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273 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Rain

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All the year roundInhaltsverzeichnis 04.1874/05.1874/06.1874/07.1874/08.1874/09.1874/10.1874
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 01. April 1874
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Squall, The . - - - . 1S2 Stranded . - - - . 252 Summer Rain . - - . 420 To a Thrush - - - . 15S | Unknown Seas . - - ... 103 [...]
All the year round20.02.1869
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. Februar 1869
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] anything, save to stick to the boot soles of people who were incautious enough to walk over it. When any rain fell, it remained here for about seven days after the adjoin ing ground had dried up. Then the clay [...]
[...] for when I awoke the next morning, much battered with visionary conflicts with the doll, I found that it was raining cats and dogs. - “The rain,” the poet tells us, “it raineth [...]
[...] dogs. - “The rain,” the poet tells us, “it raineth every day.” It rained most prosaically all that day at Wretchedville, and the next, and [...]
[...] thick bushed with fern and furze ; central oozing masses of morass that swell and burst with the rain, and are the source of half the Devonshire rivers; bare wind-swept tors crowned with rocks that are now like ruined [...]
[...] grey in the sunshine, or, better still, by the swamp where the snipe calls and the bittern booms, when the streams, swollen by rain, come sounding down the rocky valleys. It is a singular thing how some places seem [...]
[...] walled pound at Princes Town, shut in by double walls, a military road, endless sentinels, and an enceinte of ceaseless mist and rain. The sentries then had large bells, which they rang at intervals during great fogs, to warn "each [...]
All the year round09.10.1869
  • Datum
    Samstag, 09. Oktober 1869
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] behind the cathedral altar. The removal of the relics was at first frustrated by forty days' miraculous rain, and it hence became a popular belief, first in Hampshire, then all over Eng land, that if there were rain on St. Swithin's [...]
[...] belief, first in Hampshire, then all over Eng land, that if there were rain on St. Swithin's Day (July 15), it would rain for forty days after, according to the old rhyme: St. Swithin's day if thou doth rain, [...]
[...] For forty days it will remain; St. Swithin's day if thou be fair, For forty days 'twill rain na mair. But the crow must for a moment be bio graphical. In a recent number he gave a [...]
[...] necks. The cavalcade rode slowly over the heavy roads to Winchester, in a cruel and pitiless rain. On the next day, the 25th of July, St. James's day, took place the nuptials. The gloomy bridegroom wore white satin trunk [...]
All the year round04.07.1874
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. Juli 1874
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] morning, when he finds himself sitting i alone with his betrothed. | A light drizzling rain is falling, the sun is not making the faintest effort to appear, and altogether there is that uncomfortable [...]
[...] Shook at her touch in twinkling fires Of dew, sun-splendour'd, glory-kist, To rain of liquid amethyst, [...]
[...] when we woke, it was blowing very great guns indeed, while, every now and then, came a burst of rain. How about our intended trip to Land's-End? Our visitor, the Buckinghamshire rector, would not [...]
[...] it off; and yet, during breakfast, the sky got so much more leaden, and the fitful rain seemed so determined to come down steadily, that, after much discussion, the carriage was countermanded. [...]
[...] bent on the picturesque, at all costs. But the wind is strong over the moor, and the dashes of rain are blinding; and very soon one wife and one parson succumb, and, nestling “in the lewth" of a great [...]
[...] companion's ear, you have first to draw him well under the lee of a rock P More splashes of rain; yet the waves are almost as green as if it were bright sunlight. Come away; if we stay longer, [...]
All the year round25.06.1870
  • Datum
    Samstag, 25. Juni 1870
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] When my father first set up in business, he took a little shop in Oxford-street. It rained suddenly one morning, and a lady ran in and said to him : “May I ask for shelter until the rain is [...]
[...] tures, if you don't want to read.” The lady smiled, and sat for some time. She appeared uneasy at the protracted rain, and frequently went to the door to look for signs of its abating. My father, seeing [...]
[...] deal of crying, for they all loved the old gentleman. Just about midday it began to rain. A gentleman wearing a cloak came in, and said he was on his way to the levée, and as he could not afford to spoil his court [...]
[...] and as he could not afford to spoil his court dress might he stop a few minutes until the rain was over? “But,” says he, “what are ye all crying for P’’ One of the shopmen tells him that my [...]
[...] From the spider's web so thin, For bottling up the sunshine, And distilling rain to gin. For finding the essence of beauty And selling it for a crown— [...]
All the year round08.06.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. Juni 1872
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] protection than that celebrated preacher, Alexander Peden. Among the stern bands of Covenanters who, in the bleak rain swept hills of Galloway, sang their psalms amid the wind and storm, or, in the spongy [...]
[...] anger, and the mannikin fell unheeded into the grass, to remain there and rot under the sun and rains. Tibbie had said that Con was dead, and with a murder on his soul. Who, then, was also dead? Whom [...]
[...] was rotten, the place was full of draughts, and by noon that day it was a heap of smok ing ruins. Then it was that the rain began to fall, heavily, like arrows let loose from the clouds, and, after it had descended for [...]
[...] slacken. The mansion was a great mouth ful, which seemed to have at last appeased its hunger. The rain fell and fell, and the fire hissed and slackened; it had raged long enough, and now it should rage, no [...]
[...] more. The flames struggled and writhed in their effort to devour every branch that waved on Tobereevil ground; but the rain said no, and had its way, for a whole sea of water seemed let loose out of the heavens [...]
[...] gloom could never be lightened She had also to observe the people passing and re passing, in spite of the rain, and see their furtive looks of awe cast towards the cot tage. To avoid seeing this she turned her [...]
All the year round26.07.1873
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. Juli 1873
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] years old, to visit the fields, and talked as they went of the extreme drought. “But I can soon bring rain or hail either,” said she, “if there is need of it.” “Who taught thee that, my child P” [...]
[...] “From my mother,” said she; “it is not hard to find teachers of such things.” So the bailiff bade her call for rain, for he would fain see if she could do what she said. She then desired a little water, which [...]
[...] words. Whereupon the sky grew black, and the air was troubled (the prince thereof stirring it), and the rain came down. “Bring also hail on this other field,” [...]
[...] time of good Queen Bess, in civilised Ger many. No wonder the Mongol Tartar thinks rain can be compelled from the clouds by certain charms, as does also the negro; while for the red-skins' medicine [...]
[...] man to conjure it down is an every-day matter—or was, so long as the red-skins had leisure to care about rain or anything but how to save themselves from the great republic. [...]
All the year round27.02.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. Februar 1875
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] consolation is that the coast is wonder fully healthy. During the wet season, when it rains every day, as it can onl rain in the tropics, up in the hills, there is seldom a drop on the coast. Of [...]
[...] thought ; and went out to Peter Lally for more flowers to weave into it. It was a day of pale gleams and weeping rains, that made the thickets blacker, and bare branches seem more naked as they shivered [...]
[...] or into some new existence of action yet unshaped and undreamed. In the sighing of the rain, in the raving of the wind through the trees, she heard only its hoarse urgent voice calling her away. [...]
[...] The day arrived, which was to bring a master to take possession of Hildebrand Towers. The rain had cleared away; a yellow lake had welled up among the grey wastes of the clouds; the old rooks plumed [...]
All the year round31.07.1869
  • Datum
    Samstag, 31. Juli 1869
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] are the weeping shadows of the cirrus, where are the white flashes of cataracts through the black smoke of rain on the mountain-side? Are these the Cuchullins—the ashen-grey heights turning to solid amber at the peaks, the [...]
[...] her face will be black and wild, she will sob in the midst of the darkness with the voice of fall ing rain and eerie winds. We were flying along swiftly, and the breeze was heading us less and less. The sea still [...]
[...] deep breathing of the sea itself? What me mories drifted across his brain ; of wild nights at the herring-fishing, of rain, snow, and wind; of tender nights in his highland home, when he went courting in highland fashion to [...]
[...] Suddenly, with a shriek of joy, the Viking discovered the buoy, and pointed it out through the rain. Yes, there it was, a red spot in a circle of white foam, about a quarter of a mile on the weather quarter. With this assistance, [...]
[...] stone and shallow perfectly. When we cast anchor, the thin “smurr” had changed into a heavy rain, and all the scene around was black and wild. But what cared we ? The fire was lighted in the forecastle, Hamish put on the [...]
[...] So away they gallopped o'er moss and moor And these lovers met neither rich nor poor They never slackened for sun or rain On the hill-side, or over the plain. Fox might bark, or the wild hawk scream, [...]
All the year round13.03.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 13. März 1875
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] Whether the rabbi ever went to India is doubtful. He relates the story of the drops of rain swallowed by the pearloysters, and the subsequent development of these raindrops into pearls, and gives an account [...]
[...] And writhed as if in pain, Between the pauses of my sleep I heard the gusty rain; Quite sick of this world, and unmanned, Irode away to Fairyland. [...]
[...] I wiled away the summer hours: Lances I broke, and quaffed the cup, Where fell a rain of crimson flowers. [...]
[...] vexation of would-be passengers. You arrange a nice little excursion, with trains and everything to match; rain intervenes to upset the plan; and the next day the St. George sails an hour later, to suit [...]
[...] George's funnel as a distaff. Corpus is in the best spirits of us all. A trouble, not of clouds, or sweeping rain, Nor of the setting sun's pathetic light Engendered, [...]
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