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Galignani's messenger18.12.1822
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ominous conclave, than by any recital we could give, even if we had the protocol before us. Our Repre sentative there has been able to see and discover more in the short time the meeting lasted, than our Embas sigs on the Continent could have seen in years, how [...]
[...] for the worst emergency : seven sail of the line are at . moment getting ready, with the utmost dispatch, and we expect to see, ere long, a considerable fleet of observation sent to the Mediterranean. In the mean time, negociations of the nost vigorous kind will be [...]
[...] ROTETTERS RECEIVED UNiess post raid. which, under the circumstances, could not possibly be maintained. We congratulate them on their seeing this in time to save themselves from much ridicule and disgrace, and the country from much dishonour. [...]
[...] the Casile Tavern; and many people can reinember that a few years ago, the utmost anxiety was evinced for admission to see the Prince of Wales at a ball in the very same room where a similar degree of anxiety now prevails for good places to see George the Fourth at [...]
[...] We understand, that the vacant Bishopric of Cal cutta has been offered to the acceptance of Archdeacon Blomfield. The emoluments of the See are said to be worth near 40,000l. a year.—(Chronicle.) SQUIRRELs. –These destructive animals are stated to [...]
[...] they are easily detected. . Captain Young, of Grenada, gave a black butcher of the name of Caſſe, a hog to kill; when the Captain went to see it, Caffee sºil, “Dis very fine hog, Massa, but I never see a hog like him in all my life, he have no liver, no light.” Cap [...]
[...] the book.” He took a memorandum-book out of his pocket, turned over the leaves, and looked very ear nest—“I see Caffe go to hell bottom—hog have liver and lights.” Caffee shook like an aspen leaf, and said “O, Massa, Caffee no go to hell bottom-hog have [...]
[...] an Convinced that the result will be the promotion 'of the best interests of your country; and have only to add, that where you see an evil ºf was magnitude and corrupting influence, you will do well tº. imple ments of proportionate powers in cºunteracting its ob [...]
[...] Bºry, Bucklersbury, calico-priniers.-1. Atherstone, Nottingham, dye. — J. Wilcox, Madeley, Salop, krocer.—T. Hulbert, Chi pen hain, linen-draper—J. Coºkson, ſee's, woollen-cloth-manufac. turer.—R. Watts, Lawrence Pountncy-hill, merchant. [...]
[...] the Liberals have been prodigal in speeches which never reached the country, and in promises which have never been realised. Thus we see that the connter revolution, instead of subsiding, increases daily, as the winter approaches. - [...]
Galignani's messenger14.08.1820
  • Datum
    Montag, 14. August 1820
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[...] note, to which the Queen returned an answer by Lady Ann Hamilton, expressing her regret that she could not then see the Sheriff, and that she would, at the earliest possible period, after the interment of the Duchess of York, ap [...]
[...] must insult yourself.”—(Cries of shame!)—This was the only construction be could put on their proposition; and he was Elad to see the Queen had good sense enough to re ject with scorn so insulting a recomiaendation.—(Cheers.) —Finding themselves beaten in the Conmons, the Minis [...]
[...] The Requisition admitted no such construction—he believ cd be knew language as well as most men, and he would see at once if the words of the Requisition were capable of bearing the Gentleman's interpretation. It was then withdrawn. - [...]
[...] her Majesty experienced—(loud applauses.)—Was it pus s:ble that the people of England could look tamely on and see their Queen held up to scorn—that they could see her loaded with injuries, reviled, and calumniated, and re main in a state of apathy ’ It had been said that the Hon e [...]
[...] duals, however, honourable. He deprecated what i.d Coke had called the “crooked cord of discretion,” and wished to see no other course pursued except that straight, direct, and honourable path by which alone the ends of justice could be obtained, and that high feeling preserved [...]
[...] altogether been true to itself. He could not help saying tunt the press was not altogether true to itself; he could *se nothing more unwise than to see the press calling on the Attorney-General to prosecute any individual con nected with that press, however low, however base or [...]
[...] would not go arther back than time revolution-and he would say to the people not to go farther back than that re volution ; for they would there see what, their ancestors had done for their advantage aud glory-(applause)-and [...]
[...] Ald. Wood—(loud cheers)—not only as a friend to the Qaeen, but a friend to butuaoity, and to the justice of the country.—(Cheers.)—He was proud to see such a meeting to address an innocent Queen.—(Cheers.)—The countr owed inuch to Ald. Wood for introducing into the É. [...]
[...] nation a persecuted Queen. She was innocent, and he had no doubt but that they wonld have the gratification of seeing her acquitted. not to retnru thauks to her best fricnd Mr. Aid. Wood. —(Continued cheers.) [...]
[...] each day until the proceedings shall have concluded: (Loud and reiterated plaudits). After giving you this in formation, which I am peculiarly happy to see affords yº [...]
Galignani's messenger03.09.1819
  • Datum
    Freitag, 03. September 1819
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[...] usually occupied by the attormies, the jury-box, the staircase leading to the gallery, and every part of the hall couvenient.for learing or see ing the prisoners, were crammed to excess.-- Meanwhile the crowds collected without, and [...]
[...] the badge of the Radicals. Sir C. Wolseley was in town and in Court, but we could not see hia. At a quarter past one, the magis trates entered the Gouri, and an agitation of interest and curiosity took place for the ap [...]
[...] The Court here intetſerel, and said that these qucstions were quit c irº clevant. Hiſt.—l)id you never see benefit clubs marching with ninsic and banners’ - The witness answered in the affirmative. [...]
[...] ** cms, requested Mr. Pearson, his solicitor, to take parti - cular notice, and to mark down what had occurred.-Did * you see me in the car? - º, tº , Witness would not answer --- Mr. Hunt again begged Mr mark down that [...]
[...] re. the magistrat ſlow him to answer. - Bamford li him questions of some conse gº. i. as tº jº. Did you see me upon - º e re - ** w ''. º: *}'ſ o, admitted the witness. [...]
[...] º »sed also he boy, Rºbert Wylde, on the - º ! “Rºw a constable? Did you see the peo ºl ple advan y array? - •. Witne Served them coming, but did not [...]
[...] this ti - - - - The ; desired not to answer the question. - Mo Mid you see me on the hustings: º: - WV - 1. M Wark down that, Mr. Pearson. [...]
[...] juo wrote it? is desired not to answer the question. tlyou see Mrs. Gaunt commit any offence? *Nº, I only took her out of the carriage; he [...]
[...] leading to the Champs-Elysées; with all *::::...º. Kitchen-gardens, cultivated Grounds. Ke, all in excellent conn. tion. Apply, for cards to see the premises, to M. Boular Notary. Rue des Petits Aug stins, No. 24, Faubourg St. Germain. To be Sold, a handsome and valuable Esº [...]
[...] only for two. We trust that neither the gout or any other impediment will prevent the pub lic from seeing their favourite actor. Whilst the Theatre Français reposes, that of l'Odeon carries on with the greatest activity [...]
Galignani's messenger05.05.1820
  • Datum
    Freitag, 05. Mai 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] nies, arising from particular colonial funds, should be added to the Privy Purse. But Mr. T. would see, that this total of 385,000l as taken upon the long reign of his last Majesty, was little more, upon an average, than boool. [...]
[...] ing, has been as generally dejected : the rest perfectly in different, and even hardened. Not one, except their fa mily, has been allowed to see them., Ald. Wood request ad to have an interview with them, but was not permitted. While these occurrences were taking place within the [...]
[...] them, and then sung, in a discordant voice, “Oh, give me Death or Liberty l’. The executioner having tied the cap over his eyes, he exclaimed, “Let me see as long as I can.” He followed this by saying to the crowd, “Here we goes, my lads—here's the last remaius of James [...]
[...] and a spy, and Cobbett no friend to his country, -and said that, as most of the London shopkeepers were aristo crats, he should like to see their shops well plundered.— He described some other interviews at which more of the conspirators were present, when similar, though stronger [...]
[...] him on the spot; this was all that I recollect on Saturday. On the next morning I went at 11 o'clock, it was so dark from a beavy fall of snow, that I did not first see who was there ; but after some time I saw Thistlewood, Davidson, Tidd, Cook, Hall, Bradburn, Edwards, Harri [...]
[...] They were then going to separate, when Mr.'rhistſ. wood said, “O.ſ well thought of Brunt, take Mr. Pa len to the Place liard by, and see whether be thinks it can be easily done.”—that was to set fire to Furnival's !"n. Palen and Bruut went out and soon returned, say [...]
[...] picked out by Thistlewood as a swordsmnu, and I was the other, as the two meu best capable of using the swords. Harrison had been in the Life Guards. Seeing there was no chance of escape, and my life was in danger, I agreed to it. After the execution had beeu done at Earl Har [...]
[...] attack was to be then made on the Bank of England. The funds were to be removed, but the books were not to be destroyed, as they would enable them to see ſurther into the villainy of the country for years past. The fu ther proceedings were to be left till the W.e. [...]
[...] diately after I heard a noise below, and somebody said, “Hokoa, hold a light.” Thistlewood took the candle to see who it was, and turning round he looked quite con fused. At this tune the officers entered the room. Twe stood in front. One of the officers had a small pistol in [...]
[...] glasses, at 16:215 frº. . and various, moveables at 7,137 frs.— Adºlress M. Bazin, Solicitor, Rue Vivienne, No. 7, who gives tickets to see the Honse. - [...]
Galignani's messenger01.12.1825
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Dezember 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] appears upon the circumstance of the Catholic Associa tiºn of Ireland having voted in their rooms the Etoile ºf aris Journal. (See MEssexGER of the 19th ult.). The article to which we refer is remarkable for one distin -guishing characteristic in its tone, when contrasted [...]
[...] Vehicle of proclaiming the state of the Irish Catholics, A description of cant has obtained, the ". of which we should like to see ...; The liber |ality of the English Government is auded in the most hyperbolical eulogy. The freedom of trade and the [...]
[...] ingly unseemly, the striſe-stirring topics are first in troduced under cover of an observation on the great advantage of union:—“ It gives me pain to see such high personages brought by any circumstances into couflict, etc. etc. Why certainly his Lordship was not [...]
[...] disappointment was not to be hazarded. Numerous parties of the Nobility and Gentry took their Fº on the platform to see two people go up to the clouds, and then drop down again into the sea. Some attempts it seems were made to prevail upon Mrs. Grahan not [...]
[...] raise nominally the price of Corn by false and forged lists of fictitious sales. Nothing of this kind will ever succeed, and if we really hope to see England the grand market of the worſd, and her population sup ported by honest industry, instead of . mendicity, [...]
[...] it being a self-evident truth that the foreign corn must necessarily be paid for in British manufactures or other produce, seeing that we have no mines of gold or sil wer in those Islands.-(STAR.) [...]
[...] not repeat the names of the firms, as it does not find any notice of such an event in the Western Papers re ceived this morning. We see from the Papers of the Manufacturing Districts of the North of Ireland, that all there is alarm and apprehension. We are uot fond [...]
[...] i.ord Noºnunyºnow, Mr. Eccles, you see we want a full Jury in this case of pleno jure.-(Laughter.)-One of these bodies was then in fuſi power, in conjuuctiou with the Pope, whº was [...]
[...] Hangings, Cabinet Furniture, and Carpets. On Wednesday, Dec. 7, the Linen, Bedding, and other Articles of Furniture.—For more ample details, see the posting-bills. [...]
[...] large private House, lately fitted up, and completely urnished, with every convenience, and calculated for an English Family.-- Apply for terms and tickets to see the House, to M. Dellier, Uphol sterer, No. 373, rue St. Honoré. [...]
Galignani's messenger16.05.1827
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 16. Mai 1827
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[...] Mr. Smith presented the auguid accounts of the Rieh mond-bridge.—Laid on the tſbkº. Earl GROSVENOR, seeing a Noble Earl, who had given notice of his intention to ring forward, at some period of the present session of Parliament a motion of [...]
[...] to follow a different course. In the first place, finding the Noble Lords opposite were only holding their seals provisionally, he should wait to see what change might iake place in the Goverument relative to those Noble Lords. He could assure their Lordships that his senti [...]
[...] port, that out of four thousand offenders, not less than one thousand were under twenty. With respect to the Bill, he did not see its necessity. The Noble Earl then combated the arguments which had been advanced by the supporters of the Bill, that it would not decrease the [...]
[...] ou went into the city, you would hear the Lord Mayor, whilst lecturing a young offender, inveigh against the game laws; or you would see him after committing some poor fisherman who cast a hook into the Thames, go down to Greenwich and dine, upon white bait.— [...]
[...] Minister in poº cr.—(Henr, hear.)—I wish not to connect myself with either of the two great parties 110w in the I loºse, but when I see Hon. Gentleiuen so prem tº c in their opposition to the Gº vernment—[hear, hear)—prºmºttarc, because they cannot have had an opportunity to judge whether it was required—when I see [...]
[...] Somerset (Sir T. lethºridge)— a laugh)—and the two Right Hon. Gentlemen who have been pleased to with Ira thenisclves from the Government. I am anxious, Sir, to see fair play-Hear, hear.)—And this over violence of one part v towards another— this attempt to throw the Right Hon. Gentleman from his seat [...]
[...] mainlained his principles, but he (Sir J. Yorke) should give something of his general support to the present Government. Lord CLIFTON said, that he did nºt at this moment see such an administration coustituted as to call for a pledge of his sup port.— litar, bºr.) - - - - - - [...]
[...] their country's support.— Hear.) Mr. Hit) wit, said, that the Right IIon. Centleman opposite must - see that the country expected of him a chang of principle in financial matteis. They were now in the thirtecuth year of peace. Aſ the conclusion of the war, the nation had been led to [...]
[...] expense, for the current year, incidental to the building of of fices for the Privy Council, Treasury, etc. - Mr. BANKES regretted much to see such immense sums laid out on public buildings, the design of which produced so indiſ ferent an effect. A pile of building. the style of which he did not [...]
[...] iightened views that have spread among the German Catholics, especially those who live among Protestants, it may be conti demuy anticipated that in a short time the Papal See would be assailed with similar petitions from halſ of Germany. The above twelve villages have a population of 8,000 or 8,500 inhabitants, [...]
Galignani's messenger01.11.1827
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. November 1827
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] tended to promote. The following is the article : LISBON, Nov. 5.-No Portuguese really worthy of the name, can or ought to see with indifference, the honour of the nation to which he belongs depreciated, when he reads in a certain English Journal. that the Portuguese nation is not yet able to ap [...]
[...] Oil our part no efforts shall be wantius to secure the tranquility aud happiness of the Goverunieut. The Liber:Atom's see ech to coxcarss. The first time that I accel icº, the Chief Magis racy I promised to unaintain the Constituuou to the unmost of ury ability, that is, [...]
[...] politician should go straight fºrward. There may be great policy in M. de Villele allowing the Government to be defeated, but we conſess we are unable to see it. Whichever way the elections terminate, we trust re course will not be had to violent measures. The trº: [...]
[...] be not only chief Minister, but º Minister of France. Even should the Liberals gain the ascendancy in the Chamber, they may still see it necessary to support him. in his present situation. detached from the party to which he was bound to make inany unworthy coul [...]
[...] Paper will be published whatever is special to that day and the following. The advantage of this plan will be very great, as the reader will thereby be enabled to see at one glance, without the trouble of inquiry, the di versified sources of pleasure and improvement offered by [...]
[...] kingdom. to be followed by a Te Deum, prayers for the Pope, and prayers for the King, in consequence of the conclusion of the Concordat with the Holy See. The letter breathes throughout a spirit of loyalty and Chris tian tolerance. [...]
[...] this was received with marked applause, upon which the actor added with great animation, “ May it never be otherwise;—if there be war, let us see them as at present, ranged on the same side; as when their united ilags floated in victory together in the port of Navarino. [...]
[...] Chapel, Conciergerie, with ticket from Bureau des Prisons–Hotel de Ville (shut on Sunday)—Hotel des Invalides—Hotel des Monnaies; to see coining of medals write to Directeur, and to see coining of specie write to Commissaire du Roi, at the Hotel—Observatory— cole Militaire–Ateliers de Sculpture (ticket)—Column of Place [...]
[...] vendôme (ticket)—Model of Elephant (ticket)—Plate Glass Manu factory, 24, rue de Reuilly—Blind School, 68, rue St. Victor (except Sundays & Thursdays) 11 to 1, and 3 to 5 to see work—Blind Hospital, 33, rue de Charenton, 11 to 4 to see work—Abattoirs—Spectacle des Acrobates, Boulevard du Temple—Theatre des Funambules, [...]
[...] -Passports signed by British Ambassador, 39, Faubourg St. Honoré, from II to 1, except Sundays.... * For directions to obtain Tickets, when required, see GUIDE OF pARIs. [...]
Galignani's messenger24.11.1823
  • Datum
    Montag, 24. November 1823
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[...] course of defence, will be read with tºxtreine interest, as well as the affidavit on the subject. It does nºt *P. pear, so far as we can see by the motion, that the other M12 gistrates were concerned in this absurd act, further lºan inasmuch as they conceded or suffered the as [...]
[...] and to whom P. We almost blush for our nature, when we read the application to the Court of King's Bench yesterday, and see its necessity evinced by the remedy applied. But it must be recollected that Thurtel's means of deleuce are shortened by this preliminary and [...]
[...] the time, and places the conduct and character of Sir R. Wilson on the high ground on which we always wish to see it.—(Chronicle.) It was generally understood that President Bolivar intended to accompany the last contingeut of troops he [...]
[...] without the shelter and support of their guardian and uncle—who, giving vent to the tenº'er sentiments of father, brother, lesal pro tector, and natural friend, exclaims, on seeing the dreadful storm which threatens º to destroy his whole family, directing himself to your Excellency, for what crime committed against hea [...]
[...] ... .ow agitate his boom, at seeing the conduct of those very men a on [...]
[...] ºse virus, experience, knºwled-e, anº political fores slºt; he haºi ounded the hope of seeing the throne of his kins est...blished and all his fellow citizens secure" and pomoted And hºw 'ave his companions in a ru's, whº, ºn " ' [...]
[...] portance. The Lord Chief Justice.—But still, if the pow. r of regulating the admission of persons desiring to see prisoners be delegated to imagistrates at sessions, how can we it 'erfere? [...]
[...] Norwich, and they requested Mr. Jay to cou lict ins defence. - Mr. Justice Best.—Who is it who desires to see the prisone ; Mir. Fenium, or Mr. J y? Mr. City.— Mr. Fentou, my Lord. Mr. Jay is [...]
[...] to wish to infringe on the internal resulations of any prison; and Mr. Fent, swears he has no object in de siring to see the prisoner, but that he may be able to conduct the defence. The Judges oousulted for some minutes. [...]
[...] retard the adjustment of the teletious between Russia and the Porte. The Spanish Ambassador to the Holy See gave a grand banquet of 160 covers, on the 4th inst., in huuour of the deliverance of his Sovereign. [...]
Galignani's messenger22.09.1825
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 22. September 1825
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[...] agricultúrists is a , remunerating oue, both having occurred while this law was in effect. But we do not see the force of this argument, since the low prices of 1822, resulting then from other causes, would if the [...]
[...] its being then exempt from the ruinous fluctuations which constantly occur under the present system. Seeing this, they cannot wonder that the commer cial interests, indeed that the public (themselves ex cepted) should be anxious to see the good work in pro [...]
[...] these remarks, let it anticipate the day of inquiry by at once publishing its accounts, and inviting the rate payers to their inspection; Let us see (or rather. let those whose money they deal with see) their receipts and expenditure, under plain and intelligible heads. [...]
[...] i. ºnow what have become of Church Rates and Pew Rents (which, from a document Defore us, we see, amounted, in one parish, in a few years, to ". 3.0001), where no repairs have been done tº the Churches: and let us see what ºr. salaries, [...]
[...] ceeded him, or at least the columns of their journalists. —(New Times.) - Although we see no adequate reason ſº doubting ultimate success, in the contest with the Burmese, it is now beyond dispute that the obstacl s encountered [...]
[...] quarter past ten; a fourth, three days aſler; and four others several days ago.—(Courier.) It is exceedingly entertaining to see the coaches arrive at Brighton on Saturday cvenings. , The first thing the great majority of the passengers do, instead [...]
[...] see: 30. In actions by or against any person acting under the commission, no proof shall...º the trial, he rºtuired, of the peti tioning creditor's debt, trading, or act of baukruptcy, unless upou [...]
[...] Sec. 134.—Prescribes the mode of decidug upon such offer, by creditors. see. 135. This Act to he construed beneficially for creditors; not to alter the present practice in bankruptcy, except where ex pressly so declared; shallextend to aliens, denizeus, and women; [...]
[...] returned to their work. The following is from the Lausanne Gazette : “The Government of Lucerne, seeing the continually increasing importance of the criminal proceedings di rected against Clara Wandel's band, ...]." addressed [...]
[...] villages of the kingdom On Saturday the public will be admitted into the foundry in the Faubourg du Roule, to see the statue of Louis XIV. upon the immeuse vehicle that is to convey it to Lyons. [...]
Galignani's messenger28.09.1820
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 28. September 1820
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[...] ur second, whom I expect from the country.”—rºº -re scºppose —w-r-ţ- 2---. ..º: ** * * * * …, u tu ca; “retreating to the mountains”" we shall see, presently, with what eagerness and “generous ardour, the gallant Licutenant followed him.” But we have yet a word or [...]
[...] better be silent, as you see the sense of the meeting is against you ?” “ The scnse,” said Wilkes, a ntay be against me, but I am determined to persevere in my [...]
[...] stance of seeing his name at the head of the deputation, had been led to suppose, that he entered into all the feel ings of the Court, upon he Queen's case, as ardently as [...]
[...] of the nation, he becomes the point of nmion for all in terests and social relations; and preseut everywhere, through the measures he ordains, in order to see the laws executed ; he reigns peaceably ; since the people always have at hand easy and prompt means of causing their [...]
[...] blessing he enjoyed in the possession of freedom. Inhabitants of Lisbon Look to the reverse of the pic ture, and see what we are now. We have nºtaeans of experiencing any thing else than evils. From a distance of more than two thousaud leagues, 19eere's come over to us [...]
[...] good, just, and wish's our happiness, yet his Decrees create our misfortune and misery; than these Decrees canuol be his. Thus you see the Monarchy exists; but the Throne is enply. The horrors of anarchy would soon have convinced us of the truth, if the brave army at [...]
[...] most agreeeble and fraternal reception you can afford us is, to afford to us the opportunity, on entering yeur city, of seeing that peace undisturbed which you i. hitherto enjoyed. Respect the Magistrates aud the Authorities entrusted [...]
[...] (Translation.) SiR,-Here is the last letter from Monsieur the Baron d'O. You see that the affair is postponed by the commu uncation which Madame the Princess of Wales has made to the Governor, Count de Saurau, on the subject of the [...]
[...] To M. the Baron d’Ompteda, Hanoverian Mini ster to the Holy See at Rome. (Translation,) Milºn, May 1 n, 1817. [...]
[...] his Royal Highness the Prince Regent with unerring zeal and ſidelity ; and your Excellency will have an o Portu niy of seeing, by the packet which he sealed with is own [...]
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