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Suchbegriff: Rain

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Galignani's messenger11.12.1821
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 11. Dezember 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] was distinctiy heard about the same time 79 miles from town; and in many places it was followed by a heavy rain, which lasted soule hours. Every arrival brings the most unpleasant accounts of the effects of the late continued rains. The ſens in Lincolnshire are above a [...]
[...] destroyed.—(Globe.) - On Sunday night it blew a strong gale from the west. with rain and slect, and early yesterday morning a heavy [...]
[...] of the city, and gave them a very winterly appearance. -8. Star.) Saturday afternoon a violent storm of rain, accompa nied with thunder and lightning, passed over Lass wade, near Edinburgh. [...]
[...] a wide-spreading shower of splendid sparkling fire.— (Brighton paper.) Four hundred and seventy inches of rain fell in Exeter in November. A steam engine of the immense power of 140 horses [...]
Galignani's messenger08.09.1821
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. September 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] indulged from the fineness of the weather towards the evening of yesterday, were completely disappointed by the as: ect ºf this morning, which set in to rain about seven o'clock, at which hour, a party consisting of forty inen aud two officers of the Enniskillen dragoons ar [...]
[...] and the horses taken from the carriages, to en able them to afford accommodation to the greatest num her possible; the rain at this time was coining down in such torrents, that the workmen who were busy in making some necessary alterations, were obliged to de [...]
[...] count Allen, Earl Talbot, Mr. Grant, Mr. Prendergast, Captain Browne, etc. etc. - - - The rain continues with unabated violence. The ar rivals at this moment are few, in consequence of the severity of the weather ; and all those in open carriages [...]
[...] and Lady Bard, etc. etc. - Twenty Minutes past Twelve.—Mr. Prendergast has just appeared in front of the Stand House (the rain still continuing); to announce that the horses were go ing to start fºr the gºld cup and a sweepstakes of 200 [...]
[...] dow, and was most loudly cheered. One o’Clock. —The weather has begun to take up fair, and the rain has ceased—orders have been given to c'ear the course for the second race, which was spee 'i'y done by Sir W. Hort, Mr. Prendergast, and Sir [...]
Galignani's messenger26.09.1821
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 26. September 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] to the cutting down and housing crops ; but the latter portion very unſavourable. The greater part of yester day was dark and lowering. In the eyeing it rained, almost without intermission, and at midnight a tremen dous storm of thunder and lightning passed over the [...]
[...] be exhausted. The quantity of rain that has ſallen this week in the Strand is o,75 of an inch. The diploma of the Persian Order of the Lion and [...]
[...] rines, but as the King's aquatic life-guards, on this oc casion. The Glasgow still remains wind-bound at Cowes. It has rained the whole of to-day without the least intermission, but the harvest, by this time, is pretty well housed. [...]
[...] well housed. A greater part of yesterday was dark and lowering. In the evening it rained incessantly, and about twelve o'clock at night a tremendous storm of thunder anº lightning passed over the metropolis, and left the air [...]
[...] purified and cool. . . The coachmen and guards, who arrived in London this morning, state, that the torrents of rain, accompanied by loud thunder and partial lightning, the whole of last night was more tempestuous In several parts of Westmin [...]
[...] ridge, the lower apartments were inundated—by the overflow of the water, the gratings of the sewers being stopped by the rapidity of the torrents of rain. At Islington, a new fronted house, the back of Mr. Rhodes' cow-house, was blown down, and much damage done [...]
Galignani's messenger28.12.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 28. Dezember 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] transparency, and in the evening the planet Venus was surrounded with a remarkable halo. On Mouday gloom and drizzling rain returned, and on Tuesday; early in the morning, there fell a torrent of rain and hail, accompanied with a tremendous gust of wind;— [...]
[...] hail, accompanied with a tremendous gust of wind;— Wednesday was variable, and Thursday morning dis tinguished by a fog, which was followed by heavy rain ...; another tempest during the night. The remainder of the week has continued stormy, and the whole has [...]
[...] of the week has continued stormy, and the whole has been remarkable for the lowness of the barometer. On Friday morning it sunk to 28,80. The quantity of rain fallen since Saturday last is 1 inch. On the night of the 11th instant a meteor was seen at Durham, about [...]
[...] This Notice to tear, Here must it remain Till wash’d off by the rain.” Yesterday Mr. Nathaniel Keays, of Drumkeen, was murdered by a blow of a spade, given by a man of the [...]
Galignani's messenger26.10.1822
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. Oktober 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] gºle and rain of Wednesday last. From Stellenbosch, the Paarl, Hottentot's Holland, Groene-kloºf, Zwart land, and Caledon, we hear that very heavy losses have [...]
[...] 23d, arrived only on Tuesday last. Letters from Gra. han's Town, of the 16th, continue to complain of wºn of rain. It is stated, that no ran had |. there in the ſour preceding months. Since witing the above, we haw received leuets [...]
[...] rivate, at that Drostdy;-the gale commenced ºn riday, the 19th July, accompanied by torrents (l rain, and continued with scarcely any interruption, till the moruing of the 25th ;-the Iridge is destroyed and the houses in Church-street have all suffered se. [...]
[...] scrutable the decrees of Heaven! The Cape, the hºp. py Cape, which you remeniher so flºurishing, " been assailed by hurricancs, storms, and rains. Tº ble Bay covered with wrecks—the country desolate: by unceasing torrents of rain—vineyards and land [...]
Galignani's messenger13.07.1826
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 13. Juli 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] On Wednesday Coventry was visited by a most tre mendous thunder-storm, accompanied with a déluging shower of rain. It commenced about one o'clock, and for upwards of an hour the vivid flashes of the lightning and the deafening peals of the thunder were alarning beyond description. About a [...]
[...] —(Star. Last Saturday morning the inhabitants of Derby were refreshed by some rain. It had been so long wished for, that though it commenced between two and three o'clock, almost every individual was alive to thc grateful change of the weather, [...]
[...] and many persons rose from their beds, and stood at their win dows to welcome the falling shower. It continued for nearly two hours, and in the course of the day the rain fell in abun dance. We believe it extended a considerable distance, and in some placcs amounted to a storm. Near Belper, however, the [...]
[...] breaking of hot-house and other windows. We have not, how ever, beard of any fatal accidents from the lightning, and the benefit of the rain to a large district of prohing country has been most seasonable and important. On Wednesday there fell another shower, accompanied with lightning and thunder. The rain has [...]
[...] pressed several degrees below the ordinary temperature. The wind of the sirocco has constantly prevailed, but without vio lence. The rain has been rather continual than abundant. In the terrible storm of the 7th instant the hail, which was accom panied by thunder, was not, in general, large or abundant enough [...]
Galignani's messenger08.11.1824
  • Datum
    Montag, 08. November 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] - THE LATE INUNDATIONS. BERNE, Nov. 10.-The following intelligence has reached us from Brienz:-The rain has fillen almost incessantly here since October 27th. The snow, which had previously covered the Alps, fell on the 1st in large quantities upon the bºrders of our lake. In the [...]
[...] the 1st in large quantities upon the bºrders of our lake. In the vening a sº-ºwni arose, and from moment to moment we eard the fall of avalanches, whilst tºrrents of rain immdated the heights. The rivers and streams suddenly swelled in the most alarming manner. The Trachtbach threatened to overſlow. Ef [...]
[...] water by means of some lay and wood which she found under her hand. The wreck of a hay-lºft aſſorded her this succour. The rain however continued to fall without interruption, and several mass's of the monntain, of greater or lesser dimensions, followed the first. The dunger becºming mºre and more imminent for the [...]
[...] The country of Unterseen is completely under water. The soil of which there is only a few inches deep, was already saturated with the water arising from the continual rains, when the torrents 9f the ovel ſlowing livers collected there, after having, broken their banks. The parochial lands granted to the poor have suffered [...]
[...] blown down in the parishes of Pellmuud and Schwaderman Masses of snow covered the Leberberg, and were almost immedi ately melted by the rains. The waſets were thereby swollen to such a degree that the small river de la Scheuss overflowed, inundateſtie enviro's and ſº of the town of Bieune. - [...]
Galignani's messenger30.08.1822
  • Datum
    Freitag, 30. August 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] seemed to mar the universal delight. A heavy Scotch. mist had clouded the atmosphere in the morning, and about this time had thickened into rain. The greatest fears prevailed lest the guns should fire the appointed signal of postponement; but the clouds ceased a little [...]
[...] The rain ſell heavily at times, and the day was dark [...]
[...] bare heads and thin silk attire of some of the pages, who had to endure so thinly and imperſectly clad, the rain which poured upon them. His Majesty arrived in his travelling carriage at a quarter after two, and in a short time got into the [...]
[...] mations this mark of the roval condescension. Although there was a momentary clearness in the atmosphere while the King was on the platform, yet the rain soon [...]
[...] Fhe sight of his Majesty on the platforum, who stood by himself, roduced a magic effect. His Majesty stood, notwitſustanding the pelting of the rain, with his head uncovered, his hands lifted up in wonder and ad miration ; and returned the salutations of the people who [...]
Galignani's messenger15.01.1824
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 15. Januar 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] “This month has been wet and windy, but mild for the season. Strong gales of wind blew on ten different days, and it rained, more or less, on 23 days. The prevalence of the South-west wind filled the air almost every day, with dense vapours, which are generally [...]
[...] of temperature for the day and night, has occurred on seven different nights this month. This happens at the time of rain, and is occasioned by the more equal ten perature of the days and nights when the sun is passing out of the sign Sagittarus into Capricornus; for then [...]
[...] “The most disagreeable day was on the 17th, when a heavy gale blew from the South and South West with incessant rain, which amounted to half an inch in depth, and the mercury in the barometer sank three quarters of an inch durig the day, and at the rate of [...]
[...] “Summary of the Weather.—A clear sky, a ; fine, with various modifications of clouds, to ; au overcast sky without rain, 10 ; rain. 9–Total, 51 days.” [...]
Galignani's messenger29.07.1826
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. Juli 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Halifax, Elland, Batley, and in many other parts of the county, the harvest has also commenced. The drought is now completely at an end in the North of º a lººk quantily of rain ing fallen generally.—(Leeds Intelligencer. ºwill iºnºi in East Lothian on Monday. Shear [...]
[...] prospect of a full average crop, remarkably clean in the straw. The barley and oats in most places are rather short in the straw, but well eared, having improved very much by the late rains, so that a fair average crop may be expected.—(Carmarthen ournal. - - - [...]
[...] Straw. In pease there is almost every where a failure.—(Bucks Chronicle.) It is feared that the heavy rains that have fallen within the last few days will materially injure the standing crops of ..wheat, which the late dry weather had rather prematurely ripened. [...]
[...] Harvest has comrhcnced in several parts of Cornwall. The grain is in general very fine.—(Plymouth Journal.) Four times as much rain fell in Leeds, in the months of May and June last year, as fell in those months in the present year. In 1823, the quantity amounted to nearly four inches, while this year [...]
[...] it has been less than one inch.—(Leeds Intelligencer.) - On Monday, and Tuesday last, there were several refreshing showers of rain in Dublin, and for several miles around it. ... If it should be general, , and continue for a day or two more, "it will allay all apprehensions as to the late part of the harvest, and the [...]
[...] The hay harvest, through Westmoreland, Cumberland and Lan cashire, has been a complete failure; in many places the crop being sºarcely sufficient to pay for cutting it. The rains which have fallen within the last ten days will probably produce a good *P of aller-grass; but winter food for the cattie will be very [...]
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