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Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 001 1841
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Januar 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] When a new farce begins with duck and green , it promises well: the sympathies of the audience are secured, especially as the curtain rises but a short time before every sober play-goer is ready for his supper. Mr. Gabriel Snoxall is seated before the comestibles above mentioned—he is | established in a new lodging. It is snug-the furniture is neat—being [...]
[...] diction. The bills, however, promise that he shall diº outright on Mon day next, and a happy release it will be. The proprietor of “Sadler's Wells,” is making most spirited efforts to attract play-goers to the Islington side of the New River, by a return to the legitimate drama of his theatre, viz.-real water; while his box check-taker has kept one important [...]
[...] ness will be clothed, and God's image, though stricken with age, and broken with disease, be acknowledged; not in the cut-and-dried Pha risaical phrase of trading Church-goers, as a thing vested with im: mortality—as a creature fashioned for everlasting solemnities—but practically treated as of the great family of man,—a brother, invited [...]
[...] short of actual hanging—the most revolting and repulsive of all possible subjects to enter, much less to dwell in any mind not actually savage—must now be provided to meet the refined taste of play-goers. In the pre sent instance, nothing but the actual spiciness of the subject saved the piece from the last sentence of even Sadler's Wells' critical law : for in [...]
[...] think their system capable of improvement. When the Rustic Police shall be properly established, we think they should be em powered to seize upon all suspected non-church goers every Satur day night, keeping them in the station-houses until Sunday morn ing, and then marching them, securely handcuffed, up the middle [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 003 1842
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] ferred to an iceberg. As for the congregation, we could ship off thousands who, with lips of Christian love, have hearts of snowballs—zealous church-goers who come and go, frozen in their orthodoxy, whose constitutional piety never rises to blood-heat. [...]
[...] they are permitted to be produced before a Westminster audience. There is no such care taken or the souls of Southwark and Islington. The Victoria audiences may be the Alsatians of play-goers, and laugh, and weep, and hoot, in defiance of law. They get their Jack Sheppards, unlicensed and unpaid for; but the strait-laced frequenters of the [...]
[...] MR. SMITH, whose performance of the walking gentlemen at the Pavi lion had attracted some attention among play-goers in the East, and won him a bay leaf, if not a laurel, from the inhabitants of Whitechapel, has been managing a sharing concern on the confines of Bedfordshire. His [...]
[...] ourselves called upon to lay down a few rules for the conduct of that small and fast diminishing number of her Majesty's subjects, who still, with all the bigotry of antiquarianism, rejoice in the title of Play-goer. In the heathenish language of France there is an idom which implies that the audience are “assisting” the scene with their best attention, with [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 004 1843
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Januar 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] the box ; and on one occasion, a hearty burst of John-Bull applause escaped the audience, when the Queen handed a cup to Prince Albert (the curious play-goer may remember that the like domestic incident once occurred on a state visit of the late William the Fourth with Queen Adelaide to Drury-Lane.) [...]
[...] If all this be not “flat rebellion,” Punch knows not the meaning of syllables. And then how basely unjust the insinuations ! In the first place, is not her Majesty a constant play-goer 1 (See Punch for the long and faithful reports of the Queen's state visits to Drury Lane and Covent-garden this season 1) Next for the “countenance [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 002 1842
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] recitatives and the bad singing of the inferior performers—has its attractions for dilettanti who adore Mercadante, and for genuine play-goers who worship the name of Kemble. Thus it hap pened that Covent Garden Theatre was, last Sa [...]
[...] appear astonishing that this drama was successful at the Haymarket. But there are certain sins against the decencies of taste mightily pleasing to too many play-goers—such as the appearance of women in costumes which, if not positively indelicate, are quite offensive to even mere respectability of taste. Military evolutions, also, are certain to enlist the favour of the [...]
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