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Galignani's messenger11.04.1826
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 11. April 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] • 350,000l...for the loss by taxes reduced in 1825; and at, secondly, 1,300,000l. for diminished consumption; one-fourth of which gross decrease, allowing the whole loss for reduced taxes tº fall ou the first quarter, would be 675,000l., while the actual de crease on quarter is found to be 554,000l., or about 121 [...]
[...] son expected. But in stamps the estimated deficit for the year was 47,000l., while the real deficit for the Quarter is 127,000l. Again, the assessed taxes were estimated by Mr. Robinson to fall §§ during the year by 191,000l., whereas the real falling off for a single quarter has been 138,000l. The only single article of levenue [...]
[...] grave consideration than any which we, yet have mentioued. In Mr. Robinson's budget speech, it is said that for the two months of last January and February, the total falling 9ſ in the depart ment of Excise revenue upon certain articles, in which the taxation had not been reduced, was 2,3891, and on articles of which the [...]
[...] hibited in a solitary inslauce by the King's Governmeiſt. All our pºblic departments, without exception, are on the increase, whilst all branches of Revenue are falling oſt–and what is the 'conse Look at the Consolidated Fund, the inconie and charge [...]
[...] Greek 16–Spanish 9%. 10-Austrian 5 per Cents. 90%—liussieu 5 per cents. 80%–Danish 57% FCourier.) - City, One o’Clock. —The cause of the fall in the Columbian Bonds is asserted to be that that Government is in watt of a fresh loan ºf two millions surling, owing to the ditressed [...]
[...] In the Foreign Market, the ſluctuations have been rather violett, and in some of the South American Securitics there has been a cow siderable fall, owing to the qual tily of bonds thrown upon the market by orders from the Continent. Cºlumbian Bºnds havº fallen, notwithstanding the announcement that the dividends wil [...]
[...] market by orders from the Continent. Cºlumbian Bºnds havº fallen, notwithstanding the announcement that the dividends wil be regularly paid. , The fall from the price at which they were sold a litule more than 12 months ago, amounts to more than 50 upon the nominal 100. Peruvian Bonds have had a still greater." [...]
[...] sold a litule more than 12 months ago, amounts to more than 50 upon the nominal 100. Peruvian Bonds have had a still greater." fall. Greek Stock has, as might well be expected, falled a goºd deal; and unless some very favourable uews sh ºf transpirº, the present quotation will hardly be maintained.—Globe.) [...]
[...] lile, and Mr. Wells, of Huntingdon:-(Slat.) We regret to state that Mrs. Siddons, the incom parable actress, has met with an accideul by a fall, which at her advanced age it is feared will be cfs rio's consequence.--(Times.) Col. Davies was thrown out of his gig, in Worces [...]
[...] reign labour, ºr for what? The measures of ille Right Ilou. Gell tleman had placed the country in a most alaruling situation. Wages had fall 11, and trade in consequence was inore completely depressed than it had ever been at auy former period. The pea santly, were in the same state, and by and bye, lie believed, the [...]
Galignani's messenger19.11.1822
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 19. November 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] Paris has been a prey to unusual alarm, to a disquietude, in fact, which resembles consternation. whether well or ill founded, has produced a rapid fall in funded securities, and this fall in its turn, has ex cited a panic, which nothing has the effect of calming, [...]
[...] the Regency of Urgel, by saying that only five millions of francs have been lent to the Army of the Faith, in stead of twenty millions, as had heen stated. The fall of the rentes is a consequence of the loan, and not of the sum lent. This is au affair of high political policy, [...]
[...] is doing amongst the Brokers, but more articularly in settling their accounts. Columbian ...}. have expe rienced a fall this morning owing to Morales having taken Maracaibo. New Spanish opened at 62 114, but aſter wards fell to 61. i. to this hour Foreign Funds are [...]
[...] taken, the whole settlement is made in Bank Notes or Cash. Spanish Bonds, 62—Columbian Bonds 81—a fall of 3 per Cent.—(Statesman.) We have heard that the painful affection of the head, to which the Duke of Wºff. has lately been sub [...]
[...] “I set out about ten with the intention of ascend ing the mountain as ſar as possible: a fine dust, which had been falling the greater part of the day had at this hour much increased, and was very painful to the eyes; the immense quantity of smoke had hid the streams of [...]
[...] mom, n's, I felt the mountain tremble beneath me; the lapilli fºll thicker, and pattered on my hat and on the vines like a heavy fall of hail, and 1 felt the heat very great. Aſter a ſatiguing climb I reached one of the most considerable streams of lava i I found it very [...]
[...] night. “On Thursday appearances were much the same from Naples, but a most annoying fall of the dust began and continued the whole day; it was so fine that it was almost impossible to defend the eyes from it ; [...]
[...] overclouded ; but it is believed that the sources of the lava are stopped, and little matter certainly is thrown from the crater. There is still a trifling fall of dust. The danger, I hope, has ceased, but the damage al ready done, though nothing to what was threatened, [...]
Galignani's messenger08.09.1825
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 08. September 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] months past by the circulars of an eminent house at Liverpool, who from the data of fi calculation drew the inference that ere long the supply would so fall short of our urexampled consumption, that the quantity on hand would easily fall within the power of a monºpoly. The tocsin was first rung about August, 1824 [...]
[...] " In all ordiuary states...of the market, the rate of interest rises or falls with the rise or fall in the rate of profit. In times of glut and stagnation, however, this general principle is liable to exºp tions, and the iuterest of mouey may rise while the profits of stock [...]
[...] cent on a capital of 1000l. - It might, in the same way, become the interest of the manu facturers, üotwithstanding the fall, or even the disappearance of profit, to provide against the temporary, pressure by borrowin additional capital at Iligh interest: The distress which increase [...]
[...] “It is obvious that the state of things here described could not permanent... Shºuld a glºt terminate in a continued depression of industry and fall of profits, it is impossible that the interest of money should remain high, use, in this case, it would be im possible for the borrower to pay an extravagant premium for the [...]
[...] use of that which brought him incousiderable returns, when prosperity receives any suddeu check, the desire to borrow and the fear to lend cause interest to rise, while profits fall or disap pear; but when the pressure upon industry is continuous, the in possibility of paying large premiums out of small returns, restores [...]
[...] the proportion between interest and profit, and reuders each a tolerably accurate index of the other. In the latter of these cases, as profit and interest fall, land, annuities, and public funds, all fetch a greater number of years’. Rurchase than before, and this rise in the value of prºperty which is an unequivocal symptom of an ap [...]
[...] main force, and that in such a case every one would be put to the sword, and that all hope of success was illusory and vain, because that the Peloponnesus, fall ing before the power of Ibrahim Pacha, the Greek army was exclusively occupied in collecting the entire [...]
[...] plaits in front. Sleeve, en gigot, finished by three bands pretty close to each other at the wrist., Fuchu of clear musliu, with a double falling collar, richly worked. Sprigged.net, morning cap of the demicornette form, trimmed with a double border of nar row Valenciennes lace; a branch of lilac and knots of lilac riband. [...]
Galignani's messenger08.03.1822
  • Datum
    Freitag, 08. März 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] what does it prove 2 9ily that the laudlºrds and farmer, ii, other heavily ta-red nations have been plunged into a state of distress by the fall ºf prices; and, in what way is this to produce , 1, our nuu, is a cºvicion, tºat, with the prices of 1790, the land or Erie land is able to pay the taxes ºf 1822 lidºw dºes that ter. to [...]
[...] to be true (and that is spo us a brºat deal) what do they prove mºre tuam ibis: that the ag iculum e of the continent is in disar, ss f, m the fall of 1 rºes with an undiminished ta., ation 2 Your lord.np, included .1meri, a , but, you ited no evid, re. - Aird, why was it, that no evidence was produce, befºre the on. [...]
[...] be the cause of the present distress. This argument rests entirely upon ſhe original sin of Peel's Bill; namely, the most monstrous idea, that prices of produce woºll fall only in the degree that the gold was, at the time of passing the Hill, higher in value than,the aper? This original sin has tainted all the proceedings of the Pan [...]
[...] tion, you must draw gold from abroad, lessen the quantity, there, and lower rices there, and that your own prices must, besi's the fall caused by the diminution of the paper'at home, take a Jurther fell in pursuit of the foreign ... } noes be not knºw, that to take an ounce ºf gold, or 77s. 10 II’d. Qut of circulation is quite [...]
[...] value of paper and that of Spanish dollars. Yet, as soºn as the pa per began to disappear in the summºr of 1819, prices of farm Pro duce fºll ...}. in the fall of ha year, fathogs, which had, ºnly the year before, sold at 12 dollars a hundre 1 pounds, soli at 5 or 6 dollars. Nothing can show more clearly than this the [...]
[...] thº'soli; and, then sºppose some cicumstatices to take oilt of cir cula ion a half of the paper; will you contend that prices of produce will not fall at all, because the piper was, before this, circums an e took place, upon a par with gººd? Yet, thº, if yºu be consistent. 3 ou must contend if you persist in coºtentling. that pices of [...]
[...] wealth;” travels, that seem to have been performed for the ex press purpose of giving cºuntenance to those sublime visions ! We are told, that taxes fall upon the consumer, and, of course, that those who consume farm-prºduce, inally pay all the taxes at tached to he raising of it. Noyº, this is very true, generally speak [...]
[...] ing ; but, fºrget not, that the farmer and his ſainly are consumers: forgºt not that, in the first place. In h next tic-, taxes do not fall upon the consumer, in case of a sinking of capital in produc ing the article tared. If the farmer cannot ge. a p, icº sufficient to pay him for the use of his stock and to “nºble him to pay, his rent, [...]
[...] ing the article tared. If the farmer cannot ge. a p, icº sufficient to pay him for the use of his stock and to “nºble him to pay, his rent, ins tax which he pays in raising the crop falls on him and his land lord, and uot on the consumer. And 'th s is precisely the case at prese it.--An', why, cannot he get the price s ſº, ieut to pay him [...]
[...] A few days ago, the Marquis de Maillé, aged 21, son of the Duke de Maillé, died suddenly in his hed. His death is attributed to a fall which i. had, four days before, out of a very loſty tilbury. - Several petards were exploded on Wednesday even [...]
Galignani's messenger29.05.1819
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. Mai 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] Cents. at 67 14 or thereabouts, till half-past 12, when they fell to 661 [2. The market looks bad, and it is expected the Funds will still fall. The five per Cents. have fallen to par, which is 97 112, exclusive of the dividend. The 3 [...]
[...] ndon Papers, various contlicting opinions re lative to the English funds and their consequent fall to 65 112 Such a circumstance, in auother country, would be indicative of a political con yulsion ; in England it is [...]
[...] interest. We have seen omnium at 5 1 per cent. Premium without any rational cause, and we have seen falls as rapid without any other reason than that of the Stock jobbing interest. In all these fluctuations, the stability of the Govern [...]
[...] these fluctuations, the stability of the Govern *nt or the Bank is never called in question. The present fall is ºwing to the idea, that the [...]
[...] **, being disproportionate tº their capital,— Besides, nothing is so *a*y as to make the Funds. *" or fall, the single assertion of a great capi talist, that they are going to rise or ſali, produces the very effect, for the jobbers and the public [...]
[...] *while, on the other hand, their anxiety to sell out expecting a fall, gluts the market and pro duces the consequent depression. [...]
[...] and it would appear it has alarmed the Bank, for the shares, that were lately at 250, are uow suuk to 212. . . The Public Funds are also falling fast; although it is evident that Parliament does not know what to do, and opinions are different respecting the measures to be adopt [...]
Galignani's messenger16.02.1827
  • Datum
    Freitag, 16. Februar 1827
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] are nearly equivalent to the pay and victualling of the whole effective force. The victuals for the 50,000 sea men and marines fall short this year of the last year's Estimate by 58, oool., or about 9 112 per cent. The breakwater at Plymouth figures to the amount of [...]
[...] 1 their lives in a constant state of feverish anxiety. There are others, again, who sympathise so little with their ſ fellow-creatures, that they fall into an opposite extreme 2. –cntertain a contempt for them. We should be in clined to rank Mr. P. in the latter class, rather than in [...]
[...] and Corn Questions, is ſrom Cobbett's last Register — “It is a clear error—an unmixed error—to suppose that a Corn Bill, be it what it may, can prevent prices falling down to a very low mark, unless a new change were to be in the laws respecting the Currency. Almost the [...]
[...] value of his corn. Many corn-dealers must be in this situation ; and their eagerness to sell has naturally had a tendency to cause corn to fall faster, for some time past, than it otherwise would have fallen. So that, if the Parliament make no alteration in the Corn Bill, [...]
[...] thing else as well as corn, will continue to grow less and less as we approach nearer and nearer to the 5th day of April, 1829. All things will fall in value, except the annuities, the salaries, the pensions, and the pay of all sorts proceeding from the Government: and except the [...]
[...] ration of Mr. Rogers's joke, that whatever may be the respectability of this paper, we cannot imagine it quite judicious in a public writer to fall ſoul of a journal, upon the score of personality, who, the following day, publishes a poem, in which occur these lines, addressed [...]
[...] and ninety-eight thousand causes; so that unless the nine . and two thousand ſour hundred and three superfluous lawyers see ſit to fall sick of a laek of fees and employment, there must remain three hundred thousand one hundred and ninety-two doctors, with [...]
[...] These are the bright days of which the Press Law is the morning star. Society, however, would not fall; it was strong enough to brave its enemies, and it did brave then, . In conclusion, the lion. Deputy said, that he fully appreciated the intentions of the [...]
[...] every day to the bar of the people, which was a serious evil. The stability of the Throne could not be affected by restrictions on the liberty of the Press. The fall of Bonaparte had been attributed to the Press, but it was questionable whether history would be contented with such a discovery. The Government [...]
[...] not fated to be in the odour of sanctity with his fellow citizens, a large portion of whom loudly demanded, long before the closing scene, the fall of the curtain, which call was obeyed, and the 3:. ºu Faubours was consigned to the “tomb of the ets. [...]
Galignani's messenger03.01.1826
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 03. Januar 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] P. she was but a member of a great confederacy of urope against France, and the deſerence ...}. the Emperor Alexander after the fall of Bonaparte, # was evidently a deference of circumstances, yielded * through etiquette, or from an absolute want of gene [...]
[...] ing, the late panic, as the sphere of alarm would be wider; while a diminished consumption would pro duce a falling off in the revenue, and necessitate an increase of taxation. Most earnestly, therefore, do we exhort individuals of weight and influence in the com [...]
[...] try, abounds, there will be seen its circulating repre sentative, and in the requisite proportions. If there be a want of money, attested by an inordinate fall of prices, what will be the policy of the merchant P Why, he will see a state of the exchanges ſavourable [...]
[...] It is commonly reported, we know not on what authority, that the revenue for the quarter now nearly concluded will fall short of the corresponding period of last year. We suppose that the chief foundation for this rumour is the well known fact of the pressure, [...]
[...] which ought to be settled for on the next accountin day, calculated at the present state of the funds, .# not fall short of one hundred thousand pounds. His connexions were extensive and of the first class in our commercial society. He made known to some of his [...]
[...] against him. Nº.; however, the crowd which sur. founded him, he, had succeeded in extricating himself from their hands, when his horse fell, and in his fall captain patitari had his thigh broken. “Couvinced of the hopelessness of his situation, he claimed the [...]
[...] puni-Ilment. '. In August 1825, the researches of Government became more active, and Palitari, fearing every instant to fall into the hands of his enemies, determined, in the month of September, to pass into aforeign land, and thus escape the death decreed against him by [...]
[...] PARIS, JANUARY 3, Srock Exchangs, JANUAay 2, Five o’Clock. All the efforts of speculators for a fall have proved fruitless; the false rumours set afloat on Saturday were soon contradicted, and those who for eight days [...]
[...] fruitless; the false rumours set afloat on Saturday were soon contradicted, and those who for eight days had sold largely in hopes of a fall, have been com pelled to buy back again to day. The issue of settlin [...]
Galignani's messenger30.11.1827
  • Datum
    Freitag, 30. November 1827
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] happy subject of a fierce, perhaps protracted struggle, between the Powers of Russia and of Turkey, and even tually to fall under the tyranny of a Czar, at the moment she should be rescued from the oppressions of a Sultan. There is no doctrine more strongly enforced by all the [...]
[...] it not for the exertions of some of the monied interest, within the last three days, the panic must unquestionably have been carried still farther. The more immediate cause of the fall was the state of the Funds at Paris, which, added to the absence of official accounts from Turkey, created general alarm. Com [...]
[...] in the Market, of which most of the dealers are not apprised. There is no doubt that a good deal of speculation has been en tered into under the rose by those who checked the fall on Thurs day, by purchasing Consols for both Accounts to a very large amount. The state of the Market this aſlernoon certaiuly rather [...]
[...] in no one of the Securities, whether European or South Aumeri can, has the decline exceeded that in our own Funds; motwith standing the extraordinary fall at Paris, French Stock cannot be quoted more than 2 per cent. lower. This can only be accounted for by the circumstance, that nearly the whole amount of French [...]
[...] irsday night, nine degrees below the freezing point. Standard.) ºhere was a heavy fall of snow on Friday night be * en London, and Salisbury. In soune parts of the ºd, the mail was much impeded, the snow being as [...]
[...] deposed, ulat she came into his shop on Fridaw, and soon after she was goue, he missed three ounces and a half of tea, and his suspicious falling upon the prison r, from her singular behavicur, he watched her into several shops, and at length he overtook her as she was coming out of Mr. Packer's shop, an upholsterer, in [...]
[...] letters of recal. Bank actions at Vienna, which on the 17th inst. were at los 7, fell on the 19th to loG7. This fall is attributed to alarming intelligence from Constantinople. The Commissioners of the Royal Court are pursuing [...]
[...] fleets that was ever seen in the Mediterranean was de stroyed in a ſew hours. This event, however discou raging it is to the Divan, will fall heavily on Greece, as the character of Ibrahim Pacha gives reason to expect that he will, in his ſury, entirely lay waste the Morea [...]
[...] , A $5 W #5, #3. "&" S #3 º żº º i S. oxE THot SAND FRANCs REwARD. STOLEN–From Mr. David FAlle, of the Island of Jersey, FOUR PRUSSIAN BONDS, of 1818, for £250 British inoney each, Nos. 137, 139, 14), 141. If offered for sale, it is requested that [...]
Galignani's messenger20.01.1819
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 20. Januar 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] a population and $ºntry fully equal to any part of Java. Within the page of twenty miles the population does not fall short of a million. In short, it is the Governor's °pinion, that. with a little encouragement, far Steater rºse, are [...]
[...] island has been visited with the most severe gale of wind, accompanied by frequent and heavy falls of rain, that has been experienced since the storm of 1812. it has blown the whole time [...]
[...] tremendous ; the flags were torn down, and Sibley and his associates with great º preserved, by the exertions of the officers, fron falling victims to the infuriated rage of the unob, and conveyed to the Compter. Their appearance, when put to the [...]
[...] ſall at the beginning of September, we adhered to the assertion, that there was no National cause for the fall; that is to say, that no politi cal event warranted the depression. . thing since has verified our position, the funds [...]
[...] sustain them, for the very essence of Stock Ex change gambling consists in causing as rapid a fall to succeed any rapid rise. Although M. de Corveuo is no longer Minister of Finance, it is but justice to acknowledge that had it not been [...]
[...] arrives at Péronne, the residence of the Lady, and according to indisputable precedent, he of course falls desperately in love with her, and decides at once upon obtaining her for himself in spite of the old bride-groom. To accomplish [...]
Galignani's messenger02.03.1827
  • Datum
    Freitag, 02. März 1827
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] premises are so pregnant with durable interest and with diversified instruction. As for the influence of the pro secution upon Shiel himself, whether it succeeds or falls to the ground, like its predecessors, he will in some shape be a gainer. In the last case, his triumph is direct-he [...]
[...] Established Church of the country in the following decent and moderate lauguage : “I think the Church Establishment must fall, sooner or later ; its merits in lteland are too well known. It has beeu brought to the light, aud its works being such as dº not bear the light, [...]
[...] Nothing could be kinder than the manner in which both officers and men were treated by the inhabitants. Our troops cntered Santarena on the 1st inst. Notwithstanding a heavy fall of rain, the whole place turned out ; triumphal arches were erected for the troops to pass under, and they were received with fire-works, [...]
[...] procure his client’s conviction, from a knowledge that, if de clared innocent, more than twenty times the punishment must fall on him, which the Court would award if he were proved to be guilty.—(Chronicle.) - Dispatches were received yesterday, from Brighton, [...]
[...] country, though there has been generały great falls, with the exception of thºse between Glasgow and Edinburgh. The coach's have, in cousequence, been very much rétardco. [...]
[...] and desires it to be given into the master of the house. The sell yant proceeds with the note, and during her alsº ince the fellow has made a retreat, carrying of whatever properly has fall n within his reach. Qn Wednesday, he called on a gºutleman at Camberwell, and while the servant delivered the note handed to [...]
[...] sinveyor, and three miners, and having paid all the expenses of horses, guides, and subsistence for the whole party, with a sum of 1 til. for baggage lost by a mule's falling over a precipice in the Cordillera, the charge during the whole period does not a mount to 1801. per man. The rest of the capital, as well as two [...]
[...] EVENING DRESS.—A black inloud ball dress, over a pale rose colourel satin slip. The corsage, made plain in front, and a little full behind, is cut low and ornamented with a fall o lace round the bust. The lace is looped in sellops by single roses of the kind called roses a mille ſleurs. This trimming, which is very [...]
[...] cutirely covered with shot plumes of whºle marabouts, the heads of which meet at the ºtiin. This co,ffare, from which fall two long cnids of gauze and liband spotted with silver, is placed on one side of the head, ratiner far back-A bandeau of peals, fastened in the middle of the for head by a diamond [...]
[...] at the edge with blue silk. The cousage is made plain, with short full sleeves, and a tucker a l’erifºnt of lond lace. Three ribands of unequal lengths fall from the right site of the ceinture, at some distance from each other, and are each terminated by in olive in silver.—The hair is dressed in bows on the temples, and [...]
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