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Suchbegriff: Rain

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All the year round15.08.1874
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. August 1874
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] SUMMER RAIN. [...]
[...] A widening speck of black l now, now, it spreads: uick as can start through teeming brain a thought, Travels apace towards us, welcome rain, Andere we say “’tis coming,” it hath come. “Rain, rain at last !” the farmers hopeful cry; [...]
[...] Andere we say “’tis coming,” it hath come. “Rain, rain at last !” the farmers hopeful cry; “Rain, rain ” in rippling murmurs lisps the brook; “Rain!” joyous sigh the petals of the flowers, Life-giving balm, sweet, grateful, summer rain! [...]
All the year round16.11.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. November 1872
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] SONG OF THE RAIN IN SKYE. BY A. DAMP TOUR IST. CoME tourists and forget awhile [...]
[...] Come to the pleasant Isle of Skye, To Mountain, Loch, and River, And you shall find that I, the Rain, Will rain on you for ever. * Two and two are four.—CocKER. [...]
[...] Through the dark curtain of the clouds I'll ooze, and drip, and shiver, And rain, and rain, and rain, and rain, And drizzle on for ever. [...]
[...] º And fill each loch and river, And all who dare invade my realm Shall find I’ll rain for ever ! [...]
All the year round21.09.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 21. September 1872
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] We shimmer to moon or star; We foam to the lash of the furious blast ; We rage, when the rain falls, fierce and fast; But we do our day's work, and at last, We sweep o'er the harbour-bar.” [...]
[...] put on a flannel gymnastic suit like her girls, learned to fish and to row, is only under a roof at night or when it rains, and to-day looks, and is, ten years younger than the first summer she came up here. Since [...]
[...] weather. In 1708, Kersey speaks of it as commonly used by women to keep off the rain. In 1709, Ned Ward, sneering at the new-fangled invention, the barometer, says by its means gentlemen and ladies of the [...]
[...] his own manhood like the careful young gentleman belonging to the Custom House, who, for fear of rain, borrowed the um brella of Will's Coffee-House from the mis tress, and was formally advertised that in [...]
[...] way, beheld the officers of the household regiment protecting themselves from the pelting rain with their umbrellas. This was too much for the great chief's equa nimity, and he sent off Lord A. Hill in [...]
[...] face with a “parapluie”—and Bailey calls a “parasol,” a small umbrella to keep off the rain. It was something bigger than our modern lady's sunshade, however, wherewith Shebbeare's footman shielded [...]
[...] next day to reprove him for flying in the face of Providence, who evidently intended that man should get wet when it rained. Umbrellas, when not on active service, used to be carried upside up, not upside [...]
[...] of a year; that they did not pay him his fee, but stayed to dine with him, as it was raining hard; and finally borrowed his umbrella when they departed—since when he has not seen or heard anything of them! [...]
All the year round02.05.1874
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. Mai 1874
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] height, forms a curve and descends to the ground, having precisely the effect of a gentle rain equally diffused over the entire garden. This apparatus is not found sufficient to [...]
[...] by means of a pulley. There are also pulleys to turn the machine in any direction, and the artificial rain, equally distributed, not only moistens the tree, but cleanses all the leaves and prevents insects from laying [...]
[...] amount of moisture, and by incompetent hands the limit might be easily passed. When there is no rain, the artificial shower | descends twice a day, and you can have no conception of the effect produced on [...]
[...] which, when excessive, causes a diminu tion of strength, is increased by the use of the artificial rain. A counter-agent is therefore required, and we were fortunate in discovering a liquid which, applied to [...]
[...] benefactor of mankind; and it is the dragon which causes the clouds to form and the rain to fall.” The true dragon, with five claws on each of its four feet, is appropriated to the emperor, as the emblem [...]
[...] spouts are caused by the movements of the dragon; and in times of drought supplica tions are made to it, as a kind of rain god or rain king, by the emperor and people of China. [...]
[...] have seen the eyes of a baby rest on a bright picture. It was April; and between the masses of grey rain-clouds there would be, now and then, a rift of intensely pure blue. Those divinely azure depths seemed [...]
All the year round14.03.1874
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. März 1874
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] topic of amazing interest was seething within her, and demanding to be discussed. “May I come in out of the rain—it's raining—and talk about it f" inquired she, piteously. [...]
[...] remote from the house, with his face buried in his hands, and seemingly quite unconscious of the autumn rain which was driving in upon his bare head. “ Uncle l’” [...]
[...] you here for the next half-hour.” “Do you know, uncle, that you are sitting in the rain P” remarked she, softly. “Had you not better come indoors P” “No dear, no; I like the air. There” [...]
[...] side the gaming house. How pure and fresh the night air seemed ! What did it matter that it was raining heavily P “Are you hurt, Duke P Have you lost anything P” asked Mole, panting asth [...]
[...] refugees, apparently from the gaming house, had also sought shelter from the rain. They seemed wholly unconscious of our presence, as they stood together conversing in a low tone. [...]
[...] some minutes further; but little of it was audible where I stood, owing, in some measure, to the plashing noise of the rain, which had increased in violence. Then, a hackney coach passed. The two men hailed [...]
All the year round22.06.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 22. Juni 1872
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] It gives me pleasure to see all these people, especially if the day be fine, and it pains me if the rains rain and the winds blow, as they too often do in our climate, in the flowery month of May and the leafy month [...]
[...] that we have only to appoint a day, a month or a fortnight in advance, for a great pic-nic party, to bring down the rain, as a matter of course. But this is a libel on the climate of England, which, taken [...]
[...] wade, knee-deep, in the water, which, ex- animal life in the invigorating atmo cept in the rare seasons when the Mole is sphere were a stimulant and an intoxicant. in flood, after heavy rains, and rushes, ten Yet nine out of ten of them—old and feet deep, all the way from Betchworth to young—seem not to enjoy the pure fresh the Thames, he can safely do at most air unless they taint it with tobacco smoke, [...]
[...] and more formal game of croquet upon a lawn, is the pic-nic under the trees. To a very large party the rain, if its unwelcome visitation is heavy and prolonged, is a source of discomfort and discomfiture, but [...]
[...] source of discomfort and discomfiture, but to a smaller party, such as indicated, the rain itself only becomes a new source of enjoyment, and affords facilities, excuses, and opportunities, that young womanhood [...]
[...] by no means slow to profit by. If any young couple be far gone in the tender sentiment that leads to marriage, sunshine and rain are equally welcome, so that they can be to gether. If the weather be fine, there is sure [...]
All the year round25.03.1871
  • Datum
    Samstag, 25. März 1871
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] better, she thinks. It is no metaphoric, but a real darkness; for clouds portending thunder, or heavy rain or hail, have, on a sudden, overcast the sky, and are growing thicker. [...]
[...] has spread a table in a corner near the window with these latter luxuries. Maud looks out; the rain is still tumbling continuously, and plashing heavily, though the sky looks lighter. She turns her eyes [...]
[...] which, though not very abundant, was some sort of covering to the ground sod dened with rain. The baggage waggon, a required cart, was unloaded; its contents consisted of a table, [...]
[...] Uslar. “What a time we have had of it! Three weeks' bivouacking every night in the rain. Some people say bivouacking is fine; let them come and try it. I, for one, refer the worst roof to the best bivouac. [...]
[...] along, Englishman; there's a bit of wet straw between us, and a few twigs over head, which let in every drop of rain.” I did up every button of my waterproof, undid a rug, and laid myself down in the [...]
[...] undid a rug, and laid myself down in the first soldier's bivouac I had ever slept in. The rain dripped on my face and pattered on the rug and mackintosh; but I was soon asleep, in spite of the constant gruff “Wer [...]
[...] men, who had now spent three whole weeks in the open air, and for that time had been bivouacked in the pouring rain, showed no signs of discontent or fatigue. Onwards, press onwards! seemed the talisman which [...]
All the year round18.06.1870
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Juni 1870
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] would become of her son; upon which I asked her what she meant. Mrs. Mul raine then said, that I could not be igno rant—that I could not have been so long there without being sensible of the attach [...]
[...] much Mr. Bowditch's attachment for me, and spoke in the same manner as Mrs. Mul raine had done. She used to come to me in the same way on every opportunity, and always spoke on the same subject, entreat [...]
[...] up East-street, till they came to some court, when I stopped, but Mrs. Mul raine said, ‘Come in ; now don't be foolish again.' I then went into the court with them, into a house that appeared to be at [...]
[...] but he pushed my hand, and said, ‘No, not there.” When I had signed it, Mrs. Mul raine opened the door of the parlour. Mr. Oxenham left the room first. I walked up the court, with Mrs. Mulraine on one [...]
[...] turned from church in the morning, Jane Marke brought me a note from Mrs. Mul raine. I do not recollect what I did with it, but fancy that I put it into a small red trunk where I used sometimes to put my [...]
[...] century? James Bowditch, his mother, Mrs. Mul raine, and seven other accomplices, were tried at Dorchester, before Mr. Justice Park and a special jury, on the 25th of [...]
[...] once, and walked away together. Witness remembered the christening of Mrs. Mul-. raine's child. Miss Glenn and Betsy Bow ditch were the godmothers, and James Bowditch was godfather. The church at [...]
All the year round28.01.1871
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. Januar 1871
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] way back, and opened a lattice in the stone shafted window, the air being motionless, to see the lightning better. The rain is still rushing down perpendicularly, and whacking the pavement below all over. [...]
[...] when an unusually loud peal shook the walls of the old farm-house, and was followed for a minute by a heavier cataract of rain. But soon, to the secret grief of Mr. Marston, the thunder began perceptibly to [...]
[...] Marston, the thunder began perceptibly to grow more distant, and the lightning less vivid, and, still more terrible, the rain to abate. The interest in the storm subsided, and [...]
[...] lowing was our situation. - Night was rapidly setting in, and the thick drizzling rain was coming down in misty sheets; it was very cold, and, as we drew our rugs closer around us, we longed to [...]
[...] All five of us went out together. We noticed two or three knots of men standing about in the rain, and we thought this rather extraordinary, but whatever it boded we knew we must stop that night in the vil [...]
[...] to pocket, and a drink of milk, and off we started. The moon had now come out, and it had stopped raining. We made our way through the thick, pasty mud back to our château. Our first care was [...]
[...] ting the place on fire, left him in the dark, and locked him in. It was one A.M., and the rain had begun to fall again. We locked the front door, barred up the smashed-in window, and [...]
All the year round01.08.1874
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. August 1874
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] ensued : “It’s a fine evenin “Yes, ’tis, but there'll be rain before morning !” “Rain before morning ! Why, there's [...]
[...] “Rain before morning ! Why, there's not a cloud to be seen, and we've had no rain for some weeks. What makes you think there 'll be rain P” [...]
[...] I've seen lots of 'em jumping across the road this evening—there goes another. I'm sure there 'll be rain before morning.” And rain there was. Many of the beliefs and disbeliefs con [...]
[...] develops itself into a true frog; and that the whole family of frogs return to the ground again as rain. But there are some awkward difficulties connected with specific gravity, in relation to this. Pro [...]
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