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  • Datum
    Sonntag, 19. August 1838
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] greater than that of construing a statute according to the judgment of the oracles of the law. ‘Lord Durham, protests Lord Lyndhurst, “was not au thorized to punish men without trial; nor, had he been authorized to punish them, was he authorized [...]
[...] I should have much regretted that your public university examinations had deprived me of this pleasure—I feel it the more when I think that we are at the 9th of Au gust. It is eight years since, on the like day, I respºnded by my solemn acceptance to the national wish which called [...]
[...] compliments of the day to the great captain.” (“C'est aujourd'hui la fête du grand Napoleon; souhaitez la féle au grand capitaine.") There was no likelihood of tran quillity being disturbed. The patriots (Liberals) of Douai gave a dinner to M. [...]
[...] property, and that he was by this, and by a certain speculative and adventurous turn in matters of busi ness, combined with a neglect of strict details, the au thor of his own pecuniary ruin. Sir Walter Scott was too great a man to be overthrown by others. One might [...]
[...] an animal to be employed upon night duty. SERIous Accident.—On Wednesday morning, as Mrs MacNamara, au elderly lady, residing in Holles street, Cavendish square, was riding round, the outer circle of Regent's Park, the horse became restive and plunged in a [...]
[...] changes, August 17. 21st Foot—Captain R. T. Hawley, from half-pay of the 5th Foot, to b, Captain, vice J. Hutchinson. who exchanges. Au gust 18: Lieut. H. W. Bunbury to be Captain. by purchase, vice Hawley, who retires, August 18; Second Lieutenant A [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 05. April 1840
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] in large letters the word aside. J'ai l'honneur d'être Tout ce qu'il faut au bas d'une lettre." Among the other more notable Correspondence of the Princess, we may mention two characteristic [...]
[...] Tun KEY. —The Leipsic Gazette asserts that the Aus trian Government has proposed the convocation of a Con gress of Ministers on the affairs of the East, to meet at [...]
[...] trian Government has proposed the convocation of a Con gress of Ministers on the affairs of the East, to meet at Toplitz next summer, at which also the Emperors of Aus tria and Russia, and the King of Prussia, will be present. This project, it adds, has been favourably received by the [...]
[...] gentleman, who was a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath, a Lieutenant-General, and also Colonel of the 85th Regiment of Foot. He was sixty-one years of age in Au. gust last. He appeared at all times to be in the enjoyment of very excellent health, except during the last month, since [...]
[...] the relict of the late Major-General Sir Bridges Trecothick Henniker, Bart. In November last, at King George's Sound, Western Aus tralia, of which settlement he was Governor, Sir Richard Spencer, K.C. H. [...]
[...] of Treaty, im duly au [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Juni 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] mandiea proposéses inventions de guerreau Gouvernement de sa Majesté, Britanique; sa demande n'ayant point été accueillie, le Prince se determine à faire connaitre au public que son intention est de les vendre, aux conditions qui sont expliquées ci-après. Ces inventions consistent:—1e. Dans [...]
[...] un canon a visière optique, dont la portée est deux fois celle d'un canon ordinaire.—2e. Dans des bombes qui font ex losion au moment oil elles frappent l'objet voulu, et dont e pouvoir est de détruire tout bâtiment de guerre atteint ar une deces bombes.—3e. Dans des raquettes a canon. [...]
[...] quien possède le sécrèt. Sur merelle fait sauter les bâti mens de guerre. Sur terre elle anéantitles armées, ou corps d'armées. Au moyen de cette machine toutes fortifi [...]
[...] announced assemblage of royalty, together with the eager desire to hear Mendelssohn's music to A Mid. summer-Night's Dream, drew an immense crowd of au ditors, and many more, at a guinea each, were admitted than the room could by any possibility hold without [...]
[...] HE ISLANDS of AETHIOPIA ; being the Account of Eighteen Mºnths' Residence of a British Embassy to the Christian Court of Shoa. By Major Sir William C. Han Rus, Au. thor of “Wild Sports of Southern Africa,” &c. Second Edition. * independently of its interest as an animated narrative of travel and [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. November 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] the world people who possess an insatiable curi osity about such matters, even where the details are neither very clear nor very satisfactorily au thenticated. For such people the following sum mary of a few of Alleyn's purchases may not be [...]
[...] rals. Neither is it our purpose to remark upon the obvious folly of expecting that a language, neces sarily strange in the ears of a great part of the au dience, and spoken penny-trumpet tongued in so large a space, could produce a favourable effect, [...]
[...] tion consented to dismiss the obnoxious aide-de-camp, who was then sentenced by the government to quit the country forthwith. He decided on embarking in the Aus trian packet, which was on the point of sailing for Trieste, but the populace had become so exasperated against him, [...]
[...] HE HIs to R Y of the REFORMATION: T By Lºoroºp *:::::::::: º -- Fº of the Popes." Translated from the Secon ti, Anah Aus'TIN #." Longman, º: and Longmans. Early next weekºu ºutlihººls ºthorolitan [...]
[...] Twº Vºlumes, post 8vo. price 21s. HE IRISH SKETCH-BOOK. By Mr M. A. titmansh. With numerous Engravings on Wood, from the Au thor's designs. “One of the most valuable books of travelling Sketches that has been [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Januar 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] establishment must raise taxes to a yearly amount ex ceeding 20,000l. The whole sum spent on the colony of South Aus tralia, for other purposes than emigration, from its foun dation to 1840, was, according to the parliamentary do [...]
[...] been shown that Strabo, in describing the mode in which the Sigynni practised this custom, asserts that their foreheads prºjected forward, and in the words of the translator, “au point d'ombrager le menton,’ whereas the skulls of the Caribs and Chinouks recede. Hippocrates accounts for this [...]
[...] calling Espartero an executioner, was taken up by M. Guizot, who said he could not silently allow such epithets to be used towards the personage wielding sovereign au tuority at present in Spain. Accordingly M. de Boissy withdrew the epithet. The only remarkable feature in [...]
[...] the way. To which are added, the Classical Groupings of. the tarte PATAGONIAN W () N DE, RS–the Comic Dance of the UNITE. 1) SERVICE Ci, UB—and Mons. Itoss E.AU, the celebrated FIRE.NUH EQUILIBRIST. - *:::::: 2s. 6d.; Children, 1s. 6d. Pit, 1s. 6d.; Children, 1s. Gallery, 6d. [...]
[...] each la. HISTORY of the ROMAN EMPIRE, from the Accession of Au gustus to the end of the Empire of the West, 12mo. 6s. 6d. cloth, 7s, bd. Longman and Co., Paternoster row. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 17. Juni 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] The Rhone, the Darro, and the Guadalquivir, a Summer Ramble in 1842. By Mrs Romer, Au thor of “Sturmer,” &c. Two vols. Bentley. [...]
[...] to our notice au naturel.” [...]
[...] Our correspondent, to whom we are indebted for copious files of Port-au-Prince papers, writes as follows:– “Everything is going on remarkably well. The country is quiet, and everybody rejoicing in the great changes [...]
[...] The very ridiculous exhibition at Waterford, and the exposures in the House of Commons, appear to have produced a somewhat tranquillizing effect upon the au thorities at the Castle; and accordingly there appears to be less of the fuss and parade of military preparation. [...]
[...] B. Heal, Newport, Isle of Wight, gree ugrocer. W. H. Hodson, Toxteth park, near Liverpool, agent for seamen. J. Clemow, St Au-tel, Cornwall, flour dealer. G. Wood, Leeds, c ºf ctioner. J. Baker, Brick lane, ().u street, eating-house keeper. [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 11. August 1839
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] UNLAWFUL OATHS (IRELAND) BILL. Lord DuNcANNoN, in moving the committal of this bill, alluded chiefly to that part of it which enabled the au thorities, where pass-words were found in the possession of an individual, to declare that such individual should [...]
[...] move an amendment on the second clause, to substitute for the words, “That her Majesty be authorised, &c.,” the following words:—“That the town council be au thorised to appoint the said commissioner.” Poon RAte Collection Bill.—Lord John Russell [...]
[...] viction into which I found him completely talked over. In answer to all his exhortations to confession, as the only means of saving my character,' I returned, as you may believe, au indi: nant but steady denial that there was anything to con. fees. Upon which he told me that nothing but my submitting [...]
[...] au, near Beaupreau, ourdonnaye, formerly [...]
[...] BLANCHE of º: a Play. 8vo., price 4s. W. RIAIS of the HEART. By Mrs BRAY, Au thoress of “Trelawny,” “Warleigh,” &c. 3 vols., post 8vo, Wi. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. April 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] Mr T. Duncombe thought that Mr Ferrand would set himself right by a retractation— “I do not, I say, believe that he would require the au thority of this house to be exercised; because I trust that he would, as a gentleman, be ready to say that he regretted [...]
[...] cross of Christ. Blessed be the name of the Prophet ! who, in the faith of his bestowing, united spiritual with temporal supremacy exalting in the person of the Khaliph the au thority of church and state. Strong in such elements of power, behold the faith of Mahonet already triumphs in [...]
[...] her uo: always to eadeavºuring a surprisº an au dicace into cathusiasm, ſa many paris, where she [...]
[...] demand for this most delicious preparation proves, beyond all doubt, it is far superior tº anything of the kind ever yet offered to the public tu, Sandwiches, *: Biscuits, &c., and au excellent relish for Wine. IL pots, ls. and 2s. wach. “We certainly give it a decided preference over anything of the king [...]
[...] Milicent, or Summer and iter, a Love Story, º Mr. Gore he Robertses on their Travels, by Mrs Trollope—3. The Beauty of Rrighton, º John Poole, Faq–4. The Bit of Preferment, by the Au hor of . Peter ºriggins.”—5. The Partie Fine by Titmarsh.-6. More Re | miniscences of the late prince Talleyrand.-7, ('onclusi ºn of the Story of [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 29. April 1838
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] last season, was now repeated, under the direction of the same able conductor and leader, Messrs Moscheles and Loder, and with increased effect as relates to the au dience, who, by becoming more familiar with the work, enter further into the design of the author, take a more [...]
[...] author survives that term, by the limit of his natural life? As far as expediency shall prevail, as far as the welfare of those for whom it is the duty and the wish of the dying au thor to provide, may be regarded by parliament—the period of his death is precisely that when they will most need the [...]
[...] der the statute law as it now stands, which is a composition or compromise between two opinions; the extreme point of one being, that, by giving his thoughts to the world, an au thor abandons all right to consider the vehicle as private property; and of the other, that he has the right in perpe [...]
[...] more than three innnths by the severity of the winter. The people of Stockholm were uneanwhile in possession of news to a later date ſrom ludia, America, and Africa, than from au island scarcely forty miles distant from their shores. On the 9th inst. at Hallylin, near Ramelton, county Down, [...]
[...] OLONCE AU'S PATENT ELASTIC BITU - MEN COMPANY, Capital 200,000l., in 10,000 shares of 20l. each. Deposit 21. per share. [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 29. Juli 1838
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] most unhappily thwarted by circumstances, he can express many. But a poet, like a bud, may be blighted, and never become full blown ; and the au thor before us, who is an extremely amiable, sensi tive man, has apparently been beset by many trou [...]
[...] besides the authority of St Paul, he cited that of Henry VIII and the popish Sir Thomas More in favour of the bishops' courts. The right reverend prelate next assaulted the au thors of the bill right and left, and denounced what he de nominated the monstrous injustice of a measure which [...]
[...] With the exception of the warehouses, the buildings were constructed principally of wood and old materials. Tntelli gence of the disastrous calamity was made known to the au thorities of the Victualling yard and Dock department, who forwarded all their engines and upwards of 300 men to work [...]
[...] upholsterers. CERTIFICATE–AU G UsT 14. H. Barker, Lower street, Islington, butcher. [...]
[...] An Attempt to draw aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis; or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations, and Religions. In treating on the various tºpics named in the title of this work, the au thor has shown, by very striking proofs, that the progenitors of the He brews of Palestine came frºm Oude, or Ioudia, of India, to which country [...]
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