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Saturday review24.05.1862
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. Mai 1862
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] work—the education of the people; and to this they have given their time and money freely, and without recompense. The sunshine of Court favour, and the early rain of knight hoods, and the latter rain of baronetcies, which are wont to convert into green pastures the dry ground of Exhibition [...]
[...] Hºl pleasing and well-composed, about Mr. Mogford's land. scapes “Criccieth Castle" (326), and “Storm and Sunshine"(452). They evince a decided feeling for the picturesque. “The Rain bow" (596) is more accurately represented by Mr. H. C. Whaite, in his very elaborate and effective landscape. [...]
[...] benefit. M R. RAINE, the well-known Northern antiquary, who is editor of this volume, has lighted upon what strikes us as quite a new field for the illustration of manners and ways of thinking in [...]
[...] of history. The collection of papers in York Castle has never been ºrs explored. Out of that part of it which contains the, depositions taken before magistrates, Mr. Raine has put together; [...]
[...] Other people who were always hardly dealt with were the Gipsies. Mr. Raine quotes a case of earlier date, 1592, when five people were hanged at. Durham “for being Egyptians." ... batch seems tº have been executed at York in ić;, [...]
[...] ... batch seems tº have been executed at York in ić;, yet nothing worse is proved against them than telling fortuñés. d About the Quakers Mr. Raine tells a good story in his Intro uction : — [...]
[...] Here is a story which, as Mr. Raine says, can scarcely be credited : — [...]
[...] In 1668 the communion plate and other ornaments were stolen from Catterick Church. , Mr. Raine tells us, in his note, that they were replaced by the vicar, Charles Anthony, who dedicated the new ones with a Latin prayer, which Mr. Raine gives at length. [...]
[...] many others kept in prison, bound over to good behaviour, &c. There are many depositions against the persons who took a part in this affair, whose history Mr. Raine sums up as follows:– [...]
[...] Mr. Raine has some remarks on the horrible state of the prisons, and the cruelty and corruption of the gaolers during the times with which he deals. He sums up with this account of some of the [...]
Saturday reviewInhlaltsverzeichnis 01.1859/02.1859/03.1859/04.1859/05.1859/06.1859
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1859
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] CAUSE of Rain, the, 786 Cervantes, 16 Chevreul on Colours, 756 [...]
Saturday reviewInhaltsverzeichnis 01.1865/02.1865/03.1865/04.1865/05.1865/06.1865
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Januar 1865
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] RAINE’s Priory of Hexham, 48. Reynolds, Life and Times of, 410 Rimmel's Book of Perfumes, 91 [...]
Saturday review20.12.1873
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. Dezember 1873
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] twice, in winter once, a fortnight. The leech moves restlessly up and down the bottle before wind ; is agitated and convul sive near the very mouth of the phial before thunder and rain; is motionless, coiled, and calm at the bottom before frost or clear open weather; and in prospect of rain or snow is apt to [...]
[...] If the day of Paul be cleare Then shall betide a happy yeare. If it do chance to snow or raine, Then shall be dear all kinds of graine; But if the winde be then alofte, [...]
[...] like privilege for other saints. The term of forty days is obvi ously borrowed from Holy Scripture. Mr. Swainson, by the way, notices the apple-country proverb that when it rains on July 15 “St. Swithin is christening the apples”; he omits, however, a well-known and curiously trustworthy adage connected with hop [...]
[...] comfortable under snow as an old man in his furcoat”—which should teach the husbandman to get his seed sown in the open weather of November. About the phenomenon of “rain while the sun is shining,” which our matter-of-fact English adage says is certain to be soon over, the Pole more imaginatively surmises that “the [...]
[...] time. . All the prognostics are of course liable to fail at times; and after all the wisdom of the Tartar proverb is the soundest, that “the peasant prays for rain, the traveller longs for sunshine; but God gives each what is best.” It is impossible to peruse this collection of the weather wisdom [...]
[...] nations and districts as to questions of prognostication and por tent. In the Pyrenees “a red sunset bespeaks a fine morrow”; in the Eure and Loire district, wind or rain. Of the rainbow in the east the French say that it betokens fair weather, in the south, rain; but the Spanish expect rain to follow from a rainbow in the [...]
[...] rain; but the Spanish expect rain to follow from a rainbow in the east, dry weather and wind from a rainbow in the west. Again, while Virgil (Georg. i. 397) counts it a sign of rain— Tenuia—lanae per coelum vellera ferri— our rhyming proverb runs in the opposite direction [...]
[...] If woolly fleeces spread the heavenly way, Be sure no rain disturbs the summer day. Inlike manner England and France are atissue in their proverbs as to the results of drought, and Scotland and Sicily on the luck to be [...]
Saturday reviewInhaltsverzeichnis 01.1866/02.1866/03.1866/04.1866/05.1866/06.1866
  • Datum
    Montag, 01. Januar 1866
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] RAINE's Priory of Hexham, 566 Recent Illustrations of Raffaelle, 146 Religions and Philosophies of Central Asia, the, 57 [...]
Saturday reviewInhaltsverzeichnis 07.1861/08.1861/09.1861/10.1861/11.1861/12.1861
  • Datum
    Montag, 01. Juli 1861
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Ninth of November, the, 5o'7 Normandy, 88 North Devon in the Rain, 1.68 [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 15.11.1873
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. November 1873
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] or travelling. It is made long, is double-breasted, has a movable hood. and with pockets so arranged as to add ornament and usefulness. The softest wools for home-spun fabric, are used, and being in substance not too warm for winter requirements, are rain-repellant and yet thoroughly *:::: Cheviots, Elysians, Sables, Beavers, and other velvety cloths are also much liked. Illustrations of Jackets. Costumes, and Overcoats can be seen at either of [...]
[...] Beautifully Illustrated, entitled GOLDEN G RAIN. [...]
[...] IR and RAIN ; the Beginnings of a Chemical Climatology. By [...]
Saturday reviewInhaltsverzeichnis 01.1861/02.1861/03.1861/04.1861/05.1861/06.1861
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. Januar 1861
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] RAIKEs’s Correspondence, 507 Raine's History of Blyth, 541 Ranke's English History, 145, 251 Recreations of a Country Parson, 648 [...]
Saturday review07.08.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 07. August 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] pated in the coming season. Last year's crop of hay was very short, and the yield of the pastures was poor, as they were *:::: by the dry summer. This year the hay crop has been ruined by the rain, for the meadows promised and afforded an excellent crop of grass, but unfortunately it could not be made into hay and gathered. The [...]
[...] the meadows promised and afforded an excellent crop of grass, but unfortunately it could not be made into hay and gathered. The rains which set in when the grass was fit for the scythe have been continuous, or so nearly continuous, till the last fortnight, that even the most vigorous and energetic farmer has not had a chance to get [...]
[...] the general character of the season, and the backwardness of the harvest, are unfavourable to the expectation of a good crop. The untimely and violent rains which, visited the south and midland districts of England in the middle of July [...]
[...] deficiency of the light lands, and the result would have been at any rate a crop fully up to an average, and possibly exceeding an average. This was the state of affairs when the rain came, and it is manifest that rain so violent must have done mischief. During its continuance, and until a few days' sunshine had enabled people to [...]
[...] such weather, injurious as it was, would do least, harm. As was to have been expected, the period of warmth which followed the rain has put altogether a more cheerful aspect on the state of affairs; and from some districts it is reported that the crop has received no injury by the wet, or that the fields which had been [...]
[...] these various damages. We have estimated the crop, as it stood a month ago, as promising a full average or perhaps somewhat more than an average yield. We believe the damage done by the rain, though considerable, not to be very serious, and that with a con tinuance of fine weather the result will be found to be a yield [...]
[...] tinuance of fine weather the result will be found to be a yield somewhat, but not much, less than an average. The effect of the rain we estimate to be the conversion of a crop slightly over an average into one slightly under an average. But it :aust be borne in mind that the plant is no longer in a suffi [...]
[...] this country. It is at all times difficult to obtain trustworthy in formation from the immense territory of Russia, but if the crops suffer from drought or rain in one part, they are almost sure to be good in another, so that we may depend upon that country for a large supply. Some quantity of wheat is on its way from [...]
[...] wheat crop on the Atlantic side is poor; the spring wheat crop is very highly spoken of, though this week's telegrams, report rains during the harvest. There is little doubt but that the recent ad vance in prices will attract to our shores ample supplies to supple [...]
[...] remunerative j the crop is a heavy one, but the quality will be very variable, for it suffered more than the wheat from the rain, and in too many cases the es and clovers that are planted with it have grown through the barley and smothered it. But on account of the large growth brewers may expect to buy it at less [...]
Saturday reviewInhaltsverzeichnis 07.1875/08.1875/09.1875/10.1875/11.1875/12.1875
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Juli 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Railway Excursion System, the, 299 Railway Jubilee, the, 416 Rain Water, Io; Redistribution of Seats, the,6; Renan, M., on Universities, 7; [...]
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