied the au dience. The lady was then led back to her seat º the host, and finally, to the delight [...]
[...] pensabile,” is nothing if not sententious; and it tells the world, with startling point and freshness, that the “names of Au gustus, of Louis the Fourteenth, and of Napoleon Buonaparte are immortal.” [...]
[...] men. Here is a keen bit of satire, though, it must be said, it is of vener able antiquity. “Some Swiss and Aus trian soldiers were at dinner after a truce in olden times. The Austrians [...]
All the year round16.11.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. November 1872
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] I fear, very much given to the enjoyment of the good things of this life. The streets proclaim it. The Rue au Beurre, Rue de l'Abricot, the Rue du Marché au Poulet, the Montagne aux Herbes Potageres, the [...]
[...] risian. Here the little restaurants advertise beefsteaks and Ostend oysters, at all hours. In the people's market on the Quai au Sel (a square of quaint surroundings that was many centuries old before the first spade [...]
[...] dress—exquisitely neat as to boot and glove—are pattering to and from the Quai au Sel, as by the Montagne-St.-Geneviève [...]
All the year round28.09.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. September 1872
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] tion, and distributed their applause inju diciously. The pace at which they started could not be sustained. As Monsieur Au guste, the famous chef des claqueurs at the Paris Opera House, explained to Doctor [...]
[...] Paris Opera House, explained to Doctor Véron, the manager, “il ne fallait pastrop chauffer le premier acte; qu'on devait, au contraire, réserver son courage et ses forces pour enlever le dernier acte et le dénoî [...]
[...] ammunition at the commencement of the struggle, and when they were, so to say, out of range. It was one of Monsieur Au guste's principles of action that public opinion should never be outraged or af [...]
[...] fringe and appendage of the lamp's smoke —who, it seems, on some disapprobation expressed by a “highly respectable' au dience, had precipitately quitted her station on the boards and withdrawn her small [...]
All the year round07.01.1871
  • Datum
    Samstag, 07. Januar 1871
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] In a speech delivered in 1850, Count Bis marck declared boldly that the mission of Prussia was to subordinate herself to Aus tria, in order to fight by her side against German democracy; and, in the same [...]
[...] happened to have the good fortune to have Sclavonians subject to her. “On the con trary altogether,” he said, “I respect Aus tria as the representative of an ancient German power.” [...]
[...] tional party, who still generously, but foolishly, trusted in the Prussian king and his respect for constitutional rights. Aus tria and Prussia had, after a sham quarrel, just contrived to help the Elector of Hesse [...]
[...] eyeing with indecision the tempting vege tables that might daintily season the scanty pot au feu, or debating the cost of the piece of beef which should furnish the soup for which they hungered. [...]
All the year round21.12.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 21. Dezember 1872
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Caen restaurant, and again past that kingly establishment of the market-place, in scribed Au Père Tranquille, to the central market halls, ringing with the shrill notes of the famous ladies who preside at the [...]
[...] which vary in price from two to five sous, according to their size—are the vegetable ingredients of the pot-au-feu. The bouquet garni is a work for the cook's own hand to perform. She takes thyme, chervil, parsley, [...]
[...] she sticks half a dozen cloves, and—just a suspicion of garlic. This she casts into the pot-au-feu. “Bless me—winter; and here are deli cious spring radishes at a penny a bundle !” [...]
[...] enthusiastically. - “Oh hush !” said her husband aus terely. “Don’t speak that way; all in [...]
All the year round02.10.1869
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. Oktober 1869
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] have no will at all! You may fight and struggle, but a man is always the strongest, au bout du compte And as he has all the power, I don’t see what use her will can be to a woman l’’ [...]
[...] Sorrow in its waning Form : A working Sea remaining from a Storm. Au RENG-ZEBE. Act. IV., Sc. 1. An idea which occurs twice in Maud, has done duty, with variations, for centuries: [...]
[...] past, the simplicity of mediaeval advocacy still survives in some parts of the world. For instance, M. le Berquier is our au thority for saying that, in Persia, things are still unchanged since the end of the seven [...]
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