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  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. März 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] wages: but there was one circumstance which he begged unprejudiced gentlemen to attend to, and that was, the mere temperature in which these people worked. He had been in Wi. a few weeks ago, and had gone over a mill, and the temperature made him feel quite uneasy. It [...]
[...] to be quite free to supply the demand increased by the repeal of the Corn Laws, whenever it can be carried. What a mere mockery is this. Mr Hawes forgets that though he may have the }. of imposing new fetters on manufactures, [...]
[...] been compelled to substitute a Minister for an Ambassador. With Austria we have severed, not merely alliance, but sympathies. It must be admitted that in this Austria and Prussia have shown a great deal of puerility and [...]
[...] could not understand the freshness and health which they displayed; for these poor creatures, barely clad, badly lodged, live merely on potatoes, and their supply even of them depends on the season being favourable. I entered a cottage and recoiled in disgust; its interior betokened ex [...]
[...] and M. de Custine, will be hardly feasible. M. Blanc is on the whole much too sincere a man to serve a mere party purpose. His blows fall heavily on more sides than one. The translation is excellent. It is a difficult [...]
[...] something extraordinary, and as marking a vocalist of no common order. On the other hand, her in tonation is remarkably defective. It is not merely a doubtful note here and there, such as we find occasionally in the best of singers, but there are [...]
[...] tions are much more in the nature of a farce than a tragedy, and it may safely be predicted that the end of all these transactions will be merely ridiculous, TURKEY. Letters from Constantinople of the 7th inst. announce [...]
[...] ing as this is.” (Tremendous cheering.) We are nºt, then, fighting the manufacturers' question—we are not pleading for mere charity to the poor; we are assert ing the common, the great right of humanity—we are asserting not merely a passing interest of the day, but [...]
[...] had grown and increased there with the growth and, in: crease of attorneys. This statute has long been a dead letter merely, although in fact, it is still unrepealed....The calendar contains the names of 72 prisoners for trial. There are the usual number of cases of night-poaching, an offence [...]
[...] mere and Persian Wests, rials - - - - 0 10 6 splendid patterns, 3s. to 0 8 6 sºlº and Washing Satin West, war- plain Doe Trousers - 0 17 6 [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Mai 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] no sign that on improved knowledge and reflection the error of the former votes on the same question has been discovered and corrected; it is merely the result of subserviency to the Ministry, whose existence is preferred to all other objects and con [...]
[...] sum of each side separately, in order that the public may see the whole of what goes forward, instead of a mere result. Results may mislead, unless we see the process by which they shall have been produced. For instance, if on any day the issue department shall [...]
[...] been done to his work by the recent article in the Examiner. Of the tone and temper of his com munication we shall merely say, that if the book itself may be classed among the “Curiosities,' the letter has no claim to be ranked among the [...]
[...] appearance in the course of the dissertation on the verb “eo." - - - - - We will not confine ourselves to mere asser tion in opposition to the assertions of Mr. Kava nagh. The Subject is rare and important, if the [...]
[...] thus: “(the thing named) a horse is (the thing named) an animal,' which does not involve any difficulty, as it is merely an affirmation that one thing may have two names. Whether another dia lectical difficulty may not be found further below [...]
[...] pose nor support it.—Mr HUME would like an inquiry, which would be directed, not to the clearing of the navy list merely, but into the system of political patronage.—Mr S. HERBERT urged the expediency of leaving the matter in the hands of the executive.—Capt. CARNEGIE thought [...]
[...] A Paris letter states that new arrests of suspected persons had taken place at Naples; and “the Govern ment was much alarmed by not merely the political ſer ment which prevailed, but by the depth of misery in which the population were plunged." [...]
[...] Mr Cobden, M.P., was received with prolonged cheering. He said, I am happy to announce to you that we hear from all quarters—not merely in Manches ter, not merely in Liverpool—but in all the surrounding districts, we hear of numerous instances of most influ [...]
[...] rom - - - - 2 6 Summer rs, in An endless variety of Cash- great variety of mate mere and Persian Wests, rials - -- - 0 10 6 splendid patterns, 3. to 0 8 6 Single-milled Victoria and Washing Satin West, war- in Doe Trousers - 0 17 6 [...]
[...] Each Part contains ºr with , clear type. This edition is not ; that has already appeared) a mere ºias. ment, but a full and faithful translatiºn of Mr Kohl's valuable and inte resting work, which has thrown so much additional light upon the [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. Juli 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] his memorial to the Lord Chancellor, and they would in stantly perceive from the style and manner of it that Dineen was the mere tool of somebody else, whatever injury he might have received.” No attempt is made to prove that the repre [...]
[...] might have received.” No attempt is made to prove that the repre sentation exceeds the truth, but the mere fact that it was not penned by the complainant is to argue that of necessity he was used as a tool, and that [...]
[...] entirely unfit man to be in the commission of the peace, and the Lord Chancellor had been, therefore, greatly to blame in reinstating him merely on the ground of a party applica tion in his favour.” The restored magistrate rests under the imputa [...]
[...] and fifty thousand human beings are taken captive and imported every year, and that the annual loss in the mere course of importation, amounts to three hundred thousand more. Nearly half a million in all ! Where every other tragedy ends—with war, [...]
[...] already small enough for the attempt: “the hair of our attempt brooks no division.' Collieh. “Mr Collier merely explains, the passage wrongly: Mr Knight rashly alters ‘hair' to “airl' “To the quotations already adduced in defence of John [...]
[...] championed. We will not discuss that miserable business: so degrading to all concerned in it. Let us merely remark the delicate time selected by the King to give this faithful keeper of his conscience two steps [...]
[...] known. It was, in his early as in his later life, as follows: “If the present motion be carried — I mean not merely consideration, but, if concession be carried, - the Noble Marquis and I may shake hands; but, as I hope for God's [...]
[...] some explanation of the circumstances which had led to his dismissal, observing that there was no imputation upon his integrity, but merely upon his judgment; and after some discussion the motion was W. Mr M. GIBSON then rose to move an address to the [...]
[...] nant left Dublin on Tuesday, with all the pomp and circumstance of viceregal display; but the procession was a mere military spectacle. #. the Orange party are now spiritless and desponding. At half-past nine o'clock a strong body of the Royal Horse Artillery [...]
[...] from - - - - 2 Summer Trousers, in An endless variety of Cash- great variety of mate mere and Persian Vests, rials - - - - 0 10 6 splendid patterns, 31. to 0 8 6 || Single-milled Victoria and Washing Satin West, war- ain Doe Trousers' - 0 17 6 [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. Mai 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] in India. What mischief? Is discord between the ruling powers so creditable a thing, that the mere show or semblance of concurrence would have been an evil ' What dissatisfaction will be appeased by the knowledge that the councils [...]
[...] Lord Wharncliffe excellently guarded against pretending any claim of qualification on the part of Mr O’Brien; he merely hazarded the assertion that there were men more unfit; and the most unfit of them the Irish Government will promote, [...]
[...] treason, denying it when the Ministerial course and responsibilities are in question, and asserting i. for the nonce when the object is merely to pre judice or blacken. [...]
[...] On the part of Christina this is merely a domestic [...]
[...] the Church. It is notorious that at the Reforma tion a large proportion, perhaps a majority of the higher clergy, merely submitted to the state. The stern will of princes, so arbitrary and so strong as Henry VIII and Elizabeth, was found irresistible. [...]
[...] himself have been admitted into the holy corpora tion until a congé d'elire had emanated from a Sovereign, a mere layman l No wonder that we, now and then, have heard faint whispers of the necessity of casting the State overboard, renounc [...]
[...] mess and simplicity of character, and singleness in the aims of public life. The mere titles of the speeches reprinted by Lord Fortescue, had we space to give them, would say all we need to add, Habeas Corpus Suspen [...]
[...] we perceive that she is safe. We fear we must add that there is a want of a certain relish in the mere do-me-good portraiture of this writer. The last volume introduces an entirely new set of actors. But though there is an amusing spirit [...]
[...] In adopting the views of E. Mosks and Sox. Again we commend you for taking this ground, Which proves that your office is not a mere sound. We'll follow you . in vour noble endeavour, By selling our articles cheaper than ever. [...]
[...] from - - - - 6 Summer Trousers, in An end'ess variety of Cash- great variety of unate mere and Persian Wests, .rials ... ...- - - 0 10 6 splendid patterns, 3°. to 0 8 6 Single-milled Victoria and Washing Satin West, war- plain Doe Trousers - 0 17 6 [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 29. Juli 1838
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] jlunge many places “into the horrors of riot and loodshed?" If he do, he will render Ministerial responsibility a mere mockery. As for the course which the Lords are likely to take, it is pretty plainly intimated by Sir Robert Peel; and they have [...]
[...] have ceased to be a trustee, and he shall then cease to be a trustee.” As a mere acquaintance with the English language is insufficient to enable an ordinary reader to arrive with any facility at the meaning of a clause in an [...]
[...] or still less, can we concur in the doctrine held by Captain Pechell, Sir James Graham, and Captain Gordon, which amounted to this, that mere relation ship to an admiral, independently of any merit, should be a ground of promotion, and a claim to [...]
[...] notices of a passage through Samaria and Galilee, with descriptions of various scriptural localities, which, whether named by mere monkish conjecture, or carrying with them internal evidence of exactness, interest us deeply in every case by the picturesque [...]
[...] coin ...; forgotten and lost in the exceeding loveliness of the view from the summit. Stripped of every associa tion, and considered merely as an elevation commanding a view of unknown valleys and mountains, I never saw a mountain which, for beauty of scene, better repaid the toil [...]
[...] stumbling-block to be got rid of in the path of true ones. Thus our author must never talk again of the “bandit Zephyr" (!) merely because that sweet western wind roams and is a pleasant thief. He must not speak of the ocean heaving its waves, as if [...]
[...] lies and vicious humours of jealousy, than Ford in The Merry Wives of Windsor. For Jonson, bent on the mere exposure of the vice he had in hand, strenuously fixed upon it the unrelenting gripe of a giant, letting in no allowances for weak humanity, [...]
[...] lasting truth. Ford has a reason for jealousy, but Kitely none. His is simply and purely an indul gence of wilful and weak suspicion, by the mere naked force of which, becoming ludicrous to others and hateful to himself, its own cure is effected—and [...]
[...] apºlic style to the payment of arrears; and secondly, to spread that sum over the arrears, not of 1836 and 1837 merely, but of 1834 and 1835 also. This proposition the right hon baronet introduced with a repetition of tne a gunments he had formerly used to show that his [...]
[...] which he accordingly did; but that the attorney ob tained from him (the insolvent) a promissory note for the amount, alleging that it was merely a matter of favour to make sure of his vote, which note, on the refusal of the insolvent to vote for the Conservative candidate at [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 08. Juli 1838
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] It is easy to talk of the hope of terminating ex citement, agitation, and collisions by the mere Com mutation Bill ; but what reason is there for the hope, what reason which did not exist in '35 and [...]
[...] tithes; for he asserts, moreover, that they will not now accept of "a commutation, that their settled hostility is to the burden, and not merely to the worst manner of imposing it. If this be the case, we ask what good is to be [...]
[...] and industry from the trade ; but, according to the same rule, any trade or property in the country might be destroyed merely with the ceremony of indicating the intention. [...]
[...] What others have accomplished in comedy by ex quisite and laborious art, Mr Power thus arrives at by the mere natural indulgence of certain purely personal characteristics, not less exquisite, or, we may add, less artistical. For it is the happy privi [...]
[...] lege of Irish character to be ever restless, versatile, and amusing ; ever adapting itself, in its own enjoy. ments, to new shapes of humour and fun. A mere glance at the ingredients observable in every cha racter assumed by Mr Power shows this at once. [...]
[...] placc in the relations cristing between the two countries has been operated by the people themselves, whose spon taneous inspirations have been merely followed by their respective governments." [...]
[...] to the Earl of Durham, with his Excellency's answer, but neither of these documents contain anything of in. terest. They are merely civilities. The following appointments were officially announced on the 2nd of Junº : — [...]
[...] toral district.—The Marquis of Los box or Rºy having suggested the postponement of the passing of the bill, Lord ELLEN Borough moved the omission of some merely expletive expressions from the 17, h clause ; and Lord [...]
[...] now, and which opinion was acquiesced in by Mr Hard wicke, to whom he had shown it that morning, that it, as well as the preceding, was the mere effusion of a dis ordered mind. UN iON hai. L. [...]
[...] judgment on it at the vaults of their establishment. The Proprietors regret the necessity of again cautioning the public and the country wine mere: hauts against variºus cannon red wines which have been in many instances surreptitiºusly impºsed upon the wife mer [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 06. Dezember 1840
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] good offices, we should have been able to restrain him from any movement against Turkey; and for merely keeping the Pacha's hands off from Asia Minor and Constantinople, we should have had the gratitude of the Porte. Our influence [...]
[...] We deny that the gallant achievement of taking St Jean d’A re in any way proves our ships to be in such condition. It merely proves their gunnery to be excellent; but how many men have they to work their guns’ At anchor they presented one [...]
[...] a clear, intelligible object and interest, one consistent with justice and morality, to sanction a departure from this principle, and not mere speculation and political expediency. And yet this is the sole ground now put forth by the Times for that faith in Lord [...]
[...] Lord Palmerston's or the Pacha's accepting, and, consequently, that he could not engage himself to accept. Such an admission as this merely proves that M. Thiers was determined to make no conces sion, that he was determined to have Egypt and [...]
[...] the great Powers of Europe instantly beheld a revolution rising; when Europe stirred France imagined she saw a coalition. Both were mere spectres. Instead of con juring the spectre of a coalition, which did not exist, M. Thiers's policy went to realize and provoke a real coalition, [...]
[...] to question the justice of Toussaint in ordering his execution. Nothing can be more certain than that Moyse's offence went far beyond the mere toleration of crimes he ought to have controlled, and was in fact no less than the active suggestion and manage [...]
[...] to vindicate the claims of his entire race, in merely asserting the simplest truths of his existence as a Mar. [...]
[...] the selfish views of the French Convention in pro claiming the liberty of the negro, manifestly for the mere object of securing the aid of the blacks to repel English and Spanish and secure the island, is not set forward with sufficient prominence beside [...]
[...] The lectures were delivered in 1818, and enjoyed for many years a large popularity. Their subjects comprise not merely those dramatists who excel in comedy, but the periodical essayists, the English novelists, and an exposition of the works of Hogarth ; [...]
[...] thºugh frequently cautioned of the danger he ran, used to art in the most reckless manner, and had been known to a"º the carriages to pass at the mere distance of a shaving. -The jury, aſter a lengthened investigation, returned a ver dict of “Accidental death,” [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. Juni 1842
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[...] “tage; and if the duty on foreign timber is to be “reduced to 25s. permanently, the duty on Cana “dian timber should be merely a nominal one.” How logical: The same rule, if generally adopted, would entitle every spot between Connemara and [...]
[...] slavery as something respectable and antiquated, nay, is still so. After 1830, and the support given by England to France, it was ungracious to deny England a merely philanthropic wish. Still it would have been evaded, if [...]
[...] of mere romance lay down the book dissatisfied. |P [...]
[...] ing them concerning the “Sanctified Peacock” they are accused of having worshipped, found reason to believe that this had been a mere calumny fabri cated by the neighbouring Christians. Yet how glibly had all modern travellers repeated this [...]
[...] men of Verona, Macbeth, and Hamlet, everything was done to illustrate the poet's text, nothing to encumber it or lay it under the hoofs of mere spectacle and empty show. Handel's music had . justice done to it, and in the production of [...]
[...] new writ for Southampton. He called on the house not to commit the “monstrous anomaly" of issuing a writ for Ipswich, and suspending it in the present case, merely because some vagabond made certain allegations.—Mr W. O. STANLEY moved, as an amendment on the issue [...]
[...] had been issued, and argued, that when the writ for so important a constituency as that of Nottingham was suspended, on the mere allegation of an hon, member, there were ample grounds for the continued suspension of that of Southampton.—Sir R. Peel admitted the [...]
[...] were undermining the character and authority of the popular branch of the legislature. He denied that he had been actuated by mere party considerations in voting for the issue of the Ipswich writ; in every such case he would judge it judicially on its own particular grounds. [...]
[...] that, until the reform of the corporation, the schools were conducted upon the then common plan of giving a scanty education of mere reading, writing, and arith metic, and confining these advantages to those who were not unwilling that their children should be instructed in [...]
[...] most Christian object the managers of the schools did not find it necessary to give up religious instruction, but merely to arrange so that the Protestant and Catholic children should receive such instruction at different times. The secular education, also, was much improved, [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. Juli 1843
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[...] lowest period of Whig decline. Their fundamental princi. ples discarded, every provision which made them objects of public interest stripped away, they now remain mere capita mortua, laughing-stocks of the whole country. Yet these are all, absolutely all, the fruits of the united wisdom of the [...]
[...] of his eye everything which was formerly done (often in by those on whose ruins he Was mere power, then, jº, all, his object? Were ſº. for which he sought power? No evils to be remedied, no bad laws to be amended, no dangers to be [...]
[...] “ and now that you have shown us, to our cost, “how little we can trust to you, are we to believe “you in your merely qualified, temporary assur “ance that you do not propose any immediate step “following up the breaking in on protection? [...]
[...] of the gratification of a pre-existing spite, through the pretence of an offence passed over in another instance. This recourse to the law for mere ma lice, or menace of it for intimidation, might be guarded against by a clause disallowing prosecu [...]
[...] were immediately w.thin his ken; brief when he tells of senates, laws, religions, literature, or science; things that have prospectice influences, and are not merely of the mo ment.” Again: [...]
[...] friends, performs his task with as clear a conscience. The “subjects” of M. Orfila sometimes “die hard,” but the angler, at the worst, has merely caught “a lively trout.” In angling, you kill not only the trout, but the [...]
[...] Fishing, painting, and music, are then the occupa tions which divide the day: the breakfast and din ner being merely the interludes which separate one task from another. Nevertheless, under the head of “June,” the reader may gather knowledge [...]
[...] pithy warning is scrawled by the penitent artist —that procrastination is the thief of time—but mere outline as it is, its simplicity of design is in favourable contrast with a Cartoon on the same subject (133) finished very elaborately, and poi [...]
[...] had already been reduced low enough, without super adding another measure, which would either be injuri ous, or, if not, was a change for the mere sake of change. Millions were invested in agricultural property, and it could not afford to be tampered with continually.—The [...]
[...] voked to meet at Barcelona. Several deputies who have received letters of convocation know not whether to obey or not. This is the dethronement not merely of the Re gent by Narvaez and Lopez, but of Madrid as capital of the kingdom by Barcelona. - [...]
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 27. September 1840
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] court; and this is the reason why—strong in respect to the deference shown it in all that regards the little º of royalty, it considers everything else mere child's play.” [...]
[...] Dublin merely extend the principle from their own houses to the country at large. When Irishmen shall convince us that the principle is good in their [...]
[...] jected, and secondly, lest they should be considered as first concessions, of which advantage would merely be taken to demand more. They are now made, however, and they will be followed by more concessions, especially if the Turks, aided by the [...]
[...] be secured, this alliance falls to the ground when ever France makes alliances or entertains projects with the mere view to counteract and rival us ; and her Egyptian predilections have no other mean ing. Austria and Prussia and the German Powers [...]
[...] tine has published a series of very angry letters against the Dictator, Adolphus Thiers. . He accuses the Minister of F.". and levying war in Europe merely because he has nothing to lose, and all to win, from a glorious conflagration. Louis Philippe may lose, his throne, and [...]
[...] in smart blue octavo, from “the firm of George Westermann Braunschweig,”—him we will salute with some kind of welcome, if merely as the first that has arrived here. Considering all things, it must be said that Herr [...]
[...] we have, as it were, the very Burns, with all his graces and rhythms; and always, over and above the mere prosaic sense, there is a poetic something which afar off resembles Burns. We should say in general, that Herr Heintze had not always learnt the [...]
[...] with. The Queen Regent had at Barcelona appointed similar Ministers, and the members had proceeded to Barcelona merely to be duped; for not one of the condi; tions, on which alone they could take office, was granted to them. The Junta, therefore, considered the present [...]
[...] who wants fºr nothing but a reunion with those so dear and so regretted.” “I have now merely endeavoured,” said the advocate, “to [...]
[...] vants whilst the upper part of the house was left to the mercy of the other, who set to work, and, having effected an intrance into Mr Tandy's bed-room, the key being merely hung up on a nail at the side of the door, succeº. [...]
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