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Suchbegriff: Rain

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Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 07.1843
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Juli 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] what's a work what proves what's what. that Cadet calls, and inquires how Mr. and Mrs. Twits enjoyed their recent trip to Woolwich; and hopes that the rain did “not spoil Mrs. T.'s black velvet bonnet 2" | [...]
[...] which is the oldest on the river. St. Swithin is at length regarded as a useless pump, the regular supply of water being by no means certain. Rain may be looked for about the 3d, 15th, and 27th days of this month; but it does not follow that it will come in consequence. The Sun appears [...]
[...] due. The acceptor, if he cannot pay, had better follow the statute's example. Metronological—when the stars look dim, rain may be expected. When, therefore, the performances of Mr. Ma cready or Mr. Charles Kean appear rather dull, you may [...]
[...] cready or Mr. Charles Kean appear rather dull, you may look for a shower in the evening; it being supposed that the expected rain which invariably causes a bad house, produces the dimness of the Stars already alluded to. [...g., It will be high water at Aldgate pump throughout the [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 04.1843
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. April 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Covent Garden with a cross Bunn, most applicable to the Passion Week. The clerk of the weather unbridles the mouths of the clouds, and lets go the rains, from which cause, coupled with the wind, many umbrellas are seen to revolve on their axes, and describe eccentric orbits. A [...]
[...] effect of this is seen in the many concerts which take place at this time. MoRAI. MAxiMs.—It never rains but it pours—Macintosh. Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs—Editor of the Morning Herald. [...]
[...] beer put into it by mistake, and serve it out in any way you like, when you will find your claret mulled most cffectually. MEreorological.—The depth of rain fallen in April, 1842, was in the puddles of Tottenham-court-road 123456 inch, and somewhat less in the pocket of a cabman on the [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 02.1842
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. Februar 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] chance "twill rain, per chance [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 04.1842
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. April 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] late on. rain; [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 07.1842
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Juli 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] have some rain, But soon [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 12.1843
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Dezember 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] mime: although at the beginning the conjunction of the prompter's hand with the weather apparatus, betokens storms of wind and rain. Christmas Day will fall this year upon the 25th, as heretofore. Let Sir Robert Peel beware, if he ventures on the ice before it bears, or he may [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 05.1842
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Mai 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] eight hours after it has occurred. It is a popular error to imagine that fine weather can be secured by pinning the little man inside, or turning the barometer topsy turvy, to make the mercury rise in the dial-plate. The breaking up of a frost may always be ensured by the purchase of a new pair of skaits. You may safely calculate on rain, if you plan a pic-nic party, or a visit to a Vauxhall Gala. Fine weather may be obtained by leaving home with a macintosh, clogs, and a shabby gingham [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 11.1842
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. November 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] drear, with rain and fog, [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 12.1842
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Dezember 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] may have rain and wind [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 004 1843
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Januar 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] FERRAND's First.—What sort of a reign was Charles the Tenth's 2–A mizzling rain. [...]
[...] the genius, drenched with grape, done nought, when working hard to scintillate, but blindly strike his own knuckles | “The rain must have come in upon the tinder,” said Mrs. Crumpet, “and more than that I’ve cut my fingers all to mince-meat. Well, [...]
[...] saying of Mrs. Crumpet; the flint was bad—worn out; its fire quenched. Again and again Patty struck. And now the sparks come thick It is plain, the rain has spoilt the tinder. No 1 it kindles | Patty—I had been thrown almost within a hand of her— blows the spark'; the fire casts a red hue upon her face, but yet I see [...]
[...] Like cats, the Foreign Animals in Regent-street love to baskin the sun; like cats also, they dislike getting wet, and it is painful to see their agony upon the sudden advent of a shower of rain, unless they chance to be near the Quadrant or the Burlington Arcade. And with the majority, a parallel may be drawn" between them and cheap summer trousers, inasmuch [...]
[...] stocked cellars might as well limit his guests to one bottle, as ministers treat the country to only a single bishop. Falstaff, in the triumph of | his passion, cried, “Now, let it rain potatoes : " Punch, with like hilarity, exclaims—“Let it drizzle bishops ' " It is impossible for the most superficial biped of this most super [...]
[...] become a member of Parliament. STARs. The ruin of the Drama. STATUEs. Exposure to the wind and rain. Swallow, signifies a good appetite. TAvenN. That you will soon make a start [...]
[...] THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY Have been hard at work trying to discover the relation between the comet and the late continuous rains, weather or no. It appears from their report, that the seasons are gradually getting reversed, so that in a few years' time May Day will fall in the middle of November, and February [...]
[...] “Whan the rain raineth, and the gose winketh, Litell woteth the gosling, what the gose thinketh.”—Skeltox. AMongst those too generally despised fragments of our vernacular [...]
[...] is the point from which the various performers can be best seen for nothing, as well as the assistants. The thunder is now going for some porter to the public-house opposite, in company with the rain, who is rather dry, and a few friends of the other elements are waiting for them, when the rehearsal is finished. The liberality of the manage. [...]
[...] - Hop Intelligence. The Scotch Hop, or Hop-Scotch, has been thrown a great deal back by the late rains, which have interfered with the line that the parties inte rested had chalked out for themselves. Several persons who had gambled largely in the Scotch Hop, or Hop-Scotch, had endeavoured to [...]
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