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Suchbegriff: Valley

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Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 02.1843
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 01. Februar 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] The story of the Roman matron, who was so fond of Cream of the Valley that she disposed of her mangle to buy it, is not to be met with in Livy. This month has but a scaly sign: Pisces, or. Fish —out of water. [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 004 1843
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Januar 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] the mind of the reader. If so, had Eve the best of the exchange? Were Roses up and Lilies down at the time Was it a Lily of the Valley—a Water-Lily—or a Tiger Lily? Punch expects an answer. We cannot, however, dismiss the subject in a frivolous vein. Punch [...]
[...] What relationship is there between Cranbourne Alley and Hyder Ali Was Ben Jonson as successful a dramatist as Ben Lomond 1 If the “Peace of the valley has fled,” where has it concealed itself Is Day, the blacking-maker, first-cousin to the Dey of Algiers ? Is Sir Francis Bond Head related, in the remotest degree, to the New [...]
[...] “The mountain sheep are sweeter, But the valley sheep are fatter, We therefore deemed it meetcr To carry off the latter. [...]
[...] On Dyfed's richest valley, Where herds of kine were browsing, We made a mighty sally, [...]
[...] But the valley [...]
[...] the men who held it,”—savagely grand Then how “artistic " is the transition in the next verse, from these turbulent and bloody scenes to Dyfed's richest valley, with herds of kine sprinkled over the green fields; a “silver river” winding through the valley—now washing the bases of the wooded heights on the one side,- [...]
[...] tail about to keep the flies off. But the poet has only conjured up this quiet and peaceful scene to make us feel more vividly the desecration of that valley by the sanguinary fight which darkened the stream with the blood of the fierce warriors who “rushed forth" only to be conquered and slain! The cattle now changed owners, and, [...]
[...] last arrived in Baker-street, where I dimissed my attendant, resolved to undertake the rest of the arduous task alone, or perish in the attempt. On entering the large portals which conduct to the Valley, a bandit rushed from some concealed fastness on my ſy right, and demanded my umbrella or my life. i - [...]
[...] Elysium, into which good people and reformed rogues were admitted, was a spacious and pleasant green meadow, with a sun, moon, and stars of its own, cool streams, quiet valleys, and shady groves. In fact, it was very much like a fairy scene at a theatre, except that the atmosphere, instead of being contaminated with gas [...]
[...] Now reach his rays the mountain top;-now the rill gliding through the valley. Sons of Heroes, arise !—In the field is Burke and the thrice-renowned [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 005 1843
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Januar 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] And across them a somewhat circuitous track of carpenters' platforms arranged at the back: It seems like a valley of freedom and bliss, For everything looks so exceedingly Swiss ; And enough has been done by the artist to gammon ye [...]
[...] For everything looks so exceedingly Swiss ; And enough has been done by the artist to gammon ye into thinking the scene is the Valley of Chamouni. At first there is no one at all on the stage; But the public attention at once to engage, [...]
[...] lady 1" and Traply tried to look grave. “Law's all luck; but if she hasn't a good share of it, I wouldn't give the valley of a neck of mutton for hers.” “What 1 kill that innocent mild-looking !—Come away, Leonora; [...]
[...] indeed, should she have taken the pledge of total abstinence?), she can con fidently recommend them. Her rum is the real pine-apple, and her gin the veritable cream of the valley. She has also an elegant piece of bijoute” that will go with the lot. It is externally like a small pocket volume, and lettered “The Women of England.” It is, however, nothing more than the case to [...]
[...] having been celebrated from its earliest epoch for scenes of strife, ferocity, and bloodshed, was at the time of the Revolution appropriately situated. It was the valley of death, which separated the palace from the Elysian [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 002 1842
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] possible, to reach before supper-time a little shebeen” which lay about a mile further down in the gorge of the valley. Whistling up my spaniels, who were chasing each other in mazy circles through an adjoin [...]
[...] approached by a range of hills from the east, commencing with the Mountain of Snow, with the little valley of Farringdon at its foot, and ter minating westward in the rising slopes of Hol born. Having gained the summit, a palace, that [...]
[...] made three or four others equally self-satisfied by the same pro ceeding ; and just as she has half given, half allowed you to take a lily of the valley from her bouquet—which you intend to treasure up in your dressing-case for an indefinite period, amidst a similar collec tion of gages d'amour, such as old rose-leaves, odd sandals, shrivelled [...]
[...] Wherefore you set her down as a heartless coquette, and the gentle man as a thorough muff; but you do not throw away the lily of the valley notwithstanding. And even when she waltzes with him, and asks you to hold her delicate scarf, which resembles point lace in a consumption, you are still gratified by the honour. The flirt does not [...]
[...] a week for boots, abound in its mansions, the eastern range of which is dos-à-dos with the western line of Gower-street, separated by a rich valley abounding in coach-houses and horses, chickens, carriages, and clothes-lines, termed a Mews. Several medical students—principally those attached to the Uni [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Bd. 003 1842
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] and say it for them. The child for whose instruction and guidance through life these letters were especially composed, has passed from this valley of shadows—he is dead. Death, in its various modes of approach, is an accordant mystery with the mystery of life. To one man it comes in [...]
[...] the Regent's Park frontier, and the recent stoppage of the thoroughfare over Primrose Hill is probably destined, at no distant date (say next week), to render the surrounding valleys a scene of broil and battle. Already has a determined knot of rate-payers assembled at the Queen's Head, and the bright example of Sasse, who led an army of charity-boys [...]
[...] lutely guarded by a hero of the line for only five sous per diem. You ascend the ramparts, and command a magnificent prospect of ocean, river, mountain, house-top, valley, and, it may be, a squadron of the national cavalry caracolling on the esplanade beneath. From this favoured spot you have also the earliest glimpse of the estafette as it arrives from Calais. [...]
[...] masquerade l—How did we clench our fist, and stamp at him, as, with reeling brain and bursting heart, we stood at thy grave—Oh, ADMETU’s 1—and wished ourselves a clod of the valley, to mingle with thy bones! Fortune is called harlot every hour of the day, and that, too, by [...]
[...] “Parfait Amour” means, I am surprised to find, something good to drink. “Smith's Aniseed Cordial” enables respectable ladies to get tipsy secundum artem; and “Cream of the Valley” and “Milk of Canaan” are but refined methods of talking about gin and bitters. An advertisement of “Parkinson's Aperient Gingerbread” has made [...]
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