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Suchbegriff: Rain

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  • Datum
    Samstag, 06. November 1875
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] comes, so much easier. Of course it doesn't much matter. You may rave till all is blue—in TYNDALI's sense—and not stay a seemingly superfluous rain-drop, divert a too torrid sun-ray, or ruffle my equanimity. Indeed, you may thank your lucky stars that I am impervious to abuse as to entreaty, and do not put the reins of my power into the hands of every pseudo-Phaethon [...]
[...] and are familiar with the manners and customs of well-tended but recalcitrant donkeys. Look here, then! Why not try and work with me, instead of railing, at me?. E.g. I supply the rain—more than you appear to relish sometimes—you provide, the cistern, the watercourse, the sluice, the umbrella, and the waterproof. I furnish the material, ou the means of utilisation, distribution, defence or prevention, as the case may be. [...]
[...] ou the means of utilisation, distribution, defence or prevention, as the case may be. &; this partial co-partnership out on, the large scale, and there, you are; Twig P The rain. I send must fall on the just and the unjust, the thirsting plain, and the thronged romenade, the turnips, and the turnip-growers, who want it, and the ripening ears and #. pleasure-seekers, who do not. A Local-Sun-and-Shower-Distribution Company, [...]
[...] Science,” as the newspapers say. Let human ingenuity, which, after so many rain-discomforte enerations, achieved the (Gingham and the Macintosh, set to work on the great scale at the task of [...]
[...] and store your floods, and they will serve instead of º you; rightly manage your streets and subways, and my rains will be not much less welcome or more worrying on the flags than on the furrows. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Oktober 1864
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] drop, two drops, a pelting shower. Let us step in. By means. Boots says it will rain all night now, and—here come the excursionists, on donkeys, on mules, on ponies, in cars, on foot, huddle-muddle, º soaking, in they come, a party of damp strangers. [...]
[...] the parlour still jº Fearing lest I might be led to do something rash, I have escaped by the window, and am viewing the exciting scene from a safe point, in the rain. The boatmen threaten Ówen Owen. Owen Owen retorts. Owen's mate hits somebody, who has not spoken. Bang, bang.; scuffle, scuffle. The row has become general, [...]
[...] “What did: I say—oh yes, I was laughing at her, (sob) when she’d done everything to make me (sob) comfortable; but not again would she put herself out for the likes of me, sneaking about in the rain, while people were being murdered, (louder) murdered, in-doors. Oh I needn't try to hush her, (louder) she knew what she was saying—and—and” [...]
[...] “The old deaf Carrier.” Well! “Well, the rattle of wheels. VAN Evans! and I’ve been standing in the rain all the [...]
[...] This staring Scotch loyalty’s really no joke; - I wanted to take a short cut to the sea, . So he yielded, and on to Dundee went the train, But they want a procession through bonnie Dundee. And down like a flood came the national rain; [...]
[...] We’re kept half an hour only in bonnie Dundee.” - ; :*:::: *: ºłº * The Bailies were blatant, the Provost was proud, A hint to the Snobs who had dragged her, with glee. # they ". º É. attend . a crowd, To stand and be rained on in bonnie Dundee. resses were cooked, and ’twas easy to see, - - - - Half a day would be wasted in bonnie Dundee. §§º: [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. Januar 1877
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] MAKE Hay in wet weather. Take opportunity to store water. he midst of rain remember drought. [...]
[...] in the Gardeners' Chronicle that the total fall of rain during the month of December was [...]
[...] which cross roads he means.” It was by this time six o'clock, but there was an hour and a half to dinner, and though it was a trifle colder than in town, and the rain was beginning to come down pretty heavily, yet, at all events, there was a cheerful room to look forward to in an old country mansion, a hearty welcome from a hospitable Squire, the best of everything, a brilliant [...]
[...] Thus meditating, we fell into a dreamy doze, then into a pleasant slumber. We were awoke by a sudden stoppage. It was dark. The wind was howling. The rain was beating against the windows and sides of the fly. The driver shivering and drenched, opened the door, thereby admitting a hurricane an a shower, and said, “’Ere's the Cross Roads, Sir, but I don't see nobody.” [...]
[...] is was irritating. We put it to his common sense, “What on earth could be the fun to us of driving about Hertfordshire, hungry and tired, in the wind and rain, for the sake of playing a practical joke on an unknown [...]
[...] down a narrow lane, and, finally, the weary horse stuck fast in the heaviest clay soil... On each side was a É. ditch; in front was a gate leading into a field. The rain was pelting, worse than ever. The Flyman hadn't the smallest notion of where he'd got to. Then, for the first time, we began to lift up our voice, and bless MAJOR JAWLEY SHARP. And, all the while, [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. Juli 1867
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] the head of the table. This Ottoman view has evidently been endorsed by the Clerk of the Weather. He has given evidence that he considers ABpul Aziz the rain ing Sultan, ever since the Commander of the Faithful has been in England. [...]
[...] And laughed to scorn shortcomings, short commons, wind, and rain. [...]
[...] has not been able to quit the shore, and is now standing with her father the Gorernor at a first-floor window of the Pier Hotel, looking through a telescope.—Rain: mist.) I see–(bang, lang, smoke)—I see–(bang dang bang, more smoke, thicker mist)—I see— Governor (who has paid tucenty guineas for his rooms, annoyed). [...]
[...] SCENE-The WICERoy's Train is late. Wednesday, July 17, 1867. Rain, wind, everyone in a bad temper. The MAYOR discovered in a corner, reading over his speech: occasionally practising a bow with a Sheriff. [...]
[...] Admirally Qſicials kicking their heels about (irreverently). When is that WICERoy coming? (Rain. Wind.) I do wish they’d be punctual. agrºttrö. [The WICERoy's Train arrives. All prepare to receive a.º.º. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 07. Juni 1856
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] constables, when a bell began to ring at half-past two o'clock. Several questions were put, some of them highly impertinent, and others having reference to the probability of rain, and of the favourite's winning, and a slightly-intoxicated gentleman, who insisted upon climbing on the wrong coach, was advanced a stage. A Rider was [...]
[...] Reine / well, I ºpºo goodness it won't, for we have had Rain more ºne.” [...]
[...] Sold again, and a new paletot bought with the money; the old one having been spoiled in that abominable walk from the Hill to the Rail all in the rain. Another time, perhaps, you will trust Mr. Punch, instead of the humbug prophets. [...]
[...] It is a great pity that a woman's pet should so frequently be everybody else's nuisance. The man who would wait for an omnibus that was “just coming” is capable of stopping for a shower when it was threatening to rain. The wise man walks on smartly at once, and the consequence is, he reaches his home long before he is overtaken by one. . Of all “Suits that are down for hearing,” we should say that the lovesuit with a rich widow [...]
[...] Our walls shall blaze again, Our rockets whistling soar, And fire our serpents rain! Sublime, to mortal eyes, Although the sight appear. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. Juni 1873
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] My head aches sorely. We have all drunk much rain-water, and our robes of honour are damp and defiled. . Here the Great QUEEN may be mistress of the earth and the sea, but Shaitan is master of [...]
[...] the heavens. It is now what these English call Midsummer, but the cold is as that of our second month of the winter solstice, and the rains are as the latter rains of sowing time. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 21. Januar 1860
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] BY ONE who “Looks UPON THE SUNNY SIDE,” EVEN when IT RAINs. [...]
[...] come to breakfast with black looks, when the rain has all might long been beating hard against one’s window, and there [...]
[...] one daily finds the glass midway between “Much rain,” and “Stormy,” and inclining, if one knocks it, to fall rather than to [...]
[...] A shadow falls upon his grave hen morning lights the eastern pane; And one, when sunset splendours rain Through the west window of the nave : [...]
[...] HAIL, Winter! Hail, and snow, and rain! Send forth thy storms o'er earth again: Come frost and fog'. Come slush and sleet! [...]
PunchRegister Bd. 017 1849
  • Datum
    Montag, 01. Januar 1849
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Gibbet Cure (The), 54 Give the Old Gentlemen their due, 139 Giving the Rains to the Imagination, 55 Glut of Gold (The), 232 Grand Banquet to Mr. Punch, 15 [...]
[...] London Clay (The), 113 London Correspondent (The), 33 Long may it Rain, 36 Londonderry at the Horse Guards, 75 Look out for Squalls, 111 [...]
PunchRegister Bd. 067 1874
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Januar 1874
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Railway Passenger's Duties (The), 47 Railway Reform, 181, 193 Rain in Overdue Season, 9 Rare #: for Sharpshooters, 191 Real Blessing (A), 123 [...]
[...] Reflections on a Rainy Day, 186 Regal Example (A), 47 Regatta Rain, 10 Representative Women, 265 Reasonable Hours, 1 [...]
PunchRegister Bd. 064 1873
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 01. Januar 1873
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Grocer and the Sugar Duties, 169 How Malcolm would Shoot his Aunt, 260 How to Avoid the Rain, 9 Idiotic Song and Story (An), 65 Invitation to a Fire Party (An), 85 [...]
[...] Private Figgins's Wig, 189 Quoit amongst a Garden Party (A), 220 Rain for Good Boys and Naughty Girls, 186 Reason for Raising Servants' Wages, 231 [...]
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