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Suchbegriff: Petting

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Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Register Bd. 005 1843
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Januar 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Parting Tribute to Jenkins, 123 Peerage of the People, 240 Pets, 156 Pocket-Book, 204 Police, 144 [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 002 1842
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Punch's WALENTINEs will prove an infallible specific for catching a Politician, Medical Student, Lawyer, Literary Gentleman, Pet Parson, Milliner, Speculative Mama, Accomplished Young Lady, Drawing-room Captain, Man about Town, or Footman, as a partner for life : [...]
[...] |THE PET PARSON. [...]
[...] OUR PET PETER forgets himself as follows:– Sir Peter Laurie presents his compliments, and will feel obliged by Punch informing him from what country the young lady now exhibiting in Piccadilly comes, and if it [...]
[...] true Anthropophagi, yea, veritable man, woman, and child eaters : Lord Brough AM’s “Local Courts Bill” goes very far to put the cannibal Costs (Sawney Bean was a sucking-dove to that pet ogre of [...]
[...] To MISS EMMA VEE, WHO HAD A PET JAY, OF WHICH SHE WAS . VERY FOND. Believe me, MA, when I say [...]
[...] Believe me, MA, when I say I dote to that X S, I NW even that pet J, Which U sometimes caress. Though many other girls I know, [...]
[...] round the top ; the sleeves tastefully looped up with that venerable parent cf jewels the mother-of-pearl, and pieced at the gussets with the same material as the body; a very full skirt of bright yellow leno over a pet ticoat of real buckram, stockings of deep pink, and soiled shoes of amber satin. Head-dress of blue currant beads, and very large sprigs of artificial [...]
[...] finished off with a bow of black satin ribbon over the ancle. Head-dress, a profusion of weeds, and in the pocket-handkerchief a small onion. Miss SNIVINs.—White calico body and skirt over a slate-coloured pet ticoat of real Manchester goods. Head-dress, a quantity of pomatum, and half a yard of black ribbon. [...]
[...] I never had a dog to pet, But it went mad within the year; I never took a lodging yet, [...]
[...] (Some say he must have tippled), Bob stumbled o'er Finance, And his poor pet got crippled; So to avoid all fear Of accidents much worse, sirs, [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 001 1841
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Januar 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] of magnanimity? Well, compelling me, the heroic, the magnani mous, now to stand here upon my hind-legs, and now to crouch quietly down, like a pet kitten over-fed with new milk, any state roguery is passed off as the greatest piece of single-minded honesty upon the mere strength of my character—if I may so say it, upon [...]
[...] Could I ask of kind fortune to grant? Humph! a few olive branches—say four As pets for my old maiden aunt. Then, with health, there'd be nought to append, To perfect my happiness here: [...]
[...] trator of all our fun and devilry, was, strange to say, “my cousin Bob;" the smallest, and with one exception, the youngest of the party. But Bob was his grandmother’s “ashey pet”—his mother’s “jewel"—his father's “mannikin”—his nurse's “ honey"—and the whole world's “darlin' little devil of a rogue !” The expression of a face naturally arch, beaming with [...]
[...] a great mortality amongst the fiddle-strings. Eight bars of impossible variation is sure to be succeeded by sixteen of the deafening fanfare of trum pets, combined with smashing cymbalism, and dreadful drumming. The public have a taste for head-aches, and Jullien has imported a capital recipe for creating them; they applaud—he bows; and musical [...]
[...] and Cerito—of last season and the season before that. We know not how far the readers of PUNch may be inclined to ap prove so prosy an article as this in their pet periodical ; but we have ventured to appeal to them (as the most sensible people in the coun try) against a class of shallow empirics, who have managed to glide [...]
[...] The Earl of Coventry carries a vast deal of sense under his hat ; or that— Mr. Roebuck is the pet of the Times ; or, in short, that— The Tories are the best and most popular governors that England ever had. [...]
[...] but has made a most melancholy failure of it. We could forgive him his efforts to be facetious (though we doubt that his readers will) if he had not kidnapped three of our own particular pets—the very men who lived and grew in the world's estimation on our wits; we mean Peter Borthwick, Ben D'Israeli, and our own immortal Sibthorp. Of poor Sib. the joker of [...]
[...] irresistible youth has always been the Duchess Albafurez, who, learning from Ollivarez that her pet has new claims upon her heart for having killed her friend the Duke, determines to assist him to escape, which however is not at all necessary, for Ollivarez is entrusted with the warrant for appre [...]
[...] medicine, who is holding forth, as usual, to a select very few, has his lecture upon intermittent fever so strangely interrupted by distant harmony and convivial hullaballoo, that he finishes abruptly in a pet, to the great joy of his class. But Mr. Muff and his friends care not. They have passed all their troubles—they are regular medical men, [...]
[...] the spot with my razor, and so merited the gratitude of his regimental juniors by giving them a step. . I have never since, either in public or private life, appeared in pet licoats again. [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 004 1843
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Januar 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] the institution; and were fortunate enough not only to secure the approving countenance of the Dowager Lady Floss to the undertak ing, but also to get a sermon preached in its favour by a pet parson at a fashionable church. Our acquaintances were amongst the first applied to for their support, which Mrs. Lacquer cheerfully promised, [...]
[...] its appearance ; the whole forming a most recherché promenade cos tume. Muffs are universally worn, but are now - so small, that pet dogs, however diminutive, are compelled to walk and endure a demi-strangulation at the end of a blue or bright red cord. Rolls [...]
[...] of seeking by theatrical declamation and high-flown language to secure the affections of the higher class alone—the chief object of the London Pet Parson. And so, as distinction is not to be obtained by attending church, the Stiftbacks belong to what is termed a “District Society,” for visiting the poor at their own houses. This [...]
[...] asperity, what was the joke. “My dear,” they replied, “only look at yourself in the glass.” She did so, and was so disgusted with herself, that she threw the instrument away in a pet, wishing ill-luck to any one who found it. It was found by one Marsyas, who, in consequence, had the slight ill-luck to be flayed alive. [...]
[...] with blue stockings, whereof Minerva was the patroness. The young ladies who take notes at the Royal Institution may consider them selves as her peculiar pets, as also may all geological and botanical beauties, and damsels of like tastes who are not beauties. Minerva is supposed to preside over mechanics’ institutes, literary [...]
[...] man. I have said it—Lady Dinah had a broken heart. Happy woman, that it was so : for that shattered organ stood to her in the place of a parrot, a spaniel, a precious pet, to be fondled and fed upon the choicest morsels. It was this attention to the craving appetite of her broken heart that brought Lady Dinah to Romeo and Juliet. [...]
[...] fell from her hand, and was extinguished. With wonderful presence of mind—I might even say with an intuitive instinct—Mrs. Crum pet held fast the bottle. “Who’s there 2" cried a low, gentle voice—the voice of suffering. Instantly I recognised it ; a tremour thrilled me. It was the little [...]
[...] men go tº “To be sure, they will—never fear 'em, my love,” cried Mrs. Crum pet, seating herself upon the edge of the bed. “And if they won't, I'll never leave you ; never, my darling.” “And so this is Mrs. Abram, is it !” asked Hardmouth. “Poor [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 003 1842
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] your dear mother reminded me that you were this day nine years old. The intelligence delighted, yea, and saddened me. My sweet little pet, you will think this strange: I will explain myself. When I remembered that I was the author of a rational being-of a crea ture destined, it might be, to make a great noise in this world, and a [...]
[...] A lurking penchant there I trace For some one—you may guess love. Fanny, my pet! that cheek's pale tint Wants just a tinge to warm it: Oblige me, dear; there's nothing in't ; [...]
[...] The squirrel in bright treadmill pent— No more shall my fondness engage, Such pets with sad mem'ries are blent. To mama's sage advice I'll attend,- In a hamper these gewgaws I'll pack, [...]
[...] her tears may be dried with becoming effect. She is always the victim of some soul-subduing grief—some inconsolable bereave ment; a pet parrot, who was so tractable, so affectionate, has been maliciously poisoned—her lap-dog, true to his King Charles's breed, has been inconstant, straying from her caresses by the enticements [...]
[...] shocking his neighbour with the confession of his social iniquity, of his daily hypocrisy, of his rascal vice that he now feeds and cockers like a pet snake in private If all men were thus to turn themselves inside out, the majority of blacks would, I fear, be most alarming. We might have Hottentot chancellors, and Ethiopian bishops : [...]
[...] : the great family of man. The imperial bird—CE SAR’s and NApoll EoN's pet —that swooped upon na = tions, growing fat on hu [...]
[...] hot sentence or two, why, the anti-flea-law bigots had triumphed. Until this day, perhaps, fleas had been smuggled into the lands of the Shah; and blue-bottles, save as pets for the rich, been unknown in the land of the Usbecks. But the ambassador rightly taking the wink from the royal skull, the lowest subject of the Shah has the luxury [...]
[...] that was, moreover, greatly petted by the illegal enchantress. The dog, being particularly fond of his lawful mistress, became, day by day, very melancholy, sad, heavy-eyed, and moping". This arose [...]
[...] will annually consume (consume is the word) seven thousand men, the fathers and mothers of the “material” should at least be com forted with the conviction that they are watching, nursing, petting, their children to die a death of African glory. This consolation is, however, denied to them. Bones at this moment nascent [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 005 1843
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Januar 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] “But I mean poultry in its natural state? Ha! you should see my mother's doves; a million of 'em, my dear. How they will flock about you ! And then our sheep, and our pet lambs; and the haycocks and the orchard ; and the peaches, like your own velvet face, ripen ing on the wall; and the pigs; and the harvest-home ; and the [...]
[...] *, Petermined not to be again forestalled in pointing out the authorities of our pet author, we here subjoin them —(a) Shakspere. (b) Goldsmith. (c) Dickens. (d) Adapted from Dr. Johnson... (e) shakspere." (f) Fielding. (g) Margins of Maunder's [...]
[...] “You’re a villain,” cried Mrs. Traply. “That's my affair, Charlotte,” said the turnkey. “ Nevertheless, my pet lamb, look here.” “Don’t lamb me ! Ha! I wish my dear father was only here—” “More shame for you; if he was, he'd be hanged, you know, for [...]
[...] “shame upon you !” “You silly little child,” said Mrs. Gaptooth, still striving to trample upon her passion, “you foolish little pet,” she cried, and laughing, would have playfully pinched Patty's cheek, but the girl with a look repelled her—“there, you silly creature,” she continued, “all I said [...]
[...] has been examined before the Lord Mayor upon very sufficient charges of swindling : but beautifully—yea, “beautiful exceedingly,” did our pet Humphery defy the magistrate :- “The Lord MAYon.—You shall have ample justice done you, and so shall those who appear against you. [...]
[...] swindle, on the safe side of the law, and prosper. There are many Humphreys, yet how few have John Stanley's honesty of speech—his downright, ingenuous English Hence is he one of Punch's pets : We shall, doubtless, add to our gallery of favourites. [...]
[...] benefit of Belvidera's genius, would condescendingly exhibit it even in way-side inns, at taverns, clubs, in all places and before all societies. And the poor child was coaxed, and petted, and hot suppered into a belief of its own greatness, and into the reality of a slow and mortal sickness. I felt its cheek, now hot and clammy, as [...]
[...] leans forward with a cake between her small fingers for the little beast. How beautiful she looks 1 for it is the beauty of innocent happiness. Horror—misery : A huge dog—the Peachicks' pet– seizes the monkey, and, amidst its screams, Patty rushes out to the rescue ! . The monkey is carried into the house ; it is not hurt; and [...]
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